As i woke up from the dream i had with my eyes open i realised that I was at school , one in class . Raining big drops that hit brutally window. A shudder passed me . I put my arms around my body. It was warm , but not warm up physical warmth . Outside the rain intensified . I looked lost on the glass. I felt a pain in his chest. I close the sternum and knees and put my hands . But the pain was becoming increasingly more evident . I closed my eyes , but to no avail . He was there. It was like I got punched in the sternum. I tried to silence, in vain ... The pain became unbearable. I looked up hoping that there is someone to help me , but I was alone . The pain intensifies with each second. We started to jam . I needed help . I tried to get up but could not. I heard the sound of the door opening and looked up . The pain was unbearable , barely more vedeam.Era Cristian who look at me! His face was impenetrable . - Help me ! please ... my voice sounded broken . I tried to reach for him, but became heavy. Pain spores. I looked at him, but his face remained stone . You - you ... please .. you made it yourself ! His voice fell like a lightning on mea.Am incremetic felt my chest breaks under a load invisible . - NUUUUUUUU ! ! ! I woke up full of sweat with both hands around the abdomen . The pain was just a memory now. I worry when I realized that was just a dream. I fixed my gaze on the ceiling. I could feel the head and full of thoughts than before. A myriad of thoughts haunt me but I could not understand ... I closed my eyes , but the image of Cristian appeared before me .
I needed to say something , but to no avail though. I looked at him again , but this time more discret.Parea as pensive as before ... Until I reached the front of the house where I lived , did not say anything either of us. - I stop here ! I said and I waved my right courtyard . - You sit ? 'm amazed . You have a house ... super ! Finally seem to have got rid of thoughts . I nodded in sign of approval. But it's a huge house ! - The truth is it was a huge house . But you taste this mother who wanted a bigger house to have as many spaces decorated hobby that deals in the little free time , then what to say ... see you tomorrow , right? Yeah ... see you tomorrow ! and entered the yard. I felt looked but I did not turn my head because I did not want to meet again her eyes . There was something that troubles me . I entered the house finally feeling fatigue accumulated during the day. We entered the kitchen and saw that my mother had taken care to leave some food before leaving the company . I sat at the table and began to eat in silence. But today something was different. Fatigue was stronger , or maybe they were more worried than usual. After a few holes , I inpins plate of food in front. I could not eat . Something is happening to me. I was not in myself . Something troubles me , but unsuccessfully tried to figure out why. I looked at the clock , it was 2:35 p.m. . I stood up slightly dizzy from his chair and walked out of the kitchen, then went up stairs to my room. I entered . It was my place of refuge, but not this time. I felt confused, troubled . I closed my eyes hoping that the state will disappear , but not happening. I left my backpack on the seat next to the window and threw myself on the bed. It was a little better ! Immersed in my head feeling fluffy mattress issued by the multitude of thoughts . I wonder what 's wrong with me ?
As my mind was on some wild stuff i thought that all my earlier thoughts steal dissolved , place those being taken by some new about my new colleague bank. Why are you so follow me ? I looked like coming slowly towards me and I wondered if she should impose a limit and I leave a bit of space. If the first day is so I do not know what would have happened later when we got to know ? I tried to banish that thought in mind when he came near me and we both started tacuti.The air was loaded and suddenly I began to feel uncomfortable. I looked at him and smiled . I tried to respond in the same way, but the facial muscles refused to listen . I felt embarrassed . I fixed my eyes down again and continued to walk with Cristian . - Today is very ... nice out , huh ? veil of silence between us was finally shattered by his words slightly. I turned to him and nodded in sign of approval. His hair was a different color now. Sunlight reflected in it , conferandu 's a lighter shade . Like me it looked like he did not felt very comfortable. He thought of something. I tried to intuit what might be but to no avail . Loud I would have wanted to know. Will have to do with me ? I think he noticed me looking at him because he looked back at me and for a moment our eyes met . - Your eyes are green now! I said surprised . - Well ... so are the light and the dark are blue . But not many people notice. I was surprised by his words . As she and I had said , not many people noticed. Only those who were studying me carefully could see the change that occurred in the presence of strong light . It seems that represent a much greater interest than suspected. I incercta to figure out if that's good or bad, but I found an answer multimitor . Bothered me to some extent that I so carefully studied , but something inside me told me that there's nothing wrong with that . The silence between us install again but with a much stronger uncomfortable spot . I did not have much to home but felt it go ... seconds are stubborn to not drain their normal pace .
The rest of the time we spent in silence because they do not want to get into trouble on the first day because I was not too careful . Cristian still wanted to distract me , but I tried to be as careful as you can speak at . And the day passed as easily . I talked to most of my new colleagues and I can say that I truly integrated quickly. Everyone seemed friendly and it seemed like I received with open arms. Better not be so . The clock showed 14:00 and I knew it was time to go home. I put the bag on the shoulder and went through the last of the class , followed closely by Cristian . It was strange that breaks always go and returned only when they call . I wanted to ask him last time , but I avoided. Who was I to interfere in his affairs . ? Bank was his colleague just a few hours and already beginning to question about their habits ... ? But how it sounded was beside me in the bank and try to find out more about me, I was about the only one I told clasa.I discuss many things about me , I told him about my family , about the high school where I learned about my old colleagues and friends about . He seemed delighted and follow me like a small doggy when she read the story, sipping my every word . In turn told me that not only lived with his mother, his father was out of the country . The lower left them and although they had promised to help , a few years no one knew anything about him. But it seems that much more than the absence of his father passed . Now his mother was the most important people in his life and these two had a quiet life . I would have told maybe more , but each time the story became more interesting was interrupted by the arrival of teachers. But nothing . We had enough time for these stories . I had a whole year ahead. I rush out of the school premises without starting to go home. - Alex I heard a shout. I turned my head and I saw Cristian . I made ​​a sign that I should wait . I stopped and I set the bag on the shoulder better .
As i was dreaming of my prince i realised that some looked surprised , others seemed incantati.Mi I spent looking over all . I smiled shyly and I headed to the bank where I saw only the last hole. I sat down and I pulled out a book on the bench , then I put the bag in the bank. I was pinned to inquisitive looks of others but not me ami already embarrassed . I started to feel at ease . Finally ... - Hello ! I am Cristian ! Hearing the voice of the boy next to me, who do not noticed until then , I look back . - I am Alex , but perhaps you know that ! I said and laughed foolishly . He was a boy the same age as me, big black eyes bruten . Iris gave him an exceedingly high strangely gloomy aspect . Short hair and ruffled fit perfectly those two mysterious eyes . Smile and white teeth Ivira surprising is framed by two thin lips . He reflexively reached out and I did the same thing . - I understand that from now on you will be my colleague bank? I nodded . - I guess that's the only place open in this class ! I said, more out of curiosity , in that moment as my matter where I sit during the year after . Do not get too pleasant, right? Are you sure you want to stay with someone else ... i smile faded a moment and a sad expression replace them ... No, no, not that! I said, quickly realizing that I made ??a mistake . It's not about that. Honestly to tell you not like that fuss and especially my first day here , do not really know either so I have no preference in terms of bank colleague . The smile reappeared and continued : And to see I'm not that kind of spoiled guy who changes his mind from one day to another, I promise you 'll stay here with you until the end , whether you are the best colleague that I might have , although I doubt you from golanas began to laugh and hit me in the shoulder lightly with hand - whether you're the nerd nerd nerd country that I have seen so far . Both laughed and feel for the first time since I entered in my new class that finally manage to get fit . A sense of peace permeated me and a heat wave floods my body . He 'll be fine here , now I was sure of it !
As i was going towards the school i kept dreaming of meeting someone cool there.The first day was exactly as I expected . We arrived at the new school , full of emotions and eager to meet the new team , although difficult at first, I will definitely integrate , I was pretty sociable by nature and easily adaptable . That certainly came from one of the genes of the mother, she was the kind that inprietenea immediately communicative person not known until a few hours ago. Maybe because that was her job requires such action. My mother was publicist for one of the leading cosmetic companies in the country. If the mother was the kind person who enjoyed , but he also knew his claws out when it was an important project that had to be perfect ; Dad was like calm, the math teacher had to have rabdade students who today are increasingly less interested in education means crazy .I have two wonderful parents who , although they could not always be with me , showed me that I love .I got excited and also excited in the classroom . All eyes were turned to me and I felt my cheeks begin to burn . I made timid steps towards CATREDALA which is already physics teacher (as I learned later ) . - Hello! I said softly and I smiled shyly . I was excited beyond measure and my cheeks burned increasingly louder. Hi, Alex ! And welcome to our school! The principal told me you already and I'm sure you will successfully integrate into our team ! She smiled , which gave me a little more courage in me. Now let's introduce you to others ! He passed his hand over my shoulder and we both turned to my future colleagues who were all eyes and ears analyzing me probably to the smallest detail ! Students, this is your new friend , Alex . I get it properly and to integrate it in your group and !
The world is essentially a desert place where the soul wanders altering it and changing its shape continuously under the action of healing events daily . Perhaps because of this desperately looking , most times , a soul that we have close when we are sad , but still aspire to better, if any better ... But in these moments of weaknes do biggest mistakes and people approaching incompatible people hard -hearted people too torn with pain and hardship . What can we ask of such people , we can seek the warmth that we so desperately need even when they look the same to us. Then you realize that he actually is not what you are looking and rupture occurs in a short time and after a few nice moments but remained overshadowed by quarrels that arise from separation . But what really happens when you find a soul pure , innocent soul with whom you feel that all wounds heal, feel joy as you load the veins and spreads throughout your body? Worth fighting for perfect love until you find ... or maybe not ....?Thoughts , worries , concerns bury us alive in a heap of despair, where , like quicksand , the more we move the more we attract into their depths . And then there is the perennial question :Why me?Ought to signify a new beginning, a new period of my life where I was part of new challenges . We asked parents to transfer me to another school for the one that taught until 11th grade not offered me the opportunity to move to a new stage and tend to a higher level . I got what I wanted at the beginning of the 11th class of mine managed to submit my file to a one of the best high schools in the city where I was accepted and given that I had pretty good grades .
To love .. I love ... he does not love . What happens when you give love, but instead you get nothing ? What happens when you're close to being that entered your heart , but you can not touch , do not you kiss , you can weave tales of love with this ? What happens when you open a gap between fish that can not move , but you want with all your heart to break ground in two and reach the soul that you consider your partner , but he runs away and you still try again and again and again until you leave power , your hope is extinguished , the mirage disappears in the light of the impossible love and incompatibility. What do you do when you decided to make the plunge and tell you only of you , you want to be with him forever , though , and you feel that death would come too quickly and you might not enjoy it ? What happens when you whisper words his lips sharp as a blade blade on the person you love , about which you already considered enemies because he dared to penetrate the soul being the one you love ?
As we were dreaming away at the wonderful experience taht we had Hullabaloo started long before I could even open my eyes. But when I did I saw him , he was there , leaning on his left arm . He was staring at me and I touched in flight against trying to remove all could make him look so intensely at me.- Morning ! She said and stood a little to make it comfortable.- Morning fuck ! You really have nothing better to do than stare at me ? I felt my head hard when I tried to get up and hit me a dull ache in the occipital .Probably noticed my frowned gasped so worried .Are you okay?Yes, the parts ! I rushed out of the tent and I confused . I felt like crap. I ached Body balm and I think I had a bit of fever. A feeling of drowsiness overtook my legs and everything started to shake . I felt his arm by supporting me . I soon dismissed and I left on the grass .Hey , do not feel too good , I think it would be better to go and in the tent. Do you want to get something ?Anger was gone. Head pain became increasingly profound .Yes , please bring me some tea or something warm and a pill if you find a pharmacy here somewhere .Not expected to say anything and left dash . Well, maybe it was sometimes nice , sometimes ONLY . Or just pretending very bine.Sau its way to bring me something to poison me . Tempting ... I heard Celia coming out of the tent and I returned to her .Are you okay? You look like shit !- Thanks ! I replied sarcastically . No, do not feel well . I think I've cooled a bit . Last night I was swimming and maybe was not the best idea ...Were you swim ? Who ? I asked with curiosity outright .I hesitated a moment, but I answered . He was my best friend . I could not hide it , he knew everything about me.
As i was dreaming of love i kept wonbdering if this is true,it was magical.The beach was dark , but the moon cast pale rays on the water glow , so I could not glimpse facial expression .- Dam it all down . We made big eyes at him, but probably not noticed. It was already too late. He rolled his pants . I saw in all its splendor and I took a second to admire the perfection of his body . Perfectly tanned skin covering the muscles good work . I tried not to watch ... Anyway , I think I looked and I dropped a little wow . But to get over .I gave myself pants ashamed . He looked at me for a moment and I could swear that the darkness of the night I managed to glimpse a smile of satisfaction. Hm ... weird.We entered the water. It was still warm . Monday gave him glimpses pale . We were alone in the distance could be heard the sound of the busy city . We have moved offshore and I got carried water. I felt peaceful there, the waterbeds in the middle of nowhere at night. My thoughts were cleared and closed my eyes . I felt good. I was glad that was over well with Andrew. But no matter how I tried I could not get out of my mind the image of the nude. It was ... perfect. I imagined how I pass wet fingers over his pecs , neck , to reach his full lips and so sensual . What happens to me? I rebelled against me . What grabbed me . Can not be so. I opened my eyes and I 'm surprised watching a few inches from me.- Now I can put you in the ass? I asked laughing . I agreed and I prepared for the following . I felt my ears by pushing water but this was different , I felt every moment arm by supporting me . I went immediately to the surface. I wiped off the face of the water , and again , as earlier and passed his hand over my cheek . But this was different , he lingered there. I felt the heat of his hand. We looked lost without it we can not say anything for a moment I thought maybe ... but no. I pulled away from him and swam to shore.Hey , where you going ?I think that's enough for now. And I went out and I got dressed .
At 11 I got back into camping. There was a general hum , people returning from town , or preparing to sleep. I entered the tent , I changed to a pair of shorts and went . Celia and Cosmin sleep had already entered , there was just Andrew. He was sitting with his knees to his chest and looked at the moon. It was a cool night , a month speldida . Light pours hot mystery everywhere. Points of light were visible all over the camping , but the real magic was in the sky , bright dots framed canopy move. It was striking clarity . I sat next to Andrew, in the same position . Not returned to me, still looked blanket night. And there, in dull silence of the night I had a regret , I've been too bad . I wondered if I took things to the extreme. I think so ... I turned toward him. The moonlight bathed her tanned skin hiding any imperfections , leaving a perfect chip , waxed , a nameless beauty . Unearthly eyes twinkled , set to the height of heaven unseen .- Andrew, I think you should apologize for ... I hesitated a moment but continued timidly , for reaction , that my reactions today. I overdid it a bit and I'm sorry ...We turned and smiled . Both . And I felt at peace .- I want to make it up to you, I said, still looking at the sky.How?- Come for a walk. What do you think ? And he turned to me , displaying a mischievous smile .- Well ... I think.Was high and I followed . I left the campsite , and I took the road to the beach. Aha , there's a go ! He remained silent till we got there.- I want to make it up for today. What do you think ? We do it ? And he pointed to the water.- You have everything we need from you ? And we both burst out laughing at how stupid I was obviously meant. Just kidding . Yeah, come on . I ran to get water but I stopped .- Wait, now do it by my rules , right? She said hiding her smile .I looked at him puzzled , wondering what it is about .
It was a nice day that dayat least Celia was . Is now to attract more males if I tan?I do not think . I wanted you more than before , said Cosmin amused. My girlfriend hit him in the hand , but he wanted to tease and ass stretched out to touch me .Hey, those hands are just for this baby body . And pointed with his hands towards her appetizing forms .Cosmin balea literally.- It seems to get the message , I concluded . And hey , please wait until home I said frowning noting susupect intimate touching of the two . I rolled my eyes . Of course talking to the walls. Barring this small inconvenience , I changed the subject : But where's bonehead ? I looked back, but I have not seen .Hey, watch your mouth , Celia told me frown . I do not know where she went . But please be nicer to him!I do not want , I concluded. We arrived and I said and I entered the campsite , at which time I was amazed . My tent was assembled. How this miracle happened ? Hm ... weird. I approached incredulous . Even it was assembled. I looked inside and saw the mattress . Everything was arranged .You like Cristian ? And I realized . It was his work. What did he prove it? He's sorry ? As I have to forgive him and I'm going to throw in his arms , and that was the idea ? I kept my figure sour and I flipped .You really did not need ! We owl and I removed .After a hot shower , I went a little town, I ate something and we walked around the various stalls , buying souvenirs for the home . Meanwhile , Andrei was kept away from me. It was and fell , and I say ! Just do not expect to be picked and thank for having completed my work. Small part what was unfinished . Well ... even small , half, the backs can ? Well yes , I was somewhat grateful that I did not I would have decurcat so good, but still. I could not demean it and to recognize merit , not after what he had done. You should feel as bad as I felt myself , if not worse.
As we were getting into it I felt my body warm water bathing in rivers hot . I left for a few minutes of pleasure prey I forgot Andrew. He was so obnoxious . Until today no longer talk much with him, but did not seem so . There was always a smile , a friend of all , and with Cristina formed the perfect couple. Were envious , they were rich , they had everything, but wait, something was missing : the brain . I felt the fire flickering inside me , but I tried to banish bad thoughts like that when I imagined sufficiently painful way to torture " my colleague tent ." Ah ! I think I'd start with knives ... hmmm ... I would fit that silver blade with black eyes . Well, yes, I must admit , the eyes are great, but both . Okay, okay , there's the face and sexy ass and abs that would be happy to play whenever x and 0 . Damn ! How I became gay . I laughed alone while giving lather rinse and last . I wiped and went eager to go along the beach . I waited all .Celia wore a two-piece bath peach . Around balance had caught a wave transparent , lifting out the size of Vespa . Cosmin was looking so earnestly as for now I thought I would wallow down there. Hm ... not too nice image . Definitely not as nice as the one that gave me Andrew ... Much better made ??than I remembered from gym class . On how so unbearably beautiful . Fuck , it's really good!- Come , prince ! I cried Celia . I rushed to get my sun lotion and I followed .The beach was close to camping. After five minutes we arrived . I sat on the chair and began to anoint me with sunscreen . Or rather I tried , because I came back at all.- Want to help? I asked a few steps . He felt light entertainment.- Hm ... let's see . NO! I do not want to do something allergy fags ! I cut it tavnos .- And I thought you'd be more calm now that I reached the beach . I thought that you feel like in heaven with so many males here, but apparently I was wrong .
As we had that silly conversation i cut it ironic.- Since I do not want clothes that are too gay for him. Is not Andrew ? for a moment I felt fine, but after miserable. I looked guilty, but resigned . I did not like . Make me regret . I had to comment, I disagree. Instead he fell . I swallowed and I returned to the tent installation guilty .- Let me know if I can help you , I said, then sat down on the grass and began to play on the phone. I looked stunned. So was going to spend the night in my tent , but was going to the the a hand ! He could help me but only if you please ? NEVER ! And I returned to my stuff.After an hour , Cosmin finished camping. I looked enviously at them, I was not even half. Andrew continues to play, although it occasionally felt watching me , and I surprised a moment , smiling . It's no wonder I was doing poor . It really was not going to help me ? No, of course not. I had to humble himself to do something.- Some have a care in the world ! I said casually . I caught him straining himself and his master 's amusement , but continued to play . What annoy me . But no! Nor do I ask for help. Better die than cortu unmounted it please him. After all, who is believed ? Do not demean me . If someone has to stoop when he is . I returned to my job , or rather, in my attempt to do something . No, that was not my forte . The other one of the court in the am surprised Celia coming out of the shower . Prepare for the beach .Damn ! Do it later, maybe .... I took a towel and shower gel and I went and I took . Ochil tail Andrei follow me , but said nothing . What obnoxious . I think it's time to talk to Celia to make a new list of " The naibaii cute but obnoxious " , I think we had a proposal first. I still emitting dark thoughts away at Andrew . Before I get into the shower, I saw him talking to Cosmin . It was all a smile . Well normally works slave and he expects to be completely ready . Let you see, dementia ass !
As we were getting to the point we started arguing like silly lol and i said no, do not worry . I'm man enough , that was my only car stuff , even if they are gay . I replied in an ironic tone and I turned away .- Let me not be so . I took big mouth . I had a problem with Cristina and we kind of broke up and are a little tense , I'm sorry that I've downloaded on.Flame nerves escalate apocalyptic . Now recognizes nonchalantly . I swallowed and I took a last line before going back to Celia, who already installed their tent helped by Cosmin .- Do I look like I care ?And I left.I felt behind me . He walked a few steps away from me, but I tried to ignore. We arrived at our place and I left my luggage down and really hurt a little hand. Better let him help me. But no! Hell, nor dead . But why? I am not a man, or what?- Guys, I think I'll quash the hostel . I forgot my tent and the rest from Cristina ... we had a fight and I had to come with her ??car , so she had all things in the car and there remained ... even clothes.Celia looked thoughtfully at Andrew then turned to me . No! I knew that look and I did not like .But there's no problem, Cristian stay in tent. Huh , Chris ? question they do not accept the refusal , that was for sure. And if you need to borrow clothes from a colleague Cosmin your tent. I noticed the smile you uttered the last words .
As we were sitting there I crossed my arms and gave music up , trying in vain to stifle my thoughts . Listen to him ! Let me draw him sleeve and comment about my orientation . What? Times I said to ask ourselves ? Let's be serious ! And yet , there was a trickle of guilt . I wondered if it's good . Long gone before us , have more than 100km / h and for a second I thought if i would happen something. It was not my fault after all , right? Or was it ? ... I swallowed . No, I have no guilt, he 's responsible for everything. Why nice guys are always so obnoxious ? Ah , what the bottom is ... Oh, so good ...- This is it ! I said Cosmin few hours .I gave heavy and I followed down to the campsite . It was a large area bordered by several buildings , most likely hostels . There were too many tents, only a few here and there . In the back he could see showers and a kitchen somewhere right . The place was not inhabited . Perhaps everyone was at sea. We went to a small building on the right side of the alley . We encountered an elderly man . I left the two to solve all the problems related to housing . I returned to the car and got my tent and other equipment that we had gone to Celia night before departure . I put my luggage on his shoulders and closed the trunk.- Do you need help? was heard behind me . I felt the fire in me catching power. I turned and saw him . He stood there, about as tall as me, with a body more good work than mine , which was practically zero beside his. Strong arms seemed to burst under shirt roomy little muscle mass . His black eyes looking at me , waiting for an answer. Why pretending to care. I thought a couple of hours ago I was gay too dramatic . Now you have the same opinion? Cata falsehood .
It was already too much. It was no secret that they are gay , or from family or colleagues, but throw me in the face as an insult , that was too much. The fire in me threw and tranquility was broken by my voice yelled :Guys , I did not hurt anything. I am proud of who I am, so you have no right to tell me this thing as an accused . Probably screamed louder than was necessary, but the tension in me erupts word after word. It would be better to stop here. I want out .- They did not want to ...No, I do not want to hear excuses . I understood what you said. Can stand me well ! I did not need. Stop It Now!He seemed embarrassed and ashamed . He had the courage to look at me . Damn , but I really do not care , it's a homophobic jerk . To go on the water with all his talents straight .-Cristian , please. Sorry. I saw your eyes and I realized that regret .- Stop it now.He slowed and pulled over . I grabbed my backpack and I 'm still trying to improve although I slammed the door in the nose . I pulled the phone out of his pocket and called Celia . It was a few minutes behind us . Andrei black car was not moving , he dwelt there thinking that I will change my mind . But no! He waited until he appeared Bosc and then abruptly DeMerit . For the moment I had a trace of regret. Have I done well ? The guilt is gone and I got in the car . Perhaps I have seen scowling figure that no Celia nor Cosmin not asked me anything.I rode the rest of the way in silence. Nobody said anything .
As i came out of my head,the remaining time has elapsed terrace monotonous. We spoke to one another, we established last details of our mini- vacation . Fund insanely sexy passed by me several times , but without success . So it's not mea.Inca camp minus one on my list of males. Oh, and even have a bottom note 9 , I think he's in the top 10. Shame .Fuck watches. I bent down and I turned off the alarm . I had to get out of bed , but I just do not feel like it. I closed my eyes and I thought about what I could expect in this small vacation. Celia Cosmin Andrei and Cristina and ... me. Aha , so eventually even to be the fifth wheel on the wagon. I banished the thought , maybe this'll be great ... or not? Whatever . I stood away out of bed and I crawled to the bathroom . I cleaned and made ??my morning hygiene . I put my toothbrush in your backpack , another couple and I took triocuri backpack . It was 7 o'clock . Celia had already arrive . I checked my phone , no call. I sat on the stairs in front of the house .We had a small yard , but well maintained . I do not dedicate time to it , that's for sure , though sometimes also given her mother a hand . She spends much free time tending flowers in the house. Petunias , queen of the night , and others whose names we do not know , all beautifully groomed and perfumed . A fragrance filled the yard and morning air . I took a deep breath and felt a wave of calm and excitement.Hey, come on? I heard Celia's voice and looked a distant. Her pink frog ( ah. .. damn ! ) Waiting in front of the gate . He honked again and heavy I got up and turned it in the direction of the car. I ran to open the door. - No, you go with Andrew ! I looked back and saw that it was parked just a few meters from a black car , a Fiat elegant. I recunscut tinted beyond my colleague group .Why him and not you two lovebirds ? Or are you going to do crap on the road? insinuating tone made ??her blush and Cosmin Celia looked at me exasperated .
I remembered all my colleagues , starting of course with those who looked best. There were a couple that gave me shivers down my spine when they approached me, but unfortunately unavailable . I reviewed the list until I got to Cosmin . Aha . 5th on the list of holders of super ass , and 2nd in capitotul chest . Celia had made the charts with the begin college and we laugh every time I replace the name of our ranking positions .-5.2 ? I asked breathlessly Celia . Radia , feeling give out. And then it hit me . So there ! You can not !- Yes, yes, yes ! We are together!Meanwhile insanely sexy ass returned with my soda and I also took a peek . I leaned over the desk and whispered :- Does it be in my camp ? I tilted my head at him , but just Pelc . Celia has rolled his eyes , exasperated and ignored me continuing .- So we are together! I'm happy. Even he could not avd happiness . Olive complexion , nice tan and a smile breaks fulfilled. Eyes had the glow of happiness , both known to me. That glow he had when he first got the bike , kindergarten or first car at 18. And now the first super lover. There were no others , but previous attempts had been unsuccessful cam for my girlfriend .We know for a lifetime. I went to kindergarten together at school and then high school, and now college. Celia everything's fine. We feel like brothers. Any problem I have to mention, I know everything about her and she knows everything about me. I would not imagine life without it. Now that I had in front of me so happy , I smiled to myself , and as happiness would have passed through our connection , I felt fulfilled along it.-Good for you! I'm really glad !He placed his hand over mine.- And another thing . Tomorrow we leave the sea! And you're coming with us! told me victorious and a new wave of enthusiasm has crossed his face.I do not think it would be ok ... I mean , you better just go ... I hesitated .It's not like I would not have wanted to go . But I wanted to be the fifth wheel on the wagon. Every year out to sea along with Celia and sitting one week , sometimes two , but this was different. I would not have wanted to be a burden. Would not I be more?- So do not even hear it! And no , we're not just new, and Andrew go with Cristina .We made big eyes vaguely attentive to her. Was it possible ?You mean 1.1 ? I stammered . Ultimate hottie !Celia laughed , but nodded .
It was way back when i had a girlfriend called Celia and it was a day when i wanted not to be late ,she was expecting me.I set the bag on the shoulder better and I intetip step . I looked again at the clock wishing I was petrified language at no 5 . Hurried step further and prayed for a miracle to get through before Celia .Maybe it was late ! Or ... not? Who lie I always arrive on time and of course I never .Arriving in front of the terrace, I looked at the clock. And 5. 's Not that bad . I walked around watching the multitude of tables in search of my best friend . I saw it somewhere in the back with phone in hand. Probably call me . "I'm finished! Least if not forget mobile home and want my delay . " I fixed my eyes down and I submitted to it .- Hello ... I said weakly and guilty. Sorry for ...- Nothing ! Sit down !- That's it ! That does not mean anything? Celia and looked up the phone.Yes, just that! I have time now to reproof, though you deserve . I threw that look that always made ​​me feel guilty . I felt my cheeks blushing , but I fell Malc . If she wanted to get over it so easily , the better . - Okay, so I have news for you!The waiter came to take my ORDERING . I ordered a Coke and I sent sparked what I could tell my friend. But before he glanced stealthily waiter . A young man at 25 years old , tall , well-built , but also a fragile air , probably due to large and deep eyes . I smile surprised eyes , but still confused if it was that smile showing all customers, or smell my intentions hidden. Did he was ... ?Hey , you listening to me , or you look at the bottom than that guy ?I turned to Celia . Funny , though try to reprimand me . You know me so well .- Come , let us me and guy ass owner insanely sexy . A choking sigh and a smile . So ? What have you to say?- Hold on . I looked bored her. Each time was the same. For every thing was Celia gossip firsthand. Everything that happens was sensational . Come on , stop ! Do not make that face ! was frowning at me. It's really serious now. You know that guy , Cosmin , the group of us?
There is a saying that in English reads: " Treat people the way you want to be Treated " ? . Americans call " the golden rule " golden rule . In translation it means ' Gate with others as you want others to treat you. " ? . Treat them as you would want to be treated .In Romanian have the same saying , but the opposite : " What you do not like it, other do not ?" ? .A great man dastept discovered that there's something wrong with this wisdom . Here's what it is ...You know that it says that each of us is unique in his own way. Everyone has values ​​, aspirations and preferences of affinities . Right? Right. Well, in this context , is somehow evidence of egocentrism to treat all according to the values, ideas and your own preferences . Even more, it can even be evidence of inflexibility often .Very important is to know and respect each other's values ​​and aspirations , not just yours impose them on - time. And so , it is said that we live in a world where too often people are projecting their own ego and its own system of thinking about the world and then wonder not understand .He came one example. Often , in the war of the sexes , women accuse men do not know how to feel good in bed . Bebe said Sexologu know how ', as many men do not understand that a woman's sexuality operates by slightly different ; often women than men have something to reach orgasm ( including the boring part called foreplay ) . So those men projecting their own ideas about sexuality on women and treat them as they would like to be treated .
As we were getting into it he had this silly face like he was all innocent and not doing anything wrong hehe and he said :- Ohh ... I'm so sorry , try this quick to apologize and go get some napkins to clean the man . The shirt was stained badly , but the pants were drenched in tea , and David does not hesitate status and quickly delete it . Dabbing easily realizes that his penis touches without any restraint continues to remove ! Something startled the boy 's pants and he insists on buffering in the man's penis !It's ok ! Thanks ! he said rising up and starting to laugh . If I touch his vroiaia Another option you could choose not to scald me !Sorry Sir ! I ... uh ...- Do not worry , it's ok ! I'm gonna go now, I think I was cut of tea! said still laughing , angelic takes sweatshirt and go !David 's angry neindamanarea remains looking after foreign ...But everything would change ...So i guess that can happen ,it is such a mix of feelings and people are so crazy this days,u can not find a man to stay with you ,they are jumping from cock to cok when they are young and one day they end up older and alone,go figure...
