I grew up in the country, but was always drawn to Toronto.It is a special place with its villages and many green spaces. My husband and I like it so much, we rarely take vacations outside of the city and prefer exploring within Toronto. In 2007, we were fortunate to find an affordable home in Swansea- a completely rundown place in the least desirable section of the area. But we had something special. We had High Park. Shortly after moving into the area I became pregnant. Within weeks of having my daughter I took her for a walk nearly every day of my maternity leave, through this incredible park. Watching the progression of the flora from spring and throughout the summer on a day-to-day basis was incredible, and prompted the purchase of several books to help identify various species. A fan of birds, I took great pleasure in watching them and their behavior too. I also marvelled at how many others also took pleasure in visiting the park: bikers, joggers, mothers/fathers, retirees, dog walkers, or friends out for a walk or to catch a few fish. It is an area where I can go- in the middle of the city- and pretend I'm in the middle of the country, and yet still feel safe. Now that my daughter is a bit older and I'm back at work, a favorite Saturday morning expedition is to the Jamie Bell playground and the small zoo. Her favorite animal there is the "peapock", and she does a great impression of the bison. High Park is a true treasure in Toronto, and I am fortunate to call it my park. It should be held as an example of what public spaces can look like and should be supported with the appropriate amount of staff and funding so that its many users can continue to enjoy all it has to offer.
El amor es un concepto universal relativo a la afinidad entre seres, definido de diversas formas segn las diferentes ideologas y puntos de vista (cientfico, filosfico, religioso, artstico). Habitualmente, y fundamentalmente en Occidente, se interpreta como un sentimiento relacionado con el afecto y el apego, y resultante y productor de una serie de emociones, experiencias y actitudes. En el contexto filosfico, el amor es una virtud que representa toda la bondad, compasin y afecto del ser humano. Tambin puede describirse como acciones dirigidas hacia otros (o hacia uno mismo) y basadas en la compasin,1 o bien como acciones dirigidas hacia otros y basadas en el afecto.1 En espaol, la palabra amor (del latn, amor, -ōris) abarca una gran cantidad de sentimientos diferentes, desde el deseo pasional y de intimidad del amor romntico hasta la proximidad emocional asexual del amor familiar y el amor platnico,2 y hasta la profunda unidad o devocin del amor religioso.3 En este ltimo terreno, trasciende del sentimiento y pasa a considerarse la manifestacin de un estado de la mente o del alma, identificada en algunas religiones con Dios mismo y con la fuerza que mantiene unido el universo. Las emociones asociadas al amor pueden ser extremadamente poderosas, llegando con frecuencia a ser irresistibles. El amor en sus diversas formas acta como importante facilitador de las relaciones interpersonales y, debido a su importancia psicolgica central, es uno de los temas ms frecuentes en las artes creativas (msica, cine, literatura). Desde el punto de vista de la ciencia, lo que conocemos como amor parece ser un estado evolucionado del primitivo instinto de supervivencia, que mantena a los seres humanos unidos y heroicos ante las amenazas y facilitaba la continuacin de la especie mediante la reproduccin.4 La diversidad de usos y significados y la complejidad de los sentimientos que abarca hacen que el amor sea especialmente difcil de definir de un modo consistente, aunque, bsicamente, el amor es interpretado de dos formas: bajo una concepcin altruista, basada en la compasin y la colaboracin, y bajo otra egosta, basada en el inters individual y la rivalidad. El egosmo suele estar relacionado con el cuerpo y el mundo material; el altruismo, con el alma y el mundo espiritual. Ambos son, segn la ciencia actual, expresiones de procesos cerebrales que la evolucin proporcion al ser humano; la idea del alma, o de algo parecido al alma, probablemente apareci hace entre un milln y varios cientos de miles de aos.5 A menudo, sucede que individuos, grupos humanos o empresas disfrazan su comportamiento egosta de altruismo; es lo que conocemos como hipocresa, y encontramos numerosos ejemplos de dicho comportamiento en la publicidad. Recprocamente, tambin puede ocurrir que, en un ambiente egosta, un comportamiento altruista se disfrace de egosmo: Oskar Schindler proporcion un buen ejemplo. A lo largo de la historia se han expresado, incluso en culturas sin ningn contacto conocido entre ellas, conceptos que, con algunas variaciones, incluyen la dualidad esencial del ser humano: lo femenino y lo masculino, el bien y el mal, el yin y el yang, el peiron de Anaximandro.
Esta maana mire tu retrato Y aunque no me creas, siento lo mismo por ti No sabes cuanto yo te sigo amando Extrao tus peleas, quisiera oirte reir Pero por cosas de la vida dices que ahora te perdi por siempre Cupido se olvido de mi suerte Y ahora mis ojos no ven si tu no estas Dime porque, como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas Si tu no estas, que puedo hacer? Como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas, no no no Ok, ok, ok Yo tengo toa's tus fotos y todas las he roto Pero las guardo en una cajita, no las boto Para por si quiero verte las busco y despues las pego Es en un rompecabezas sin el juego Ya nunca me divierto, no tengo quien se ria de mis cuentos Ni quien escuche to' mis embelezcos Espero que no te demores, te busques un gato y que te enamore Y yo siga aqui tomando pastilla de to's colores Rotwailla! Y a veces cuando pienso en ti, baby la cabeza me da vueltas No quiero ni pensar, yo no se ni como actuar y si supiera Que yo vivo pensando en ti, baby aunque a veces no lo sientas No puedo mostrar, que vida me tienes mal Si tu no estas, Dime porque Como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas Si tu no estas, que puedo hacer? Como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas, no no no Yo te he mandao' un par de fotos mias de los shows Y un par de cartas, no se si apunte bien el zip-code Porque yo manda que te manda y no recibo ni un recibo No se si tu sabes que yo estoy vivo O piensas que yo estoy muerto, me estoy volviendo loco como Berto En el amor nunca he sido un experto Tuve que ir al hospital, doctor receteme algo, yo estoy mal Llevo noches y noches despierto, lo que hago es pensar bebe Y a veces cuando pienso en ti, baby la cabeza me da vueltas No quiero ni pensar, yo no se ni como actuar y si supiera Que yo vivo pensando en ti, baby aunque a veces no lo sientas No puedo mostrar, que vida me tienes mal Esta maana mire tu retrato Y aunque no me creas, siento lo mismo por ti No sabes cuanto yo te sigo amando Extrao tus peleas, quisiera oirte reir (Be-be baby! vamos pa'l guaya guaya) Pero por cosas de la vida dices que ahora te perdi por siempre Cupido se olvido de mi suerte Y ahora mis ojos no ven si tu no estas Dime porque, como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas Si tu no estas, que puedo hacer? Como yo le hago pa' volverte a ver Llevo tanto tiempo y siento que te vas Pero el sol no sale si tu no estas, no no no
Es dificil, quererte y no estar aqui... Es dificil, saber que te amo a ti... Muy dificil, ooh, tener que vivir sin ti... Muy dificil, es dificil... Oh! Me acuerdo que te vi pasar, pense que eras como las demas, senti tu amor, porque te vi tan sola... Siempre quise conocerte, complacer, tus problemas resolver, y tratar de controlar tu amor... Adicto por la ciudad si, eres mi dosis, que me haces feliz... Adicto por la ciudad si, eres mi dosis, que me haces feliz... Es dificil, quererte y no estar aqui... Es dificil, saber que te amo a ti... Muy dificil, ooh, tener que vivir sin ti... Muy dificil, es dificil... Oh! Tu sabes que te extrao ma', girl and you know don't lie, lie, lie, es que yo no puedo entender, and I wonder... If I fall in love, me muero por tu amor, and I never want to be alone... Adicto por la ciudad, adicto por ti... Eres mi dosis... Adicto por la ciudad, adicto por ti... Hacerte feliz... Eres mi vida, eres mi luz, mi razon para vivir, continuar con la lucha, que llevo dentro de mi... Mira cielo, buscando la respuesta, le hablo yo a ver si el me contesta... Pegamos juntos como pan y nutella, perdoname si te trate como a cualquiera, nunca pense, que en mi vida sucediera, como una novela, Adan y Eva... Eeeeeeeh... Nuestro amor... Eeeeeeeh... Hago lo que sea, por salvar nuestro amor... Eeeeeeeh... Nuestro amor... Hago lo que sea... Quiero comerte completa... Es dificil, quererte y no estar aqui... Es dificil, saber que te amo a ti... Muy dificil, ooh, tener que vivir sin ti... Muy dificil, es dificil... Oh!