The rain could be heard banging on the windows of the cafe where she worked Butere David , and inside was empty ! It was a late afternoon fall and a little unusual for that time the place will be empty! David , a fine boy with Hispanic origins , about 22, had been needed to come to England for a job as a waiter at a cafe ! Now thought he was away two days ago at the stranger who had been drinking his coffee in that place ... " What I would not give him coming along , can manage to steal some even smile ! " Cafe door opens and David leaps ... stranger makes his appearance inbracat a waterproof and sits at a table secluded ! David is quick and goes to his table felt his heart pumping :- Hello! Umm .... why is not it rain ...- Hello ! said the stranger looking at him for the first time David . Yes, it is! Bring a tea please ... order it and putting off waterproof and sweatshirt and leaving to see under the white shirt , strapless , a pair of splendid muscles ! His tanned skin makes you think of sunny beaches , and his face, with a little beard beautifully trimmed , fleshy lips and dark eyes that makes you look at a painting perfectly executed !" Ahh that 's good ! " Think David while removing the man to bring order . Returning tea , thinking about how to make him pick it stumbles and hop ... atriza tea cup on the table, spraying the stranger shirt and pants.
So what i can say is that I learned that the administration had chance , doing a favor to a friend. And it's one , and that beautiful laugh . And ... and .... I laughed , I own chatting , we made balance , we were stuck in traffic due to heavy rains and final meeting we got back to the office with a meeting scheduled for Friday night.I do not know when the time came when Friday night . I was nervous , I realized the way to where we agreed to meet me . Not agreed to come to take me home , I did not know where I stand.Had before me . And was impatient move from one foot to the other. I smiled amused . And time flew while we were sitting at a table sitting bar. It was almost midnight when I get tired I felt .- Shall we? said .- Aha , I replied with eyes half closed .Paid , helped me up and we went out .- Brrr , it 's cold .I felt as I take the middle arm . I stumbled like a drunken man and his arm raised me and pulled me close. We were face to face and I never got to say anything because his mouth was too busy with my mouth about the song . I slipped his hand into his hair and I felt myself take up. Do not know when I got to him , I just know that I was shaking like a leaf in his hands. I saw for myself while my breasts revealed . Nipples were hard , and he looked into my eyes while her hand down . I gasped when his hand came in pants and closed my eyes . I did not know me, I lay on the bed and I felt between my legs and then slid as it melts me.
I calmly looked at him and I realized that just annoy him further. Which recognize amused me beyond measure and smiled . Thing that annoyed him even more. Probably took my smile as affront .I finished, I gathered what I had taken , and I walked slowly toward the exit . Obviously in my laziness I did not put the files in ghizodan , was to do it while walking . But I never got besides me down like a whirlwind one and all files were scattered on the floor. He stopped , turned and I recognized the man who had been behind me in line and bubbling like a volcano , angry that he had to wait for me.- Pardon said the forked tongue and gave it away.- Sorry does not help me to collect the files, I said looking me straight in the eye balls .I was expecting to leave, possibly with a curse under his breath . But he stopped and bent to help me.- Excuse me , please, 'he said.This time the voice was calm and gentle . I smiled .- It's ok . Thank you.I gathered he stretched files in that moment his hand touched mine. I felt a warm touch and I lost sight of . I do not know how long time , but if any of us wanted to leave. The kind of Kodak moment . Obviously interrupted by a phone country .... what else ? ?He said , I stuffed folders in Satchel watching him removed. A few seconds later realized that his record ( that just filed a balance like me ) was to me. Logic since he had nothing in any of the hands ... doooh !- Hey , wait. Your file think it's me, I said running after him.I went outside and I started to rummage for a file that was not mine. And while I fumbled around , began to drip . Fix what I need , to walk in the rain .- Can I ride? I heard while I was thinking about just how my feet wet in the rain .I looked at him and I could not mumble a word.
AIt was a day when you do not expect something no good, nor bad thing . I woke up before the clock as usual . Shower, brush your teeth , dressed and went to work . As I said, a typical day can just about Clouds . Noting that this is the last week for this job . Monday , new office , new boss , new job . Latest activities related to a job that does not make me happy. How many of you are happy with what you do ? Most times we go month to pay to another without knowing how. Finally , I needed a change and a meeting had found new jobs .In the meantime I had some small tasks to accomplish . And one of them was taken some audits the financial administration . Stack of files on his desk waiting for me smiling . Oh yes, the files can smile even in a manner often ironic . This time they were just heavy .Nice meeting cramped backpack , which backs all timul easier, we started along the road. 45 minutes later I was on a mini tail assembly sictir total. Yes , I was fed up , I was feeling lazy and zen . Effectively I moved to incentinitorul , slower than a snail and .And while I get rid of folders, my back felt like someone was shaking. It's a very strange feeling when you're quiet and you feel that nothing can disturb your peace , and next to you is a simmering volcano . I turned to see whence came so much energy . Behind me , the queue type . Cool , why lie now. Brunette, tall, well done. Grab. They move from one foot to the other, increasingly irritated by the number of cases jerk that I had. I wanted to tell him to calm down as we all die died . Why hurry to the destination , right? But sometimes , and I know that it's better to shut up.
As i was saying i love spring so much,the other 3 reasons i love spring are:1.I get to play in the dirt again. Growing up, dirt was probably our favorite plaything. Somewhere along the way, my brother and I fell in love with planting seeds. Now that I'm supposed to be all grown up and mature, I can't just go out and dig in the dirt for no reason. So we buy seeds. And get out grown-up tools. And plant a beautiful garden. But at the end of the day, I'm still happy because I got to play in the dirt.2.Spring Cleaning. It might not be exactly like Spring Break, but I get excited about it. I get excited about hanging laundry out on the line in the sun to freshen up after a long winter. I get excited about throwing open the windows and doors (and not freezing because I did!) and letting in copious amounts of freshness. I like dusting and organizing and getting rid of winter's clutter. The tidiness might not last as long as I wish it did, but it sure feels good anyway.3.One spring day, I fell in love. Yes, it was on a beautifully warm late spring day. A few years later, we made bouquets of spring flowers and I married him. It was the best day of my life, and every year I get to celebrate it with my husband. It just made spring that much better!I love summer and autumn, and I try to love winter. But yes, I love spring best of all.
I love spring. Of all of my favorite seasons, it is my favoritest. Before the air gets warm, the bird songs begin to change and then I is only a matter of time. Some years, it's just more time than others!Like this year. This year winter seemed to dig in, and the cold seemed to grasp even my fairly southern corner of the country with icy fingers for much longer than usual. At least much longer than I wanted it to!When snowflakes fell in mid-March, and I hadn't been able to lose my sweaters since October, I grumbled that I moved as far away from Alaska as I wanted and I still had to look at snow in March. But I kept drinking tea, and picking the daffodils that bloomed in spite of the freezing days. They reminded me that winter can't last forever. And it didn't. Spring, with all of its glory, is always worth the wait. And I love spring. Here are a few reasons why. 1.I put on a pair of Chaco sandals one day, and I didn't want to take them off. Since eventually it gets too cold for sockless feet, and socks and sandals are decidedly a fashion no-no that even an unfashionable girl can wrap her head around, I have to take them off. But the first hint of spring, and they're back on my feet just like that. It makes my feet happy.2.There is nothing so vibrant and alive as new spring leaves. There is nothing quite so cheerful as spring flowers. There is nothing....nothing that sings to me more of our Creator's power to renew than spring. Things that look dead, spring back into life. Brown things turn living green. Flowers bloom again. Everything is made new. And with the spring wind and the songs of birds, I hear it over and over again "See, I AM. I can make things brand new again. Just watch and see what I can do in your life, too!"
The rain could be heard banging on the windows of the cafe where she worked Butere David , and inside was empty ! It was a late afternoon fall and a little unusual for that time the place will be empty! David , a fine boy with Hispanic origins , about 22, had to come to England for a job as a waiter at a cafe ! Now thought he was away two days ago at the stranger who had been drinking his coffee in that place ... " What I would not give him coming along , can manage to steal some even smile ! " Cafe door opens and David leaps ... stranger makes his appearance inbracat a waterproof and sits at a table secluded ! David is quick and goes to his table felt his heart pumping :- Hello! Umm .... why is not it rain ...- Hello ! said the stranger looking at him for the first time David . Yes, it is! Bring a tea please ... order it and putting off waterproof and sweatshirt and leaving to see under the white shirt , strapless , a pair of splendid muscles ! His tanned skin makes you think of sunny beaches , and his face, with a little beard beautifully trimmed , fleshy lips and dark eyes that makes you look at a painting perfectly executed !" Ahh that 's good ! " Think David while removing the man to bring order . Returning tea , thinking about how to make him pick it stumbles and hop ... atriza tea cup on the table, spraying the stranger shirt and pants.- Ohh ... my 'm terribly sorry , try it to apologize and leave quickly to bring some napkins to clean the man . The shirt was stained badly , but the pants were drenched in tea , and David does not hesitate status and quickly delete it . Dabbing easily realizes that his penis touches without any restraint continues to remove ! Something startled the boy 's pants and he insists on buffering in the man's penis !It's ok ! Thanks ! he said rising up and starting to laugh . If I touch his vroiaia Another option you could choose not to scald me !Sorry Sir ! I ... uh ...- Do not worry , it's ok ! I'm gonna go now, I think I was cut of tea! said still laughing , angelic takes sweatshirt and go !David 's angry clumsy remains looking after foreign ...But everything would change ...
All and all it's been a crazy adventure and when I put those knees in front of Stef and start to suck him as I did before and constantly look Sabina , who say he's masturbating hipnotizata.Stef was also very excited that I was watching so and gave way early in his mouth to see Sabina mea.Deschid mouth delicious sperm after a inghit.Imediat after coming fast towards me is put between us and him kissing me craving cock massaged by Stef .Mmmm , what I like to tine.Imi liked you before but now that I saw you sucking dick ... mmmmmm .. I was so excited .. I want to see you fuck him .I adored was very sensual , carnal lust was my incredibila.L I put on all fours on the couch and I introduced my penis burning of nerabdare.In while he fucks Stef , Sabina went on to both and we kiss is made ??goat in front of Stef ordering the to lick pussy .- So lick my pussy fagot , ah what I like the way you fuck , lick me, puts tongue deeper .. ah so that 's good . Give there , do not stop ...On how excited he was not had much to her first orgasm.Dupa who came and began to lick my anus , good lick me was wonderful , I felt like I was moaning limba.Stef penetrate strong liking the role the crazy bitch and I moaned as I gave them languages ??that fata.Incet my ass and inserted a finger slowly fucked me with it until I opened the increasingly louder tare.Ma finger fucked me crazy and urged me to fuck him Stef .
After I finished my second year of college, I decided that I need a holiday away from all that I had known , I wanted to spend another holiday in the country, destination Madrid Spania.Nu I had enough money to live on hotel, but that was not a problem for former girlfriend at the same time , living in Madrid and promised to accommodate me ea.O called Sabina and every time I think about it does not puteamt not remember the hot moments that we spent together.After why we broke up I kept both gandidu Contact us maybe we need to relax in when we learned that staying in cand.Am rent with another doing all the cool Stef.Tin remember how poor he was effeminate boy , his jokes about it being gay , which is ironic since and I 've come to love dick .Arriving in Spain are greeted at the airport by Sabina , who jumps me in his arms and gives me a long kiss on the lips , a small sample of the things that were to follow , adore her fleshy lips . She was a girl of 22 years old , 1.70 m, brown hair to shoulders, legs perfect , a nice ass , firm and delicious big boobs you want to bury your way home fata.In mention some and others and reach appetizing topics .
As i was doing my thing ,i feel so good that i am with someone like him,i wanted to go on and on and feel the thrill of being with him ,i had no man like that until he did not show me much tenderness and consideration. ' Savoir - faire' site that has proven, retention of the delicate , kneeling there with his head shoved my cock half - was something many men would never even dreamed she could ever happen to them . After my ass was common and more and I started it up easily slip his dick still, when he pushed slowly until he came all over me. Self and delicacy of my inner pain away so violent that men usually a highly- feel . Then he began to rhythmically push dick in me . I looked deep into his blue eyes when I took everything in me . Those blue eyes were sparked amazement when he realized how good it is to do with a man.Now Misu was in full control , following and conscious yearning to explore my body as much as you and I devoured his. After he calmed down , for a second time that night , I knew for certain that Misu now come as a roommate , but that became much more: the craftsman fucker campus. And he was mine !
When i do my thing in bed i work extended tongue as I did not see him disappointed once the heat of passion would have subsided . To my delight and surprise , after he collapsed back on the pillow , he said : " I never thought I could be so good with a boy ! Paw I did a few times I 've wandered sleeping girls , but I never dreamed of that. could you ever do this another time ? " Speaking as an innocent boy from the country. "I could always ! " I answered , I climbed up on him and prodding him with a hard fuck sweat and hard stomach . Instead I denounce to the world , he gave me half a chance to show what I can do ; I was not going to let it slip through my fingers such an opportunity . I continued to kiss her sexual education 101, 210 Futaiul and Language 69 . Was a very good student !The highlight of the evening was when I lay on the bed with his ass on his pillow and I have directed huge dick between my buttocks . At the beginning it was not very sure whether to fuck me , but after I pulled a condom dick desire to beat. I told my tube of lubricant to use his body and anointed me thoroughly from my asshole , then put healthy and condom on his dick . Initially it was feared that it hurt , but I started one step at . When my ass was relaxed a little , opening to receive his thick dick , he treated me like an angel , like freezing for a few seconds to give me the time to get used to me .
As i was saying everything went nice and smooth but i had a funny feeling inside because it may after all , a job that will not be repeated , I decided to make him an unforgettable blowjob and implement all the tricks I've known . I licked his cock head , concentrating on supersensitive part of the base. I overwhelmed with many kisses and strong language locale is the " V " at the tip of his cock . I much as I could put in his mouth dick , I let my head feel the heat of his cock in deep throat . With hands I played with his balls and nipples . I kissed him on his belly down to just above his cock and hips. I was busy taking care of that hairless crevice between his buttocks muscular moisturize well be slippery . Cam on this one , his hips began to Cabral , I put a finger in the ass narrow hole and he gladly accepted inside.When I heard the moans of pleasure and I felt his dick in mouth making them into bigger , I withdrew to see the fireworks . His load was huge : a shot up the vault and landed on his chest and face . Charge after charge continue to fly while I quickly wiped his sperm that covered him , feeling his muscles tense rhythmic chest and neck . Always pushing his hips forward, legs tension&'ndu them at every spasm . My finger on his ass was tight and pulled accept inside each " burst " . I felt strong buttocks shutting down and pulling me closer to him though . I was absolutely sure that , at least for now , he was happy .
As i as waiting to react to the heat of my lips and begin to wake him , I gave him the crown slightly tongue that glow enveloping it with gentle heat. I took the head of his cock in her mouth and held him until rose softly , then I pulled out of her mouth and I started to lick below along pulleys , covering it with saliva. As I felt his throat even heartbeat and got dick in the mouth and more and more and more. Her taste was divine and that was his thick cock in my mouth Misu makes my head was dizzy and shaking. When grown dick takes all , barely managed to keep the whole mouth . Wealth that of my roommate must have had about 20 cm . And I got up in my own right , coming out on top with glistening oil . Do not presume to touch , for fear of exploding over Misu he slept .Reacting to my attention silent , Misu 's sleeping thighs began to answer my wet sucking . How slowly sucking it up and down , his hips moved in sync with me as I would be fucked in front at the same pace. He caught little balls crotch , so I put hand under them and we pulled over to not close the action. Whether he felt the warmth of my mouth enveloped his dick hard as concrete or as he liked what keeps chestnuts hand cream , asleep his mind was alerted that something was happening. He let go, waking up , and almost pierced my mouth with his meat pulsations . I could see shock , disgust , surprise , pleasure and confusion on his face in just a few seconds . Luckily for me , the pleasure prevailed . At least have let me finish !
If my roommate was not gay , it would be moved elsewhere and probably would have cried my secret to the world from a roof. Most of the home would have believed me, because I had kept dick to respect the campus in the past three years , and he was the new boy came . Perhaps some still would have seen worse, but at this point in my life I have been able to show my ass in parliament or on national television just so I can have the Misu . The fatal day , when I saw that and put a towel around and heads went , I made ??the plan.That night he went to sleep , and I went to take a shower . Besides the fact that I wanted to be fresh when you make the move , he wanted to sleep in the meantime. My plan was to exploit clap night . About all the guys our age have erections during sleep several times a night , so I hope this will be a good opportunity and natural to start. When I returned from the shower , he breathes slowly and only half a sheet covering his leg. Pula 's almost shining , it was so beautiful ; Stay calm his balls between his legs , looking like that just keeps me from their wealth of cream . I wanted him to sleep deep and wake him fuck alone. I had waited too long . Pula began to be filled and to rise slowly , inch by inch , up from a prone position . Yet it was time to intervene . I wanted to make sure it is customary to sleep with an erection . Not long after , he started to fuck him - soften . I left knees beside him and felt the smell . Almost touching her lips balls , my mouth began to water at the smell of the hidden parts . I raised concern that gorgeous dick up near my lips and just as tender, I started kissing his .
My roommate had golden blond hair on his body was thin and delicate and form a sort of aura of light imperceptible covering her chest and legs . Moisture on the chest from his jogging dark blond fuzz on pectoral muscle revealed two large plates . The two nipples rugged mountains appear as rosacea on this plain. In the belly button , aura dusty blond hair that was beginning to îndeseasca and his curly flocii makes me simply swallowed . Pula 's huge , perfectly proportioned , resting on one foot . Unlike other dicks cut his heel , he 's had the same colored uniform from base to head. And what was the head , had a henchman perfect shape and only one shade darker than the pink sensual nipples. Under the smooth skin of the testicles are two wizards rich chestnut cream , ready to erupt . I figured just as beautiful smoothness of the front of his body and was just back and his ass , but I could not see it without it being made ??to return . Since that time, whether I was awake or asleep not only see him. After a month of torture sexual fantasies with him, but not to approach him , however , I realized that for me there is only one alternative that made ??sense : I had to have it.
His eyes sparkled when he smiled inocently . His hair was blond and often wavy rings , and his body was that of a boy manly sex appeal . Although his way of being, innocent and friendly , it was not itself seductive , this could stop me do not feel like my school dick in his presence. After all , I guess it was the beautiful blue eyes that had conquered me . He had come to the end of the semester a month ago to bring me news that was to be my new roommate. I knew it was o'ncurc this, although I keep secrets hidden by everyone , not jeopardize my future in my career. May occasionally walking through the park or a swimming pool with sauna and that I maintain the image of so-called ' healthy ' , because refrain from making love in favor of the teacher.Misu 's transfer from the University of Bucharest Iasi changed my life but the worst. Soon made ​​out the bushes was not enough ; My occupation base was now doing my paw . Our rooms were small, ie English , no separate study room , think of saving space . The room was a bunk bed , a desk with two seats facing each other, two drawers and a cupboard . The office was placed against the wall opposite the bed , so no matter what part of his state, had all the time in range on the bed . Because it had been the first in the room, obviously I chose the top bunk and the bottom of Misu had left him . Often when trying to study , he returned to running, take off their sweaty clothes and put them to bed. His body seemed mesmerized me . Thinking that maybe it will be a disappointment for me that I will heal this state of trance , I let my eyes again to look at him as we lay in bed , so naked .
As i was saying it was brackish - salt , something like a gelatin. Then he turned to face me and asked for a bit of sperm from him. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and began to rotate , so as to clear all remaining seed in my mouth . We kissed passionately exchanging saliva and remnants of sperm from one mouth to another. I felt like I'm about to ejacuez so Bita put his mouth back on my cock . A sucking all , he left nothing , then he offered me a bit of my own juice .I already knew my taste , as I had done with his sister often exchange juice , I was giving io hers and she mine. However kisses her brother were much better . Boy kissing passionately , feeling he loves me .We were both sweating , I could not breathe . We went in the bathroom to make shower. How our cocks were drained of semen we started again as he was beding over to reach the soap that he intentionally had dropped in a cheeky sexy way. I never had done . While we wash each other , during which sarutampe us wherever we each heard the front door . What to do ?
Bita took my balls in her mouth, sucking them , licking them ... and suddenly , when I got up a little , as I sat in a difficult position , pulled my ass language . I know it's so good to get rimming . My dick was cool . Concrete ! I did not know me. Bita licked my ass and started to penetrate me with his tongue. What language have, as already come in my ass , it felt like I had come up in the stomach , but it was good. With one hand rubbing my dick , I was excited Well, what else . Seeing that Bita not want to leave me unfinished , I told him to undress himself . I think that I can not wait . His dick was already erect . I took it in hand. It was the first dick out of my you trouble.I stretched out on the carpet and took classical position 69 . 's True that I had to mouth pussy but a cock . One high. We started to kiss , to lick big head and almost bluish . Then I took it in his mouth, but with care not to touch the teeth . We both sucking dicks like fools . At one point he cabra . I understood her to let go .I was wondering if you swallow semen or to let me splash on your face. So to make a decision , my mouth was already full of hot sperm . I could not help myself and I tasted it.
Home My girlfriend was just her brother. She had gone out with other girls. I knew you would miss a lot. That - s them. Mad wander through stores and could buy a lot of outfits that , from November bother to give them away.Her brother , Bita , was a year younger than her , so he was 20 , was a star athlete , good for a guy. It was the kind of muscle and so it was a smart guy . We talked about some time, but we got bored . I started teasing us . It is true that I was spending on the neck and some beers , just as it's summer , so Bita started to wonder how his sister fuck , if I gave blowjob ... even if we fucked in the ass . I kind of annoying , so I told him if he wants to know if I gave blowjob to his sister can show him if he stands in its place .Not to have time to mention something, Bita come to me, my tracksuit pants pulled down and take my cock in your mouth. I wanted to jump out of the chair , but the boy caught my buttocks with his hands pushing my dick until his balls in his mouth. Already beginning to arise . The guy was an expert in sucking and licking , so I left ... his mouth. Great sucking , his tongue playfully walks across my cock , at one point started to fuck me with your tongue where it already came out presperma channel . I was distraught .
As i was sayiong the feeling that had little to ejaculate he pulled out of his mouth and he took it in his mouth and then sucked me until I exploded in his mouth and he swallowed it without problems , although not set anything clear from the beginning that I will swallow ... from what I saw , it was very relaxed when he gave her neck and even told me he liked the taste! ...Andrei then I hear :" ahhh I have not enjoyed much sperm as tasty as yours ... I'm glad we met !"Of course I felt obliged and told him to lie on the bed and I got myself back in my mouth and I think even 3 minutes my sperm filled mouth which seemed more I'm more than usual, probably because this age . Another amount of sperm ejaculate a male of 46 years and another one of 28 ! ... So from this point of view I can say that I was in favor . And taste his sperm was even unexpectedly good ... so I say I was lucky .The whole time I was his dick in her mouth ,I stroked his belly , chest , buttocks and I constantly encouraged to give me what the best of him ..." I want to let Andrei give me all of the sperm that you do not want to leave anything - anything longer your wife on tonight , you go weary and drained from me !" Andrew ... and then a young bull bellowing " Come now swallows her as I can , drink it , now it's yours ... aaaahhhhh !" ..." You were wonderful Andrew, your dick was million youth and has spoken , you filled my mouth with your sperm more , you had to swallow in half because otherwise I was drowning !" ...Swallowing comparison with the first taste in 2006, I can not say it was enlightening because then, when I stepped into the world of bisexuality and when I actually got and only oral contact with the sperm of another man, had passed seven years ...However meeting with Andrei ended that night because both of us and we sunasera wives rushed to get dressed and go home ... I was satisfied , empty of sperm and we both had liked what happened because then I May chatting on messenger and we agreed to meet again ...Waiting your comments if you like and if you want to hear and continue , as I was deflowered by Andrew, with magnificent dick 20 cm ! :) ...
Being very craving to fuck me and take me in your mouth , I let myself in knees and started to fuck lick and suck and a dedication wedging me how much I could taste the neck ... andsmell great ... the kneeling position with his dick in mouth excitandu me even more because I like a cocksucker Vade experience that makes the passion for cock and sperm. Things were not really so because since I started my practice my bi side only know six men, who did not do than blow job , or I them, or they to me or each other, only the first of them and swallow io .Perhaps it was the courage and beginners . With each of them I met only once each , only the last , with Andrei , 2 times .Andrew was messed eyes and do not even look down at me ... he was in his own world and I moaned meeting said: " so , let's suck it good , take it all, let's see to where you can stick in the throat as well suck ... ahhh ... no woman sucking me so ... if I remove all the sap of the spinal cord ... you're awesome ! ...Me: and you have a dick Andrei magnificent , I would suck ... I'd like to meet me ... I subscribe to your dick is so good and tasty ... ahhh Andrew, you have big balls full of seeds I can not wait .... to all your milking dick sperm and you drink to the last drop ...
It was as neat as me , cut very short above his cock and balls breeds. I am 46 years old , he's just 28 and with a dick who stood erect and haughty high , even when he took off the boxers . Seeing that there are maximum erection as he let him see how his knees in front of me and I take it in your mouth , suck my dick starting avidly . She love to suck and massage my balls with one hand while masturbating with the other hand , slow and pleasurable ." Ahhh .... so suck me, you get me all the nectar that flows from dick before ejaculation , Belesta it well ! ... So play with balls ... buuuun boy ! " Heard ... and splash made ​​by Andrew, who sucking like the candy ... " Do you like ? ... Ihimmm ... is Good! "Then both high and started to masturbate each other, being face to face until we were both out those colorless liquid drops excitation . And then Andrew did a great deal of exciting , and touched his cock head to my cock head , as our dicks ... we keep kissing each dick in hand and handle them as we duel with pulley ... it was awesome feeling and fluid exchange that we umezisera heads Puli ! ... I could not believe that I do, I find it very erotic image , as two males caress and achieve their erect cocks ...Andrei I look with a moistened finger in saliva throughout rosette and me creating my meal unexpected sensations .She said : " I like your ass dude , you have a rosette only good , you should try it with your dick ... leave me ? "
I was becoming more evident desire to feel a dick in the ass , but anyway, but without condoms , to feel absolutely all the sensations , as we read in dozens of stories or fantasies on websites or bi gay .Interestingly, I really like women but since I had the courage to have oral sex with other men , I opened up more and more desire to try something more , namely anal sex , the passive position .I imagine another man's dick penetrate me , as do those movements come and go as stay stuck to the balls and how then exits and enters again expanding my knob and then as the end of those jets outward male dick hot sperm directly into my ass willing , then as trickle slowly , legs and walk ...So I found Andrew married guy and he inclined bi like me, a serious guy and selective way ... Our first meeting was great because each knew why we were there in that apartment , both of us have feared that we were married and our family did not want unnecessary complications that you call and you can expose wrong when and where you least expect ! ..." Now what ? " Call it ... when we see ourselves in that apartment ." Well let's get naked " she told Andrew, visible as the bottleneck of emotion like me ... we stripped naked and then I saw that Andrew was more endowed than me, I have about 20 cm from the mine, which is 17 cm , but if it was still slightly thinner than mine ... still looks great and I started to drool ...
Cold lubricant to make me totally new sensation for me, excites me to climax , and then his dick warm svacnea impatient and press on my hole virgin made ??me up the wall of happiness .A short and sharp pain made ??me wince and look for a few seconds earlier sensations . Nicu announces she entered the first part , the head , and stopped for a few seconds and then continued to advance . The pain was not that big , slow to get used to and I really like it. Us, and we roamed my body sensations while he continues to put his whole dick in my butt . We all felt when he entered , his big balls hitting mine.Already I felt like the whole time I had that cock in me, and my anus was now enlarged and perfectly molded to curved dick I had in me.He started to pull slightly before again becoming faster.I got the rhythm and I started to give myself ass , contrary to the way that I fucked .I slightly stretched legs , I sat on the belly and I felt sweaty belly and chest stuck with me , I licked her neck and fucked me getting louder.I lay hands , he crane legs and I feel like flying.I stuck his hands in his fleshy cheeks and I talked dirty , I told him to fuck me harder, give me dick to put the whole in me. I told him and I love him . Yeah , what he was doing then with me, and my feelings , even loved him ! I loved to fuck me hard and deep with his big fucking cock.His balls slapped against mine as waves of rocks , and every time I make my move thousands of creeps by corp.I felt I could produce electricity at the time , so I was excited.Suddenly , his cock deeper into me like that again , and jets of hot sperm flooded my whole interior park .I spoke of how it felt dirty and horny for her throbbing dick and balls in me is emptied of liquid that literally made ??me shiver .
Foreplay has lasted minutes on end , do not know how many times I refrained not ejaculate even without actual sex .I started again with a 69 that reminded us of our first oral sex .Only then , in experiencing and those feelings , but I realize how I miss his dick , and how many nights in a row slept with massive erections , thinking about it.The law is impatient and started to suck as insatiable , even if I feel like I'm drowning in it.It smelled good , it was clean , fresh race, and all to myself.Nicu have big balls , I think if there were full , so we took it all in his mouth and sucked appetite , while waiting to receive his hot jets in the mouth .But no! This time he wanted to feel sperm elsewhere. Hmmmm ..... just the thought excites me going to fuck me and would prefer to feel the bottom.I positioned upside down I gave lubricant and said I know what to do .He made a joke about the fact that I have prepared extensively lubricant for this game and all as a joke , I told myself that elsewhere are not so ready , so ask him to be gentle and patient with me.Sitting 4 feet and I felt over my dick placed in my anus , she kissed my neck and I promised to do everything he can to feel good , and then I'll have my share of the same treatment when I come I turn to fuck him .
As i was saying he asked me to leave that aside subictul but open , as in the cafe and especially as they were known around us, and one we could hear .Been 3 weeks until our next move.My parents went to the wedding in Constanta, and the return was over 3 days ago to stay home with Grandma.Although the apartment was open all the time, and we could make out there, I wanted to suggest a meeting , not to rush things .Knowing that usually when one calls me sleep on it, I jumped and I said it and I remain somewhat one three days ... and that can come to me tonight .It came with some chips, beer, and a cake made ??by his mother.I sat in the kitchen with my grandmother, and she knew him , and knew that the best friend of mine , I served the cake , I ate something, and I announced that we pull beer and chips in the room that faces we will look at the match .We put the drink and nibble , he laptop on the net, and I lay in bed on TV.He turned off the light and came over me in bed , kissed me briefly on the lips and asked , "What do tonight, you fool ? "I said wait a second, I closed the laptop and TV and I came back to bed , over him, sitting upside down . I easily bitten ear and I said I wanted to do everything. I want to feel it everywhere and show me how is sex with a boy .Did not take long for new clothes were scattered around the room, and we rubbed each other and bash us all over our bed twisting in all positions , kissing , caressing us all.I think we licked everywhere was wet and sweat and cool room gives us bristly like chicken skin , chills and thrills to have as if we were making love on a huge cube of boots and our bodies emanated a mist that enveloped us both into new and divine sensations .
Me and my friend Nicu had a great night together.The next day we woke up late , sleepy them without much mood to talk . We drank coffee and each went to his house.I thought that now everything will be changed between us , we will be distant, and that I ruined a friendship for years .Although I enjoyed the experience , I regret that I was the one who started it all , and being scared as I blew it , that day I was very sad , I stayed locked in the house and I've been thinking about the feat made ​​, that until called my cell phone and saw that I call the NICU .I was expecting to say that I regret that we are no longer friends, stuff like that , but the joy in his voice and invited to the cafe where I always go , they made ​​back in the condition that I had.We usually saw high school girl in town and we went to the cafe.Everything goes well , we behave as before the day before without discussing our last event.That was until we sat on the terrace , when I asked how I thought that night had passed, and oral sex with him.I was surprised that he had the courage to speak so openly and without regret, and found that for some time and his mind ii tab sex with me, curious as sex with a boy , and especially with a friend like me in trusts .His words gave me the strength to admit that I had the same stuff in my head , even as I am prepared to go ahead with this experience if he wants .Smiling and erection you could see , I have made ​​it clear that he wants it.
He shoved his cock in his pants and went , I waited in the living room sitting on the couch just in his underwear , he said he 's hot but the air conditioning was on , I looked at his underwear and his dick had no instead , It was great .I told him not to dress like anything and he will intapla the second two and gave panties down, I flinched and pulled and sound weird but it was a sound of pleasure, kept saying no, but not myself I wanted to jump on him , he realized that I was excited but I wanted to come to him , I went into the kitchen to get some more cold juice . I wanted it in me, excite me enormously and I took off panties and I went with the juice so empty to him.When I entered he stroked his penis , masturbating easily already I could not breathe because of the excitement , I put the glasses on the table and I sat next to him , I took it in my hand and I told him I let me began to gasp with pleasure , and he took his hand from my dick and stroked me lightly on the balls , I was in the 9th heaven , we continued to masturbate each other to orgasm , I felt it's coming and I clay it in your mouth , filled my mouth and I swallow your sperm it all , I had the orgasm, he kissed me and told me that she missed it. what I did .. and all night , if we get enough of each other .
Some time ago I met with an old school classmate, I always loved is a very open and always playful when we met was his wife , he is 33 and she just like me, I spent a little chat and we broke up . After about 3:00 my phone rang , it was he wanted us to see we're talking , I told him to pass on to me when he has time . After three days he called me , I was still at work and told me that he can pass on to me today , I told him to come after 16 pm and that when I get home and have time to shower .It came exactly four , was in front of the building when we arrived , we were welcomed and I climbed up, I entered the apartment and told him to make convenient, I turned on the air conditioning as it was quite hot and i I quickly brought a glass of juice with ice, I told him to wait for me to go take a shower quickly, while I was in the shower came on me in the bathroom and told me that you really need to pee , I said ok anyway we knew very well , I just made pancakes came and took out dick of his pants and started to do their job , when I saw him I felt a shiver down my spine , he returned looked at me and told me I looked great and that he enjoys watching me ... I said let the bullshit and get out of the bathroom but did not listen , he came near me and told me that wants to taste my that time I had one of the fastest erections .
Friday trip with classmates ... tonight is all in the cabin and a professor says to enter the room ... we sat by 6 in each bed that was about 12 half tonight .. . horror start vb about each one tells ' and finally get to talk about sex and other sleep vb vb that I was awake I and another colleague ... and he begins to say about his girlfriend having sex anal she and etc ... I nodded and asked how it is to have anal sex ... if it's cool or not, and he says it's super exciting to put after much vb I tell if he wants to do anal sex with me , and he said he'd like to have ahead and went to his mother in bed slowly as to not wake the others and went under the covers after he easily mia boxers pulled down mia then put finger on my asshole ... and dupaceia I must feel something warm on my hole was trying to penetrate me ... I grabbed miam iam back and got dick in my hand and guided it into the hole after which slowly came over to me in the ass I had sex after he finished 10min in my ass without nimic.iam say I told you to let me go to the bathroom to wash my ass as I was still with sperm . he said he comes to wash his penis ... I entered makar shower ... no I did not get to wash that came over me and said mia anal sex with me mia was extravagant and said if I want to fuck suck there in dushn and said flatly ... mam put his knees after he came took my head and pulled me back and forth on his dick with her mouth full of semen .. . 've done it from time 1 to about 3 all oral sex in a shower and hot water poured on us ..
I was sitting with mouth open and eyes closed waiting for the "wave " of semen. Two jets of hot and creamy white-yellow fluid filled my mouth and lips , then smaller ones coming from both cocks spraying my cheeks and chin. My ordeal ended when he witnessed the monster out of my cheeks and asked me to sit on his knees , and he starting to rub it in my mouth and started others to rub her back , and I expect the new mouth and a new batch language . It is not late , the most consistent being the witness jet . My whole face was full of " mayonnaise " them as I would have given shaving the beard .I then went to the bathroom thinking that I missed but again the student come there and said :- How about a little beer now ?- Direct from the source said the owner .- It's a little hot but go and witness said .And began to urinate all in your mouth and along my face. Their jets soon filled my golden hair face , neck and chest . After draining me smile began to visibly excited .- How good I felt , said the student . Too bad it 's over.- It was a fucking hell , and the owner said
First we have made every caressing massage and various objects (with a clothes brush , a lipstick ) , then I massaged with hands and anointing with oil on each body. I insisted in the armpit , carefully stroking the nipples , navel , buttocks , feet and toes and left after the eggs between the legs , penis and anus each . Then I finished with tongue and lips , kissing her on the mouth and giving them every language and finally , moving lips and tongue over these areas we first sucked and licked her toes and feet , and testes Assholes . Finally I sucked and licked thoroughly limbs . I licked and sucked the guys limbs with greater delight than when they eat ice cream and enjoy moaning horribly . They had a particularly exotic flavor and witness the wonder that was about 2 times longer and thicker as the others and I enjoyed a long time , though my jaws ached as I held his mouth open to swallow and in mouth do not get than half . Because I prefer sweet smeared with honey, including balls and anus .They did then and they massage your feet first and inspections but feet , massaging my face and then intense testicles and finally massaged me with their penises , especially on the lips and tongue and then in the anal .Now comes the hard part - owner said . Let's see what you have in your ass hole .And try to porting my middle finger into the anus . Anal hole was too small that I did not even get the little finger between my buttocks .
I got dressed and I met her in the bedroom.- Undress boy said owner . I made ??when I was naked all the remaining mask .And began caressing my squeezing my balls and cock then easily , causing me a slight pain in the testicles but exciting .- You sound like " Snow White ," said the witness.Undress 'us ' said the owner of the room and stretched all three huge double bed in the room, covered with a blanket of golden silk . A leather sofa and oval office covered with soft fur also inte4geau golden decor. They were for me and for her torture tools of pleasure .I undressed slowly , giving them panties down with his teeth . The student was weak short and hairy and had short hair and " milling " in the ear after African fashion . He was very young ( I learned that just turned 19 years old) . The owner had thin legs and was better made ??, with a beginning belly . It was all about so short as student but less hairy than it had a thick beard and a tuft of strands woven into the top of the head, which is still a pretty long queue . When we got off panties have sprung some " meat" is not very long but quite thick and vigorous , whose shiny knobs barely comes above " coat " of their feet. Instead witness was a giant of over 2 m , shaved completely bald . And he was given a body oil so that her skin was shining . She had pierced ears, nose and belly (like me) and lots of tattoos one of which represent an exciting elephant head whose trunk was just the penis . Of feet thick and muscular monster springs a " snake " with a knob on top as a shifter .
That Friday we had the last exam of the session long and hard that I took and I felt relieved and form, confidently expecting the other exam at one of the night . I imagined pulling her a Kenyan in mouth and ass in all positions , together with the other two Africans.We have reached all the time for the meeting, the room was decorated and the game can begin .By lot I have been appointed to start the first series of penalties debut prove me happy . I scored in all 10 of the shots he missed the first series and the first percent. So I won the first set . Then I won the second , and now I was sure of victory. But I relaxed in the third set and I lost. He then won the fourth with great emotions and the situation was becoming thrilling . In the fifth set took more shots , one of each. We kicked me first and I scored , then scored himself . I then kicked me and ... bar . In the last kick executed by him, fine, so I made ??the set and the game ends with his victory. Fuck me and now I was in their hand .After Kenyan exult with joy , the owner invited us to his villa room which was near . All was ready for fucking . At first owner invites each separate bathroom . He had four bathrooms so each had the fourth watch for training . I completely shaved , I sprayed , I fragrant and I oiled body all over. I trimmed and made ??my nails and toes with purple nail polish . I trimmed and I gave the ointment pink cheek. I found some white suspenders with pink roses embroidered on the ankle and thigh and also women gloves white embroidered violets . I put chains around his neck, right wrist , waist and left ankle .
For a moment I was stunned by the gall of this African and normally should have indignantly refused this offer, but the thrill atigerii hairy leg or right on my thigh and testicles and " caress " his penis warm on my cheeks made ??me sigh easy to like and accept his proposal . It was a tough session and at the end they were tempted to " try " something exotic.I embrace that dismiss enjoyable hands grabbed me by my buttocks and then burned two hands over them easily .- Nice ass , he said. Do not turn around , we meet Thursday morning from 9 to hotel N for details.Thursday at 9 N. He was in the lobby come in casual attire with shorts and slippers accompanied by two other Africans , dressed as casually as he . After we made the necessary knowledge we put the details of the meeting . One of the blacks was a gym owner on the outskirts , and the other was the witness , who was supposed to attend the meeting. After the details were tuned vrura patron and witness had to know how to get paid for providing the hall , to witness that confrontation , but neither I nor the student did not have enough money for their claims , which to me headpiece is exaggerated. Deadlock come from the owner of the room :- When one of you two who lose pay in " nature ," he said .- Same price and I pay , and the witness said .We all agree with this solution and I set the meeting to take place on a Saturday night starting at 1 when the room was free .
I was in session and I played with a team of African students . We were beaten by a balanced match , but in the end , the keeper defended a penalty phase that ended the game. Boys rushed to leave, but I left the showers to wash . I thought I was last there, but while I was in the shower , the Kenyan who missed penalty came in behind me and began to gently caress my buttocks , and thighs , then his chest , abdomen and finally descending I caught eggs and penis, squeezing them to me easily. Then kissed me and licked my neck.- Do not come back , he whispered continuing to squeeze my testicles and penis. Have some soft oute like apricots. I like and want revenge ! May he said .- What revenge ? I asked confused.- For the penalty that I missed , he whispered into my grasping lips and licking her right ear .- Mean ? I continued puzzled.- I propose a game, 'he said dragging her right foot on my thigh right next to me caressing her heel , while his body sticking my hairy back . I have never seen skin so white and fine , golden or reddish hair is like yours he said burning passion. And no blue eyes so green as yours , and no smooth skin and a body so muscular as yours.- In that lies the game? I asked intrigued .- I want to draw each series of 10 penalties on the set . Win one who emerges victorious in three of five sets.- Agreed , and winner you win, I asked how he felt while drawing with his cock on my buttocks and hot ditch between them.- The loser will pay in the "nature" still whispered in his ear.- Mean ? I asked and more intrigued .- I mean to be taken in the mouth and ass at the winner, he said while her leg curl thigh above my heel touch my testicles through the lascivious movements come and go .
Let's go , we're got a room , get in the room 22 go and see a large room with a large TV , a bed in a big way, then I 'll see how it looks bath , go the bathroom was large with a cabin shower for 3 people , and then when I see how much leaving the bed , naked and with a big dick hanging , dick had no hair , which I enjoy , and let me say how much I sucked , I expect , taking my clothes off , then I 'm naked I went to sit down on the corner of the bed cata and cata comes with his big thick dick to my mouth first wanted to suck him , then I say I expect the first time tio rub a little , then put hand on my dick and started to rub his dick not long after cata was awakened to life , was large and thick as a banana , slowly I put it in your mouth , I just could not take it in the mouth, I then start to lick him head started to suck cocks , ahh what the fuck you how much good ! I know Alex , you like ? Yes normally begin a deeper bag in his mouth , then suddenly takes off his dick cata and cata comes lie on the bed and puts her ass on my face , I began to lick ass and stick my tongue passionately i . .
It was Saturday night , I'm alone in the house in front of the computer , I was looking at some gay xxx movies , when the phone rings .. Hello yes ? A voice thick mature man I meet , good , I have no depe your chat , you know .. And I wanted to know if you're passive ? Yes are passive , why? Here's the problem I saw and liked you , I want to fuck you in the ass , and suck me , ok ? Sir do not even know what your name? Where are you ? Oh I forgot to introduce myself , I am catalin in Satu Mare . Yes catalin and what you want ? Why did you call me ? . Tiam said before, I want to fuck you in the ass and suck me if you go to a hotel. Oh ok , and how old you catalin ? . Let that age does not matter. A fine and you want to see ? Today at 20:00 you ? Yes I can, and where are we going ? Well as I have no place I thought to go to a hotel as you say , well, I do not have money, how much you have ? Yes I have enough to go to a 4 star hotel . Ok I'll see 20 what hotel to hotel dora well I thought , ok I know where it is I'll see you in 20 hotel dora ! I hung clock watch was 6:30 p.m. I have an hour to get ready , I'll take a shower , then get dressed in something casual , I chose to take a short shirt black shorts knee pantolni arrived at 19 : 40, I turn to the hotel was the VRO 15minutes from my house , I arrived at the hotel and in front of the hotel stood a type of VRO 40, have little belly was dressed in shorts, red shirt , I go to him and wonder , catalin you ? Yes is how much , you're not Alex ? Yes Alex , what about alex enter or stay out?
I thought he would swallow, but Bita had another thought . You get a new partner, and put it in position goat. The guy had no job , still sucked . Bita and put his mouth glued to my asshole newcomer saliva and spread all that was in the boy's mouth rosette . With undeget began to rub around the hole rosacea and she was quite " greased " he suddenly summer until the end. Type jump up and escape my dick in your mouth. Then I lie down on the carpet to get that dick mouth youngish - bit small but ... playful , and he can continue to work on my dick, which I was proud , though , I admit, I was jealous of Bita , which was a leader on the length and thickness . While the new " visitors " were sucked host their billy clubs fit the wheel came last . I was not resisted by a little cock head between my lips. Then I left to make the head , especially as I was ready to give out my seed . After I filled the sperm guest who swallowed a insatiable everything started to suck and rub his dick . I wanted to feel a new taste of sperm. Funny, I would not be seen as gay , but I needed to taste sperm.
Bita , my friend's brother who made me pleasant first experience with a guy , he just Dusu , if I may say so , when someone entered the apartment. I for one was scared my girlfriend does not find me . However I was not gay , I liked it and wanted it increasingly more. Because I have yet to get out of the bathroom , I used a stratagem .So to see who came out of the bathroom , Bita has had to bring my shirt and pants , that in our haste we went into the bathroom just in butt naked . Big mistake . I've been waiting , but Bita did not come . What the hell do I do? Let go so empty I could not . Story that I feel does not take a shower , do it at your home. How would someone come to visit you and , at a time to go take a shower ? It would be wrong , right?Eventually I plucked the teeth , I put a towel on me and walked out of the bathroom. Well, great was my surprise when , once in the living room , I found Bita with another boy, a friend of his in full ... activity . This time " guest " candy served by Bita . In fact it was natural to give something to a visitor. If you were beer, drank a whole new , I give you . That PULA ! But the visitor was not angry , sucking intensity of thought as to let the " cumnatelul " without my dick . How towel erea not help me , I took off . Then I locked the front door . I have not wanted to part of a surprise. It was clear that today was part of the " party with boys."Seeing that I was "free" and especially eager facts visitor came to mouth fuck . Type about saliva strong, but it seemed only natural . Bita 's dick was pretty thick , do not leave room to breathe , let alone to get rid of saliva. How is saliva dripping chin , and he was busy with my dick, which began to harden, Bita come and close the mouth of saliva guest .
My last words fell like a sentence ! He finally realized that entered the hands of a master, it was not a fancy gimmick nefutut . It could be the most beautiful dream or worst nightmare ! Everything depends on it! Finally , I released my underpants stinking mouth ! Me sleeping on him with her ??hand rubbing dick young and hardened almost an hour , and with Ceala stroked his belly and balls to soothe and loosen it a bit, to be perfectly relaxed futaiul final . Ecstatic , he began to shake his ass and fucking him semierecta independent . He finally realized that any resistance was futile. I was restrained and had to do what he commanded ! Seasoned professional , sighs of pleasure, was abandoned in my hands expert ! I obliged and I did my devoted slave . Still a victory and a new slave to my dick so hungry mood ! Preparations being completed , I raised him and I went to the main course.I sat in front of him , I started to loop and I brought my cock head right , which come to life !- Bitch desperate ! Skip sausage and lick my balls ! Make them big and thick again , so I can fuck right!Without further comment , hugging me tight cheeks , the boy started licking like a desperate! Dick and my balls have not had much time for so warm and soft tongue . In a few minutes I was back stud .- Bitch , kiss my feet, but here , you get by dick ! Perfect ! You are a good slave ! Now sit your ass next to a sofa and let your head back ! Helmet big mouth and breathe only through your nose .I straddled his chest and put my dick deep into her throat until my balls were off his fleshy lips . The guy started to rattle , choked fucking thick and long, even before giving ass !
He came to me , I had to obey and listen to me ! It was not in a position to order ! He had come to beg dick came to be fucked ! Eventually , he began timidly to inspire easy . Obviously he did for the first time ! In a few seconds she perked up and began greedily inspire . Being first and being still young , for fear of getting hurt , I took the bottle from the nose , although he wanted to inspire protest and more ! After getting refreshed and relaxed I resumed work on or very tight ass , penetrating it with your fingers. When I went to three fingers he started to moan with power. Most power for my taste ! I had neighbors and I feel that they hear moans my young lover. I ordered shut , but nothing! I then fired two hefty slaps back of the head . Nothing, he still moaned . Then I got an idea saving ! Seeing my underwear down , they've got and I corked them in the mouth, although I had worn a few days! The groans were gone and the guy sat quietly accepting the situation. May he moaned , but my underpants made ??noise attenuated . Seeing it , naked and on all fours , with my asshole motherfucker and pantyhose dangling from his mouth , I was excited so much that can withstand without I began to ejaculate violently spraying her face and body my sperm thick and hot.After all I unleashed the tension in the 4 hours of excitement, I knelt down to his ass and I continued to widen the hole. Not that I care about him and that my seed had dried on his body horny desire . Then we went to four fingers to type less arched , whimpering like a baby! Strong start to hurt , especially when I shoved in his ass all five fingers . They started back to her siroiasca tears on the face, mixing with my sperm , but I sat quietly and looked terrified .
My cock is rose and swelled like a cock or canvas apron that was too small I took my hand and I touched the crotch . It was pretty packed for his age early . When I started to rub and knead io , the guystarted to moan , begging me :- I can not stand ! Now ! Nowwww ! Fuck me ! You roooog ! Fuuute me! Taaare ! Strong and stocky !- OK! On all fours ! Show me how you'd love to fuck you ...The guy made ??settling in knees and elbows, ass up, gaping head high , ready to take anywhere. I walked a bit on him , then I started to cuss and insult him to his determninarea test . The guy did not comment at all, sipping on my eyes , as if drugged by my presence . I took off the boxers and stand naked in front of him I started rubbing , pinching my nipples hardened and playing with balls swollen and hairy . Type overwhelmed by what he saw , gave to come to me and I take it sucked , but I categorically forbidden .- Not yet! You must have patience and deserve , insatiable slut !The guy was waiting patiently superexcitat but said nothing . Only occasionally sigh and swallowed a pig easy saliva that filled his mouth , looking at me like I rub busily .- I like the look of my dick, huh ? It's big and loud ! I can crack nuts with it!
As i was saying a minute later , knocking at my door . I opened and sprung down a guy and tender blonde with red cheeks bursting with health , absolutely gorgeous, with curly hair , curly and some gorgeous blue eyes , shining with excitement and desire. I was only in his underwear . My dick was struggling desperately in tight boxers which barely includes . The guy saw immediately turned red and louder, and his forehead was covered with perspiration . I grabbed his hand and pulled him quickly placing a , then I closed the door to lock and I comprised friend by the throat, taking him into the living room . I grabbed his head in my hands and started to kiss those lips as and so sensual scent of fresh mint . It was irresistible and terribly sweet, had stuck to me like a vine and kissing me with passion and desire ! Excitation overwhelmed me and I began almost unconsciously as a savage bite those lips fleshy and tender , and the guy began to moan with pain, but it stuck with me even more ! I was aware that if you keep her in his arms , in the next 10 seconds you ejaculate , so I hug and crawling off of it for me , we sat on the couch.- You like ? You did very well to come to me ! Staying with a hard dick more than three hours , waiting to fuck someone! Mother , mother , what I'll do! Can not wait to fuck you , sweet little bitch !
It was past midnight, and I'm foiam in bed and could not sleep. I was very much excited ! That would be too bad , just that I had stiff than 3 hours as a horny stud who has fucked mares . I was also very warm. I rascuceam in bed ceaceaful crumpling beneath me, but no way to sleep. Whatever I was doing dick all tools that a pole ! Began to hurt so I took off the boxers to leave free of any tight. Nothing, no cold current of air conditioning not subsided ! So I got up and I sat at the computer ... I entered a chat and he knew where I could find fresh meat ...My happiness came quickly , as I entered the chat. A guy with the nickname " Pizdadeumplut " hooked me instantly. We began to converse immediately- Hey man, where are you?- From Bucharest.- Age , more ... Pictures of you ?The guy answered me once that she was 18 , 1,80 m and 68kg , and the picture looks great ! Then he told me he was horny and wanted badly to my stand available soon . Then he said that 's pussy was ready and wide, ready to be fucked ! The Ordinary ! Suspected that his words hurt me so bad exciting fucking . I gave him my cell number and called me back! He had a voice that I shoved in disease worse !- I want to fuck me hard! As a tank, if you are able ! I love big dick , thick and wiry , hard as a rock !Bitch ! I was about to get empty ! He was dying to break it ! I gave him the address and I explained how to reach me. In five minutes I heard the doorbell intercom. I opened the bottom entry telling him :- 1st floor , second door on the right!
As I guessed , to feel him inside me , I felt his lips and tongue seeking to awaken me every inch . Long time - again the appreciation of time is difficult - lips , tongue and his teeth were playing me , creating my undefinable feelings of pleasure . The moment I felt the language patranzandu me deeply as he could into the anus , no longer can resist , I let go, as never fail until then ( without touching my penis in any way ) . He felt that, starting to laugh with satisfaction and play with your hands through my hair . During this game , without warning , I felt him penetrating me suddenly . Followed moments of pleasure that I abandoned the body of which I felt myself going through every penetration. A burning feeling while delicate and discreet pleasure that made me groan and shove my hands in sheet. She reached over me, arms out to me completely , his cock entering in and out of me at a pace and with a force that have not previously thought possible . I felt at one point arms squeezing me like beasts , while his cock enters a final riot , which followed his hot jets of semen. I was then motionless , trapped in his arms .Where are they now ? Near him at Paris.
Did you agree when I asked if I could do what I want with you. Now shut up and suck my dick . " Those were the last words before he started a real fucking throat . Received only short breaks to breathe. My face was all red and full of saliva dripping down his chin . He used my mouth as a simple hole for his pleasure , and I love it. I was beginning to feel like my throat from overload . Just wondering how you will continue to see it suddenly stops and go for a short time , but not before telling me that he wants to find me lying on his stomach on the couch with his ass up. It was hard with hands still tied behind his back but I wish. He returned with a callus on to me pretty quickly attached with a piece of chain that connected the collar and cuffs . I was sitting with ass up, face stuck in the couch and down a little bowlegged . We again. It was not long but it had to hurt again. I felt the first traces left by a belt my ass kicked constantly. Again began to groan in pain as much as allowed me gag in his mouth. I knew futaiul will follow shortly. I felt cold lubricant touches my ass and as soon as a metallic object pentreaza me suddenly colder . After several moves and feel it go come him as he sits on me and fits my ass dick at the entrance . " I'm glad you 've put the gag whore you are, I did not want to hear you neighbors ." And I Pentre brutal start . I took as fuck did not think it would happen .
State in which I was half made ??me to want to run away but the other half loves humiliation that was submitted . So I complied and went after him as receive clear instructions .Although it 's been more than 1-2 minutes until I arrived in the room with him waiting for me already on the couch and watching me go put walking like a dog behind him . I hear again the voice that dominates the room : "Very good . During the night you are my bitch and please do me just as you say eu.Ca an obedient slave . , You wanted to see what it means humility , you will discover tonight this. Now get your pussy faster mation that ass to me. " I got up in his face. I was level with his cock already beginning to notice the pants you wear them . We . I was his bitch . That's what I wanted , right? It did not take more than a few seconds I hear him order me to undress . Quickly give the clothes they had. Meanwhile he is naked. Comes to me and told to sit on his knees with his hands behind his back. I put a pair of handcuffs and a leather collar around his neck . Without any warning started giving me slap increasingly louder. What at first felt as a gentle warmth on the cheeks now starting to hurt a little . I watched with big eyes without saying anything , waiting for the next pair of hands. "You know ... I like to hit my pet need to know who is the master " stops suddenly and in one motion put his dick in my mouth. I felt like running out of air. Trying to move my head and relieve me his dick . He had a sadistic pleasure to see how I'm choking . When I feel I have a bit faint and I let go and I say " Get used to it because that's how I will use you tonight . How does my dick . And to get you something that you comment .
I was about 19 when I started talking with men o. A good piece of time only entered general conversations I want without any specific purpose . Ask , I answer, I asked , answers and that's all . After I discovered that I like many things (at least theoretically ) that I would not have expected this year I dared more. I wanted to meet someone to fuck me bad . I feel as if 10 years ago. To feel again the taste of dick in my mouth greedy this time. I find after a few conversations missed someone who was fine . It was the kind that seemed to hide more and who prefer to see and then to discover what. In the brief conversation that I wore it on mirc and I told him of the accident many years ago . He smiled and immediately said : " So you want to see or not? " . It was so direct . Already feeling that everything will be as you like it and I love this crazy , so I answered short and to the point : " Yes . "He told me the address and time to reach him . It was somewhere around the second night in 20.00.Ajung . Intercom call . I hear a voice without opening . I climb up on the 9th floor . It was dark on the scale . Sun at the door. Open the door and I get command . Already begun emotions . I did not know how it will be . I did not know how or if I will like . Do not get to get better as I get my hands back to back and sticks with me from the wall . One hand was in my hair and pulled my head back and with the other held my hands . I hear : " And , huh bitch , you're a fucking meeting ? " . Surprised still only gets to jam easily and to respond with a yes teeth . I say "perfect" and knocks me down . He tells me to follow him into fours and go to the living room.
One day of summer vacation I was bored at home so k turn on pc to watch porn , look for a site and finally find something interesting eventually . My dick was already cured and I was out of boxers semibelit head out so she does not come down to me uneasy. A little rub and concrete directly eream super excited to see a movie and figure . The film is a fantasy I had and I for some time, a guy sucking a stranger in a public toilet , fuck pleasure and could not while I was watching I got the idea to try it this, though I do not know what was going crazy . I get dressed and go to the subway and go to the railway station toilets where I had heard that they practice so .. (do not know where I got the nerve d ) get on the platform and reach the toilet , get in and pay the fee. Inside were several guys I do neiteresat and get a cab from the end and close the door behind me. It was semi-darkness in the cabin and on the left wall was a hole big enough, while I unbutton my pants and get off my dick hard- off guy in the cab on the left and see that beckon me through the hole in the wall fingers horny eream bad . I pull his pants below my ass out and out and have the impulse to put my dick in that hole to suck me but I do do and then mark them with your fingers to put it, does not last long and I see the hole in the wall out a dick about 18-19 cm with a big head , do not resist, take in hand and watch the lust of it, examine it while belesc and rub slowly and after seeing ke ok I started playing with his cock head tongue from bottom to top , we started ushor then increasingly faster, dick was cool , I stop and start sucking my dick rub my then by May 1 suck less and no longer resisted the type began to ejaculate believe gave 5-6 big splash of sperm and gets its dick in place . Then get courage and put your dick in the hole and I do not know what he did not see but I was aa super after I finished I pulled my pants on and went quickly. It was an enjoyable and exciting experience.
Gentlemen , you see how hard was horny guy! Our Virginutului like to take it to the hole ! Mark, how much do you really like my dick and get crazy as fuck ?- Yeah ! Are available , Paul ! But give me a minute , let me catch my breath !- Immediately baby, but I must first empty the sap ! And because you never did boasted that dick in your mouth , here you have it right now! Helmet big mouth and take it all, to see how good it is!Paul took his dick in his ass Mark, blushed so much rubbing and fucking , then he took off the condom . Meanwhile other forum men picked him up on Mark upright , holding the shoulders and head ! Paul has straddled the middle and has close dick sensual lips reddened and dick's Mark , rubbing them gently . Endulged by circumstances, Mark opened his mouth and immediately billy clubs that came long and hard and filled his mouth . Then Paul grabbed his head tightly with both hands and started pumping it with great force. Mark groaned , but no one knew why, pleasure or pain? Then , almost choked , began to struggle and choke on his own saliva, which trickled between her lips . Paul gave back fiercely , wanting to ejaculate as quickly in the mouth of Mark , before it is incece and choke on it !- Okay , honey , you escaped ! Look, receives and swallows my juice , to see how good it's tasty ! Easy, easy , do not drown , as has my father enough !
As i was saying he insistedOkay, remain , but it will be nice to me! OK , Paul?- Of course , Mark ! Gentlemen, please sit back and " let 's start the show! " Ionut help me get erect as fast , for this gentleman fabulous!I knelt at the feet of Paul and in the admiration of all , I started the sensual and seductive blowjob that I ever did it , spiced with moves copied from latest movies genre that I've seen and experienced with Alin ! Success guaranteed! Applause from the crowd ! After less than 10 minutes Paul 's dick looks like a pale , long and hard, just right for fucking . Most of assistance were as warm and excited !- Thank you, Ionut ! You are a true professional ! Not so , gentlemen ? Mark, it's your turn ! Please wait goat here on the floor next to me !- No more! I razagandit ! I'm going home now!In general protests , Mark was grabbed by other guests and was lying on his back with legs up over your head and the bottom pool, ready to be deflowered . Paul has put a condom over the dick of a little lubricated with saliva, knelt between Mark's thighs widened and suddenly , in a single movement, pierced ass hard. Alex roared like a desperate , struggling to escape from Paul 's dick and hands other guests ! Without success! Men arms pinning him to the ground and long dick and take it Paul piston power, a devilish pace . After a while, Mark 's face , contorted with pain , he began to relax , and his shouts were gradually turned into moans of pleasure . His dick harden and become huge , long and thick as a hair! Glad I was not the one who had to collect from him that night !
They all contained the frenzy and excitement, were soon naked , completely naked staying with .- Gentlemen , as you said Alex , I was the hero of the evening, according to tradition have the right to choose my partner . My partner will be ... will be ...- Come on, do not tease us so !- My partner tonight will be ... Mark ! You know Mark, as much as I wanted to be my daughter !It was milled to face immediately , then started to protest :- Gentlemen , it's not fair! Just know that I'm only all active ! I am totally virgin ! I did not even sucking dick ever ! I get dressed and go!- No! No! The rule is the rule !- My dear Mark , please do not be rude as you exclude from our circle ! said Mr. P. , as host and organizer of the party. You know very well our traditions ! In fact, for all must be a start! Your chance to smile today knows , he added Alex , smiling ironically . All other participants giggled , delighted the election of Paul . Not you sympathized Mark.- You know, Mark, that none of us are no longer virgins ! You were the exception , added Frank , one of the American guests .