olgado de la barra fija y con las manos muy separadas, inspiramos y levantamos nuestro cuerpo hasta casi tocar la barra con la barbilla. Hay otro modo de hacerlo que es por detrs de la nuca. Trabaja el conjunto de msculos de la espalda pero exige un poco de fuerza. Adems, trabaja el bceps braquial, braquial anterior, el supinador largo y el pectoral mayor. Para los principiantes lo mas indicado es utilizar la mquina para dominadas que proporciona ayuda al intentar elevar el cuerpo, luego de manera gradual se debe ir reduciendo la ayuda hasta lograr hacer las dominadas de manera independiente. Ver imagen ampliada Dominadas con agarre estrecho dominadas con agarre estrechoColgado de la barra, con las palmas hacia arriba y los brazos separados como el ancho de nuestros hombros, inspiramos y levantamos nuestro peso hasta tocar con los hombros en la barra. Con este ejercicio trabajamos sobre todo el dorsal ancho, el redondo mayor asociando un trabajo intenso al bceps y braquial anterior. Al igual que el ejercicio anterior, los principiantes pueden comenzar utilizando el apoyo adicional en la mquina especfica para dominadas. Ver imagen ampliada Polea al pecho polea al pecho o jalonesSentado frente al aparato de poleas y con las piernas fijadas, cogemos la barra en pronacin (manos hacia abajo) bastante separadas y tiramos de la barra hasta nuestro pecho, ensanchando el mismo y llevando los codos hacia atrs. Sirve para desarrollar la espalda en grosor. Trabaja principalmente las fibras superiores y centrales del dorsal ancho. Otra modalidad de este ejercicio es usando, en vez de una barra, los estribos y al llegar al pecho separarlos un poco. Ver imagen ampliada Polea tras nuca polea o jalones tras nucaEs igual que el anterior salvo que la barra debe bajar por detrs de nuestra cabeza. Este ejercicio contribuye a desarrollar la espalda en anchura y trabaja los dorsales anchos, y los redondos mayores.. Tambin son usados los antebrazos y los bceps en menor medida. Se debe tener cuidado al descender la polea tras nuca pues es una postura poco natural y si se ejecuta incorrectamente puede causar lesiones. Ver imagen ampliada Pull-over en polea alta pullover en polea altaDe pie, fente a la mquina de polea y con la barra cogida en pronacin, ponemos los brazos extendidos y las manos separadas una distancia igual a los hombros. Con la espalda fija y la banda abdominal contraida, llevamos la barra hasta los muslos manteniendo los brazos extendidos pero ligeramente flexionados los codos. Sirve para trabajar el dorsal ancho, refuerza el redondo mayor y la porcin larga del trceps. Ver imagen ampliada Remo en polea baja con agarre estrecho remo con agarre estrechoSentado de cara al aparato de remo bajo, cogemos el agarre estrecho o los estribos e inspiramos llevando el agarre hasta nuestro pecho con los codos hacia atrs. Este ejercicio tambien se puede hacer con la barra de jalones tras nuca abriendo bastante el agarre. Sirve para trabajar la espalda en grosor y localiza el esfuerzo en el dorsal ancho y en el redondo mayor, haz posterior del deltoides, el bceps y el braquial anterior. Ver imagen ampliada Remo horizontal con mancuerna remo horizontal con mancuernaLa mancuerna cogida con una mano en semipronacin. Permanecemos apoyados con la rodilla y una mano en un banco plano con la espalda fija. Tiramos con la mancuerna llevando el codo bien atrs pero siempre manteniendo la espalda fija. Sirve para trabajar el dorsal ancho, redondo mayor, haz posterior del deltoides y, al final de la contraccin, el trapecio y el romboides. Ver imagen ampliada Remo en barra T con apoyo al pecho remo en barra TDe pie, con las rodillas flexionadas, la barra pasando entre las piernas, y la espalda bien recta apoyada en el aparato, inspiramos y levantamos el peso hasta nuestro pecho. Trabaja el dorsal ancho, el redondo mayor, el deltoides posterior, los flexores del brazo, as como el trapecio y romboides. Este es un ejercicio muy completo que debera estar en toda rutina seria de musculacin, si no se dispone de la barra T se puede utilizar la mquina especfica para remo con pesos o en su defecxto improvisar una T con la barra olmpica apoyando uno de sus extremos firmemente.
Tratado ya anteriormente el entrenamiento de hombros, pasamos a la zona media superior del brazo, concretamente en bceps, donde explicaremos cmo entrenarlos (mediante una tabla orientativa) manteniendo ante todo una actitud de cara al esfuerzo fsico. La tabla que presento a continuacin est pensada para aumentar el volumen muscular, y es la ms bsica, es decir, para principiantes viene fenomenal, y para los que ya no somos principiantes, nos sirve de igual manera (aumentando el peso claro est). Estos ejercicios estn pensado para aquellos autnomos del gimnasio, ya que si tenemos la suerte de tener un entrenador, l nos aconsejar mejor por el simple hecho de que ve nuestro cuerpo, y nos pone los lmites adecuados. Lo ms importante en los ejercicios si queremos obtener beneficios es trabajar con un peso del 60% del mximo, traducido sera si levantamos 100 kilos una sola vez, deberamos trabajar con 60 kilos. Otro punto a tener en cuenta es el ritmo al hacer las repeticiones, que en este caso, es 302 para msculos pequeos (bceps, trceps, deltoides). 302 significa 3 segundos intervalo de bajada, 0 segundos de descanso, 2 segundos intervalo de subida. Para ver las tablas de entrenamiento pulsa en continuar leyendo. 1. Curl con barra: 4 x 15. 2. Curl alterno con mancuernas: 4 x 15. 3. curl desde polea baja con barra: 3 x 15. Es muy bsica y el nmero de repeticiones es para adaptar nuestros msculos al esfuerzo fsico que ms adelante realicemos. Cuando queramos mejorar ms (no basta con proponrselo, tenemos que ver que nuestro cuerpo ha mejorado, el periodo para cambiar de una tabla de ejercicios a otra suele ser de un mes ms o menos) pasaremos a la realizacin de ejercicios similares, en muchas ocasiones ser el mismo, pero con la variante de el nmero de repeticiones. 1. Curl con barra 4 x 8. 1. Martillo 4 x 8. 2. Curl alterno 3 x 10. Y ya si queremos ms aun, pasaremos al entrenamiento alemn, conocido por el sufrimiento y dolor que proporciona, eso si, susbeneficios son bastante notables, lo normal es con un entrenamiento alemn realizado correctamente, en 4 semanas aumentar el peso en 2 3 kilos.