Once all the guests arrived , I started to serve snacks and drinks . P. Lord answered and said he was on the guests as party in honor of Paul , who was the hero of the evening , as it was expected to complete his work , even at the end of that week , and will go to the States to continue education . Paul is known and appreciated by guests, they expressed regret that they will not see , but wished him success in college in the U.S. .- Gentlemen, thank you for the feedback and encouragement ! I assure you that I have a reliable replacement , which I hope to continue my work seriously and professionally . Ionut introduce you the new butler in the house.All those men became suddenly curious towards me , assaulting me with requests for food or drink , but in fact, handle me shamelessly , to convince my endowments . Suddenly appeared in front of me Mark, handsome Dutchman , who suddenly grabbed me between the legs and held onto me tightly , tears came to my pain . Then without embarrassment , he put his hand in my pants , touched my buttocks and curious hole, saying aloud :- Are available dude ! Ard dying to fuck you !Located on the other side of the room , Paul watched the whole scene then approaching me, whispered through his teeth :- Do not fret , Ionut ! Put out my dick obsessed jerk ! Let , I 'm needle 's coat ! You see , even tonight! Gentlemen, little attention ! I see everyone ate and drank , I think it's time to move on to fun. Agree ?- Yes ! Yes ! Let the fun begin !- OK , gentlemen ! So everyone naked undressing on ! Including you , Ionut . Let 's get in the room .
Days passed quietly and pleasantly , as if living in a beautiful fairy tale . The only thing that upset me was the departure of Paul . Although I abstained as well , we became friends very much , I loved with all my heart and greatly regret his departure imminent , and he breakup with me. I keep promising that during the summer , when after his return home , return to me , to see you again and enjoy each other. Sweet dreams and delusions , not to be sad !In a Wednesday , in the very last week of work of Paul , the Lord said that on Friday he wanted to organize a farewell party in honor of Paul , which was to be celebrated series . I trained with him , all the necessary party and who served in the evening I was there, Paul was celebrated . This , together with the Lord , received the guests , good friends of you Lord P., all the foreign residents : four British, three American and one Dutch , with about 40 years , except the Dutch , who had in about 30. It looks best , gymnastic and athletic image of Hollywood actor , macho man , unshaven face , the kind of Gerard Butler . Seeing as I stare too long to type as swallowed , Paul approached me and whispered
Three weeks have passed since I was with Paul and Mr. P., but like I was there forever , so well they get accustomed and get integrated into the landscape . I began to take more and more of the duties of Paul , who continues to instruiasaca me , is an excellent teacher . From time to time , free time , contributing to the training and Mr. P. Even without courses in England, it seemed like I could go a skilled and talented butler . The faculty was well , especially as we were in session , and the first exam I passed , but without to be among the frontrunners , as was my boyfriend Alin .With it I could see us, whenever Mr. missing from home for longer . I was in exams and I could not love every day! In addition to this , we had a moral obligation (and pleasure ) than Paul , my mentor , as even at night or morning upon rising , and are available to . And Paul , because he was a lord , do not abuse never once a day being enough. As we count not , that when the Lord is returning "tired " from work , I was one of service, appointed me to " take care " of him and him " relax " .When there were certain moments when sometimes at night before bed , the Lord wanted this with him in the bedroom. From this point of view , we have succeeded to them are extremely pleased the Lord , that I stopped five times in his bed to keep her company until dawn ! Paul appreciated this performance and praised me , though himself probably envy me , not we count that I had to sleep alone without him warm too! However , to be honest to the end , I like to sleep in his arms terribly Paul and let him enjoy me, and I to have part of it.
How the obisnuintza not wearing panties on me this did not take too long ... Mina warm man began to take out my dick while on screen the two men have already switched to something more complex : one of them had already goat while her second jab in the ass a big dick .. the way he moves his ass and the way you gave him second against it seemed to both of them like .. huge ..The images you see on the screen began to make and the effect ... my instinct made ??me move to start myself in the man's hand back and forth .. back and forth ... I willing to let go of what I was gathered in the balls for so long ...The question whispered in his ear a man simply left me without breathing and ...So .. you want more than that?Receive unexpected response from me , who I was doing. Paw . to put in my face in my knees and started to lick my dick .. easy at first just the head .. then slowly along her .. From the way he did see that he knows that his tongue began to handle my balls full of sperm that were filled and painful .. instinct made ??me want to stick my dick deep in his mouth ... to fuck that mouth has started to lick .. my hands went to man's head and made to take my dick in her mouth until his balls , as he began to suck me .. I like it and wanted intzeles , whispers P. ..
One evening I felt in that little " click peretzii " in the house I thought the only way release me from a little boredom is to go to a movie myself .. In the neighborhood where I lived (one from the edge of town ) not much had opened a cinenematograf which hours of the day this movie for all ages and in the evening this film a kind .. more special .. I think that I mean movies intzelegetiporno.Nu that until now I had never seen another like this .. but to see them on the big screen was different than to see their home television or computer screen ....The first thing I saw when I arrived at the cinema was anuntzul Cash tickets :" That evening , gay movies "Following the fact that so far we have not had the opportunity to watch films of this type and how curiosity about me " push back " I decided to go and see what it isNot yet accustomed to the darkness of the room , I leaned against the wall and started to watch thecuriosity about what is happening on the screen .... ( and what little I 've seen " lit a bit) . was I who used to only see movies with sex between men and women .. the sight of the two boys who sucking one dick to another ( Lord, and how great they were ! !) I started to feel the start for me to get it on ! Almost like I could not pull me out and begin to rub me in the dark ... But I suddenly felt in me made " inghetz " the place where I was standing ...: a skilled hand of man deftly pulled me down .. zip pants .. looking to get my dick ..
A strange feeling as if someone is watching me .. made me open my eyes . In my face standing a man about 40 years had taken their dick off and made paw looking at the mine.Doamne ! and what the fuck have ... large vein with a mushroom cap with a hole park invites you to stick your tongue in her headed .. Transparent Liquid Drops and already saw in her. while men are sprawled on his dick them easier to move their hands .... the words I heard coming out of his mouth. they hit a triznet a summer .. Say :Let's suck ! I know you want it ....But ,,,, , shofer ? Do not you say anything ? Were the words that came out of my mouth ....Shofer ? Intrbat me a man . We are both of friends .. He knows that you 're gay , and when you fell asleep when he saw gave me the phone and I gathered on the road long ago laid eyes on you and he planned to "play " the three together ..I really peering out the window I noticed that long bus out of town heading toward a nearby forest .. probably asleep more than I thought .. or else how I felt in the past where I would be had get off ...For brake noise , the bus stopped in a clearing away from the main road .. the thought of what will happen in a few minutes, my dick has started to get up and causing a smile on the man's face ...Mmmm .. I seem to have something in there pants!I do not think it took long (about 5 minutes) until he approached shofer we throw away the clothes he was wearing ,,. And that my face appeared in the eyes .. left me speechless. . : a dick about 20 cm thick that man trouble preparing her or put me in the ass or in the mouth ...- So you want them both to you? Was all I could hear from his mouth .Daaaaaaaaa ..! We want them both at the same time ! Umpletzi me your sperm ! Finally I will fuck two together.( And to prove that I'm not kidding you I gave in turn a dick language )Then let us descend more convenient ... hear words shofer .A blanket made aparitzia " waiting for me " I put it in pozitzia "goat " which I did with pleasure . Man in bus came in my face You give me speaking Greek he wants to suck him .
One night very busy with some work in the office I did not realize how time flew .. staring me in every clock on mine I noticed with astonishment that barely had time to catch the last bus home , quickly Bagindi jacket pocket to buy the magazine on the newsstand dimineatza and yet I had no time to study it in amanuntzire ( I could not afford to do the work, because it was a magazine gay club ) went down to the station where the bus was about to come to take me home .. Being well advanced hour Statz was goala.dindu me some opportunity to get up log enjoying the photos coming bus. and it was what you see in him ... ! guys in different positions , some alone , others in groups .. some dressed only in underwear hardly hid what they had inside (after swelling of face I think all were at least of about 18 cm dick in pants) altzii completely .. naked ! And what mindrete the cocks had to face ! ! If I was a sculptor sons think only like cocks would be statues carved large vein , with some balls filled them get in your mouth and suck it out of them until you realize spermaCred all the pictures from the magazine did not have left me no matter .. my dick started to get up ( I got about 18 cm of " meat " pants ) amenintzind break my zipper ... If I would not have been in bus Statz think I would be pulled it out and I get started doing my paw ..On the bus coming I hardly managed to cover my face with the briefcase bulge in the pants ..Driver's eyes almost made ​​me go in the ground in shame ... lucky that the bus was empty and I could sit in the last bench, close my eyes and dream about what I do .. when I get home ..
The restroom door opened with some force. I immediately pulled my jeans back up over my ass and had to bite my lip to keep from howling. As it was, a horrific little whine escaped my clenched jaw.Didn't it just figure? The one guy who had really caught my eye now caught my eye inspecting the tumor on my butt.He was so lovely. I mean, I was far prettier, but he was more graceful and had this sweet glimmer of innocence to him. He seemed new to flirting or maybe he used to be fat and still couldn't believe men would be interested in him. Maybe he was fresh out of the closet? With his big brown eyes, messy, golden hair, and light caramel skin, he was a svelte little cupcake in desperate need of someone to eat him all up.I'd wanted the job, but now there was a gigantic zit on my ass."There was," I said and waved my hand,"something bothering me."He grinned, taking lovely right on over into cute."Plug too small?"I gasped. "I'll have you know my ass is as tight as a virgin's. Too small." The nerve of him to imply that I was stretched out. I might be twenty-six, but I'd asked a forty-year-old once and he'd assured me only a leather boy, power bottom ever had to worry about getting stretched out. That was most certainly not me.
I made a little humph sound and arranged my already perfect chestnut hair. It really was a shame I had to leave early to tend my anomalous ass since I looked singularly spectacular even with a shamrock painted in green glitter on my cheekbone. It was small, like a beauty mark, and just had my gray-blue eyes so sparkly. Not to mention how my t-shirt proclaiming me an authentic Irish -on my mother's side anyway--did wonderful things to show off my flat stomach and the pecs I'd managed to cultivate in the gym. My nipple rings were deliciously easy to see and had gotten me as much attention as the marvelous cupping action of my new jeans.The cupcake giggled again.I sighed and turned away for the urinals. Might as well do it here as home, both because I didn't want to appear to be running away and because I would have more pressing concerns once I reached my own bathroom. Some clever mirror angling would be required so I could apply medication to the throbbing button on my butt cheek. I nearly groaned as I unzipped my fly and realized I probably ought to check my back and thighs for more zits. They usually arrived with friends.
I knew I was on borrowed time what with standing here baring my lily-white left cheek to the pub's men's room mirror above the sinks, but I just couldn't stop staring. Here was the reason sitting on that barstool had felt so painful.It hadn't been there when I'd showered about an hour ago. Couldn't have been there since I'd scrubbed my ass like any good gay boy would before heading out to hook up. When you were versatile, you planned for both contingencies and my ass had been spotless--literally! I'd looked.Oh this just ruined my entire night. I glared at the huge, red bump preventing me from sitting comfortably. What was I supposed to do, stand all night? Good God. I was vastly too pretty for that. Men offered me their seats at crowded bars all the time. Dance the night away? Hardly. It was a pub, not a club. And I couldn't just show up at Demonique, my regular club, after telling everyone I would spend tonight here being green and Irish in a real pub, thank you very much. They would think I'd caved and come crawling to Demonique just for the chance to see that scum-sucking, man-whoring ex of mine dance his little go-go boy ass off.Since I could never hide this hideous growth from a would-be bedmate, it was, therefore, time to call it a night. For the first time since turning twenty-one and actually being allowed to legally drink green beer and martinis, I would find myself alone and most likely in bed by ten o'clock on Saint Patrick's Day.
I went to art school. Now art school is not like regular college. Tai chi was a required course, we had a circus class taught by a bearded lady, and clothing was optional everywhere but the cafeteria. Similarly, the students there are of a different grain. They're very deep and introspective, really open to experimentation of any kind, and they have weird haircuts. In my case, the first year there was fraught with exploration. I learned a lot about the inner workings of me. I learned how to become "a clean sheet of paper"; I learned how to breathe through my coccyx; I learned that pretty much anyone would have sex with me. This at first I thought was because I was "so talented" or "so creative." Later, of course, I realized I was just easy. So I capitalized on it.Exploring my newfound sexuality, there was, of course, the guy-on-guy action, the crazy threesome with the afros and whips, and the surreal 'shrooms experience where I thought the tree was fondling me but it turned out to be my creepy roommate with calluses on his hands... You get the picture. I developed this (possibly misplaced) sexual pride, based solely on the quantity of penetrations of my tight hole... and not necessarily the quality of the acts therein.
For a long time the thought excites me to meet a mature man , let him do what he wants with me and I suffer to fulfill any fantasy with me , no matter how perverse it may be. A few years ago I met a mature man , with whom I learned to perform oral sex and learned how to take it all in your mouth even slightly rough or very fast . More on this first experience in a different story, now to continue with it.For several months I 've been in various social sites erotica, and talked to many people , but to my surprise it was not easy to find someone that meets all requirements . Looking for someone clean , serious, common sense , discreet , mature and determined .Eventually I landed a guy who said his name was Basil, active and just wants a discreet relationship with someone who is willing to satisfy his needs several times a week. He said he is looking for the partner must be willing to make available his mouth because he wants to meet like .I decided to continue the discussion with Vasi to know us better. He was a 43 year old , divorced , with a little tummy , without much experience , clean and very discreet . After several discussions we've known each other somewhat and we realized that it's very likely we fit great in bed, we decided to see the evening after dark, at around 21 , Bega somewhere , and will then go to his house .
The highlight of the evening was when I lay on the bed with his ass on his pillow and I have directed huge dick between my buttocks . At the beginning it was not very sure whether to fuck me , but after I pulled a condom dick desire to beat. I told him to use my tube body and he anointed me lube my asshole thoroughly , then put on the condom healthy and on his dick . Initially it was feared that it hurt , but I started one step at . When my ass was relaxed a little , opening to receive his thick dick , he treated me like an angel , like freezing for a few seconds to give me the time to get used to me . No man until he did not show me much tenderness and consideration. ' Savoir - faire' site that has proven, retention of the delicate , there knees , his head half cock shoved me - was something many men would never even dreamed she could ever happen to them . After my ass was common and more and I started it up easily slip his dick still, when he pushed slowly until he came all over me. Self and delicacy of my inner pain away so violent that men usually a highly- feel . Then he began to rhythmically push dick in me . I looked deep into his blue eyes when I took everything in me . Those blue eyes were sparked amazement when he realized how good it is to do with a man.
Most of the home would have believed me, because I had kept dick to respect the campus in the past three years , and he was the new guy came . Perhaps some still would have seen worse, but at this point in my life I have been able to show my ass in parliament or on national television just to it can have Misu . The fatal day , when I saw that and put a towel around and heads went , I made ??the plan.That night he went to sleep , and I went to take a shower . Besides the fact that I wanted to be fresh when you make the move , he wanted to sleep in the meantime. My plan was to exploit clap night . About all the guys our age have erections during sleep several times a night , so I hope this will be a good opportunity and natural to start. When I returned from the shower , he breathes slowly and only half a sheet covering his leg. Pula 's almost shining , it was so beautiful ; balls sat quietly between his legs , looking like that just keeps me from their wealth of cream . I wanted him to sleep deep and wake him fuck alone. I had waited too long . Pula began to be filled and to rise slowly , inch by inch , up from a prone position . Yet it was time to intervene . I wanted to make sure it is customary to sleep with an erection . Not long after , he started to fuck him - soften . I left knees beside him and felt the smell . Almost touching her lips balls , my mouth started to water the smell its hidden parts . I raised concern that gorgeous dick up near my lips and just as tender, I started kissing his .
Golden blond hair on his body was thin and delicate and form a sort of aura of light imperceptible covering her chest and legs . Moisture on the chest from his jogging dark blond fuzz on pectoral muscle revealed two large plates . The two nipples rugged mountains appear as rosacea on this plain. In the belly button , aura that dusty blond hair began to îndeseasca and his curly flocii makes me simply swallowed . Pula 's huge , perfectly proportioned , resting on one foot . Unlike other dicks cut his heel , he 's had the same colored uniform from base to head. And what was the head , had a henchman perfect shape and only one shade darker than the pink sensual nipples. Under the smooth skin of the testicles are two wizards rich chestnut cream , ready to erupt . I figured just as beautiful smoothness of the front of his body and was just back and his ass , but I could not see it without it being made ??to return . Since that time, whether I was awake or asleep not only see him. After a month of torture sexual fantasies with him, but not to approach him , however , I realized that for me there is only one alternative that made ??sense : I had to have it. If he was not gay , it would be moved elsewhere and probably would have cried my secret to the world from a roof.
His eyes sparkled when he smiled. His hair was blond and often wavy rings , and his body was that of a boy manly sex appeal . Although his way of being, innocent and friendly , it was not itself seductive , this could stop me do not feel like my school dick in his presence. After all , I guess it was the beautiful blue eyes that had conquered me . He had come to the end of the semester a month ago to bring me news that was to be my new roommate. I knew it was a mess this, although I keep secrets hidden by everyone , not jeopardize my future in my career. May occasionally walking through the park or a swimming pool with sauna and that I maintain the image of so-called ' healthy ' , because refrain from making love in favor of the teacher.Misu 's transfer from the University of Bucharest Iasi changed my life but the worst. Soon made ??out the bushes was not enough , my basic occupation was now doing my paw . Our rooms were small, ie English , no separate study room , think of saving space . The room was a bunk bed , a desk with two seats facing each other, two drawers and a cupboard . The office was placed against the wall opposite the bed , so no matter what part of his state, had all the time in range on the bed . Because it had been the first in the room, obviously I chose the top bunk and the bottom of Misu had left him . Often when trying to study , he returned to running, take off their sweaty clothes and put them to bed. His body seemed mesmerized me . Thinking that maybe it will be a disappointment for me that I will heal this state of trance , I let my eyes again to look at him as we lay in bed , so naked .
To finish was i was telling you she said fuck me i need it badly. I catch the hips and his cock head start to enter me. I get stronger hips and put his dick in my hole all hot . I feel all of his manhood inside me. I feel pain and pleasure at the same time . I want to be fucked like a whore . I start reciprocating and sliding up and down on his cock . Gem and I feel my anus as his dick fits in every pumping. My dick my dick is at maximum and swings up and down while fucking me , making me feel better. His big balls are hitting my pleasure and I 'm going crazy . Jump on him and I feel ecstatic anus as it contracts and expands on his cock .He's all sweaty and fucks me harder and harder . At one point I turned and I wake up with him on top of me , I face down the sheet , and he back pompandu my cheeks . Put all over me , big and sweaty . Ing catch me and get my ass rhythmically .- How do you like the little bitch ?I blow my neck and lick my ear. I come with more powerful moves in the bum . Gem and I feel that I lose consciousness of pleasure .I do not know how long this act , could be minutes or hours, but our bodies were in perfect tandem . I fucked in the ass like nothing I 've ever fucked .At one point rise on me and put me in his top 69 . He's tired and just wants it over with her ??mouth . She grabs the dick in your hand and start to suck him crazy . You suck as if my life depended on it.Starts to moan loud and I feel his dick vibrating in my mouth. Not running hot sperm flood , and then another and another. Fill my mouth with his delicious sperm while he rubbed and squeezed her dick last jet .Swallow it all and smiled .- You fucking awesome.My legs trembled and I can barely get dressed for excitement and satisfaction at the same time .Sometimes I think the game now and I imagine that 's thick dick in my hot hole .
I told him open your mouth and let him slip through my lips. It tastes so good and it's hot. I feel I grow up. Gem like a whore from pleasure and starts to suck him with lust . Gem and suck it faster and faster swirling my tongue around his glans .- Do you like dick little bitch .In response jam pleasure.Place bed .- Come here you little bitchI put on him a 69 and begin to suck each other with lust . His huge hard dick and fills my mouth . You suck with a crazy appetite . His fingers wander through the hole and I give my lubricant. I slowly put a finger to bum each pregatii my dick 's great . His fingers go faster and faster in me, one , then two , then three . I get the pieces and put his tongue deep into my hole .Ard pleasure. I feel my ass pulsating and wants his dick get deep in it. Gem like a whore . May take a little lube and give me the hole , then down to the butt in his cock right to expect their reward. She rub a little dick between my cheeks like a bitch to strip , then match them head cock in my hole .
Missed a cock inside me for so long. Already my butt moaned after a good fuck . I felt like I was between a man burning desire in me and pumping me .I had no patience . Get on chat and I write to meet him, so I regularly give me the portion of dick .- I want to be your little bitch , I wrote , I dominate and penetrate me , sweating over me.- Come to me , I write without any explanationI go to the mirror and take off my panties . My ass was shaved and ready to be fucked . I get dressed and start towards him.I open the door . It was summer and it was only in panties and T-shirt. We sit at the stories and a beer , to get comfortable . Meanwhile, I give myself down shirt and pants . I see how the stiff dick through panties and I start craving crazy.I put in front of him , he was sitting on a chair and rubbing her thighs . He smiled and go hands toward his underwear . I give below. His penis was not yet up, but was eager to get fuck in all holes . I take another look at him and smile . Her legs around his neck and take me closer to the mouth of his dick . I close my eyes and start to kiss him tenderly and skin smelled pulleys . His cock comes to life .
Arriving home begin to fix a little there, preparing something to eat for two , of course , and we wait. After you get invited him to the table, eat and then I said I was going to take a shower and you put a movie outTry a 69, giving him increasingly harder in the ass while sucking io .The door was ajar little , but enough to look inside . I saw Joe sat on the bed and in front of one of the crew , I think I'll call Alex if you got it right . I cracked the door a little curious to see exactly what they do, and I had a little shock. I feel like he comes to give her and go out of my mouth , I learned not to the taste of semen. Although more and I knew something I was not entirely on the mysteries of sex with a man. Since no one had found , in fact I have not accepted anyone fuck me , considering that , yes it is, to be the one ' that is worth !After 69 I started to kiss and masturbate each other. The first was he who gave way ... sperm galore ! Then I followed it, ejaculating on his belly ! It was a much awaited match and lasting , both I and Alex having a potency pretty good
He turned to me and put his hand over my dick fixed that normally prick . Seeing this tense me to make him feel like I'm awake and I like it , to which he gives his fingers slightly like a caress me ... and only that!Horny maximum put a hand on his arm and one over his dick and giving him easy mangaidul while the hips, his hand rubbing my dick !So ..... I get easily react dick through my pants and started to rub . I do the same! Open your eyes and look at us a few seconds ... I break the silence and say to him in a whisper :- I do not know when that time wait ... I want ... let me show you what I know I do !And I kiss her bag slightly tongue in your mouth and full lips kiss , I dreamed so they know to taste. We take our arms and we kissed with fire , I stand over and giving his fucking ass easily . I felt it .... strong and perfect ! Without them we stop kissing dick out and start rubbing it .... was hot and extremely soft ! They start to kiss him on the chest and everywhere .. down .... until dick . kiss him lightly on the head, then taking it in mouth ... taste great! I begin to fuck passionately sucking pressing your finger into the anus entrance . I felt as shudders of pleasure, I could hear him moaning easy .... Then I get up and kiss him , pulling him over . Start awkward kiss on the breast, nipples and then down towards my dick that was about to explode ! He takes his mouth slightly shy .... and start tasting ! Liked , so start becoming more passionate . Learn job ....!
Arriving home begin to fix a little there, preparing something to eat for two , of course , and we wait. After you get invited him to the table, eat and then I said I was going to take a shower and you put a movie out . Meanwhile he give his shirt off , they say it was too hot , and sits at the computer . When I went out of me and I just boxers .. seeing his finely sculpted muscles and skin so brown and smooth , something ignited in me! I could not touch him , to kiss him with fire and tell how much you want me. My penis felt that too and crazy ... but before Alex came back to see me and I pulled a pair of shorts, but staying naked . After we watched the film I said that to me about sleep ... and he approved me . As you can sleep in the same bed with him , I say sleep with my bedroom to talk until we fall asleep . He agreed !At some time after we put the bed there was silence and they say we wanted to Dormin . I was not taking any form sleep , thinking how to make it sparked my courage . Please wait wait , as I fell asleep and I come back and take him in my arms . He takes my hand and squeezes his chest .... " I like " thinking !After some time I face up and wait to see if he do something. And he did !
Opportunity arose , so now is the time to act ! That's what I said when I left to live alone. When I suggested to Alex , whom I have a huge crush to come and sleep with me on the pretext that I bore myself. I knew him a long time , was the first that I have attached in this new neighborhood that I moved . Being a male type guy , dark and very athletic attracted me in every way , but I never had the guts to do something unusual to not give the suspect and do not blow our cover boy Sharman , totally str8 I had the newcomer . The girls swarmed around me but I always treat them with indifference and I think that they drew louder. Finally I do not give combined with one suspect , I spent about five months after I did it give me shoes , so finding my reason to be left alone on the ground that suffer , I a break! And it worked for a while.After I decided to make them an invitation and I made a plan , I went to give a round the block to see if the gang find that he was all the time. After a few minutes I see , they were all gathered to gossip conquests we have made etc. . He was not the type to show off , combined with a girl less than him when he was about 18 years old , and from what I hear, even after three years of relationship as fututo had not because she was a virgin. That gave me a bit of thought , and eyes that I sometimes throw them in the ass hotties that I had ( and still have it ) . Anyway ... I get there and I greet you all and stay an hour waiting to break the gang to stay just me el.Si came and time !
The door was ajar little , but enough to look inside . I saw Joe sat on the bed and in front of one of the crew , I think I'll call Alex if you got it right . I cracked the door a little curious to see exactly what they do, and I had a little shock. Joe rubbed his cock through my pants ! I saw him open the zipper, pulls his pants and underwear down , freeing hardened sex ... approached , pulled out the tongue and began to lick shy red and swollen head , then took it into his mouth and began to suck on started slowly, with gentle movements . Occasionally it out of his mouth , licking the entire length , descending slightly to the balls, and then back to the top and sucking . The contrast between the black skin of Joe and white cock partner who disappear in the mouth hungry , have something electrifying deeply erotic .I watched almost mesmerized scene . I did not know what to think .. I was a bit confused .. but I kept watching ... and as a shiver of excitement watching over me . Soon we had a splendid erection . Joe now sucking a faster pace , at a time partner put his hand on his head and took control .. began to move back and forth in the mouth welcoming and warm . I pulled his cock out of his pants and started to masturbate , trying to do as little ( or no ) noise.
In the morning, we awoke fresh and went on deck. The captain presented the 10 crew members in an approximate English . All men of great experience , except Joe 's apprentice -mus , who was our age , black as ebony , with a smile always on his face and immaculate teeth . Probably black nights was very easy to identify. If smiling . We quickly became friends with him , and I pulled on the destination language . How were women ? What there was alcohol ?In the afternoon, I noticed a disturbing accumulation of dark clouds, Taman in the direction we were going.No problem , Joe explained , it will be a storm, nothing spectacular . We went back into the cabin , and began to play cards , to pass the time more quickly. As you could see out the window , I caught up seemed dark clouds , and at one point started to tune and lightning . We swing for good , and at one point I got sick , despite the miracle pill . I crawled to the bathroom , where I said goodbye to lunch and some dinner . On the way back , I saw a thread of light from a neighboring booth , and a whisper caught my attention.
After passing craze boarding , we have installed in the cabin. I started to unpack ." I'm going to do a shower , if possible in tiny thing in captaul aisle ... Cosmin informed us with a robe and a towel in my arms ."" I'm next! I said "Cosmin went to shower, we have arranged strictly necessary in the little space in the cabin . After 10 minutes he appeared , with the robe on him. Very natural and gave the robe down and started to dress under our noses . I had seen naked , but not all . I was surprised on with interest , almost staring at the body slim and beautiful, and especially the penis and balls hair with care. It looked pretty big , and I wondered how big it erect. I turned my head ashamed of such a plan , just enough to see that and looked fascinated Catalin unlike Adi who seemed indifferent. Feeling like we look , Cosmin and took it in hand and made some moves to masturbation , commenting :" I can not wait to get acquainted with all those chicks on the cruise , to have some fun ."We laughed and we with him , allegedly . I was envious but sexy body , and when he rubbed it in our face , I felt a strange desire to get your hands on that beautiful cock .To see that they are not embarrassed , I got up quickly and went to shower, a little confused by what you feel .The bathroom was small and squirming , but clean and the water was warm . Surprise surprise. I had a shower and then I went back into the cabin , and we proceeded as Cosmin . Less self-praise , which we all know does not smell right . I had carefully studied my friends , but I pretended matter . Adi and followed us Catalin example . We Bullion wrapped in his bed and tried to sleep . The boat was large enough to not swing too hard, but I used the seasick pills before that surprisingly have made the effect . I fell asleep almost immediately.
Finally we boarded , we made comfortable throughout the flight and I endured patiently , chatting cheerfully tattle from appreciation of the indigenous frmusetile expected and with legs apart and already wet cunt , the arrival of tourists great as us what will mancan there and how it will be on the cruise. At one time I slept all , when we woke up we had half an hour to the final destination .Step by step , I went through all the stages specific journey begins . First we wandered the airport and managed to get into an area where maintenance was done to the electrical system . Where we left off , by guards who explained to us that we are the first tourists in the past three years who have managed this feat . Kindly and smiling inwardly probably have led us out of the enclosure, the taxi station . There we boarded the destined port, where we spun the pier an hour spectacular looking boat that would take us to the final destination . Probably the that having those expectations , I have gone 3 times near the famous Mary , a not very large tonnage vessel , whose captain in an English whip , blamed us I'm late , and led us hope cabin Our . A tiny room with four bunk beds . Bath to Captiva culoarlui , shared . Luckily there were about 10 rooms in all, we like and crew. Otherwise , the ship carrying food - stuff and goods - to not know what island we could not locate our map (too brief , had a scale of 1:100 or something likely to occur because of the island ) and will then reach the destination boarding the Caribbean Princess cruise .
It was to take a boat in the Bahamas , and walk the island in the island, two weeks in the Caribbean splendor .The only drawback was that we found cheap flights direct to the port of embarkation . So I got tickets pentruo intermediate destination on the coast of America, and from there was to take a mixed race transport - passengers / goods , as we found another , to the final destination , and there we embark . Plane leave tomorrow , so we met in May to put the country on track , and we reached a well-known bar in our town , where we indulged merrily drunken activities .The party broke at around 23 , given the plane leaving at 9:00 , so after morning awakening . I got home, bags were prepared by the afternoon. We did a last check and I put to sleep . I closed my eyes and I thought of the next period, the travel opportunities .. can cling to something there .. although topic completely beyond me four years of high school. I thought Mihaela , to which I was in love and systematically ignored me for 4 years ... of its forms, small round breasts , butt sexy , skinny pants in gym class. Of course from here to a small erection was only a small step ... I pulled his cock hardened, I took it in hand and started to masturbate slowly Mihaela image in mind. I undressed her exuberant in my imagination , I admired his sexy body ... lying on my bed , legs wide open , pulled me towards her , kissed me on the neck .. lips ... our tongues were found ... it have caressed my cock slipped ... wet tunnel ... I started to fuck her easy ... then faster, deeper with every move ... and after a few minutes we're in hot cunt ... I woke up suddenly in reverie , full of sperm on his hand and stomach . I got under the bed " towel secret" (or at least secret in my imagination ) , I wiped and fell asleep smiling happily .The next day I woke up with night head. Everyone hectic , final preparations , we got in the car and went to the airport. We arrived penultimii only Cosmin and his parents were able to delay longer. Followed moments of parting , kisses , tears wet eyes , as if out all month.
As we were talking we got more into it and i had a boner like you have in the morning when you wake up ,the morning wood hehe:- Well go to the beach , we can see a show in the evening go to a club and find a girl and have fun , but I need the pussy and not only you , smile and my peek.- I can not wait to see you and a girl , but Stef is not coming with us?- Honey , it's kind of fun .How so ?- Well ... do not tell anyone when you go home, but Stef is bisexual , I have not seen much of a face, so I do not know if he loved .Hearing that I was excited bitchin , I could not believe my luck , I had to sleep with the sexiest girl in the world and I and the chance to seduce Stef , a handsome boy of my size , skinny as a model of the day azi.Deabia expect to really start my vacation.The first day I did not much, just talked with the two, I summarized the past 3 years since we 've seen , I drank some wine , I flirted with both , Sabina thought my advances towards Stef was a gluma.A day I wake up at about 12 , I see Sabina equipped for a run , just had to maintain that body of goddess .- Honey I'm going on a jog , see you in a couple hours , go to the beach after I left home alone with Stef bronzez.Vei but after I get back to fuck me good, so you have energy eats me kiss and go.Stef was in the shower, I dared not go over it , just did not want to scare him , so I went in the room lui.Am found some gay magazines , so I made ??myself and waited to be caught . entered the room with a towel from the waist obviously shocked that I was in his room looking at a magazine hardcore gay sex , which belonged .- So boy do not you like men ? Long I call him smiling
After I finished my second year of college, I decided that I need a holiday away from all that I had known , I wanted to spend another holiday in the country, destination Madrid Spania.Nu I had enough money to live on hotel, but that was not a problem for a former high school classmate and former girlfriend at the same time , living in Madrid and promised to accommodate me ea.O called Sabina and every time I think about it does not puteamt not remember the hot moments that we spent together.After why we broke up I kept both gandidu Contact us maybe we need to relax in when we learned that staying in cand.Am rent with another went to high school , doing all the cool Stef.Tin remember how poor he was effeminate boy , his jokes about it being gay , which is ironic since and I 've come to love dick .Arriving in Spain are greeted at the airport by Sabina , who jumps me in his arms and gives me a long kiss on the lips , a small sample of the things that were to follow , adore her fleshy lips . She was a girl of 22 years old , 1.70 m, brown hair to shoulders, legs perfect , a nice ass , firm and delicious big boobs you want to bury your way home fata.In mention some and others and reach appetizing topics .- How you doing here among Spanish ? Have a friend or friends ? Meet you guys here or you miss the Romans ? Laugh heartily- The guys do , but I really miss home , but now you're here long enough to get satisfaci.Tie as you go on home? Did you fuck ? Sar girls on? ( Did not know that I became bisexual ) .- I got it , I can not complain , but tell me what you have done here?
He called his brother and said that the restaurant is an event that will last up to in the morning , and his boss has prepared a room there, where to rest as desired. Excellent lie! I do not care , I was to him the night there and hope for much more than that .The idea that we spend the night with me , I told him it could be done comfortably , has available what he wants , and can do a bath or a shower .He went to a shower , and came out the bathroom in a minute , saying that I forgot to give him a clean towel . Right ! My mistake . But .... Alex out of the bathroom completely naked and without shame scratching his balls in my face, and I rather watch after a towel in the hall closet , shocked stared at his dick . Realizing I'm a little embarrassed , or tense , he charge for excuses as it came , Darr he's not at all shy , and both are also great guys . No problem! Agreed ... just .... I was shocked that you came so .... you know .... I'm used to living alone ... and you took me by surprise , that I did not expect . So I managed to say and found a towel that you expect , continuing to play with the dick in my face.20 minutes, as he stood in the bathroom , I had more rise and dick harder than ever , I felt that jeans will soon crack on me , and I quickly went down to give him . We met in the hallway , I'm entering the bedroom , he coming out of the bathroom , and jap ! I wake up with a slap on the ass and I hear Alex : Nebununle , you fucking little shocked !Do not say a word ... go into the bedroom to get my shifts, and I 'm ready to go and after shower .
Meanwhile I got home, we made comfortable and warm drooping both of us , and if we melted into the soft couch living . I suddenly remembered that I'm home , I have called 'honor' , and had treated the boyars , so I suddenly returning laziness that engulfed me , get up , put some music on the player, and intend to serve hot coffee . I brought some sweets, like it was a perfect morning for proper breakfast in style this ...I was becoming both more relaxed , as if we knew forever , talk very openly , joking and we had a great time together. I realized that the guy I really like , and what I enjoy more, was the fact that he looked distinguished in my company, and seemed to like me , even me touching gestures you make , I put a friendly hand on leg or shoulders, without exaggerating , but enough to make me realize that there were two good friends, and maybe more ... we were approaching increasingly more.Wanting to be more relaxed and have decided to break out a bottle of rum , Bacardi and Coke to serve , but he said he was leaving soon , and did not really want to go home a little dizzy and smelling alcohol cause another scandal with his brotherBut I found a solution : do not work either tomorrow , you can sleep here ! There's absolutely no problem or trouble ! The living room and sofa bed are yours !
At one point I even had the impression that stare at my dick, and she wants me to see it, to show me the fix there watching me . I 've done the game and I challenge of exactly the same.Easy, easy , I could tell about his orientation , but had to make sure he likes boys before making a misstep and ruin everything.On my way home , I wondered if living alone, the idea of ??not bothering anyone, or do not feel stupid . I said I live alone, and started asking very curious, but like with a purpose , as a boy like me, my age , with good service , the apartment is not married , and has a girlfriend . Thinking that now is the time to give him some details , and draw some conclusions , I said that women and marrying are my last priority , I'm not a guy just family , to be held accountable for his wife, etc, and I focus on the job , the entertainment , holidays , clubs, there are other stuff that you can spend money, but not makeup , Pampers , wipes , female jewelry and stuff . : DHe laughed at everything I said and said that is of the same opinion , and that if they could organize his life as he wants, would not marry again.I got some courage and continued discussion on the same subject , telling him that because of this, and the desire to postpone the serious relationship with a woman, avoid to make friends of the opposite sex , or spend too much time around them.
Interrupting our conversation , announcement informed me that the next train station is where I get off . I said and he said he will drop everything there was to take the subway even further in the same direction.Descend to the station and tells me do not get along with his brother and sister , who is working hard to return home every night , and I know it will still remain in the city , close to the center, the walk and if , somehow, want to accompany him , possibly even a cup of coffee together , because he has no friends or acquaintances as I enjoy met .Although fatigue and cold tell me to go home ... and invitations type of challenged me to take other decisions , so we are accepted without much thought , and here we are coming out of the station and on foot to the center.Wind was blowing pretty cool, and suddenly I thought how nice it would be in my apartment warm couch , doing anything else on the street, in the cold.I told him about my idea and making it not seem moved invitation , I said it was more comfortable to me as we have coffee, juice or whatever we want to serve , even to concoct some food or to order what we like .Hurry up , and the wind pushed back , go back to the subway and go to the area where they live.In the 9 stations as I went , we discussed various topics , but I could not help noticing that this time we both watched with interest , without being embarrassed , and if by stealth , look we flew through intimate parts , even if both private and realize where you interest.
I get the phone out of his pocket , looking at recent calls , and find the number of a coworker who was on medical leave . Call, and we salute properly, and observe with interest the reaction of my travel partner . Like face brightened suddenly looked at me with great interest and I analyze every word , like abrosbind discussion .The rest of the discussion is less exciting , speedy recovery , blah blah blah.I could not even get my phone in my pocket and I hear her voice : " Hi , I'm Alex . I apologize if I mind that simply unheeded . "His voice was a teenager in training , a little hoarse , but with a pleasant tone to your hearing.I said I do not do anything , I introduced myself and we continued the discussion with questions like what we do Berlin, where we live , how long we are here , etc. .I do not like to brag , nor to talk about my occupations , so I was a little reserved in detail , instead I learned recently that he is come , he lives with his brother and sister , and working a few hours per day to help cook in a restaurant, and search and nothing to work for the rest of time.Beautiful words seemed educated , had somehow made ??sense and liked from the first minutes after we met . Made me suddenly realize that I wanted to know him better, and spend some time in his company , especially as he was a guy my liking .
When she sat back in her chair , he drew attention to his chest, without little hair, olive skin and smooth , flawless . He wore a white shirt , unbuttoned the first two buttons, so it was easy to note his athletic body .Without realizing it may seem that you are gone , and admire all the body parts we measure from head to toe , and without want I stopped looking at the prominence that was easily spotted , between his legs . Then I realized that I looked into your eyes, fixed in time.I felt a little embarrassed and sooner , I made ??concerned the mobile phone.As a small aside, I suspect that those who have traveled or live in different countries , sometimes you guess, when you see someone on the street , that would be fellow countryman . Some people are easily identifiable , or at least I very often notice that some people are in Romania , by the shape of facial features , but usually do not know .... I'm not mistaken you have such suspicions .Well, that feeling I had in that time, analyzing it on the guy in front of me , which seemed to have more than 20 years.I was burning curiosity to know if I'm right, and I was not hard to think how to do this.It occurred to me to call someone to talk in Romanian , and I see the reaction.It was clear that I realize if I could understand or not talking .
I live in Berlin for some time, and I work for a company that has offices Pentro few tens of kilometers from the city , a smaller city , half an hour away by train.In one day, Friday , every time the train station waiting quietly . It arrived in a few minutes, and Freeze tired and cold as I was , I found a comfortable place in the window near the heat source is , hanging clothes, I almost fell asleep.A few minutes after departure , the train stops already in the next station , the train station , and observe a confused guy who did not know that that car door and enter .She seemed dressed simply, wearing a jacket thin enough for the few minus degrees outside, and a pair of jeans. I watched a few seconds, until our eyes crossed somehow looks up and then I quickly look to your phone, it does not seem that it looked somehow shifted strongly .He boarded the train compartment door near where I was , and here it up a few feet from me.I had the suspicion that he sits nearby, but no sencunda I thought it would take place right in my face to the window , but it did .He took off his jacket , at which I could admire naughty little butt in blue jeans you wear thin , and he picked her over carefully .
my friend was sitting on the couch and rubbed her looking at us. ' Y | grabbed the hands of neck and pushed my dick getting harder in her mouth. Being quite large, barely managed to contain all but we managed , to my joy and type . Type " Y" with your left hand holding my hair in one hand and the cock drove right out of my mouth and I blew her face. It was super ! At one point , she came near me and not my friend turned his head without waking me when I realize . with his dick in his mouth. I fucked two hands and Apio said : " Suck it bitch, you like dick ! " . I was getting more excited and feel that they get enough dick ! Were high in both legs and beat me across the face with pulley trying to sell me both once in the mouth . Type " Y " was lying on the bed , and my friend pushed me over it and told me to suck it next. Goat sitting position and sucking it when I woke up stroked his ass and then hit with a whip kind of smaller size . He asked : " What bitch , do not you like ? Fuck you tonight as we want ." I never got to answer that grabbed my hair and pulled my head up saying to me : "I want to stick my dick between your cheeks ! " He led a cream that anointed me and then he smeared over condom.
During summer vacantza I woke up one morning with a terrible craving to suck dick .. friend with someone who had a hidden relatzie ( my 'parents did not know I'm a little gay ) was left with his sea so I was a bit "dry" and eager to feel a little in my mouth a littlesour taste of male spermHearsay servant knew school " kind of likes a little baietzii my age and now knowing that no one at the school was the ideal time to convince myself thatSo decided not to lose time .. I put on a shirt that I only drove in evidentza chest muscles and a pair of shorts that barely hid what was in them (usually in summer not wearing pants and sometimes a bit of cock head goes through the pants and leg)Knowing where he is the servant home I had to ask anyone at the time when I came to school , so so empty ..As a Glontz I headed home and I found him as I wanted this dream ... with your pants down and rubbed down big dick while looking at a newspaper with pictures of guys ..( and what the fuck have ... large vein with some balls that hung heavy in her they were full )Without leaving him coming to their senses because my .. I approached him , I left his face in his knees and I took it in my mouth ... my tongue began to walk along it .. hands to play with balls and to the full and moans of pleasure only shows me that they are on " the right track " - putzin will still let me in the mouth ...Ahhhh , yeah .. suck me .. Why you mouth ! ! !That his hands were occupied until I came to that journal .. I started to feel them on my head You give me the momentum to it .. suck ..Top .... down .. up .. down .. ! bollocks of the full hit my chin as he pushed his dick in my mouth ......I vineeeeeeeeeee .. potttttttttt not !Unable to reach the end of a wave of sperm words a bit salty and sour fills my mouth at once ... and another one and another one ... seems to be no end so much out of his dick ...And I swallowed and not let it lose a single drop of liquor that I wanted it !
As i was saying throught that hole in the wall fingers horny eream bad . I pull his pants below my ass out and out and have the impulse to put my dick in that hole to suck me but I do do and then mark them with your fingers to put it, does not last long and I see the hole in the wall out a dick about 18-19 cm with a big head , do not resist, take in hand and watch the lust of it, examine it while belesc and rub slowly and after seeing ke ok I started playing with his cock head tongue from bottom to top , we started ushor then increasingly faster, dick was cool , I stop and start sucking my dick rub my then by May 1 suck less and no longer resisted the type began to ejaculate believe gave 5-6 big splash of sperm and gets its dick in place . Then get courage and put your dick in the hole and I do not know what he did not see but I was aa super after I finished I pulled my pants on and went quickly. It was an enjoyable and exciting experience .
Last summer vacation I was bored at home so k turn on pc to watch porn , look for a site and finally find something interesting eventually . My dick was already cured and I was out of boxers semibelit head out so she does not come down to me uneasy. A little rub and concrete directly eream super excited to see a movie and figure . The film is a fantasy I had and I for some time, a guy sucking a stranger in a public toilet , fuck pleasure and could not while I was watching I got the idea to try it this, though I do not know what was going crazy . I get dressed and go to the subway and go to the railway station toilets where I had heard that they practice so .. (Do not know where I got the nerve d ) get on the platform and reach the toilet , get in and pay the fee. Inside were several guys I do neiteresat and get a cab from the end and close the door behind me. It was semi-darkness in the cabin and on the left wall was a hole big enough, while I unbutton my pants and get off my dick hard- off guy in the cab on the left and see that beckon me through the hole
I was in a home bored all evening . 'm Going on a chat site and find a nick that gave me ideas " active gay " I say why not do a bit of jerking ..... go and Inep conversation . What talk more feel like starting to like what I speak. Sensing that excite me ask him if he wanted something to give a blowjob . He tells me yes but had no where none so decided to meet in youth park ( in Bucharest ) . I take courage and say why not try something new and exciting that I only talk ? I get into a taxi and arrived in the car 381. There if we knew of a viatza we greeted and entered the park . I entered a public restroom I sat on the toilet CAPC and drew a dick beauty . As we were sitting right at the mouth of his cock . I moistened his lips and began to suck if I had done so far faoarte often . I felt like getting up and starting to get up in my balls and I licked her neck and head rise higher and Iight . Suddenly he asks me if I want a little ass . I take my clothes off position conform goat and an agonizing pain in anus. Very easy to turn into pleasure and pain I was feeling so well that I did not want it to end . Suddenly you feel like is nearing his dick out of my ass I sit on his knees and tells me not to stay any drop. I conform and take them and sucking dick for about 2 minutes when I feel something warm on the tongue and swallowed eagerly start . After several long jets of pleasure shaking and I was still sucking more sucking . Retreated slightly in my mouth and left without even know nimik him.
Let me tell you what happened to me one day when i was horny and i needed to suck some cock badly .It was a beautiful Sunday morning with I went through it a little park and I work to May suck a dick two, so man, that I had done mighty appetite. Yes How would I know what was to follow, as that comes, the man knew what would happen to, before they would watch. I'll go to the park, there was hardly anyone. Spin me a bit, admire nature, and there comes a nene. We look at each other, we make signs, and we tuck in more bushes. Without much thought to stay put in my knee and take dick in her mouth she already had taken a busily rubbing. While I was sucking dick on one side and the other and he was moaning like hell, but you can hear the voices later. The man put his dick in my pants and take the healthy, just like me, dizzy with fear like a frightened deer, remain in place. And only two hobbledehoy police coming, May 1 to May 45 and to another 30 years. Without realizing dick and a frame with the outside, so I can finish as pants and give it away, right where to go.
When I first saw I liked Sabin and I fell in love with him, but he did not mind me , was proud today. After a year we became friends after two years I said I was gay , that I like him and that if he had and he would love me , I would be very happy . He did not know what to believe and I do not know if we'll remain friends, until one day when I asked for advice in the sex , because he was not much virgin , not me. I was wondering how someone must suck cock to excite him and what to do to not finish so fast?One day I put my hand on my dick and I was very happy, not to mention the fact that I was a hard . I looked and I said nothing .The second or third day he told me about sex. He was a hard , and it all comfort , I said that I do lust , and at parting told me that I would have made ??him happy , I would have given it to me , I would be left to suck it if you insist , although it is a normal boy who likes girls and said that she finds something abnormal for a boy to ..
When I first saw I liked Sabin and I fell in love with him, but he did not mind me , was proud today. After a year we became friends after two years I said I was gay , that I like him and that if he had and he would love me , I would be very happy . He did not know what to believe and I do not know if we'll remain friends, until one day when I asked for advice in the sex , because he was not much virgin , not me. I was wondering how someone must suck cock to excite him and what to do to not finish so fast?One day I put my hand on my dick and I was very happy, not to mention the fact that I was a hard . I looked and I said nothing .The second or third day he told me about sex. He was a hard , and it all comfort , I said that I do lust , and at parting told me that I would have made ​​him happy , I would have given it to me , I would be left to suck it if you insist , although it is a normal boy who likes girls and said that she finds something abnormal for a boy to ...
I just say something without having to avoid the time and without having to give me two steps sideways so she came to him, he was sitting on the couch, standing in front of me , I throw a glance and then she pulls down pants , my dick in your pants as arched salt balasandu the top down and hitting him over the chin Andrew , I start out a smile , as he , and then with your right hand grab my dick and gives me a tongue over his cock head starts to rub me easy to take out to the max, my dick starts to harden again Andrew kept looking at my dick from all angles , then I look in her eyes briefly as a guilty, then finally gets up the courage and a jab in the mouth, and start sucking my dick like a beginner, I was already fucking strengthened within the larger balls let down , Andrei close your eyes from time to time and without me look in your eyes, suck my dick starts getting better, I'm looking at it as I would not have seen anything like this again , you suck so good to me , put his knees and continues to dick in your mouth , a independent momendat wants to sore dick do not get started coughing heavily , finally begins to laugh, laugh and I begin to have fun , lick my big balls and left I feel great
I was speechless for a moment, while I was shaking cumprinse some emotions ( always liked me , he was very smart and kind boy over beautiful green eyes , etc. . Willing to do anything together, but I never thought that far ... he likes me all the time I was very close all the time walking along the city from parties , or cycling , and so on we were like two heterosexual guys normal and now we are , or at least it 's over now that he is married) .So back to the story , have a sip of beer and did not say anything , I sit at the computer all trembling as I had not heard what he said and put the cd bring me give PC to copy music but also strengthens my dick was ready to tear his pants concrete , trying to cover it with your hand or shirt shakes do not even know what was with me, I had no courage to watch me my friend . Put a song in winamp , and Andrew I says:- You got up dick . And I said : - Let me stop ! I only know what to think , I was going through your head that can make jokes with me, etc. . I was already blocked from all points of view, and he acclaim :- Wow , how great you ! And I told him : Let me Andrei what draqu ... ! And I say it again : - Come let me suck you off ! - Get up, he says. I got up after I took a sip of beer , while giving me up to put the cup on the desk, he accidentally put half on the keypad keyboard invarsa glass over across the desk , then went to the bathroom , I took a cloth , I wiped there was my dick meanwhile semisculata , each other and I said - let's drink ! Well I had taken a sip of beer, (I think in totally new beer or drunk three holes only ) as I was standing because I just finished cleaning there, Andrew dick catch me , and I take a quick look without May you say anything
Several years ago a beautiful and warm summer more information please contact me one of my best friends to come over to my place for a beer . It announces a typical day with a beer or two, three and discussions that among boys . I was 21 years old he a little young, we knew for a long time , often get drunk together , or at my home or around town ... I had many things in common ... So I just finished speaking with him on messenger and he said get in 20 minutes and feel like drinking a cold beer .I was casually dressed in a shirt and sports shorts , same pants who used to come occasionally in town , and my boyfriend had seen them around town , so nothing out of the ordinary , just now I was without panties underneath . Well that just arrived , opened the door, gave me a CD with some new music, tell them to put it the CD until I go get beer when I get back in the kitchen with the beers he was on the couch with girl to me and had not the CD, and fled his eyes for a moment my dick through my pants I was seeing , I did not say anything and start to put beer in glasses , meanwhile it makes wonder if it's hot and I responds with a shaky voice : - yes, it's hot . And I ask him what's the problem ? He replied : - Nothing, let's drink . And take a sip of beer and ready to choke on beer . And then I said : - No , numa ' down! And he tells me looking at my dick
I woke up with a hand give Andrea over me while giving easy basin moves against short if they do not feel anything like a longboard a few centimeters a tickle between the lips of the COPA .The boys had entered into heat , undone and jeans pulled up to the knee (none of us had slept exchanges and dressed ) Andrei Pump Andrea's pussy from behind kissing her neck passionately .- Well I give you guys my colleagues are, you just fuck me and leave me with a hard dick . I say turning my hard dick into her pants removed , they scare little but laughed instinctively .- I thought you were asleep , Andreea says as she puts hand on dick and starts to rub .- I slept but I did fool you awake , and a sweet kiss on the mouth Andreea fleshy lips .They are quiet and do sign BAETICA propose a more comfortable position . Slowly naked girls to not wake sleeping deeply and let the other bed Andreea Andrei receive his dick in the back but in the " goat" while I was sitting near the bed hair standing with hand my colleague and dick in her mouth.Suck very well, although neither class were saying that she likes to have sex, but apparently was a good girl in the bedroom was uninhibited and very much liked dick .
Let me tell you about my years in college ,i had so much fun ,i had the bes colegues ever.One day Andrei uncork a bottle of wine , which was the fifth taster voucher with Andrea, Monica and Olivia in a cabin in the woods of deciduous trees , which is owned forest district . Iulia and Bogdan , other friends and fellow students withdrew in the attic room , tired of grill that you perpelisera some time before. The room we were in was the largest in the cottage , had no decorations sophisticated simplicity brings a camera to country. Two beds countries, a wardrobe , in case you wanted to stay several days in the woods and you need a place where you put things , a table with four chairs placed in front of the large window , dusty and stove terracotta thick wood burning fir quiet couple .I came in those two days to follow boncanitul deer . No luck on the first day and we retired to the cottage . We eat and enjoy good wine bought Olivia. Among jokes with sexual connotations and I had a glass each time and play one card .Monica fell asleep, probably drowsy heat that gave the fire in the stove or drunk glasses of wine drunk in a hurry . Andrei and Andreea were fooling around without mind us me and Olivia are discussing , sipped from glasses filled with fluid and living smoke a cigarette .It was 23:30 in the generator fuel over, the darkness lit by the full moon and the fire in the stove silhouettes enabled me to see my colleagues , Monica and Olivia they slept in bed less than the old room where we are , as well as skinny fit perfectly , you could say that the bed was made ​​for them by their size or special. And the hard bed sleeping next to stove Wall Andrei Andreea in the middle and me on edge.
After minutes that he shoved me spit tongue anus anus and lick me and I kiss IARS I sat goat buttocks caressing my back began to put me ... I felt slightly hot and although I was already dilated felt pain mixed with pleasure and he knew it came so easy then left me to take over to push me towards him and retire until I totally dilated and then he began to penetrate me in increasingly hard ... a feeling in my stomach .... I felt that I am in the 9th century sky pleasure me put increasingly deeper telling me knows that I love dick and I want to feel it with everything in me and through groans reply that you want and yes I want to feel me whole and that is all mine ... I cuntchaser in several positions for about 30-40 minutes until he ejaculated on my face and then licked my face not to miss a drop of sperm and gave me along with swallow his saliva and then we both left back in bed next to each other we lit up a cigarette ... I finished ... but happy ... and felt that watching one another and without we say nothing but smiling eyes we read fericirea.Cat time we smoked cigarettes none of us said anything like that time I did not want to ruin the pleasure of smoking consumat.
At that moment I caught it with both hands starting to rub then I started to lick his balls and feel his hot head in the mouth because my final really could not get it lasted a few minutes sucking cock the best time tell me I'm his bitch perfect and when you interrupt me sucking I put my head up to him to open his mouth and then spit me kissing me telling me that barely wait to fuck me as no one fucked me up now and be about between us was right ... then I threw more than put me in bed and put me back to let me over slightly and began to kiss her neck back as he felt tongue down gently on the spine to the buttocks where stopped and made ??me suck their fingers after that started to expand my saliva wet fingers slightly vulgar speaking to me like a slut and what I felt in that moment but happy to belong to . I dilated gently with your fingers then began to expand my tongue felt like I started to explode literally shiver of pleasure and moaned ... wish .... wish it felt like I was saying as much as he wants he fuck me I how I want but that I must prepare me as well because my final dilates knows he has thick cock and big and wants to feel as little pain and as much pleasure so I realized I have some experience though but first appeared in discussions at the time did not matter I am glad or not that man but a good man profesionist.
Write us that he said as little delay ... before we meet we talked on the phone and mess and knew that I wanted a stable relationship but that together with your loved one are open to any sexual dpdvd .... so went about 3 hours and at one point she called on their way .... they and there appears ... coming up hotel room and consisted it was pretty good mood in that served some wine ... a little later was to learn that to cheer ..... as I walked in the door swung middle kissed me asking me to forgive him for the delayed then hopping like a bull in heat I put my tongue in her mouth made ??out ripped me more than I took off my clothes while you start to shiver of desire and pleasure of giving ... I felt that I would like to stop time in loc.In while I undress I unzipped and he bent my knees telling me that I can not wait asta.In moment moment when I bent and gave him boxers down came a huge dick ptr me because my final until then I had not seen a dick so big and was about 23 cm thick and had had homosexual partners who until then had fitted the 21cm but not so thick .
To more easily understand what I have to say for myself very private kind of person are adept adventures I've always preferred to have relationships so that in 11 years when I accepted I had several relationships with large intervals between them and the only adventure that I will tell that she was supposed to be a meeting for a possible start of relationship but actually turned into an orgy . Have happened in August 2012. Wishing my partner and stand on a very popular site long enough desire to discover my half I came into contact with a guy I communicated some time and I fell agree to meet him in the city live so I went into a city of Oltenia where he lived in an early Saturday morning ready or prepared ( by the way because my final address linked though not effeminate but especially intimate during sex but not only I like addressing the female) for a new relationship as the person that I knew I could encounter . We arrived around noon with emotions and many butterflies in my stomach ... I was greeted by a guy from EL 23 to 24 years well done professional men working at the gym Macan master him self but the kind of man who knows what he was waiting for me with a smile on his master trick like the man in whose presence you feel safe protected in a word puts you in motion and feel as the rest does not matter the kind of man that I think any gay passive wishes . together I decided to go to where to check into a hotel and where we would expect it because my final he said he has some relatives visit hoping to escape quickly and we can see .... we rented room and I had a shower I drank about 2 beers. .. meanwhile went about 3:00 ...
I felt like my dick filled ass , was very interesting , and shook her ass any 3.4 times and said that he can no longer continue because otherwise it'll end , hinting that understanding he was the sperm on my face, I said : - Ah , ok ! I was a little disappointed that barely entered me ... he pulled out prezevativul dick , I was put in the knee, I've sucked a little, put his dick in my throat , and hand-stands holding my head and fucked me deep in my throat , then fuck off quickly and I felt warm lighidul fills my face was a unique sensation we having this experience before, then after a few seconds I finished I 'm masturbating while his dick was in my mouth and face full of sperm. Then I went to the bathroom I took a quick shower he just washed his hands , then dressed and told me he liked and to repeat the experience, but unfortunately I had to leave after 2 days after 2 weeks of state in Brussels, and when I started I descoperid regred that site just then , and told me that if I come back in Brussels to contact him via email. Well I've just returned after 2 years for 3 days but I had time and I have not contacted unfortunately.
dick was something phenomenal , and my mind ran like when you penetrate me with this marvel of a big dick , I is not fucking long time until then so I tight ass at the same time I was thinking it can not be a good idea to be fucked by such a bubble , and meanwhile he signed data he wants to finish and held his dick hand sign he does not want it to end right now , and I was a bit disappointed for the eventually I decided in my mind that I wanted him to fuck me , I was curious how it would be , so he still held his cock full of my saliva , gave a sign to do a break, or suck more casual , but not not resist a bag in the neck , so I put it once in the neck , and then I said - you want to fuck me? He said yes , he has already taken a prezevativ that I had put somewhere near the bed before , so I got back I went to bed goat , I turned my head to see what makes putting prezevativul Sebastien was still standing , then smeared with gel dick , and came to bed immediately matched dick hole and gave to come , came very slowly without feeling any pain when he was already inside me stopped for a few second
I fell in May hand down and felt something big out there , so made me more curious and started to unfold it 's desfacundu pants belt and then I stood up I put my knees and gave him the jeans down, hmm I had a nice view, have hairy legs and some white underwear from calvin Klein, who put out great package , while he sat down shirt , hmm have a nice athletic body , but know where to watch the athlete's body or to go , he was just a smile , then I reached high and slightly hard pack , hmm , I gave her panties down, hmm a nice big dick in there a 20/21 cm circumscribed jumped in front of me was semisculata head half off , I took it right in her mouth, and sucked a nice looking him in the eye Sebastien always likes to wonder why do not last a minute and his dick was hard- maximum was less bent down and thought already like his dick in my neck since it 's cocks as facilitate this , so we gladly suck his dick and the first try came in my neck , hmm , I was already in Extasia , I made ??a little time to dezbrag all , and then I put back in my knees and directly with his dick in throat sucking dick and more with my hand-stands Gatu and was on his feet , I like to have all the crazy feeling sore...
Then I gave him the address and told to wait in front of the door to block in just 30 minutes . So I quickly ran to the shower, while I thought maybe I will not come if you do not want to change phone numbers I thought maybe it's a serious boy , well I only had to wait for him , I finished showered I got dressed and went down , I waited two minutes and the guy appeared , he was even more beautiful than the web , brown , a little taller than me at any one 1.87 , slabutz well dressed , I fell in love . So I familiarize and I invited him up. I entered the apartment I rented for the period, I asked him drinking , he said that only water , I served the finished drinking and I invited him into the room. How did he get slammed in bed , saying : - Wow , what big bed ! After what he said on the net I expected that he too initiative, seeing it slammed in bed , I threw myself beside him I did not know how to start as he gave no sign just smiled , so we I started , I touched on the belly , then I put his hand under the shirt touching her belly flat and taut , pulse already beat me harder
Several years ago I was in Brussels, being bored one night and eager to meet a boy , I made a profile on a gay chat site , I put a picture of discrete and fast I received several messages, no one of the guys did not like it until someone without pictures in profile he said he's handsome young man , bisexual , 23 years , and if we place we can meet immediately and also to see the web before , he is discreet and does not put pictures in there , but it gave me hotmailu or and we saw the web , I liked the place , he was a nice guy so sweet ... brown with blue eyes , I climbed pulsu place. Then he asked me where I live , what I do in Brussels, where they are, so after I answered all the questions , I say that it is willing to meet now, and also told me that he's just so active i would love to fuck me as I suck his dick , I accepted what he said , then asked me if the end can sperm on my face because it's what they want more, and I answered also yes .