Ya llevo tiempo tratando de hablarle Siempre la llamo y nunca me responde Yo me conformo con saber su nombre O llevarla a un lugar donde estemos solos Pero ella no cree en nadie ni nada y en mucho menos en amor Pero le voy a demostrar que somos tal para cual. Leer completa. Si me diera un intento yo le dira lo que siento Pero ella no cree en nada ni nadie y mucho menos en amor Ya llevo tiempo tratando de hablarle Mi sueo siempre a sido enamorarla Pero no entiendo por que me esquiva Si yo e decidido darle mi vida amor Sigo esperando el momento de sentir su aliento Y tener su cuerpo a mi lado Pero ella no cree en nada ni nadie Y son tantas las noches que sueo tenerla en mi cama Hacerle mi dama y demostrarle yo No quiero jugar con tus sentimientos y mucho menos hacerte dao Quiero hacerte ma, solo ma, deja la monotona Atrvete, Envulvete dale en mi confa Que voy a demostrarte que tu me perteneces Aunque pase meses de no verte lo mo por ti crece Eres la nica aunque me lo deseen en mal Todo sigue igual, voa demostrar que somos tal para cual Y si me das un break pa decirte lo que siento Yo no miento hasta que las palabras se las lleve en viento Djanos solos Pero ella no cree en nada, en nadie y mucho menos en amor Pero le voy a demostrar que somos tal para cual Si me diera un intento yo le dira lo que siento Pero ella no cree en nada, ni en nadie y mucho menos en amor Pero le voy a demostrar que somos tal para cual ella y yo Aunque ella no cree en nada, ni en nadie, no quiere saber mas de amor Ella se viste de lo mas bonita cuando va pal mall Pero en su rostro se ve el reflejo de desolacin Si ya no cree en amor, no se pero no entiendo Aunque a veces pienso que en vano no sera el intento Llevo tiempo detrs de ella, cosas de la vida El tiempo decide si lo mio y lo de ella coincide Aqu sigo esperando el momento Dame un intento, pa demostrar lo que siento Sigo esperando el momento de sentir su aliento Y tener su cuerpo en mi cama Pero ella no cree en nadie Ya llevo tiempo tratando de hablarle Siempre la llamo y nunca me responde Yo me conformo con saber su nombre O llevarla a un lugar donde estemos solos Pero ella no cree en nadie ni nada y en mucho menos en amor Pero le voy a demostrar que somos tal para cual ella y yo Si me diera un intento yo le dira lo que siento Pero ella no cree en nada ni nadie y mucho menos en amor Pero le voy a demostrar que somos tal para cual ella y yo Aunque ella no cree en nada, ni nadie, no quiere saber mas de amor Oh oh oh nonono Nonono
Yuh hear mi, God fi repent yuh know God up God up fi real time serious Yuh dun know, God up God up God up [Verse 1:] Check the state of the world we live in can't you see it's a cryin shame (Forgive them) Leadership fails before it begins motivated by persobal games (Forgive them) Tempers flare and patience ware ten finger pointin but who is to blame Repent, repent, repent, repent [Chorus:] Cause where two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them) Two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them) [Verse 2:] Fightin for what they did not create cryin peace while inflicting pain (Forgive them) Man deciding another man's fate claiming power in their God's name (Forgive them) Words of love but their actions speak hate seems like mankind has gone insane Repent, repent, repent, repent [Chorus:] Cause where two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them) Two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them) [Bridge: Shaggy (Background Singers)] (They don't know) If they stick to the spot there be nothing else left to defend (They don't know) Instead of finding a cure we should look for the means to prevent (They don't know) We can talk to the lord ain't no need for a special event Repent, repent, repent, repent [Chorus:] Cause where two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them) Two steps away from a real disaster Think there a boss but a who are the master Life set a pace every thing much faster Need to slow down and pray (Forgive them)
[snoop talking] hell yeah that was a mothafuckin' trip the way y'all niggaz had the whole world sayin' uh!!!, na, na, na, na this here the doggfather, rappin' on this shit here check this out [chorus:] let me here ya say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (come on, everybody say) everybody, let me hear ya say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay [fiend] i run with convicted felons scream, yellin' bitch i'ma soldier! stick in my chrome reciever, and i fins to get it on influenced by the dolja blastin' at the rollers callin' couple of soldiers fuckin' up with this song bitch your mom shoulda told ya i ain't nothin' nice snoop brought the boss i got the spark, lets go on a body high put it on my life, and my favorite weed pipe soldiers greed, with ice watch me budda up in the night carefull to forever, the one that ?? shot him bringin' the drama like a punk, but your fucking somebody whut lodi dodi, send a duce up in dey coupe but after a hard eight snoop and his soldiers gonna make ya say [chorus:] woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (jeah, nigga, i can make ya say) woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (yeah, tank doggs, let me hear ya say) woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (all my real rap niggaz say) woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (yeah, mystikal, where you at?) [mystikal] nigga, all i really wanna do is get down, on the get down! that mothafucker better sit down we up in this bitch now got the take to make the hap we gon' make our money right tired of livin' the stress life pressure, fuck price yikes! know what i like keep it hype! betcha i right put pounds of ice on ya, like white on rice vise grips on mics turnin' to fights burnin' up the limelight fire! and you ain't gotta strain your eyes to find us throwin' bad days behind us ahh damn up in the headlights bout to let it shine find your ass in there tip-toeing your ass is mine we got you waitin' for us on the radio so our albums can drop snoop, fiend, me, beats by the pound, you know that's gon' pop jump in the game in the walkway with enough money to fuck with till ya hear that last fuckin' woof we ain't done yet [chorus] let me here ya say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (yeah, uh-huh, all my niggaz say) woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (na, na, na, na, na, na) woof! mothafucker, woof! woof! woof! woof! bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (na, na, na, na, na, na) let me hear ya say woof! woof! woof! woof! woof! bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay [snoop] i come faster than a speedin' bullet or i can take my time and move it slow wake up outta my seat and hit this mic and blow like some indo you can call me what you want just don't call me no punk my name is snoop d-o-double-g and i'm the godfather of g-funk i'll put this shit down, like clown, dogg pound is my set nigga set outta line, i shoot them in they mothafuckin' spine and break they necks (nigga, nigga) as i go down, you gon' realize that see when you run up in my face you able to get smacked, jacked, just like that i'ma fool, break the rules, damn, way too cool they call me snoop d-o-double-g (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) Cause i'ma fuckin' fool, i can get silly but i'd rather sit back, relax, new jacks, get smacked, cause i'm tryin' to blaze up a sack (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) to my nigga mystikal, fiend, and my big homie master p cause thats just the way this shit gon' be baby, n-o-l-i-m-i-t (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) we gon' make y'all say woof until you mothafuckers demand that nigga named snoop [chorus] i can make 'em say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (laughing) i can make 'em say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay let me here ya say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay let me hear ya say woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (everybody in the house) say woof! woof! woof! woof! woof! (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (up top, come on) woof! mothafucker, woof! mothafucker (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay (down low) yeah, yeah, and who side (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay *repeated till end* and not only that and not only that this no limit baby ya heard me? yeah and not only that shit get crazy in this mothafcuker ya heard me? uh!
[Chorus: NATE DOG] These streets be Walking down the avenue, crazy From hollywood to south central, These streets be, crazy Longebeach to Compton Always up to no good, horaaaaaay Crazy, crazy always up to no good, crazy. [SNOOP DOGG:] Have a look outside and take a stroll wit me California life style, you wanna roll wit me I can take you in and out and whoevers gonna be now its crazy as it is, you know this is home for me I would never leave it, you know thats wrong to me Imma stay down, you see we on the corners, G At your local liquor store we get some optimums And if im out of bounds then i gotta gotta fall Keep it on the low, on the w-w-w-w-west coat Sign some autographs, and then i do get ghost... ha Yeah i love my folks, but half of yall fools is cut,folks On the real note, the streets will have you, guide you, lead you, mislead you, its fragile... yeahh See you'll gradually grow and when your walkin on my side i think you all need to know [Chorus: NATE DOG] These streets be Walking down the avenue, crazy From Hollywood to South Central These streets be, crazy Longebeach to Compton Always up to no good, horaaaaaaay Crazy, crazy Always up to no good, Crazy. [SNOOP DOGG:] On the one ten freeway i flow back to the block In the seven deuce coupe hopin-hippin the hop Sippin on some hin with my nephew, infared Young pimp on the grind tryin to line up some head Have fun, deal done, on the west we run Dont matter where you from, if you older young Seesaw, we roll, like ooh-la-la Fuck the law, we dont get caught we just do-da-da Yeah nigga we shakin them cops, You niggas is out there, just be makin it hot But dont trip, if you fakin a lot I'll brake, you shake, you would take your spot (Snoop dogg singing) cause if you think that you go, slid through California without gettin banged on, brotha your [NATE DOG:] Always up to no good i really love my dawg, and up together and all but he's Always up to no good hell yeah i love NewYork thas why i married the broad but she's Always up to no good we cant hang no more, cause imma baller yall, and he's Always up to no good let me tell you about these streets Always up to no good
Many people don't be knowin' about this pimp game (pimp game) But I'm sure they wanna know about this pimp game (pimp game) And to me you know it aint no motherfuckin' thang To give it to you plain and simple, cause you know its played Holla at 'em Doggy Dogg, go and do that thang (go ahead) Ok son, I'll tell ya like my nigga "Pootie Tang" I got that bounce, to make her booty swang That little cutie thang, 'fraid she's a beauty bang [Verse 1 - Snoop Dogg] Rollin' with a player cause thats what he was And dedicated to his paper, Jesus On his bitches (hard as feeds uck) And if them law boys pull him over he won't freeze up He got the heata-fa-heata and the keysa With a pocket full of big faced Visas They say its cheaper to keep her, now baby ease up Kick back and blaze some of these trees up Now sit your ass in the treesa And do me a favor and turn the music up Should I slap her, or should I freak her I'll take the stronga, you can have the weaka Speak when spoken to, yeah I broke a few And by the way I was hoping you Had a freak for me and a freak for you I make 'em do for us The thang you been wantin' her to do for months [Chorus] [Don Magic Juan - talking] This is the Chairman of the Board .. The archbishop Don Magic Juan .. Big Snoop Dogg .. is a boss playa As a matter a fact I was there when he was crowned 'Boss Playa', cheah [Verse 2 - Snoop Dogg] I had three on my right arm and four on my left Lime green and gold, we was sharp to death Had to catch my breath, watch my step Playin' this game, you can holla at the ref And call a timeout, before you put your dime out Stop, pause, rewind before you put your rhyme out And go to the "Wizard of Oz" And tell 'em that your tryin' to get yourself a brand new heart A brand new start Cause you realized that you hadn't played your part And that was smart It's like a art the way I articulate And break these bitches from state to state See, I've been the flyest since I came out the gate I ain't ask for it homie I just shake and bake I won't fake to make you buy my tape I say a prayer to the Lord just to keep my faith Fuck straight [Chorus] [Break - Snoop Dogg (female voice)] Will you steal for me? (Yes I will) Will you kill for me? (Yes I will) Would you lie to me? (Never) Would you die for me? (Whenever) Will you steal for me? (Yes I will) Will you kill for me? (Yes I will) Would you lie to me? (Never) Would you die for me? (Whenever, whenever) [Don Magic Juan - talking] Big Snoop Dogg, lets you know .. That this game ain't for no lame .. If you got heart, you can play this game But if your heart ain't right We got a remedy for that, too You gotta go see the wizard .. to get you some heart And the archbishop Don Magic Juan is the Wizard That's got the game .. for them lame Boss Playa .. Boss Playa .. that's what this gang is all about Boss Playa
Shake that thing Miss Kana Kana Shake that thing Miss Annabella Shake that thing yan Donna Donna Jodi and Rebecca Woman Get busy, Just shake that booty non-stop When the beat drops Just keep swinging it Get jiggy Get crunked up Percolate anything you want to call it Oscillate you hip and don't take pity Me want fi see you get live pon the riddim when me ride And me lyrics a provide electricity Gal nobody can tell you nuttin Can you done know your destiny Yo sexy ladies want par with us In a the car with us Them nah war with us In a the club them want flex with us To get next to us Them cah vex with us From the day me born jah ignite me flame gal a call me name and its me fame Its all good girl turn me on Til a early mornin Let's get it on Let's get it on til a early morning Girl it's all good just turn me on Woman don't sweat it, don't get agitate just gwaan rotate Can anything you want you know you must get it From you name a mentuin Don't ease the tension just run the program gals wan pet it Just have a good time Gal free up unu mind caw nobody can dis you man won't let it can You a the number one gal Wave you hand Make them see you wedding band [Chorus] Yo sexy ladies want par with us In a the car with us Them nah war with us In a the club them want flex with us To get next to us Them cah vex with us From the day me born jah ignite me flame gal a call me name and its me fame Its all good girl turn me on Til a early mornin Let's get it on Let's get it on til a early morning Girl it's all