He then Andrew who just left my mouth pumping jets like they just wanted to end ejaculating ...Adrian stopped and I turned back , leaving Alex to continue to penetrate the trouser - shoulder ama he going to suck him as he was on the point of surrender ...Taste cock barely penetrated me was fantastic but I managed to enjoy than being covered by the wave received in hot jets of sperm ...Understood ... with jets like Adrian , Alex arrived and orgasm ... but between my anus lips ... hot jets received frantic pace pumping moans Alex ...Excitatias terrible ... made ??me ejaculate and I uncontrollably ...I stayed there for a few moments trying to return my ..."Good Boys " was heard from the living room door surprising us all naked Michael, Alex , Andrew and Adrian standing empty chairs with wine glasses in hand ... and I propiami chest full of sperm , ass full of sperm Alex ... and mouth feeling traces of the other two ... " prestation beautiful ..." was Alexandra's voice ... " it seems that today is dark everywhere ... and I had no where linger ... plus Ioana .. . wanted to go back soon ... and we had a show ... which apparently liked ... ""Why are you hiding from me ? " Ioana Andrei was asked , " are jealous if you go out with girls ... but guys ? do not you leave me for a dick ! ""Good , I do not imagine to resist it ... but Canum know what I do ... " she whispered in his ear Ale ... and seeing the guys were looking for clothes ... I'm not doing any act ... " I stay so ... pregera to join and we ... at least that he and Joan ..." add Ale then approaching my chest licked those white splashes reminiscent of the 2:00 last ...It was especially nice ... that ended this Crasiun not happy ...
It felt sore and that he stopped occasionally to help me breathe I can not throw back ...Andrew stopped and swapped with Alex , at which point my buttocks had occasion a few seconds to relax ... like jaws ...Then I saw that Adrian was stuck deep into Michael who was still 4 feet as I ...Half lasted several minutes .... time that we stopped at all ...Rhythm and caressing my buttocks in Alex 's arms made ??me shiver ... he felt the desire, strength , pleasure which penetrate me , I felt jerked me ...A third half came after a while in my jaws of Andrei impinged frantically ask for a break ...Alex sat back ... taking me in his arms , Adrian took position behind me and Miah and Andrew were standing Aex sucking phallus head back Michael and I first sucking phallus Andrew .... Alex came in my anus slowly ... as if he was afraid .. traganduma the ass ... it felt increasingly faster ... then I felt him gently on Adrian playing on my anus phallus stuck in Alex with his dick ... slowly ... then I grabbed my buttocks felt like trying to sneak besides that of Alex ...Pace he drove all doing ... from how I was holding his dick between her lips Andrei ... As I was pushed to Alex's dick ...The first was the surrender of Michael ... to make my pleasure out of the way Andrew infigand dick in my mouth that began to gush ... I could hear the frantic pace with movements fecare jet Adrian .. . felt my mouth fill ... and not to spill any drop I swallowed ...
Play lasted several minutes until Michael wanted to go with him in a 69 my place being taken by Alex , Andrew began to explore my ass I was looking for my cause wet around the place who enjoy ...He found and while I bumped into Michael's phallus palate tries to get as much , I felt his tongue between his lips naval Andrei giving my anus making me succumb broaden its me ...Easy, English was replaced d eun finger .... then two .... then three ... and after a short break was taken place fingers his phallus which began to slowly stick my ass pressing me with my toy deeper into Michael's mouth ...Michael gave up ... and heading reunutat from under me because in my play and the desire to suck all of it ... He almost surrender ... so stand 4 feet I felt I had the opportunity to between lips phallus Alex ... Michael kneeling in front of Adrian and starting sucking it sas ...Andrew 's pace began to step up ... and Mian 's in my hips pull me power ... making zcomote the applause of him hitting my ass cheeks ... my hands would gather Alex making them between eggs until she felt my chin hitting the power ...
Surprised I realized that they remain five guys that I was only passively convinced ... it was a great gift ..." Boys Alexandra 's voice , to be good do not make silly ..." he added and I saw her making us a peek ..." The door closed behind the two girls and ama left us guys we continue this seemingly" innocent " .In the next 15 minutes I was already naked , I managed to do a quick enema , and went slowly into play , enjoying all the gift we received from Adrian ...Andrei type well done , with a rise of 16 cm , loved the times when we could see even stand 30 minutes to enjoy the "presence" of the other in different positions, Alex and Michael , 32 and 30 years, the couple were intimate only when they were among those who somehow knew their secret, but when encountering strangers this secret seemed to hate and stand next to the other , both had somewhere phalluses as 15 cm each ...Adrian ... he was the guy who vie with strap Alexandra ... a transparent panty with a pink cock 18 cm that I cause orgasms Alexandra raving when you wear ...With him I began first oral , enjoying the fact that while I feasted my mouth on that dick , Andrew was stuck in his mouth at the Alex and Alex was his tongue caressed Michael ...
" Hey, what are you doing tomorrow " Adrian 's voice was sober me carol ..."Hi , I have no ... my program works and even I feel like lying all day ... :: Do not come over ... have a drink ... celebrate the first day of Christmas , that we have not yet completed the mood ... ""Ok , but we ? ' I asked." Well Ioana Andrei , Mihai Alex and I with Alexandra ... this only if you want .... "" Ok"They were old friends , with whom we long for a drink ... Andrew was meureu glad if we could see ourselves , his wife knew of his hidden pleasure to penetrate and guys , Alex and Michael both versatile with a gay couple who manage I know after two weeks ... that's another story, and Adrian ...Adrian and were the ones who initiated me into the mysteries of the trio in which only the liability both for him and for her ...It seemed an innocent glass since he was a person who did not know that we know and other than .... in bed ...I took a quick shower and got them in 20 minutes which I found somewhat mixed- gang a night between cups and cakes ... girls bathroom arranging their return on when the boys sat in chairs talking trinkets ..." Ale and Joan are the fir ..." whispered Adrian " and still want to walk a little on the outside ; Ale 2:00 gives us freedom as a Ioana out coffee ... it's her gift to me ... this only if you want ... "
As i was saying it was so freaking hot,Tyre repeatedly stopped ... but the phallus was removed slowly ... she could feel the head is off me ... it pours out of me .... Alin palm that I wiped anus gel scrap ... I actually fell slain and I turned back ... I see Alin CATSA bringing them condoms ..."I have done none ," he said ...I got both the tools and leaned back I asked to ejaculate in my mouth .... The first was Michael who was more excited ... sperm acid appears ... that made me cough 4 jets liquid feeling ... then followed his sperm ... Alin ... sweet ... such as cream filled my mouth and I swallowed to make another place ... a huge ejaculate directly into his mouth ... my ... glad I did girl ...Mihai penetrate me with his long fingers and sucked my dick Alin ... makes you feel how much pleasure as his mouth CATV cm hole to be that of a large Montri that Michael was her between four fingers ...Without can sketch something I dismissed as a revenge directly into the neck of the anus I prepare for an upcoming double penetration ....
Until the gel takes effect not think you both doing ? " and smiling lips take inpins Michael monster ...You suck on all ... and without him I kissed Michael ... hot heat that kindled my anus ... that I forgot ... Saru embracing him with my tongue ... ui language for then to get between our languages ​​monster ...Michael was the first ... came easily ... " It's a painkiller gel ... because probleme.Daca Alin did not bother to stop immediately ... "I was 4 feet sucking monster while Michael penetrate slowly ... slowly ... quickly ... without it feeling so good ... I feel it beating his buttocks and rhythm that made his dick Alin try to enter more ...Alin 're stopping me and I returned ... his dick dick condom Michael dressed in her some trace a smooth cream ... and took off the condom and put in 69 to me ...I felt like I beat Alin cheeks with his dick ... it was superb ... it felt like playing my butt ... but sandwiched between them I could not see what I do .... I felt little pain ... like I have been pinched by a bee ... and I felt his hands reach out my middle par ... ipe he felt it ... his head was between my buttocks trying to pass ... I could feel my anus resists and wants that dick while ... feel it come slowly ... time flows like slow motion ...Stitii replay moments when athletes look when crossing the finish line and break the ribbon at the end .... so I felt twice acelfinal when his head into me ... I felt him slowly and try to get ... come to an end ... I feel like my stomach ... it felt avunge beyond ... deep in my belly ...His movements were slow ... no rush ... no hesitation ... direct ...I felt him enter me ... and you do not run tight between your hands ... while sucking my dick Mihai Alin movements glad io push mine in the neck ....I moaned at first easily without caring about my dick Mihai which occasionally still gave him a kiss ... and then faster and moans became stronger ... try increasing it to me ... but I could not help it . .. then became stuck deep cries .... I was a monstruozitare that seemed to debunk my anus on - adreptul ... it felt as flex harder and becomes more rigid with each penetration ... it hurt .. . , but the pain itself was put down by the pleasure that I felt also ...
How about we go to us to drink a May 1st quietly ? " I was asked , and absorbed the last kiss that I had stopped two barely gladly accepted ...Their block next to the terrace ... in five minutes I was int - bedroom apartment beautifully arranged sympathetic ... intimate ... ...Alin coffee came in a few minutes wearing only shorts , mihai thing to do and he immediately ...I was in shorts and t-shirt ... sweaty ... and they two stood in front of me in two broad varieties that left to see more ..." We're both versatile ... and I want you do not mind if you want to do both of you ... and we can say no. "The fact that I took off the shirt and I asked where they can shower , for them it was my tacit acceptance ...I was in the shower ... I rinsed and Michael came with a towel ..." I'll be right "" We are waiting "Indeed, both were naked a couch ... a gorgeous 69 ...Without hesitation fell on the floor and doing a 69 in three formidable ... it sucked Michael Alin , Alin mine and I Michael ...Have a sweet fragrance and taste stunning ... was a curved phallus , somewhere normal 15 cm and the thin little man touched me and made ​​me always drowning ...After 10 minutes of our 69 partners changed and gave me a huge, huge head ... scared ... huge ... a long phallus ... with wrinkled skin veins , which makes it look more impressive than it was ...I choke ... just her head made ​​me I can not breathe ... it was sweet ... nice but I was terrified of it .I was thinking about how penetrates ... at how big it is ... what pain is ...Concerned about the monster in my mouth , I noticed that Michael had my ass ... I felt playing with the gel on my butt ... on my anus ... showed me I nodded applicator silent to use it ...
I was at work ... and left a while ... super tired ... I feel like going back to the hotel to drink wine and get myself to sleep ... but ... had to be there ... .Me crazy thinking that Andrew was left with his wife in the mountains all week ... I was jealous ...I was sitting in front of laptop bored ... and I was walking on a subordinate sites ... I brought coffee and cigarette package ... I was really bored , bored of numbness which gripped me ... terrible laziness ... and ideas of making love with her ... and Andrei me ...I was on the site where we met ... a gay site ... banal ... I had a message ..." Hey , you look very masculine , you're just passive ? "There was a guy from 22 years in the active .. ..." Yes , and I'm tired of dying ..." I replied , slightly pissed messages and conversations that had no completion ..." A messenger ID ? " was the prompt reply that made me to send that type details we can talk in more detail the mess .After half an hour invite me for coffee at midnight , 5 minutes from where I was ... I took it out of boredom ...We arrived relatively easy ... I do not know the area and it was hard ... it was hot ... too hot outside ..." I'm Michael and this is my boyfriend Alin ... do not mind that I came along ..."I drank coffee together in silence on the terrace premises without being bothered by anything chatting what we like, how was the first time and we want to do that for them ... discussions were commonplace seasoned from place to place with passionate kisses .. .Both athletic work ... tall ... beautiful ....
When I first came out to myself as a gay man many years ago, I was completely clueless about the gay lifestyle. Like any culture, I quickly came to learn that the gay community has its own norms and practices that differed to lesser or greater degrees than what I'd experienced in the mainstream heterosexual world that we all grow up in and internalize.Living in the suburbs of Chicago where few resources existed for learning about and meeting other gay folk, I established a friendship base in the Windy City itself, which houses a fairly large gay metropolis. It was here that my virginal journey into gay society began. So naïve I was in learning all the social nuances involved in this new land I was venturing into! I amusingly recall one day walking through the gay ghetto with one of my friends, just chatting away about this and that, when all of a sudden in mid-sentence, his neck spun around in a double-take (very similar to Linda Blair in "The Exorcist") when a striking man in a tank-top walked past us. I found myself a little startled and taken aback by his behavior, which seemed so overt and untamed by my conventional standards with his eyes bugged out and tongue wagging. As I quickly came to learn, this commonplace ritual is called "cruising", an important social skill that all single gay men quickly learn to develop to snag themselves a potential date or casual sex partner for the night.
After the blowjob that we gave that night me and Nicu , everything was normal between us .The next day we woke up late , sleepy them without much mood to talk . We drank coffee and each went to his house.I thought that now everything will be changed between us , we will be distant, and that I ruined a friendship for years .Although I enjoyed the experience , I regret that I was the one who started it all , and being scared as I blew it , that day I was very sad , I stayed locked in the house and I've been thinking about the feat made that until called my cell phone and saw that I call the NICU .I was expecting to say that I regret that we are no longer friends, stuff like that , but the joy in his voice and invited to the cafe where I always go , they made back in the condition that I had.That was until we sat on the terrace , when I asked how I thought that night had passed, and oral sex with him.I was surprised that he had the courage to speak so openly and without regret, and found that for some time and his mind ii tab sex with me, curious as sex with a boy , and especially with a friend like me in trusts .
I pulled the phone out of his pocket and called Celia . It was a few minutes behind us . Andrei black car was not moving , he dwelt there thinking that I will change my mind . But no! He waited until he appeared Bosc and then abruptly DeMerit . For now I had a trace of regret. Have I done well ? The guilt is gone and I got in the car . Perhaps I have seen scowling figure that no Celia nor Cosmin not asked me anything.I rode the rest of the way in silence. Nobody said anything . I crossed my arms and gave music up , trying in vain to stifle my thoughts . Listen to him ! Let me draw him sleeve and comment about my orientation . What? Times I said to ask ourselves ? Let's be serious ! And yet , there was a trickle of guilt . I wondered if it's good . Long gone before us , have more than 100km / h and for a second I thought if i would happen something. It was not my fault after all , right? Or was it ? ... I swallowed . No, I have no guilt, he 's responsible for everything. Why nice guys are always so obnoxious ? Ah , what the bottom is ... Oh, so good ...- This is it ! I said Cosmin few hours .I gave heavy and I followed down to the campsite . It was a large area bordered by several buildings , most likely hostels . There were too many tents, only a few here and there . In the back he could see showers and a kitchen somewhere right . The place was not inhabited . Perhaps everyone was at sea. We went to a small building on the right side of the alley . We encountered an elderly man . I left the two to solve all the problems related to housing . I returned to the car and got my tent and other equipment that we had gone to Celia night before departure . I put my luggage on his shoulders and closed the trunk.
Maybe it was late ! Or ... no ! Who lie I always arrive on time and of course I never .Arriving in front of the terrace, I looked at the clock. And 5. It's not that bad . I walked around watching the multitude of tables in search of my best friend . I saw it somewhere in the back with phone in hand. Probably call me . "I'm finished! Least if not forget mobile home and want my delay . " I fixed my eyes down and I submitted to it .-Good ... I said softly and guilty. Sorry for ...- Nothing ! Sit down !- That's it ! That does not mean anything? Celia and looked up the phone.Yes, just that! I have time for qualms , though you deserve . I threw that look that always made ​​me feel guilty . I felt my cheeks blushing , but I fell Malc . If she wanted to get over it so easily , the better . - Okay, so I have news for you!The waiter came to take my ORDERING . I ordered a Coke and I sent sparked what I could tell my friend. But before he glanced stealthily waiter . A young man at 25 years old , tall , well-built , but also a fragile air , probably due to large and deep eyes . I smile surprised eyes , but still confused if it was that smile showing all customers, or smell my intentions hidden. Did he was ... ?Hey , you listening to me , or you look at the bottom than that guy ?I turned to Celia . Funny , though try to reprimand me . You know me so well .- Come , let us me and the owner guy ass insanely sexy . A choking sigh and a smile . So ? What have you to say?- Hold on . I looked bored her. Each time was the same. For every thing was Celia gossip firsthand. Everything that happens was sensational . Come on , stop ! Do not make that face ! was frowning at me. It's really serious now. You know that guy , Cosmin , the group of us?I remembered all my colleagues , starting of course with those who looked best. There were a couple that gave me shivers down my spine when they approached me, but unfortunately unavailable . I reviewed the list until I got to Cosmin . Aha . 5th on the list of holders of super ass , and 2nd in capitotul chest . Celia had made the charts with the begin college and we laugh every time I replace the name of our ranking positions .-5.2 ? I asked breathlessly Celia . Radia , feeling give out. And then it hit me . So there ! You can not !- Yes, yes, yes ! We are together!Meanwhile insanely sexy ass returned with my soda and I also took a peek . I leaned over the desk and whispered :- Does it be in my camp ? I tilted my head at him , but just Pelc . Celia has rolled his eyes , exasperated and ignored me continuing .
Then he probably was not joking I realize that , I took my left hand and placed it on his dick hardened as he felt within the thin material of the trunks he wore .- How will allow you to take my hand to put on a penis , I said quite cranky , though instead I withdraw my hand left him dick .- I see that you do not dislike Claudius , because even though you say that you want, you betray your hand and feel and wish you have a good time with each other.Saying this, he turned left and entered a small alley and completely unlit . Once there , though I relived my hand on his dick , he pulled her trousers and said :- Pretty please Claudiu , I masturbate even worse than that I miss the balls are and how status and I 'll do the same for you .- I'm ashamed to do this , I said , did not even know you.- It's better , masturbate , you go home and never see again.- I put my hand on my dick shy , and in that time he removed my son and me in the pants and rubbed it slightly . I felt good and I liked to fuck touch and feel his touch my turn on my dick .- Have very high and very thick dick , I say.- It's not that big .... I think that is about 20 cm , but is a bit thick.- It's big compared to mine ( I was about 16-17 cm a ) , and we have not held another cock in hand, than yours .- I 'd give anything to touch her lips , which are so fleshy and sensual , she said.
I was very excited and started to feel a mad desire to take that big dick between her lips , so I let shame aside and I leaned over his dick , I ajar little lips and started to take his dick in easily mouth . At first let me and a kiss and lick my pace slightly , then when I felt increasingly vanoasa thicker and began to ask me to open my mouth more than anything to put me deeper into your mouth. Although I opened my mouth how much I could not believe that I get a little more than half , especially as it was and slightly curved .He started pumping the cock in my mouth started easy , then increasingly faster. I looked at him and saw him smiling and seemed very happy, and me started getting more than to suck cock and to feel that you meet . I started to lick it and balls, sucking them one at a time , alternating to suck you dick when balls .- I love how you suck my dick , I said and pump increasingly faster. At one point I felt like I went uvula and that I could throw up , but instead he me out of the mouth , I kept telling her so sore I need to spend less so to get used . Then I 'll shove increasingly more between his lips, and a few times I managed to touch his balls with her ??lips , which meant that all that had managed to swallow your huge dick as I saw it .Began to greatly increase the pace and alternate , taking it from time to time and hitting me over her lips, over the tongue, in the face telling me :- It's so good , no one sucked me with devotion so ever . I love it so much that I want to do that all the time.At one point I told him to come over, and he noticed that do not want to take them in your mouth and he took it and finished my lips and face .- Thanks Claudius , he said and started rubbing on me, I ejaculate very quickly because he was extremely excited after I sucked the first cock in my life.- Cristi , you can take me home as soon as I said quite embarrassed by what happened .- I offer you a glass of juice and make friends , because what you did for me was fantastic and I feel the need to thank you somehow.- I am quite ashamed .- There's nothing to be you because I felt the same desire in you as mine, and I loved it. Even a professional has failed to suck me better than you and I become friends and feel so good every time I have the chance.Even though I was embarrassed , I love to suck dick and went to get a coffee and a soda , then I went home . Of course it would not let me pay him race and I decided that the next day waiting for me and when I went out from work to bring me home ..... but it can be made the subject of another story .
I was 29 years old and I was quite comfortable with the idea that I was a person with little success . I was the most beautiful man I had 185cm , about 100 kg , brown , or what was left of my hair was brown anyway look as they say a man should look a little better as hell ..... .Moreover , thanks to my special appearance was normal that I had had too many relationships and had no at the time. The house where I lived , had many shortcomings , especially as I had no where to even take a shower because I lived in a block disconnected from debtors due to heat and water . At work a little better if it was because I was doing what I loved , and even if I frequently caught 22-23 hour office still did not bother me very much , because there I can take a shower before going home and I I love that last one leaving work to not have to give explanations you have to wash every night there.One evening I got 23.45 am at work and when I wanted to go home I realized that I need to call a taxi because there was no way to catch the last metro to get home . I dialed the number of a taxi company and was announced in seven minutes had to be in front of the building . We went down and we taxi anxious to go home, because I was a little hungry and feeling pretty tired . I thought it was good that I did my shower before I called a cab that passed me somewhat that I felt tired and that it could not avoid to fall asleep in the cab.Just a 7-minute taxi firm paged when I saw the alley that was heading towards me a yellow car and I was grateful to not be late , because, although it was summer , leave quite chilly outside and I was a little cold.- Good evening , I said when I got in the car .- Good evening, Mr. Claudiu are not ?- Yes , I said and I indicated that I wanted to get the address .- Do you want to make your beloved a beautiful impression you have scented and arranged to 4 pins, the cabbie asked , while turning the car.- There's no one to impress , and in a few words I told him that I had no one and I'm headed home after a day quite tiring .- Maybe it's better you do not have one, I'm married , but 6 months since my son was born I never met his wife in bed .- I think it's a problem developed for you to find someone in place wife that looks pretty good ( he was a little man to 38-40 years , brunette , tall as I could tell , with masculine traits very well defined, green eyes , thick lips , a really nice man and exudes enough self confidence and virility ) , and how you think this job meet pretty girls that will help while I meet with the wife in bed .
That evening , full of enthusiasm, I brought Tudor big news that was to be alone until Monday , when mine had to return home . Tudor was also excited about the news and the joy that night , and I drank with him a large glass of brandy. Therefore warm up and I was terribly excited. Our party oral sex was colossal and lasted about an hour . Tudor gave me , for the first two numbers of sperm in abundance, and I , in my turn , I was relieved several times , being in peak arousal . Not to counting the moments of tenderness exciting , the hugs and kisses that left me breathless . An evening fabulous dream !Our meeting increasingly hot and increasingly passionate continued another two days , Thursday and Friday at the same place that became my happiness secret nest . Friday night , as Tudor arrived only at 11 , I spent less together, but all I did and I got my fill of dick and sap , which made ??me happy again . Before you get out of the dark closet , my Tudor announced the program for Saturday, when he was finally free and at my disposal . Because the weather was beautiful and warm , invited me to a picnic on green grass near a forest in a secluded and beautiful , that he knew him very well . I promised a great day , full of sex, I have never had I ever!
The next day, after lunch , I got a call from my parents , which tells me he has to stay a few days in England. At the urging of knowledge of London , have accepted the invitation to be left a few days there. I prayed to be a good boy and understanding , promising me that in return I will bring something beautiful and special ! I supplemented the amount of money needed for food and other expenses that I had to get from an uncle , family friend. Anyway, let the money spent almost nothing initially , so supplement them leave me cold . But the idea that only a few days left and my head was colossal . Unbelievable! I wanted to shout for joy ! I did it and I played the sad son of his parents' absence . But I accepted the situation as a sympathetic boy , promising them that I will be good and I can handle yourself without them in trouble . My parents breathed a sigh of relief , glad that they had already a big boy and responsible , ending with a long tirade classical , parental advice and guidance . But I already no longer heard , my mind flew to Tudor and weekend happy dream , which was to spend it quietly with him !
Today , it seems like there's so crowded. But can we find another solution . I do not like the toilet . It's pathetic and embarrassing ! And it smells horrible! Wait for me a little .Tudor rose from the table , went to the bar, talking to the bartender , took something from him , then turned back smiling .- I got it. Let's go!Empty hallway leading to the restroom we stopped at the first door . Tudor buzuar pulled out a key and unlocked the door , equipped with a glass mat with black letters that read magazine. I entered , but not bright light Tudor advantage of discrete light from the hallway filtered by glass mat . I spent a few seconds to get used to the darkness , Gazing room. It was a fairly large room , but crowded with all sorts of objects: tables , chairs, some more than others , crates and boxes full of empty bottles . I let space and have deleted a table cloth on which we sat .- It's not like home, but it's still much better than the toilet . It's safe and intimate . However, it is better to talk in a whisper. What 's Sergiu boy gang , the boy at the bar !- Yes , it's much better here ! There's no stress or we hear someone enter upon us ! Tudor , all day I missed you ! Time's so hard ! Know that ...- Less talk ! Come and kiss and loving little puppies !Tudor seized me in his strong arms and started kissing passionately . Then he stood up and took off his jacket , unbuttoned his belt and pants and left them down with boxers . In front of me stood , semierecta dick gorgeous Tudor .
Honestly, I've never fucked almost 4 weeks ! I was so state that I have not resisted ! I did not want your first sex with me that to happen ! Sorry!n- Do not apologize , sir ! It was exactly my taste and desire ! If it does today , and I'll get crazy !n- I understand , so it was a mutual benefit ! But our problem not yet solved ! I continued working and I have no time for you and sex! I made an exception today , not think I'm insincere and rude ! By Friday , however, we fast ! Let the taxi take you home , and I try to catch a few hours sleep !nnWhile waiting in the car and kiss deserted street pr Tudor desperately popped a brilliant idea !nn- I have an idea , well, a proposal . Why do we see tomorrow at the bar at the same time ! Just a second ! A little of everything! How to I serve a portion of your lovely juice . I am eager to taste! You still owe ! How about you, sir? Do you? Please me more!n- Boy, you are phenomenal ! Have a taste of cock and can not get enough ! I should have expected this from ovice and unfucked ! Okay, Manzu ! Either way, whatever you want ! So tomorrow here , but no more than an hour ! To be sure !nThe next morning I went to school , then the afternoon to evening , I took the time watching gay porn and dreaming of meeting with Tudor . At 22, 30 I was already at our bar , which was pretty empty and I occupied a secluded table in a corner darker. At 23.05 Tudor appeared , dressed soberly office outfit , suit, white shirt , silk tie and black shoes , impeccably polished. Ordered a drink and we chatted a bit. After he finished the brandy , called two bottles of beer , one for each , I drank a little
Sir , please stop a minute! I pull down my pants and underwear !- Come on , boy! We do not have room here to fuck you in the ass the world ! I do not like improvisation in terms of fucked and I do not like it here , you can and sucks !- No, not that! I can sap the barrel and do not want to stain my panalonii , as to see and laugh at me world !- A! That was ! OK , textiles down and come back up against the wall !I have complied with the order, and he hugged me from behind and stuffing his dick under the buttocks and my balls continued to give back . Instinctively I raised my hips , shaking his dick firmly between legs. The guy liked my move and moaned quietly , then continued to give back , grabbed my dick with his right hand , starting to masturbate . It was too much ! Within seconds I downloaded , throwing several jets of hot sperm , which landed on the white tile cabin. Sensing that freed me from seed and that flared back , Tudor began to bite my neck slightly and get mozoleasca greedily . I was already stunned ! I'm not able to control arousal and climax , I began to unleash verbal :- Ah ! Ah ! Sir, you are awesome! You want more, more of everything! I want to ...Palma 's big and heavy , and she smelled sex , she covered her mouth in time so as not to disturb the rest hubby who fucks with discretion in other cabins:- Shut up , baby , we 're making a scene ! Come back to dick ! I have to empty myself !Quietly , I pulled his pants and underwear on me and I sat back on the toilet bowl lid . I got dick in mouth and Tudor , very horny , I got head in his hands again , like shovels and started to fuck me fast and hard. I felt so good , that my neck was numb and almost no hammer hardness felt that his dick hot and rocky , and pressed me to apply them rhythmically . With hands free , I started to caress and massage her muscular buttocks covered much hair , rough and often , as I had seen in the movies . Tudor erotica liked my maneuver and began to moan and pant loudly , becoming faster, making abstraction I was in a public place :
Tudor has spread rapidly belt , unbuttoned his pants , he let down , along with boxers , releasing a huge dick , brown , long, thick, gnarly , pulsing excitement as I had seen in gay porn movies and magazines . Oh, it was beautiful and powerful ! It smelled extremely well ! It smelled like dick horny man !I never expected other indications and sitting on my throne I got dick in hand and started to kiss . I was amazed to feel how hot it was and how throbbed , as if having her own life . He had not ever a dick in your mouth , but I knew very well I had to do , genre films and photos , so I was not hard for me to carry , especially because I was horny as hell . I started to lick dick long and thick on all sides of the head to the base , then it completely with decalotat lips , revealing a swollen glands and red , on top of which there was a sticky tear . I licked the tip of your tongue that drop and they taste slightly brackish , but so exciting, made ??me tremble with pleasure. Then I took the glans in his mouth and started sucking it like a lollipop and Tudor began to moan slightly and patting me on the head , whispering ecstatically :- It's great ! So , little chicken ! So ! Take over and suck it good! All!I launched into a rapid du-te/vino , pressing and powerful dick tongue and squeezing it hard between his lips mele.Tipul was in seventh heaven ! Then he grabbed my head and in turn began to shake ass and fuck me vigorously , taking care however not to get too much. Large and swollen glands or tonsils rhythmically hit me like a ram, but to my surprise , I was not feeling sick , just a slight discomfort due to the hardness of his blows . Type continues futaiul , tough and intense , and I was horny as hell and is about to come.
Tudor has spread rapidly belt , unbuttoned his pants , he let down , along with boxers , releasing a huge dick , brown , long, thick, gnarly , pulsing excitement as I had seen in gay porn movies and magazines . Oh, it was beautiful and powerful ! It smelled extremely well ! It smelled like dick horny man !nnI never expected other indications and sitting on my throne I got dick in hand and started to kiss . I was amazed to feel how hot it was and how throbbed , as if having her own life . He had not ever a dick in your mouth , but I knew very well I had to do , genre films and photos , so I was not hard for me to carry , especially because I was horny as hell . I started to lick dick long and thick on all sides of the head to the base , then it completely with decalotat lips , revealing a swollen glands and red , on top of which there was a sticky tear . I licked the tip of your tongue that drop and they taste slightly brackish , but so exciting, made ??me tremble with pleasure. Then I took the glans in his mouth and started sucking it like a lollipop and Tudor began to moan slightly and patting me on the head , whispering ecstatically :nn- It's great ! So , little chicken ! So ! Take over and suck it good! All!