good just turn me on Woman Get busy , Just shake that booty non-stop When the beat drops Just keep swinging it Get jiggy Get crunked up Percolate anything you want to call it Oscillate you hip and don't take pity Me want fi see you get live pon the riddim when me ride And me lyrics a provide electricity Gal nobody can tell you nuttin Can you done know your destiny [Chorus] Yo sexy ladies want par with us In a the car with us Them nah war with us In a the club them want flex with us To get next to us Them cah vex with us From the day me born jah ignite me flame gal a call me name and its me fame Its all good girl turn me on Til a early mornin Let's get it on Let's get it on til a early morning Girl it's all good just turn me on Yo, Shake that thing Miss Kana Kana shake that thing Yo, Annabella shake that thing Miss Donna Donna Yo Miss Jodi you're di one and Rebecca shake that thing Yo shake that thing Yo Joanna shake that thing Yo Annabella shake that think Miss Kana Kana so me go so then [Chorus] Yo sexy ladies want par with us In a the car with us Them nah war with us In a the club them want flex with us To get next to us Them cah vex with us From the day me born jah ignite me flame gal a call me name and its me fame Its all good girl turn me on Til a early mornin Let's get it on Let's get it on til a early morning Girl it's all good just turn me on[x2]
Sometimes I hear yuh calling out my name And I can hear yuh deep down inna me brain If I'm a fool I only got myself to blame (Self to blame, self to blame) Well I can see the sign cause I'm not blind Although you're not mine from time to time I got to make you know, you are my sunshine (My sunshine, my sunshine) I love you baby, but yuh nuh love me back why? Yuh drive me crazy cause yuh fi gi me that bligh Yuh mek me high, I just can't deny Love up pon each other build up inna I and I Just gi me deh privilege and runaway yuh man I got the plan fi mek yuh turn on Baby just believe me cause my word is my bond Sometime I think I hear yuh, but I'm hearing wrong, girl (Chorus) Rude bwoy loving a nuh sumthing fi she ramp wid (true, true) Every man him need a woman fi be live blanket If she did say spank it, yuh hold dat and crank it If she neva love yuh good, yuh know yuh would a flank it Baby girl, yuh know a love yuh, but yuh falla yuh friend dem Now yuh gone and break Sean Paul heart in two Yuh have deh dappa all a bawl and a mek phone call Wah yuh really expect man fi do (Chorus) Tick tock me get heart attack When me hear she leaing and she nah come back Me caan believe me dream so me love world crash A lucky ting she neva know weh me hide me stast, but
[Intro:] The gal dem Schillaci...Sean da Paul So me give it to...so me give to...so me give it to...to all girls Five million and forty naughty shorty... Baby girl...all my girls..all my girls...Sean da Paul sey... [Chorus:] Well woman the way the time cold I wanna be keepin' you warm I got the right temperature for shelter you from the storm Oh lord, gal I got the right tactics to turn you on, and girl I... Wanna be the Papa...You can be the Mom....oh oh! [Verse 1:] Make I see the gal them bruk out pon the floor from you don't want no worthless performer From you don't want no man wey can't turn you on gal make I see your hand them up on ya.. Can't tan pon it long.....naw eat no yam...no steam fish....nor no green banana But down in Jamaica we give it to you hot like a sauna.. [Chorus] [Verse 2:] Bumper exposed and gal you got your chest out but you no wasters cause gal you impress out... And if you des out a me you fi test out,Cause I got the remedy to make you de-stress out.... Me haffi flaunt it because me God Bless out...And girl if you want it you haffi confess out... A no lie weh we need set speed a fi test the mattress out.. [Chorus] [Verse 3:] Gal don't say me crazy now, this strange love it a no Bridgette and Flava show.. Time fi a make baby now so stop gwaan like you a act shady yo... Woman don't play me know, cause a no Fred Sanford nor Grady yo.... My lovin' is the way to go...my lovin' is the way to go..... [Chorus] [Verse 4:] When you roll with a player like me... with a bredda like me girl there is no other No need to talk it right here just park it right here keep it undercover From me love how you fit inna you blouse and you fat inna you jeans and mi waan discover.. Everything out you baby girl can you hear when me utter... [Chorus] [Verse 5:] Make I see the gal them bruk out pon the floor from you don't want no worthless performer From you don't want no man wey can't turn you on gal make I see your hand them up on ya.. Can't tan pon it long.....naw eat no yam...no steam fish....nor no green banana But down in Jamaica we give it to you hot like a sauna..
Yo, yo...some bwoy don't know Yo, yo....some bwoy don't know...when Pre-Chorus: She ready for......Ready for the stormin' there's no calmin' Or put in pon her....never you wait too late cause you will lose her She ready for....Ready for the stormin' there's no calmin' Or put in pon her...Put it pon the gal make she bawl out....fi di.. Chorus: Straight up, right up, straiht up, right up (Sex superstar dem gal nowadays want) Straight up, right up, straight up right up (Never you wait too late you will lose her) Straight up, righ up, straight up, right up (Sex superstart dem gal nowadays want) Straight up, right up, straight up, right up Put it pon the gal make she bawl out...fi di... Verse1: Crowbar...so me give it to her She turn sex superstar inna di back of the car She feel like Monica...but a no Bill's cigar.. Put it pon di gal make she scream and bawl fi di.. Long ting make she call you the king She feel like a virgin cause you have it a swing Me drink nuff ginseng now me have her a sing And a bawl out and a scream and a fiend fi di.... Chorus: Verse 2: Lead pipe make she feel alright, she want it the whole night like dandemite She waan you...pull it up and just satisfy it Gal a bawl out and a scream and a fiend fi me... Push it up when she givin' it up she want Hardcore work with the tender touch She say...Sean da Paul wey she love so much And a bawl out and a scream and a fiend fi di Chorus: Verse 3 Well at night when the girls dem callin'....and a long fi feel the earthquake Well never you waste no time stallin'...just get brawlin' pon dem straight Gal a look fi feel it till morning....some waste bwoy waan make them wait Never penetrate now a next man a pressure that gate and that was your mistake.. Gal a bawl fi di...
girl girl girl girl girl.. ill be your sunshine you can be mine youll be my windshine i got the rhyme well have a good time make up your mind come to me girl, youre so fine girl,just let me be there for you any time , youre so fine for you id tie the longest line , youre so fine . ill be yours in time , my girl just let me be there for you anytime , youre so fine my girl,if you want, just call me anytime my love ,just .. . girl, ill be that doggy doggy . just let me be there for you anytime,youre so fine for you id tie the longest line , youre so fine . ill be yours in time , my girl . im gonna give this love too tall medical, im its antidot . girl,just let me be there for you any time , youre so fine for you id tie the longest line , youre so fine . ill be yours in time , my girl girl,just let me be there for you any time , youre so fine for you id tie the longest line , youre so fine . ill be your sunshine , my girl ill be your sunshine you can be mine youll be my windshine i got the rhyme well have a good time make up your mind come to me girl, youre so fine .. girl,just let me be there for you any time , youre so fine for you id tie the longest line , youre so fine . ill be your sunshine , my girl
The gal dem Schilliaci... Sean da Paul So me give it to... so me give to...so me give it to... to all girls Five million and forty naughty shorty... Baby girl...baby girl... Sean da Paul sey... [Chorus] Well woman the way the time cold I wanna be keepin' you warm I got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm Oh lord, gal I got the tactics to turn you on, and girl I... Wanna be the Papa...You can be the Mom... oh oh! [Verse 1] Make I see the gal them bruk out pon the floor from you don't want no worthless performer From you don't want no man wey can't turn you on gal make I see your hand them up on ya... Can't tan pon it long.... naw eat no yam...no steam fish... nor no green banana But down in Jamaica we give it to you hot like a sauna... [Chorus] [Verse 2] Bumper exposed and gal you got your chest out but you no wasters cause gal you impress out... And if you des out a me you fi test out, Cause I got the remendy to make you de-stress out... Me haffi flaunt it because me God Bless out... And girl if you want it you haffi confess out... A no lie weh we need set speed a fi test the matress out... [Chorus] [Verse 3] Gal don't say me crazy now, this Strangelove it a no Bridgette and Flava show... Time fi a make baby now so stop gwann like you a act shady yo... Woman don't play me know, cause a no Fred Sanford nor Grady yo... My lovin' is the way to go... my lovin' is the way to go... [Chorus] [Verse 4] When you roll with a player like me... with a bredda like me girl there is no other No need to talk it right here just park it right here keep it undercover From me love how you fit inna you blouse and you fat inna you jeans and mi waan discover... Everything out you baby girl can you hear when me utter...
Some to read i saw on internet Although the scale is a good indicator of how much you weigh, it is by no means a good indicator of how fat or slim you really are. When you climb on a scale to measure yourself, you are not simply measuring fat. You are measuring your body as a whole and that means fat, muscle, organs, bone and water everything put together. What you eat, what you wear and whether you measure on the carpet or tile as well as the time of day can all influence the reading. For this reason, health professionals and personal trainers advice their clients to not use the scale as their only source of progress measurement. There are other methods such as circumference reading and body fat testing that will give you more accurate results. But what then is ideal? Thankfully there are two formulas you can use to determine whether or not you have a good body. For Men The ideal shape for a man is one where they seem to resemble an upside-down triangle, with broad shoulders and a solid chest and a smaller lower body. For men, having a good chest-to-waist ratio means that they are a lesser health risk than those who's chest-to-waist ratio is greater. To determine this, you will need the circumference reading of your chest and the circumference reading of your waist in inches. To calculate the chest-to-waist ratio, subtract your waist measurement from your chest circumference. An ideal number to aim for would be 10.
50 cent feat. lloyd banks many men (wish death) [lloyd banks] man we gotta go get something to eat man i'm hungry as a motherfucker [50 cent] ay yo man, damn what's taking homie so long son? [lloyd banks] 50, calm down, here he come [9 shots] [banks and 50] ahh, ohh, what the fuck!? [50 cent] ahh! son, pull up! pull up! [50 cent] many men, wish death upon me blood in my eye dawg and i can't see i'm trying to be what i'm destined to be and niggas trying to take my life away i put a hole in a nigga for fucking with me my back on the wall, now you gon' see better watch how you talk, when you talk about me 'cause i'll come and take your life away Many men, many, many, many, many men wish death upon me lord i don't cry no more don't look to the sky no more have mercy on me Now these pussy niggas putting money on my head go on and get your refund motherfucker, i ain't dead i'm the diamond in the dirt, that ain't been found i'm the underground king and i ain't been crowned when i rhyme, something special happen every time i'm the greatest, something like ali in his prime i walk the block with the bundles i've been knocked on the humble swing the ox when i rumble show your ass what my gun do got a temper nigga, go'head, lose your head turn your back on me, get clapped and lose your legs i walk around gun on my waist, chip on my shoulder till i bust a clip in your face, pussy, this beef ain't over Many men, many, many, many, many men wish death upon me lord i don't cry no more don't look to the sky no more have mercy on me have mercy on my soul somewhere my heart turned cold have mercy on many men many, many, many, many men wish death upon me Some days wouldn't be special, if it wasn't for rain joy wouldn't feel so good, if it wasn't for pain death gotta be easy, 'cause life is hard it'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred this if for my niggas on the block, twisting trees and cigars for the niggas on lock, doing life behind bars i don't see only god can judge me, 'cause i see things clear quick these crackers will give my black ass a hundred years i'm like paulie in goodfellas, you can call me the don like malcolm by any means, with my gun in my palm slim switched sides on me, let niggas ride on me i thought we was cool, why you want me to die homie? Many men, many, many, many, many men wish death upon me lord i don't cry no more don't look to the sky no more have mercy on me have mercy on my soul somewhere my heart turned cold have mercy on many men many, many, many, many men wish death upon me Every night i talk to god, but he don't say nothing back i know he protecting me, but i still stay with my gat in my nightmares, niggas keep pulling techs on me psych says some bitch dumb, put a hex on me the feds didn't know much, when pac got shot i got a kite from the pens that told me, tuck got knocked i ain't gonna spell it out for you motherfuckers all the time are you illiterate nigga? you can't read between the lines in the bible it says, what goes around, comes around almost shot me, three weeks later he got shot down now it's clear that i'm here, for a real reason 'cause he got hit like i got hit, but he ain't fukcing breathing Many men, many, many, many, many men wish death upon me lord i don't cry no more don't look to the sky no more have mercy on me have mercy on my soul somewhere my heart turned cold have mercy on many men many, many, many, many men wish death upon me Fuente: musica.com
Chorus - 50 Cent & (Olivia)] I'll take you to the candy shop I'll let you lick the lollypop Go ahead girl and don't you stop Keep going till you hit the spot, WHOA! (I'll take you to the candy shop) (Boy one taste of what I got) (I'll have you spending all you got) (Keep going till you hit the spot, WHOA!) [Verse - 50 Cent] You can have it your way, how do you want it? You gon back that thang up or should I push up on it Temperature rising, okay, let's go to the next level Dance floor, jam packed, hot as a tea kettle I'll break it down for ya now, baby it's simple If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho In the hotel or in the back of the rental On the beach or in the park, it's whatever you into Got the Magic Stick, I'm the love doctor Have your friends teasing you bout how sprung I got you Wanna show me you can work it baby, no problem Get on top, then get to bouncing round like a low rider I'm a seasoned vet when it come to this shit After you work up a sweat you can play wit the stick I'm trying to explain baby the best way I can I'll melt in your mouth girl not in your hand [Chorus] [Bridge - 50 Cent & (Olivia)] Girl what we do (what we do) And where we do (and where we do) The things we do (things we do) Are just between me and you (oh yeahhh) [Verse - 50 Cent] Give it to me baby, nice and slow Climb on top, ride like you in a rodeo You ain't never heard it sound like this before Cause I ain't never put it down like this Soon as I come through the door, she get to pulling on my zipper It's like it's a race, who could get undressed quicker Isn't it ironic how erotic it is to watch her in thongs Having me thinking about that ass after I'm gone I touch the right spot at the right time Lights on or lights off, she like it from behind So seductive, you should see the way she wind Her hips in slow mo on the floor when we grind As long as she ain't stopping homie, I ain't stopping Dripping wet wit sweat man it's on and popping On my champagne campaign, bottle after bottle it's on Now we gon sip to every bubble now every bottle is gone