As i was telling we had a lil conversation :-Be a man , you just said you're 19 , you're serious !- Do not cry ! I'm a little sad!- Tell you what. I work in the office until 11 pm . On my way home , I pass by that bar , you 'll see less ! An hour max! That's it ! That , to comfort you and see that I have not deceived ! At my age , I have come to respect the word given ! OK ?- OK! It's good even both ! I am desperate to see you! All weekend I dreamed and I wanted like crazy, like a starved in the desert , like a thirsty desert !- I was impressed , little chicken ! And I want you very much ! So it remains for 23 hours at our bar ! Okay, gotta go ! Bye!-I continued to sob without me care about anyone or anything until I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up it was already evening . I calmed down and life does not seem quite so miserable ! I made strong coffee , Davidoff original brought from England ( from reserved to parents for special occasions ) , then attempt to Dad's bottle of whiskey ( Johnny Walker ) and I poured a full glass ! I turned on the video and I put a gay porno ! The coffee was super strong drink and movie extra hot! Another life ! Once I looked upset and I felt another man ! I was ready to smash mountains !I do not even know how time passed and there was 10pm . I fitted as trendy, with some cool clothes made ??by my outside , to make the best possible impression and took a taxi to not be late to the meeting . To my surprise , Tim was already there and made ??me cheerful hand . I hurried to his table and once arrived , I made a gesture of incredible courage to me but trivial in that place . I leaned toward him and kissed him on the cheek , as if we were old friends or relatives . Tudor behaved naturally and replied in the same manner ! God, it smelled ! A sophisticated and sensual aftershave mixed with the aroma of fine cognac , as I realized , seeing the glass in front of him .
That weekend was a nightmare ! There I found comfort and state ! I imagined a thousand ways that I will spend my life with Tudor night ! Still thinking about it and imagining fire scenarios that are more or less erotic , I came to fall in love him terribly . I'm not exaggerating , but in those two days I stayed erect all the time ! A nightmare ! Monday has passed excruciatingly slowly , especially as I was awake at 5 morning ! Obviously , I missed school . I was going to gesesc plausible excuse ! Can not miss your meeting . Right on 12 and one minute I dialed and heart pounding in my chest more than 100 beats per minute , I waited desperately response . Not late to appear :- Hello? Yes ? Who's looking for me ?- Hello , it's me , the boy at the bar on Friday night ! Do you remember me ? I hope you do not mind ! You and me for a minute?- A puppy was you ! Of course , as you remember ! Wait a minute , I come to my office so I can talk quietly ...- Okay, I arrived at my office ! So sweet little baby , you know that that night I dreamed ! Really ! Mother , mother , what have I done! I fucked up and I filled morning pajamas seed ! I had to give the washing ! Die of impatience , to do it for real ! But you have to give bad news ! Something special to me at work : by Friday I finished work , which was not originally planned ! It's a major emergency ! I think we should postpone until Friday ! What do you think ? Anymore ? I hope you do not mind too much !News on Tudor , I actually broke down ! I slammed on the couch , making huge efforts not to burst into tears . How many dreams I had done ! How many scenarios I imagined , with me in the bed ! How many hardcore sex scenes , stronger than all porn movies they had seen hidden ! All me and him !- Well ! Why are you silent ? Are you on the phone?- Yes, there are ! Okay, but you promised me that Monday night ...- Dude , that's right ! But believe me this thing occurred urgency and importance ! Really , do not lie !Tears were running streams in the valley ! I could not curb ! The blow was too harsh and totally unexpected ! Crying in silence and sighs slightly , but the guy got caught !
What was and a little dizzy , he tells me to just let him take control ... Anyway I already had an erection strong enough , since men excite me ... He quickly undressed me and take my dick in your mouth ... I was super excited, because no boy had not done this before. It was so good ! Suddenly , I felt like I can not curb the flow of sperm and I ejaculate directly into his mouth ! He swallowed all sperm , did not want to lose a single drop !After having a bit to rest , he takes my hand and put me on his big thick dick ! It was much bigger than mine ... I go ahead and I took it in my mouth .. Rub her big hairy balls ... When suddenly explodes like ! I was head to toe full of hot sperm ! I never felt so good ...First I wanted to do anal sex and did not feel able ...But I promised that this will not end here ;) After tonight we had, we both washed in the same bath, after which we went our colleagues to continue the party!And that is how we do it.Stay positive and smile more ,life is something to enjoy.
Hello !My name is Florin and I'm 19 ... Switching to 20 ;)The first time I had sex with a boy was a year ago ...Just Temin school, and at Tudor banquet colleague named me " hooked " as they say ... I'm not convinced either until then if I was gay or not ... Although I like women (even attracted me very much ) , feel pleasure when watching movies with gay :) Even sometimes I masturbate looking at these videos ...And like I said, he comes to me and says " Want a drink? " . I'm knowing it well enough , I say " Yes .. " He had no girlfriend , but I was not expecting anything to come. In all 4 years together he does not mind me and so I was a little surprised ...But as I said , accept a drink , and he started ordering for two beers ...Everyone danced , talked, we were less isolated ... At least that was my thought : pAfter several beers , glasses of whiskey and some cocktails, he invited me into the room where he was staying ( I was in a hotel because we had done the big banquet )I was a little dizzy and I sit in bed ... He says he goes to the bathroom ... After a few minutes out of the bathroom just in panties ! I do not know how to behave ... What to do ...
As i was saying ... no longer felt it could no longer seen after 40 minutes of fucking in all positions say let\'s go give you blowjob as I zlobozesc in your mouth, the hair over face I put everything back in bed I head back down to the floor so I gave blowjob and so brutal that my face was full of spit in genonchi finally put me in front of him and says open big mouth so I jumped sperm to throat cock like it was 8 or 9 jets of hot sperm in her mouth and gave me 4 the rest on the face in the eyes the hair was full of sperm dick sperm collect after my face and put mio galgare doing with her mouth was too much and I say all swallows all to be nothing left so I had a great taste in my mouth and I am finished with it I had sperm on belly legs and tells me to go and take a dush I go into the bathroom and tells me would like to do it on me I was standing in the ass and I looked at him and I never got to say nimik ka began running hot and salty in my mouth even urging me to drink something else to do I swallowed and I kept quiet came out of the bathroom and finished Dushu loat goodbye nation to which he says he would like to remain friends and iam I replied that as a meet us over 2 zzile I got home and am hoarse deep surprise Amai not been vb two days lam not called for fear that I will cause maybe something else more serious.
I was home and I eat badly to fuck fuck me something to suck something when watching fast anumtu phone and see the 21cm active 47 thousand berceni I quickly called a man answered with a penetrating voice gave me the address noted miam made shower and left. burned road my heart reached him at a meet blok expect me wow you saw was a little old man lam to face in my mind I think I said no fuck no more school. I got up a large plasma porn two men one young May 1 old brings me a glass of juice a cigarette and says see couple of television today will be us just as we do and they strip slightly as surprise and a big thick dick what was in front of the eyes Meimei undress me and comes easy to me a indrpta dick to mouth quickly catch your hand and go nose a smell all around a whole Belisle wow AWEA smell of sperm and cheese mmmmmmm great.I take the hair and put mio throat and stays there until about 15 seconds when I was clean out my tonsils had left all but full of saliva out gave me throat blowjob so until 30 minutes then I turn and I zuce he wants to fuck me in the ass and asked me if I like iam responded that kind of hurts loat oka dick in his hand and spit in the ass mia dimtro movement shoved all in the ass I screamed in pain and crushed me mam 's bed when she saw it began to show even more numb my ass...
Summer vacation just very happy because we venise.Eram to meet with a good friend who lived right in my little village to Say bunici.Intr a very hot summer we just decided to go to the lake to take a cold bath to racorim.Zis we did, how quickly we were like two young guys swimming in water nebunatici.Dupa we finished scaldatu sia he just took off his underwear and squeeze , which I said I was doing good idea to fel.In then look at the one to the other our penises like I was magnetizati.Apoi I dressed and left us each acasa.Dupa few days I went to his house and called me up in the barn to play a joc.Mi said so, if I you look your puta tio show and I have mine , which I quickly so then I started to touch them until we have made concrete in amondoi , we have stretched the fan and I have experienced all sorts of chestii.Era sensation a very nice and so wonderful I tinuto long time and when I went to the lake , he came to me were I so .... eventually he moved to another city I lost touch with el.De often remember I lived my is concrete tool then sit and intrb whether it be gay or bisexual ?
Near me, Vlad, initially had talked , he already had taken a cock and stroked and busily . I bent down and I took it slowly between her lips. Millimeter by millimeter began to disappear in my mouth until my lips have touched balls . He began to fuck me slowly , letting my tongue to give hot circles that make him moan of pleasure . But my hands have turned co head to another dick that she expected pleasures offered mouth and lips . I never got too good to taste November pulleys that feel on the third and making their way through her ??lips. Followed several minutes , during which move from a cock I to another . Sweet savor millimeters of skin that produce thrills me that is not never felt before. Lower the tongue along them , get their big balls between her lips , sucking them gently and let them walk my language hardened skin again , until we get back on top , taking that dick in her mouth then I struggled to comprise entirely . And so , until one of them showed signs that he go. I opened my mouth and I gave it its hot jets . They followed along , the other two , who had sent her jets and hot between my lips. I swallowed it all without losing any drop. I got up and gave them thanks , making a sign to the door I want to go. Vlad but I said :- We have enough to Paris , far enough to give us an anal sex .I understand that not satisfied with what I had done before. In addition, I do not dislike the idea . I left pantalnii on coming and I turned to him. Without any preparation , he stuck a dick in time ...
I wanted more and I was thinking of the intense moments of pleasure with a flight attendant in height . I was going to be ... until recently. We're going to Paris with Tarom . One of the cabin crew was a young man about 25 years , about 1.80 , skinny , dark hair, a charming smile , lips product they 'd kissed , I thought , for hours. I liked it so much that I let common sense aside and I directly addressed , the pretext of the need to use the toilet near the cockpit .- I want to ask you something . Or , rather , to ask you something .- Go ahead.- You know , I never got blowjob to 9000 meters .After the girl had done it , I think we started to collapse. He remained speechless for a few moments . Without a word he turned and entered the cockpit . I forgot that I needed the toilet and I returned to my seat . Later came and told me :- I spoke to the captain. I said your problem . It can solve , but must join me in the booth.I got up and followed him to the cockpit .- We're on autopilot , I said the captain. And the price of a couple of hours you have time to realize what's taking blowjob to 9000 meters . But you have to choose : no or ... three times.- Well , I say, I would be very sorry to miss the opportunity, so ...
As i was saying we had a conversation:- What did you say ? Do not you try ?- hahaha .. Hi :)) the conqueror of girls ... to give the boys :)) .. do you really think you're gonna go to the game ?Why not?- Look in the back.And then he has been punched in the stomach ( not too hard ) to Marius.Eu I preferred to stand - aside until .... Max got up and tried to of the in MariusEventually I calmed down and I told him why it's good that we did not want to know that we're gay .There followed 10 minutes of silence.I went and pulled a bottle of wine ..I poured the drinks and the atmosphere was more relaxed after .. Marius and I began to kiss .- Hi .. come to you " infructi a bit of our dicks if you want ," I saidCourse.And when Max approached timidly , we loosened the straps gave us pants and began to alternately suck us .It was an amazing feeling ... I kiss my boyfriend .. and a friend sucking me at the same time .We exchanged last locuri.Am I suckedWhen I saw big dicks Acella I could not help myself and started kissing them heads incept ... then take the heads in her mouth and then .. a time to get as much as possible in the mouth .Using a motion go come increasingly faster until u to finish both of them together , Marius in my mouth and face mea.Atunci Hi I got my batch of sperm double.Marius had gone to take some things from her home.I was just me , Max and two hardened dicks to the fullest.We firmly kissed my tongue like it " loved " by his.We lay on the bed and we left carried away .We kissed nipples , and then he had throat and fuck .A shy scoso pants .. and started to suck it like SIAR wished fervently .
We woke up the next morning plinii energici.Ne life and I kissed and we went to do our " toilet " in the morning.At breakfast the jun ...:-Marius I have an idea .- I hear you.What would it be if you stay all alone ... to both of you to stay here in the house that are just on vacation?- Well I do, but if for example your grandmother comes and sees me always tells you ... what ?- Eli .. let 's understanding grandmother .. and yet now they are big and can take decisions alone ... I'm talking about .Okay then: *After 20 minutes we retired to the bedroom but ... guess what .. the gate " call me " ( as is done in the village) a friend.I went out to the open ( I only had pants on )- Heii what?- Well Max ( Max was a friend of the gate ) ... getting ready to go to the city .- Oh I can stay with you until you leave ?- Yeah ..Okay then.He came in and I like lightning I entered the bedroom and I said Marius to dress or to hide.Marius dressed and left the room to see what I came intampla.Cand ( me and Marius ) in the kitchen, we see Max with the box game " porn " .What are you doing Max?- I read little regulation steps you wrote and I want to try .- You better not ...And then Max gave me eyes and hands took my hand and led me into the room by force and threw me to the bed.
Then we kissed like we needed each other all viata.I I took your shirt off and started to kiss her neck .. while I Masami bulge in your pants ... then to kiss nipples with passion ... all while he breathing increasingly difficult .Penis.Il reach out of his pants and began to kiss the head , then with courage I took his cock in his mouth half and started to suck it with great joy and excitement. ( He being a dick 21 inches ) and I 20 ) . After a while he started to fuck me in the mouth slowly .. until I put it all .. I felt like I was bursting with happiness in moments alea.Apoi I started to rub eggs one by one .. then take them in the mouth, when suddenly :-Stop , please.- What happened ?- Well I want to give you the same "services" .I stood up and said : OkHe started to kiss me , give me your shirt to kiss my nipples and dick arrived .A scoso of pants and started on a pace : go comeAfter 10 minutes stood up and look like the reading will follow ..He turned back , have a bulging ass 2 ass perfectly proportioned and each eager hot dick hole .I started to lick the anus , sal collect the pieces , he gemeaa I Fell for them to penetrate the anus with the tongue .He licks my anus to me then .But suddenly he stopped , pushed me on the bed and I turned spatele.Din fort his dick hot sperm drops flowed one by one because excitatiiei maxime.A stuck his head first .. I felt a little pain but it was thoughtful and then slowly put until he came over .m the jump ...
It was a summer day ... and I got not much in Romania , grandparents told to do a mini - party ... and I got a prieten.Am champagne and cigarettes and of course I had planned a game.Was reached seara.Am my old house (where I lived alone over the summer ) :-Marius Let's open a bottle of champagne .Okay , he said .After several glasses ....Hey, Marius game ... I made some friends .... look, choose a note and must do what it says on it, but is a porn theme .I do not really know what to sayCome on it'll be fun .-ok- I start , I said full of emotions.I fired the first note saying to him sarut.I I showed the ticket and said he would like to incerce.Si here it begins .We approached shy lips ... after a few seconds I started to kiss passionately ... like we would be " thirsty " one another.It took 10 minutes and then ... :- I have to go ...- What ? Why ? I asked- Well, I broke out into tears ... and ..Not seen him like that before ... it was a well made high which was like tougher.What is .. ? You 're pissed off about something ?- Well, no ... but here .. I liked ... and did not want to start you kidding me ..- Rest assured that I too likedWhen I approached him and somehow instinctively grasped the lam in arms.
I began to believe that everything does have its place, but instead of things always finding their way back, I was convinced that things always have a connection with their roots, even if they never find their way back. In my mind, our roots can always be transplanted. Even things in our minds have their way of floating about. Even the things we obsess over have ways of floating into oblivion, and then returning with a vengeance. Just when we think we have forgotten, the memory returns, just as vivid."Carlotta says that everything has its place in the world." Matt shook his head as he wiped the counters."Whatever!" he replied with disinterest, which worked for both of us, putting Carlotta back to her place in our lives. She called us babies, as if she reared us herself, treated us as if we were babies who did not know the difference between what was right and what was wrong.Matt and I cleaned up the debris of the day's business. My apron was stained with spurts of white cream, which we ********** from a container when a customer asked that we garnish their strawberry shake or hot chocolate. I studied Matt's maroon shirt, which had been dirtied since he refused to wear an apron. My stare was broken by his smile. His perfectly straight teeth gleamed under the low light of the Plaza Caf. I looked away smiling. The world was our oyster, invincibility our description. Our driver's license, always truthful, anchored us to the reality of being nineteen.
After one hour of a grueling work out I lay in the locker room and the smell of musk filled my noise. The sound of rough grunts and clinging metal filled the air. Extremely tired, I was greeted by a deep baritone, cinnamon colored guy in his mid-20's. He had a Spanish accent mixed with some street swag. My mind proceeded to drift elsewhere as he started to change out of his gym clothes.As each layer of clothing came off, I couldn't help but to glimpse over. Stripping his tank top off, his body glistened with sweat with muscles bulging from a hard workout and a tattoo reading "tough love" on his upper back. He then proceeded to take off his pants down to nothing, briefs full of juicy man ass. I was turned on immediately! However, I thought to myself, "he does know I'm laying here right?! As if on cue he turns and offers me a smile, while his hand grabs his man package. I couldn't help to be taken off guard, especially when the next statement was, "join me in the shower". A statement made in his demanding heavy Spanish accent.Hesitant to move not knowing if this was a joke, or a serious gesture. He makes his way to the showers inching his briefs off with every step. With a final look back, a smile and a head nod in the direction he was walking, I knew he was to be taken serious. No sooner then I reached the shower doorway, I'm snatched up and pushed down to my knees by Mister tough love. Every inch of his manhood sliding in and out of my mouth. The taste of sweet pre-cum filled my mouth's taste buds. I was in ecstasy! I felt myself being lifted, turned around and bent over! I knew it was going down when I saw the condom wrapper hit the floor!With nothing but water, saliva, and the lube already on the condom. My boy hole was pried open by a 9 inch cock, that wanted to probe and adventure deep into my inner most sanctums. His grip was strong and his thrust was relentless. Pushing deeper and deeper with every ecstasy filled motion. His moans filled the showers and his demands were to be met. He pulled out and ripped the condom off, while pushing me to the floor again. With a finale moan he let out his man juice all over my face!With a smile, he stated "see you again thanks chulo". I sat there in amazement and disbelief at what just happened. The last thing I saw was the tough love tattoo on his back As I came out of my daydream, Mister tough love was gone. As for my adventure deeper into this jungle of muscles and metal, I was looking forward to the workout I needed to do when I finally got home!
It was a hot day at the beach. A very nicely built 24-year-old lion laidsnoozing under an umbrella. He was wearing nothing but a navy blue speedothat curved around his bulge, showing off that nice packed loins of his.His tan-brown mane wavered in the warm breezes, the thick head fur framinghis head, his neck in perfect view, and reaching to the middle of his broadchest. He began to wake up as his eyes blinked and flitted in the sunlight. He slowly got up and looked around. The beach was crowded today.Probably because Summer just startedI yawned as I slowly laid back down, resting my head on my hands, flexingmy biceps and stretching. The heat\'s kinda making me a little moredrowsy. I feel like . . . I think I\'ll just to doze off again . . .\"YO ALLEN!! HEADS UP!!\"\"Wha-?!\"Before I realized it, a volleyball had appeared in front of my face, andsmashed me square on the nose. \"OW!! Dammit!\" My eyes slightly watered as Isat up and cover my nose with both hands. Ow, fucking OW, that hurts! Ifeel like the inside of my nose imploded!I opened one eye and glanced to my left. Ashley, a black cat in a bluebathing suit came running towards me and knelt down, trying to lookconcerned and trying not to laugh at the same time. She\'s a really goodfriend of mine, but I still had a slight urge to punch HER in the snout. Irubbed my nose with my right paw and placed it back on the towel.
As I glanced through the work e-mails which had come in since I'd left theoffice to meet Cameron, I mused that if I were to bring a woman home withme, I'd have no such qualms about Jake being in the house. I'd ask him tokeep a low profile, of course, but the thought of him being aware that hisdad was having sex in the next bedroom would not be an issue for me.Perhaps, in time, I might come to accept Jake's presence in the house whenI brought men back too, but not right now. Certainly not the first time.I could envisage a time when I might bring Debbie, or any other woman, homewith me one evening for a meal, and have her stay over with me, and thenthe next evening having a guy around for a few beers and extending the sameinvitation to him. Slow, gentle lovemaking one night; rough, sweatybutt-fucking the next. Different needs; different ways of satisfying them.I could actually see that happening as a realistic possibility, and I likedthe idea.To my surprise, as I was looking through my e-mails, a message came in fromCameron. He must have sent it just moments earlier."Nice to meet up with you tonight, Rob. Lots of good stuff to talk about.Been doing a bit of research about one of your misgivings. Google 'AndrewMarter' if you're interested. Looking forward to the Xmas party. It willbe a very good night! Best, Cameron."As he'd sent the message through the work e-mail system, its contents weredeliberately vague, but his meaning was clear enough to me.I typed the name 'Andrew Marter' into Google and looked down the list ofresults. Most of the most prominent links were to Facebook and LinkedInpages and those below cited references to the author of several eruditepapers on management techniques. At first I wondered if Cameron actuallyintended me to read through those - perhaps his e-mail really was of apurely professional nature - but on the second page I spotted a blogentitled, "For Men Like Me".
He'd already proven, with his undisguised interest at the sounds that Guyand I had made during our clumsy hook-up in the hotel, that he wasfascinated by the idea of men being sexual together. I wouldn't put itpast him to creep along the corridor and lurk outside my bedroom door whilewe were in there, just to hear what his dad and his new-found friend weredoing together.I really didn't want to have to feel conscious at the sounds we were makingtogether for the sake of my son; to worry about every creak of the bedframeand to feel inhibited about what we did together for fear of making toomuch noise. It was embarrassing enough that he'd heard me masturbatingthat night a few weeks ago: how worse it would be to know that he waslistening to the rhythm of his father being buggered for the first time.Although it was unlikely, I could imagine Jake's curiosity driving him topeer through the keyhole of my room. The possibility was certainly realenough for me to end up spending more time feeling concerned about what hemight see than enjoying what we were doing. How would he feel to see hisdad naked and aroused with another man? Sucking another man's cock?Licking another man's bum? Would it surprise him to see me beating myselfoff in my excitement as I did so? Would he be disgusted to see me anallypenetrating a man? Would he be shocked to see his own father bending downto be similarly mounted by a member of his own gender?
I liked the idea of having sex with guy at his place: the fact that wewould be doing it on the bed he shared with his girlfriend or wifepresented, for some reason, a tremendous turn-on. The two of us men wouldbe enjoying furtive, forbidden sex together on a bed more used to thedelicate bouquet of the sensual and vaginal. We'd be rutting together,revelling in defiling the feminine sensuality of the place with the strong,unashamed odours of our rough, male-on-male buggery, making the bedspringsshriek in ways it never had, and coating the already sex-smeared sheetswith our own, more expressive stains.As the Windows desktop loaded up on the screen, I realised, however, thatit was far more likely that I'd have to bring my 'companion' (is there abetter word for such a person?) home with me as my place would make a moreobvious venue for our get-together if he was involved with a woman. Thethought of having sex with another man on the bed I'd shared with my wifewas similarly pleasing, though for rather different reasons, and I realisedhow gratifying it would be to watch the two of us wanking, rimming andmounting each other through the mirrored wardrobe doors which ran thelength of the room.Taking another drink from my wine, I reminded myself that I was going tohave to get Jake to stay with his mother that night, or else force him tohave a sleepover with one of his mates. He'd know exactly what I was up to- he was eighteen, after all - and would probably be intrigued by theprospect of listening in to the sounds that two men make when they gettogether for sex.
I pulled up in front of our house and switched off my lights.It was difficult to know which prospect excited me more: a long, passionatekiss with Debbie including - I hoped - my first touch of a woman'sbreasts for way too long; or a night of rimming and sodomy with some guy Imight hardly know. They both had their own appeals; were both arousing insuch different ways.As I got out of the car, I felt the envelope full of the articles andclippings which Cameron had given me digging into me through my jacketpocket and decided not to take them back into the house. Instead, Istuffed them into the glove compartment of the car. They'd be safest inthere until I could find somewhere discreet to bin them.Having done that, I locked the car and let myself into the house. Thehallway was in darkness but the distant deep throb of a baseline told methat Jake was in his room.I poured myself a glass of wine from the fridge and grabbed a cold slice ofpizza, a leftover from a couple of nights earlier. Tipple, our old gingercat, started meowing around my feet so I filled his bowl. Then I wentupstairs to see Jake.He was at his desk doing some work for college with the music playing fromhis iPhone through his speakers. A familiar smell and a ball of scrunchedup tissues in his bin betrayed how he'd taken advantage of my late return.I touched his shoulder, startling him, and he asked if his music was tooloud.
Now there\'s double standards for you.As I pulled away from the junction, I thought about what it would be liketo kiss a woman after such a long spell of abstinence. It wouldfeel wonderfully intimate to touch my lips against hers; to feel herhesitantly yield to accept the tip of my tongue into her mouth and to feelher warm breath and the scent of her perfume so close to my face. I\'dpress close to her as my mouth worked against hers and might reach into herblouse to gently caress one of her breasts. Some women would enjoy thatand groan their approval; some might even reach down and fondle the flyarea of my trousers. I guessed Debbie would be more reticent and I\'d haveto take it carefully. Nevertheless, while we kissed, I\'d get near enoughfor her to feel my bulge swelling against her so that she could be in nodoubt of my eventual intent.Turning into my estate, I thought about how it would be to be with a manfor the first time. I pictured us going back to his place which, for somereason, I visualised as a cramped bedsit with a shoddily made bed. Havingno idea who Cameron was planning to fix me up with, I imagined my colleagueMatt Strickson naked, standing upright on the sheets of his unmade bed withme squatting behind him, also naked and with my face nuzzling between hisripe, round buttocks.My lips would be clamped to his cheeks, my tongue exploring his hairy crackand his hot, sticky hole, while his hand was grabbing the back of my headurging me further towards his buried trophy. He\'d bend low to grind hisarse into my hungry mouth and would reach down, through his own legs, tograb my cock and wank me off with a rough, fast rhythm as I rimmed him.Then he\'d squat down in front of me and I\'d slide myself into him, one armgripping his shoulders and the other around his belly. We\'d fuck likethat, my knees around his hairy thighs and our balls dangling low as wesquatted one behind the other on his dishevelled bed. I\'d reach down andgrab his cock and wank him as I fucked him, the two of us working up arhythm against each other. With my other arm, I\'d hold him close, feelingmy chest rubbing up and down his back as we grunted and panted together;smelling the fusty whiff from his soiled sheets being joined by the moreanimalistic stink of our sweating buggery.
Even if such encounters were still conducted in secrecy, like the discreetlate night meetings of men described by Guy on the oil rig, such a low-keyapproach would bring its own attractions by introducing a sense of dangerand taboo which I have always found exciting.Having a regular and reliable means of release was something I'd onlybriefly enjoyed when I was married and it was strange to think that in theforces I might have had a more fulfilling sex life. I would have missedhaving a relationship with a woman, of that much I was sure, and myinterest in my fellow soldiers would have been purely directed towardsachieving mutual satisfaction at the exclusion of anything more meaningful.However, it occurred to me that whatever little companionship I had enjoyedwith Linda was now long-gone and her departure had left me with the worstof all worlds: for the last few years I'd had neither the sex nor anythingmore emotionally-significant in my life.I had Jake, though, and that was important.As I sat and waited at some traffic lights, listening to my indicatorclicking and watching it light up the sign to Foxton with a pulsing yellowrhythm, I realised I now had two evenings to look forward to between nowand Christmas. First, there was my second date with Debbie, which I hopedmight bring with it at least a snog and perhaps a mutual grope now thatwe'd got over the initial necessarily awkward meeting. Second, there wasthe prospect of a get-together with another bloke - the word 'date'didn't sound at all appropriate in this case - which Cameron was goingto set up for me. With my male-to-male encounter, I rather assumed there'dbe a sexual element to the evening: in fact, if the night bring with it atleast one climax I'd consider it a complete flop.
I wondered whether, extrapolating from what Cameron had said, suchencounters between men for the sake of allowing a regular and healthysexual release were now seen as acceptable - perhaps even desirable -within the forces. I rather liked the idea of tacit goings-on afterlights-out, the men coupling up in their bunks, soundlessly helping oneanother to perform that last of the day's duties. The thought of quietlymounting another man in the darkness, our bodies gently working together inthe knowledge that other men around us were discreetly pairing up togetherfor the same reason, was extremely appealing. It gave the activity afraternal quality: a late night brotherhood of men whose lithe sweatybodies would come together for a few short minutes of unspoken union. Theclose, confined air of the barracks would be thicken at first with thebase, malodorous whiff of so many men's quiet penetration of their brothersand comrades, and then, at length, by the more acrid, sharper bite of semenas so many pairs of balls were gratefully disburdened.Such a bracingly masculine and loveless form of sex would have taken somegetting used to, granted, but would gradually, in time, have acquired itsown unique appeal. It would allow the discharge of a necessary bodilyfunction, but would also be an intense and erotic moment of togetherness,the gentle rhythm of male coupling each night serving to unify us as a teamand solidify the bonds of camaraderie between us.
I could now see, and the irony was not lost on me, that the very thing thathad put me off joining the forces should instead have proven to be one ofits main attractions. It had not occurred to me back then that all of usmen together would have had equally insistent sex drives and that we allconveniently come with holes of roughly the right size which can be put touse as a practical outlet for those urges. Far from spending my life inen celibacy, I\'d have probably enjoyed a fairly regular andpleasantly varied sex life in the quiet of the barracks after lights-outonce I\'d located a group of like-minded men who shared both my need forregular release and my taste for the male rear.It struck me as bitterly amusing that I might have had more sex throughjoining the army than I\'d had through my chosen course of getting marriedto Linda. I was confident I could have wangled a nightly hook-up with oneor other like-minded soldier - we\'d have quickly spotted each other inthe cramped confines of the barracks - and I\'d have no doubt come toenjoy taking turns with other men for mutual gratification. Thinking aboutit, I was fairly sure that I could have managed to fit in an early morningpre-shower session with those among my fellow-squaddies who, like me, foundthemselves waking before dawn with their erections standing to attention intheir army-issue undershorts.
Bruno was also shy and uneasy. That excited me. He thought I was asophisticated man of the world. I went to him and fluffed up the hair onhis chest. "You are a teddy bear," I said. My hand followed the treasuretrail to his bush and then I touched his cock. He shivered. He was uncut,but his cock head was fully exposed. I touched the bead of precum on hisslit and gently rubbed it over the entire head.He moaned. "That feels so good!" he cried. I thought I might draw thingsout a little, but my knees gave way and a second or two later his knob wasin my mouth. He moaned again and his entire body shuddered. I was afraid hewas going to shoot off then and there. He was able to control it. He musthave showered just before he came over. I could taste a little of a highend body wash on his cock. That was just before I tasted his man juices.He seemed to be really close to an orgasm but he held off. After about tenminutes he shifted his position and he took a tentative lick of mycock. I'm cut and about seven inches. He then took my cock head and nexttried to deep throat me. I shifted so we could 69. That worked for both ofus.Bruno wasn't my type and I wasn't his, but as we got into it, that didn'tseem to make much difference. I realized a genuine hard cock was much moreexciting that an abstract fantasy. Somehow I had a feeling Bruno felt thesame. Real physical contact was better than any "perfect" man. Since hewasn't the man of my dreams I went into the relationship with noexpectations. It was all much better than I expected, until he shot off. Hedidn't warn me, he just began squirting into my mouth.