Go, shawty- is yo birthday we gon party like is yo birthday We gon sip bacardy like is yo birthday and u noe we dun give a fuck if that's yo birthday You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed When i pull out up front u see the benz on dub's When i roll 20 deep is 20 knives in the club Niggas heard i fuck with dre now they wanna show me love When you sound like eminem and the hugs they wanna fuck But homie ain't nothing change hold down, G's Up i see xzibit in the cut that nicca roll the weed up If you watch how i move you mistake me fo a playa or pimp Been hit wit a few shells but i dont walk wit a limp in the hood the ladys saying 50 you hot they like me, i want them to love me like they love popa but how them new york, niggas tell ya im lo-co when the plan is to put the rap game in a chock-hold im feelin focus man, my money on my mind got a mill out the deal and im still on the grind Now shorty said she feelin my style she feeling my flow He girlfriend with it get ride and we ready to go You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed Mah flow, Mah show, brought me the doh, that bought me all my fancey things, Mah Crib, mah cars, Mah pools, Mah jewls, look nicca i got kmart and i aint change And you should love it, way more then you hate it nicca you mad, i thought that you'd be happy i made it Im that cat by the bar, toasting to the good light You that fagget ass nicca trying to pull me back ride When it dark, Well be pumping in the club, its on i wit my eyes on my bitch, if she smiles, she gone if the roof on fire, let that muthafucka burn if u talken bout money homie, i aint concern imma tell you banks homie cause go ahead switch the style up if figgas hit the letta make watch the money pile up or we go upside there wit a bottle of bub you know where we fucking be You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub, look mami i got the extacey in to taken drugs, im in there having sex i aint into maken love, so come give me a hug, if u in there gettin rubbed
Nothings better than the day The day you told me: yeah its true Youre everything I mean to you And nothings sadder than away The days that Im away from you And there is nothing I can do When I want to be with you All day Were gonna see tomorrow fade away Just to have you here with me I promise I will never leave I want you always constantly Well Im still breathing in that day Coming up the night before Im cutting pieces on the floor Well, nothing sad wont go away I had you as we watched them fall Lying face down after all Were dying on the floor All day Were gonna see tomorrow fade away Just to have you here with me I promise I will never leave I want you always constantly I want you always constantly Always away I dont want I dont need to save you I dont want want to save you All I need to know is what you want (x4) All day Were gonna see tomorrow fade away Just to have you here with me I promise I will never leave I want you always constantly I want you always constantly Fuente: musica.com
Step one you say we need to talk He walks you say sit down it's just a talk He smiles politely back at you You stare politely right on through Some sort of window to your right As he goes left and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame And you begin to wonder why you came Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Let him know that you know best Cause after all you do know best Try to slip past his defense Without granting innocence Lay down a list of what is wrong The things you've told him all along And pray to God, he hears you And pray to God, he hears you Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life As he begins to raise his voice You lower yours and grant him one last choice Drive until you lose the road Or break with the ones you've followed He will do one of two things He will admit to everything Or he'll say he's just not the same And you begin to wonder why you came Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life How to save a life How to save a life Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life How to save a life
Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it I tried to be chill but youre so hot that I melted I fell right through the cracks, and Im trying to get back Before the cool done run out Ill be giving it my best test And nothings gonna stop me but divine intervention I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some I won't hesitate no more, No more, it cannot wait Im yours Well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing We are just one big family Its your god forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved So, I won't hesitate no more, No more, it cannot wait Im sure Theres no need to complicate our time is short This is our fate, Im yours -d-do do you but do you, d-d-do but you want to come one Scooch one over closer dear and I will nibble your ear Bap bap bap woooooo ho ho ooooh I've been spending' way too long checking' my tongue in the mirror And bending' over backwards just to try to see it clearer My breath fogged up the glass And so I drew a new face and laughed I guess what I'm a sayings there isnt no better reason To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons Its what we aim to do Our name is our virtue I won't hesitate no more, No more, it cannot wait Im yours Well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find, that the sky is yours So please dont, dont please dont (Theres no need to complicated) Cause our time is short This is, this is, this is our fate Im yours
Ive had the time of my life And Ive never felt this way before And I swear this is true And I owe it all to you (Fergie) Ive had the time of my life And Ive never felt this way before And I swear this is true And I owe it all to you You-you-you-you-you You-you-you-you-you You-you-you-you-you-you-y-y-y-y-you Dirty bit Dirty bit (will.i.am) I-I came up in here to rock Light a fire, make it hot I dont wanna take no pictures I just wanna take some shots So come on, lets go Lets lose control Lets do it all night Til we cant do it no mo People rockin to the sound Turn it up and watch it pound We gon rock it to the top Until the roof come burnin down Yeah, its hot in herrre The temperaturrre Has got these ladies Gettin freakierrr (Fergie) I got freaky, freaky, baby I was chillin with my ladies I didnt come to get bougie I came here to get crazy I was born to get wiiild Thats my styyyle If you didnt know that Well, baby, now you know now Cause Im! Havin! A good! Time! With you! Im tellin you Ive had the time of my life And Ive never felt this way before And I swear this is true And I owe it all to you Ive had the time of my life And Ive never felt this way before And I swear this is true And I owe it all to you You-you-you-you-you You-you-you-you-you You-you-you-you-you-you-y-y-y-y-you Dirty bit Dirty bit (Taboo) All-all these girls, they like my swagger They callin me Mick Jagger I be rollin like a Stone Jet-setter, jet-lagger We aint messin with no maggots Messin with the baddest Chicks in the club Honey, whats up? (apl.de.ap) Mirror, mirror on the wall Whos the baddest of them all? Yeah, its gotta be the apl Im the mack daddy, yall Haters better step back Ladies (dont load your act) Im the party application Rockin just like that (This is international) (Big mega radio smasher) Cause Im! Havin! A good! Time! With you! Im tellin you I-I-I-Ive had The time of my li-i-ife And Ive never felt this way before-fore And I swear-wear This is tru-u-ue And I owe it all to you-ou Oh, I-I-I-Ive had The time of my li-i-i-ow And Ive never felt this way before-fore And I swear-wear This is tru-u-ue And I owe it all to you-ou I-I-I-Ive had The time of my li-i-ife And Ive never felt this way before-fore And I swear-wear This is tru-u-ue And I owe it all to you-ou Oh, I-I-I-Ive had The time of my li-i-i-ow And Ive never felt this way before-fore And I swear-wear This is tru-u-ue And I owe it all to you-
Akon:] Convict! [Akon:] Convict...Music.. and you know we a front. [Chorus: Akon] I see you windin n grindin up on that pole, I kno u see me lookin' at you and you already kno I wanna fuck you, you already know, i wanna fuck you, you already kno [Verse 1: Snoop] Money in the air as mo feel grad you by your coat tail take you to the motel, hoe sale, dont tell, wont tell, baby said I dont talk dogg but she told on me, oh well, take a picture wit me, what the flick gon do, baby stick to me & ima stick on u, if u pick me then ima pick on you, d-o-double g and im here to put this dick on you, I'm stuck on pussy n urs is right, wrip ridinin them poles and them doors is tight and ima get me a shot for the end of the nigh cuz pussy is pussy and baby ur pussy for life. [Chorus: Akon] I see you windin n grindin up on that pole, I kno u see me lookin' at you and you already kno I wanna fuck you, you already know, i wanna fuck you, you already kno [Verse 2: Akon] Shorty I can see u aint lonely handfull of niggas n they all got cheese, so u lookin at me now whats it gonna be just another tease far as I can see, tryin get u up out this club if it means spendin' a couple dubs, throwin bout 30 stacks in the back make it rain like that cuz I'm far from a scrub, u kno my pedigree, ex-deala use to move phetamines, girl I spend money like it dont mean nuthi n besides I got a thing for u. [Chorus: Akon] I see you windin n grindin up on that pole, I kno u see me lookin' at yo and you already kno I wanna fuck you, you already know i wanna fuck you, you already kno [Verse 3: Snoop] Mobbin' through club in low pressin im sittin in the back n the smokers section (just smokin), birds eye, I got a clear view, you cant see me but I can see u (baby I see u), its cool we jet the mood is set, your pussy is wet u rubbin your back and touchin your neck, ur body is movin' u humpin' n jumpin' ur titties is bouncin' u smilin' n grinin' n lookin at me. [Verse 4: Akon] Girl n while your looking at me im ready to hit the caddy right up on the patio move the patty to the caddy, baby u got a phatty the type i like to marry wantin to just give u everythin n thats kinda scary, cuz I'm lovin the way you shake your ass bouncin', got me tippin' my glass, lil' mully dont get caught up to fas but i got a thing for you.
Lonely im so lonely, i have nobody, to call my owwnnn im so lonely, im mr. lonely i have nobody, to call my owwnnn im so lonely, Yo this one here goes out to all my playas out there ya kno got to have one good girl whose always been there like ya kno took all the bullshit then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leave I wont up in the middle of the night and i noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda sworn i was dreamin, for her i was feenin, so i hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova these few years, tryna figure out wat i do to make it go bad, cuz ever since my girl left me, my whole left life came crashin Im so lonely (so lonely), im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) girl Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) girl Cant belive i hadda girl like you and i just let you walk right outta my life, after all i put u thru u still stuck around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is i broke ur heart, baby you were a good girl and i had no right, i really wanna make things right, cuz without u in my life girl Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody to call my own) to call my own (to call my own) girl Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) girl Been all about the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and i would be out chasing u cuz aint nowhere in the globe id rather be, aint noone in the globe id rather see then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely So lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) girrll Never thought that id be alone, i didnt hope you'd be gone this long, i jus want u to come home, so stop playing girl and come on home (come on home), baby girl i didn't mean to shout, i want me and you to work it out, i never wished id ever hurt my baby, and its drivin me crazy cuz... Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) Im so lonely (so lonely) im mr. lonely (mr. lonely) i have nobody (i have nobody) to call my own (to call my own) girll Lonely, so lonely so lonely, (so lonely), mr. lonely, so lonely so lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), mr. lonely
All that bullshit is for the birds You aint nothin but a vulture Always hopin for the worst Waiting for me to fuck up up Youll regret the day when I find another girl, yeah Who knows just what I need, she knows just what I mean When I tell her keep it drama free Ohohohohohohohoh x2 I told you that im leaving (deuces) I know you mad but so what? I wish you best of luck And now im bout to throw them deuces up [Chorus] Im on some new shit Im chuckin my deuces up to her Im moving on to something better, better, better No more tryin to make it work You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2] [Tyga Verse] Uh, Use to be valentines Together all the time Thought it was true love, but you know women lie Its like I sent my love with a text two times Call cause I care but I aint get no reply Tryna see eye to eye but its like we both blind Fuck it lets hit the club, i rarely sip but pour me some Cause when its all said and done, I aint gon be the one that she can always run to I hate liars, fuck love Im tired of tryin My heart big but it beat quiet I dont never feel like we vibin Cause every time we alone its a awkward silence So leave your keys on the kitchen counter And gimme back that ruby ring with the big diamond Shit is over, whatchu trippin for? I dont wanna have to let you go But baby I think its better if I let you know [Chorus] Im on some new shit Im chuckin my deuces up to her Im moving on to something better, better, better No more tryin to make it work You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2] [K Mc verse] Look, my shorty always on some bullshit like Chicago So I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow Deuces, we aint got no future in tomorrow Im a dick, so it shouldnt be that hard to swallow The other chick Im with never complain She make wanna leave the one im with Usher Raymond Probably didnt register, dont trip, later on it will Shorty full of drama like gangsta grizzles I finally noticed it, it finally hit me Like Tina did Ike in the limo, it finally hit me I got a new chick, and she aint you She ??? She give me dj vu And all that attitude, I dont care bout it But all that shit I do for her, you gon hear bout it Breezy rep two up, two down But im just puttin two up, chuckin up the deuce now [Chorus] Im on some new shit Im chuckin my deuces up to her Im moving on to something better, better, better No more tryin to make it work You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]
Hey guys It is a hot afternoon here in Colombia, I need a reason to take a shower but no alone ... who wanna join me and have a supersexy cam2cam show? I need candidates I'll wait for you there. See you soon!!!
I'll be back in half hour to party, I am hungry, I need more energy to give u the best of me Kissed for all, and thanks for oyur support ;)
Hey guys This nite is saturday party nite Let's enjot, dance and most of all... let's have so much fun and wild sex ;)
Hey guys I came earlier today 'cause I got this feeling about that we're going to have a great after noon. Today I will work in a different bathroom, I hope this does not change the luck I have got lately. I am optimistic too about the gym, I was not working out as much as I used too, but I am going to start again, I have been working out for almost 3 years. I think I can be in better shape that is why I admire those guys that perform here with those amazing bodies. For now I hope to be enough hot for you .... lol
Hey Guys I didn't even plan to come today at wrok, I had such a party last nite, but finally I decided to come here, then I got so hot, the weather here in Colombia is so good, I needed to take a shower, and party chat was the perfect reason. Then all the guys came and the party was great and sucessful. Guys I appreciate your support this week. Tahnk you, kisses and huges ;)
Today I came here very playfull, sundays are always good days to take some sun, and enjoy beach or swimming pool, I am hot and I want to offer a showe show, I'd be cool. So .. Welcome everyone. I'ts time for fun ;)
Hello Guys Yesterday we had an amazing afternoon together. Those parties were fantastic. Let's see what happens today. I'll wait you there Kisses
Hello Guys It's a hot afternoon in Colombia, I'm in the shower, ready to have fun... I'll wait for you guys :)
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