Bruno was also shy and uneasy. That excited me. He thought I was asophisticated man of the world. I went to him and fluffed up the hair onhis chest. "You are a teddy bear," I said. My hand followed the treasuretrail to his bush and then I touched his cock. He shivered. He was uncut,but his cock head was fully exposed. I touched the bead of precum on hisslit and gently rubbed it over the entire head.He moaned. "That feels so good!" he cried. I thought I might draw thingsout a little, but my knees gave way and a second or two later his knob wasin my mouth. He moaned again and his entire body shuddered. I was afraid hewas going to shoot off then and there. He was able to control it. He musthave showered just before he came over. I could taste a little of a highend body wash on his cock. That was just before I tasted his man juices.He seemed to be really close to an orgasm but he held off. After about tenminutes he shifted his position and he took a tentative lick of mycock. I'm cut and about seven inches. He then took my cock head and nexttried to deep throat me. I shifted so we could 69. That worked for both ofus.Bruno wasn't my type and I wasn't his, but as we got into it, that didn'tseem to make much difference. I realized a genuine hard cock was much moreexciting that an abstract fantasy. Somehow I had a feeling Bruno felt thesame. Real physical contact was better than any "perfect" man. Since hewasn't the man of my dreams I went into the relationship with noexpectations. It was all much better than I expected, until he shot off. Hedidn't warn me, he just began squirting into my mouth.
"What sort of thing would you like to be doing?" I asked."Well, that's part of my problem. I was thinking there are a lot of thingsout there to do, but I really don't know what they are," Bruno said. "I'dlike to try some. I was hoping you might like to try some things too." Hepaused. "I'm not much interested in girls. I was thinking you aren't muchinterested either.""Are you thinking about stuff we could do naked?" I asked.He looked shocked and then nodded his head. "That sounds exciting," hesaid. "I've never done anything naked before. Shit, my Mom's not suretaking a shower naked is decent." I smiled."I'm not too experienced at that sort of stuff, but it might be fun to trysome things," I said. "When I play with myself it gets messy. Does thatbother you?""I don't think so" Bruno said. "I've never seen a guy's privates in action.I'd like to do that.""I've done that," I said. "It's really exciting." I paused. "I've tastedhis cream.""Was it good?""It tasted okay, but it was really exciting. I licked it from his cock.""Would you do that to me?" Bruno asked."I might," I replied. "The guy got up and left afterwards. I'd do it if youwould take mine.""I've thought about that sort of stuff," he said. "It really turns meon. I've never done anything like that and I'm not sure when push comes toshove, I could do it, but I can promise I would try."We went to my bedroom. We stripped. Bruno was beefy, hairy, bearded andhad the beginning of a gut. None of these things were on my list of a dreamlover. My dream lover was a fantasy constructed from the male models I sawin fashion magazines, mixed in with some young things I saw in the movies.Bruno also possessed a semi-erect fire hose that was already seven inchesand still seemed to be growing. It seemed to cancel out all of his shortcomings. I wasn't experienced except in fantasies, and this big hairy hunkof naked man attracted me. I had only been with a naked man a few times,Sam. He was a salesman who came by the shop. He was in his sixties.
That turned out to be not true. There is a big difference in being a gayman and being a gay man with a place to play. It's even better when theplace to play is on a back street and on a big wooded lot with a place topark in the rear out of sight.The first man to visit was Bruno, a member of the rescue squad. Bruno was amountain of a man who worked as a welder. He was the one to cut you out ofa crashed car. Bruno worked all day and took the night shift at the rescuesquad. He all but lived at the squad house.He had been to our house several times as Mom went downhill. I cut his hairand got his to look good at his brother's wedding. That was considered tobe a great triumph, since Bruno seemed to regard combing his hair as anonerous task. I bumped into him while cutting his hair once and he didn'tmind.A month after Dad left, he came by. He said he was just passing by andthought he would say hello. No one just passed by my house; you had to goout of your way. I asked him in for a beer or cup of coffee. He came inand I bumped him again. He didn't seem to mind.We made some small talk and then he got down to business. "I was thinkingyou might be lonely. I sort of live with my folks too," he said. "I don'treally like it, but they need me. I the only one still at home. It hard todo what you want when you live at home."
I did the same thing for Muriel Smith. She was a nice lady, but he facewasn't right. It wasn't exactly deformed, but it wasn't right. I balancedthings out. She was never pretty, but she looked good.My other specialty was preparing men for their day in court. I could take adegenerate piece of trash and make him look like an All-American boy. Insome cases it was just putting lipstick on a pig, but in others it wasgood. Life can be better if when you look in the mirror every morning youdon't see a piece of trash looking back at you.Some of these guys had an early start on being an asshole. When they sawthat they could look respectable and even handsome, it gave them cause forreevaluating their lives.Everyone knew I wasn't ever going to find the right girl. I lived at homeuntil I was 40. That really cuts into your social life. Mom didn't agewell. She was a bit sickly when I got out of high school and things gotworse. She had MS and there isn't much you could do about that. It took Dadand me to take care of her.When she died Dad decided to move in with his brother in Chicago. He gaveme the house. I was forty by then and well beyond my good days as a gayguy. I was too old. Some people get lonely when their parents die orleave. Living with Mom was never very good. She definitely did notbelieve in suffering in silence and she became increasinglydemanding. That's why Dad left. He said he couldn't associate my home townwith anything but my Mom's complaining, I understood.A quiet empty house seemed like heaven to me. I also wanted to get a life,and most of all a sex life. I knew my sell by date had passed, but I wantedto work out something.My house was a bungalow on a back street, at the point where the town turnsinto woods and fields. When Mom died and Dad left I began to havecallers. I knew I wasn't the only gay guy in town, but I thought I waspretty close to being the only gay guy.
My name is Del-Mar Shiftler. Why my folks gave me a name that sounds like asecond rate beach on the Jersey shore, I do not know. My mom was what wasknown as a girl who knew how to have a good time. Dad was a vending machinerepairman. I didn\\\'t look like him at all, but he was a nice guy andresponsible. He loved me and took care of me. Mom\\\'s strong suit wasn\\\'tcooking, or house cleaning. She was pretty when she was younger but lateron being willing was her main attraction.For most men in our trailer park, willing was more important than pretty. Iwasn\\\'t a boy\\\'s boy as a young man. That might had caused problems in highschool, but I had a skill in haircuts and hair do\\\'s. If I saw a picture ofa star with a new haircut I could reproduce it. You would think that wouldbe good for the girls only, but you would be wrong.A lot of cool guys want a cool haircut. We lived in a small town and thelocal barber liked crew cuts, either short or real short. I was the go-toguy if you wanted to be stylish. I got a job at a local Salon, BettyBright\\\'s. Betty saw the wave of the future in unisex salons, and I was herfirst barber. I get along with every one and that was helpful.I had a few odd specialties. I took care of Mrs. Oliver\\\'s son who had DownsSyndrome. At the time we called him a Mongoloid. Terry was a sweet guy, andwhen I finished his hair cut, he didn\\\'t look like a retard. In a small townat that time being a retard and looking like a retard were two differentthings. Being dumb as shit was fine as long as you didn\\\'t look thatway. When Mrs. Oliver saw Terry after my haircut she cried. You couldbarely notice his problem. I also told her they had some real nice thingsat the College Shop that would look good on Terry. He got a job as astocker at the By-rite and had a life.
To say I relaxed understates the case. For the first time in years, Iforgot to be a coach and I turned in to a sex toy for the boy's pleasureand amusement. They took turns sucking, fucking and caressing me. Severaltimes I had a cock in my mouth and one in my ass as I sucked a third.It was good, but soon became more than good. I lost all of my inhibitionsand hang ups and just went with the flow. It was a sexual tornado, butwithout out any sense of fear or danger. I was in a sexual storm.All good things come to an end and the party wound down around four. I tookRick home for dinner and a rest. He was happy and serene, but he was tired.He was relaxed the way a wet dishrag is relaxed. He took a nap when we gothome and later had dinner.I asked him if he was sorry he hadn't connected with them earlier."No," he said. "If I had known they were so into it, it would have been toomuch temptation for me. This was perfect. It wasn't a dream come true. Mydreams were never that good!""I don't think their dreams were that good either," I said. "Somehow, Inever thought any of my boys wanted me to fuck them.""I never considered having them shoot in me. That was good," Rick said."Bruiser, Dumbo and Tyrone loved it when I seeded them." Rick reminiscedabout the good times with his boys. We went to bed. I thought he was wornout but he wasn't so worn out as to not fuck me.As I said, I normally a top, but this night, Rick possessed a magic wand.His cock slid into mycum filled hole. He liked using his boys' sperm as alubricant and he added his own. I was going to take him home the next daybut he was tired and he stayed. We were watching his favorite team play andhe told me he felt a little chilly. I put my arm around him and hesnuggled closer. He closed his eyes.
"Sure," he said. "But I'd like to give Rick first dibs.""Will there be anything left for me?" I said.I was smiling and Tyrone was smiling too. "Usually there is enough forthree or four guys," he said. He paused. "Do you think Rick would likeit?""I can almost guarantee Rick will like it. Don't be shy; he ready," Isaid.Everyone knew Rick was dying. I thought it might be a depressing and moroseevent. Rick was having a great time. Homosexuality was a great sin when wefirst became coaches. This was the first time in his life he could relaxand enjoy himself and his former team members. I watched Tyrone approachhim. Tyrone was a little uneasy but as soon as he connected with Rick allwas well. They hugged and Tyrone sank to his knees and then kissed Rick'sorgan. He didn't suck it as much as he made love to it. A little later,they were on the ground, linked cock to mouth.I hadn't realized it was possible to be both aggressively sexual and tenderat the same time. Eventually their tongues and cocks had explored everyinch of their bodies. I watched as Tyrone ate out Rick's asses. I knew thatonly when Tyrone's spewing cock was deep in Rick's ass would they besatisfied. Rick took the load and switched roles, deep fucking Tyrone'sopen hole.When they broke apart, Tyler, Henry and Bruce joined in to maintain Rick'ssexual high. Dumbo and Bruiser double teamed me. When Tyrone recharged hejoined us. I'm more of a top than a bottom, but I seemed to have relaxedand opened up for the boys.
A little later I discovered Bruiser was a bottom. I watched as Rick'sprobe slipped into Bruiser's ass. There were two very happy men. Rickpulled out to cool off. I heard Bruiser tell Rick that he didn't have toshoot off in his ass. "A lot of guys here would like to feel you in theirass," Bruiser said.Rick smiled. "Don't worry, I have a short recharge time," he said."Your balls are full?" Bruiser asked."Over filled!" Rick said.I thought Rick's cock would return to Bruiser's ass. Bruiser had a nicethick fire plug cock. The next time I saw Bruiser, his cock had vanishedin Rick's ass. Rick was smiling. The event was like a birthday party withparticularly effective party favors.My own experiences were good too. I didn't know many of his team members,but I was a coach and that was good enough for several of his former teammembers. They knew I had been his lover. Oddly several were relived. Theyhad been afraid he had lived a monk-like sexless life. I am not suremonks' lives are that sexless, but his team members thought I was a goodsex partner. One of his basketball players, Tyrone, came to me. He was asix-foot-six, muscleman who had made it into the NBA for a while. He brokehis knee, and was now selling cars.He was well spoken and shy. An impressive black snake dangled from hiscrotch. I took a second look at it; it was a very impressive blacksnake. The snake was nice but his head was a wonder. It only had one eye,but it was one hell of an eye.I felt a strange attack of lust. I tried to swallow the snake and thehead. I didn't get that much of it, but Tyrone seemed to appreciate myeffort. He said most guys didn't get as much as I did. I asked if I couldtake his load.
\\\"I still remember it as if it were yesterday,\\\" I said. \\\"He had a beauty. Hewas soft, uncut and real meaty. It was pure man tool.\\\"\\\"Did you ever do anything?\\\" Freddy asked.\\\"No, but I was willing,\\\" I replied. \\\"Although, what I thought was sex thenbarely scratches the surface what I know is sex now, but I was willing.\\\"Bruce leaned close to me and whispered, \\\"I\\\'m willing too.\\\"\\\"I am mostly a top,\\\" I said.\\\"Well, this is your lucky day,\\\" Bruce replied.Rick liked it all. He topped, bottomed sucked and loved to be sucked. Healso liked to please. He would make a lot of boys happy that afternoon.The youngest of the boys was 25 and the oldest 46, so they weren\\\'t exactly so young.Rick was happy. It wasn\\\'t just the sex. His team members were grown men.They were successful and had a good life. That had been his objective. Theywere his boys and he played a role in raising them. He was proud ofthem. He had never made a pass or even a suspect comment in 30 years.I don\\\'t think any of his boys guessed how much Rick was into man sex. Theywere excited to see him naked and wanted to suck him. They didn\\\'t guess hewanted to suck them and he wasn\\\'t opposed to being rear loaded. I realizedthat when I was young, I assumed I was the only gay guy in school. At onetime most gay athletes assumed they were alone. That was especially truein high school.At that time. I would have been happy just to see an adult man\\\'s cock. Iwould have been willing to suck it, but I didn\\\'t know any other sexualactivities. People seem to assume that boys are wild and crazy.I think most are conservative and unsure of themselves. I was a jock andpopular; I didn\\\'t know shit about sex.No one even admitted gay sex existed when I was ayoung and therewas no way to find out. It\\\'s odd that no one has a problem with young boysdriving, or hunting. I lived in a semi-rural area and hunting was a regularpast time. While young buys died in hunting or car accidents all the time, no onewould mention sex in general and gay sex in particular. That was toodangerous.It was always a surprise to me when I discovered someone else liked thesame things. Rick was normally a bit shy and reserved. There was no needfor that anymore. He was free to do anything he wanted. Bruiser was withhim after lunch. Bruiser looked like the missing link. He now owned asuccessful body shop. He hugged Rick and the hug turned into a hot make outsession. I would have thought that Bruiser was a slam-bang-that-you ma\\\'am,type of man. He was a lover.
When he discovered to tumor the doctor told him he might lose the abilityto have an erection. Rick\'s genitals didn\'t shut down, they doubled theirproduction. He was just as hard and produced double the cream he use tomake. I\'m not that into cock cream, but I had to make adjustments. I tendto be neat and it was a lot easier to eat the stuff than wipe it up. Hissex drive had increased. I think he had always been embarrassed by hissexual needs. He saw them as a weakness. I always had to talk him intosex. I admit I was 100% successful. Now he wanted sex.Rick loved when I took his load. I had known him for years and neverrealized he loved to be sucked while he was shooting. The few spurts I hadtaken in the past didn\'t have the appeal of the flood he produced now.Rick and Dumbo were obviously excited. They were just as obviouslyunembarrassed. His team members seemed to like seeing Rick\'s semi-erectcock too. That turned me on too. Showing hard in the locker room or theshower was the ultimate embarrassment for a coach not to mention the teammembers. Here we were out doors, naked and a good portion of the men wereeither hard or getting hard. It was wonderful.Food was ready and we all went to the lodge to eat. We had a good lunch andhad a chance to chat. I was with Bruce, Dumbo and Tyrone, one of Rick\'sbasketball players. I knew some of the team members had a crush on thecoach, but I had no idea of the intensity.\"I hoped against hope that something would happen with Coach Rick, but itnever did,\" Bruce said. \"I\'m not sure what I expected. Just seeing himnaked would have been enough. I don\'t know what I would have done. Irespected him, but I wanted more than that.\"\"Did you think you had a chance?\" Dumbo asked.\"It didn\'t occur to me Coach was gay,\" Bruce said. \"I wanted him, but itseemed hopeless.\"\"Do you still want him?\" I asked.\"I sure do!\" Bruce said. \"I\'d love to suck him just once.\"\"Do you want his load?\" Dumbo asked.\"I do,\" he replied. \"This may sound odd, but I\'d love to take him in theass.\"\"We\'ve all grown up from our high school fantasies, haven\'t we?\" I said.\"Did you have the same sort of feelings about a coach?\" Dumbo asked me.\"Coach Demark was the object of my lust,\" I said. \"He had a wife , but I still had hopes.\"\"Did you ever see him naked?\"\"I did. It was a rainy day in late fall at an away game. The football fieldwas all mud. Coach Demark had to shower with us. He was covered in mud.\"\"Was it good?\" Dumbo asked.
When he discovered to tumor the doctor told him he might lose the abilityto have an erection. Rick's genitals didn't shut down, they doubled theirproduction. He was just as hard and produced double the cream he use tomake. I'm not that into cock cream, but I had to make adjustments. I tendto be neat and it was a lot easier to eat the stuff than wipe it up. Hissex drive had increased. I think he had always been embarrassed by hissexual needs. He saw them as a weakness. I always had to talk him intosex. I admit I was 100% successful. Now he wanted sex.Rick loved when I took his load. I had known him for years and neverrealized he loved to be sucked while he was shooting. The few spurts I hadtaken in the past didn't have the appeal of the flood he produced now.Rick and Dumbo were obviously excited. They were just as obviouslyunembarrassed. His team members seemed to like seeing Rick's semi-erectcock too. That turned me on too. Showing hard in the locker room or theshower was the ultimate embarrassment for a coach not to mention the teammembers. Here we were out doors, naked and a good portion of the men wereeither hard or getting hard. It was wonderful.Food was ready and we all went to the lodge to eat. We had a good lunch andhad a chance to chat. I was with Bruce, Dumbo and Tyrone, one of Rick'sbasketball players. I knew some of the team members had a crush on thecoach, but I had no idea of the intensity."I hoped against hope that something would happen with Coach Rick, but itnever did," Bruce said. "I'm not sure what I expected. Just seeing himnaked would have been enough. I don't know what I would have done. Irespected him, but I wanted more than that.""Did you think you had a chance?" Dumbo asked."It didn't occur to me Coach was gay," Bruce said. "I wanted him, but itseemed hopeless.""Do you still want him?" I asked.
"You are a romantic," I said."I know that, but we're all gay guys. It sounds as if there isn't much timeleft," he said. I told him I'd think about it.I talked with Rick and told him about Tyler's idea. He thought it was ajoke at first. He gave me a call a few hours later. "You know, the sexseems to be a bit much, but I would love to be with some of them naked. Itsounds strange, but it would be wonderful to actually look! I've spentforty years averting my eyes from their privates!" I said I assumed thatwould be fine with Tyler. I called Tyler and he was pleased as punch.Tyler came from a wealthy family and they owned camp on a Care-Not-Pond inthe mountains. It was a small pond, but Tyler owned it all. The next dayhe called and said he had a few pals who wanted to come, and asked if nextSaturday would be okay. That was fine. Rick's health could deteriorate andany time, the sooner the better.It was summer and warm. I picked Rick up at his house and we drove into thewoods. Tyler gave very detailed directions. They needed to be detailed.The place was very secluded and hard to find. Rick loved the drive. Heliked the mountains and the day couldn't have been better. When we finallyreached Care-Not-Pond, there were several cars under the trees.To me Rick looked sick, but if you hadn't known him before, you would haveseen him as a tall, thin man. Tyler was there, and introduced me to Henryand Dumbo. Rick knew them well and was pleased to see them. A few minuteslater a van pulled up. The first group had obviously been footballplayers. The second van had two basketball players.A man named Bruce came out from the house. He was with a man namedBruiser. I assumed they were wrestlers. They knew me, since I had coached.Like most mountain ponds, Care-Not-Pond was cold. But there was a shallowarea near the lodge that faces south and was warm. Tyler said he was goingto swim. He stripped naked and walked into the pond. Most of the groupfollowed suit. We were all jocks; nudity was not a shock.Some of the men swam, most just splashed in the water. I noticed the Rick'scock looked huge. It had not lost any heft as he lost weight. At first, heaverted his eyes in the traditional coach mode, but his former team memberswere unashamedly interested in his cock. Rick noticed and rearranged it.He was uncut and he shook it out.Dumbo, who had obviously been a tackle, came up to him. They hugged andDumbo felt Rick out. After that, no one was shy.Rick was normally reserved, even with me and we had been playing togetherfor 30 years. He seemed to relax. Rick was well equipped, but his cock andballs were almost pretty. They weren't pretty in the Greek statue way. Hisballs were big and they hung low in his sack. You could see their beautifuloval shape. His knob was big too and looked even bigger in his foreskin.
I was in a supermarket when one of Rick's former team members, Tyler Smith,came over to me. We chatted and then he asked how Rick was doing. I saidhe was doing fine, but that I was afraid that wasn't going to last. Heasked if he could talk to me privately. I said sure. I was on the way homeand Tyler followed me."Mr. Conrad, I don't know if you know I'm gay. I had a crush on Coach Rickthrough high school," he said."You don't need to tell me these things," I said."I think he liked me to, but of course he would never do anything. Therewere several guys on the team who felt the same way," he continued. "Thereare a lot of men who want to get it on with a jock. Rick was a decent gayman who never took advantage of us.""How did you knew he liked you?" I asked."There was one unguarded glance," Tyler said. "It was brief, but I knewwhat it meant. I saw him naked a few times too. He showered alone in thetraining room. There was a mirror. I don't think he had any idea anyonecould see him. It was beautiful.""I wanted to have sex with him badly then. I still do," he said. "A weekago, several of us guys got together and talked about his situation anddiscovered we were all in love with him. I'm 35 now. I've been dreamingabout wrapping my lips around his cock for twenty years. If he's willingwe'd like to get together.""By together do you mean sexually?""I would love that," he said. "We all would. You know him well. Has he beenthinking about us? I really don't know how sexual he is. I hoped you wouldknow.""What do you know about me?" I asked. I was worried."Well, I have a friend who went to West View. He had the same feelingsabout you, and you treated him the way Coach Rick did us," Tyler said. "Heknew you guys were pals. He didn't know what kind of pals you were, but weboth hoped you got all hot and sweaty once and a while. If I was dying,I'd like to see old friends, but I'd really like to have a final blowjob!"
I was in a supermarket when one of Rick's former team members, Tyler Smith,came over to me. We chatted and then he asked how Rick was doing. I saidhe was doing fine, but that I was afraid that wasn't going to last. Heasked if he could talk to me privately. I said sure. I was on the way homeand Tyler followed me."Mr. Conrad, I don't know if you know I'm gay. I had a crush on Coach Rickthrough high school," he said."You don't need to tell me these things," I said."I think he liked me to, but of course he would never do anything. Therewere several guys on the team who felt the same way," he continued. "Thereare a lot of men who want to get it on with a jock. Rick was a decent gayman who never took advantage of us.""How did you knew he liked you?" I asked."There was one unguarded glance," Tyler said. "It was brief, but I knewwhat it meant. I saw him naked a few times too. He showered alone in thetraining room. There was a mirror. I don't think he had any idea anyonecould see him. It was beautiful.""I wanted to have sex with him badly then. I still do," he said. "A weekago, several of us guys got together and talked about his situation anddiscovered we were all in love with him. I'm 35 now. I've been dreamingabout wrapping my lips around his cock for twenty years. If he's willingwe'd like to get together.""By together do you mean sexually?""I would love that," he said. "We all would. You know him well. Has he beenthinking about us? I really don't know how sexual he is. I hoped you wouldknow.""What do you know about me?" I asked. I was worried."Well, I have a friend who went to West View. He had the same feelingsabout you, and you treated him the way Coach Rick did us," Tyler said. "Heknew you guys were pals. He didn't know what kind of pals you were, but weboth hoped you got all hot and sweaty once and a while. If I was dying,I'd like to see old friends, but I'd really like to have a final blowjob!"
Rick Mallow was my best friend. He was the Coach at Central High School, Iwas the Coach at West View High. We were about the same age. We both hadwinning teams. I had a good football program; Rick's strong suit wasbasketball.Rick and I were both gay, but we kept away from any potential sexualconnection with our players. We had both played high school and collegiatesports and knew that a certain percentage of the team often had a crush onthe coach. Athletes often do what their coaches want and that can be a bigproblem.My taste was for more mature men, but Rick liked them younger. He had a badexperience with a coach in college and he told me he would never subjectone of his men to that situation. I think Rick was a complete straightarrow. Once and a while the pressures would build up and Rick would callme. We would visit my little cabin and let off some steam. By steam I meadwe would suck ourselves silly.Our scheme worked well and we never had a problem.When Rick was 55 he began to have some memory problems and difficulty withcoordination. I told him he needed to see a doctor. He didn't want to dothat and by the time he did it was too late. He had an aggressive tumor inhis brain. It was malignant and fast growing. They tried an operation, butit failed and just gave him few more months to live. The only good thingwas that while the tumor was fatal, it wasn't painful.Rick was a muscular man and he soon became quite thin. I began to spend alot of time with him. He didn't advertise the prognosis, but everyoneknew. His body turned from being a football player type to a runner orswimmer's physique.
When the three of us met on Thursday, Adam and Rudy were both ready. Mytraining session with Adam had been a complete success. He had discovered anew world of sexual pleasure. We showered and Adam was sucking us as wewashed. He couldn't get enough cock. Luckily, Rudy and I have a hightolerance of cock play.Rudy was excited. He knew my ass was in play. His hand strayed towardAdam's ass and Adam didn't object. He didn't object at all. Rudy wasn't shyat all. When he saw an opening, he went through it. His cock eased its wayinto Adam's ass. As far as I could tell, it was all that Adam hoped. Iwatched Adam's face and I could see when Rudy's knob rubbed Adam'sprostate.I should have felt left out, but I felt like the father of the bride. Itwas a joy to watch them go at it. Rudy began to shiver and shake. I knewhe was rear loading Adam. Adam began to squirt. I was close enough tointercept his ejaculations. I ended up with a mouthful of his man seed,and clean sheets.Adam and Rudy came down from their sexual high. I thought they were donefor the night. Adam rallied."Damn that was good," Adam said. "Is there any chance you could fuck meagain Rudy?""I'd love to but it's going to a little longer." Rudy said. "Why don't youlet Woody take a poke? He has a nice one and I think your ass can take it.""You wouldn't mind?" Adam asked."Why would I mind?" Rudy asked. "I'd like to watch Woody take you. I use tolike watching porn, but it better to watch the real thing."I lubricated my cock and Adam opened wide. I didn't mind using Rudy's spermas lube. Adam liked that too."Damn, that pretty!" Rudy exclaimed. Rudy didn't just watch us fuck; hejoined us. It was a three way, but it was more than that. While I fuckedAdam, Rudy poked me. A little later, I fucked Rudy as he screwed Adam. Adamhadn't guessed Rudy bottomed. Rudy didn't just bottom; he loved it. Adamtook his turn too.Over the course of the next year, we turned into a trio. Somehow sex withRudy or Adam individually was never as good as when we were all together.Every time we three were together, we hit a home run. It was always asgood; it was always as good as it could get.
"You did fine and you're more than welcome to stop by for a refill and timeyou want," I said. "I'm always ready, willing and able."Adam smiled nervously. "I loved it, but," he paused, "Rudy really turns meon. I could tell he really loves fucking. You liked it, didn't you?""I sure did.""Do you think he wants to fuck me?" Adam asked. "I've never done that.""I don't know Rudy well, but I would guess he would love to fuck you," Isaid. "Are you willing?""For him I am willing," Adam replied. "I'm afraid I would do it right.""Adam, I'm pretty sure Rudy wouldn't mind that. I don't think he would mindthat at all.""Woody, would you fuck me? I want to make sure I can take it. I don't wantto embarrass myself.""Adam, I'm a bit bigger than Rudy. It will be easier to take his," I said."That's why I want yours. It's bigger and fat. You're a nice guy, but youare kind of. . .""Ugly?" I suggested."Sort of," he said. "The whole idea of fucking turns me on, but it is grosstoo. I figure if I can do it with you, I'd have no problem with Rudy."This wasn't the best pick up line I had ever heard, but he had a virgin assthat needed to be popped. A few minutes later Adam was naked on the bed andI was lubricating his ass. He was hairless except for his pubes and hishole looked miniscule. I touched his hole with my lube-coated finger; heshivered in excitement. A few minutes later, I had two fingers in his assand was massaging his prostate. He was going crazy."Would he be able to tell if I've been fucked?" Adam asked."I was with a guy once who had been in a gang-bang. You couldn't tell byhis ass," I said. I nudged my cock head into his hole. I had a bottle ofpoppers and gave him a sniff. Ten minutes later, I knew Adam was born tobottom. He opened wide to let me in and clamped tight once I was in. hisprostate was in fine working order and sensitive as hell.I had to pull out a few times to let him catch his breath, but he was readyto go again in minutes. All was well.
"Now begin the thrust, give that ass a workout!" Rudy urged."I'm afraid I'll shoot off!" Adam cried."Just let nature take its course. You'll be fine. I think Woody's going tobe fine too!" Rudy said. Adam lasted longer than I thought he would. Hewas ripe when he started and he made it a good ten minutes. He began totwitch, and he tried to pull out, but Rudy wouldn't let him."Squirt that natural lube in him! Plant it deep!" Rudy cried. I could feelhim twitching in my ass. He pulled out. While Adam screwed me, Rudy hadlubricated his cock and as Adam pulled out, Rudy's tool filled the void inmy ass. His knob was big, but by the time I realized he was in me, it wasnice and deep.I don't like to sound cynical, but I was sure Rudy was more experiencedthan he let on. He was good. He cock wasn't as long as Adam's was, but hismushroom was big, and he knew exactly where my prostate was. He rubbed itand drove me crazy. He tried to pull out, but I squeezed my ass as tightlyas I could. He looked at me and smiled. We understood each other.Adam was on the bed next to us, trying to catch his breath after hisorgasm. We had a good time, but like all good sex, the better it was thesooner the climax. He added his own homemade man seed to the brew in myass. He was winded and joined Adam resting on the bed.Adam said he needed to get home so our group broke up. Rudy said he wouldbe back at the school on Thursday to finish cleaning up the remains of hisson's bad judgment. We didn't exactly make a date, but I knew we would allbe there.On Tuesday evening, Adam stopped by my apartment. He was nervous."Can I talk with you?" he asked. I said sure and he came in."I can't believe I've done the things I've done with you and Rudy," hesaid. "It's been wonderful, but I'm still in a daze.""I think it was good for all of us.""Was it okay when I fucked you?" he asked. "It was my first time."
"Maybe Adam could take a poke and open me up some," I said. "He could getthe lube in deep. Do you mind sloppy seconds?"Rudy laughed. "I don't know, but somehow I doubt it would be a problem,"Rudy replied. "Are you game, Adam?" Rudy reached out and stroked Adam'scock. Precum drooled from his slit."As I said, I'd like to help," Adam said. "I've never fucked a guy before.I never fucked anyone.""Don't worry, I can give you some advice!" Rudy said.I had some lubricant in the bathroom. Rudy lubricated my ass and Adam'scock. I was afraid Adam was too close, but he held back. I was on my backon the bed and had hooked my legs with my arms. That left me wide open andavailable.Damn, you have a hairy ass!" Rudy exclaimed. "Now Adam, you just aim yourcock head at Woody's hole. Just nuzzle it in there." Poor Adam looked asif he was afraid he'd make a mistake. I hadn't been fucked in a while, butthere had been times when a cock was a regular visitor to my ass. Therewasn't much Adam could do that would be a problem for me."Now, just push and see how tight he is," Rudy instructed. "You're going tohave to push harder if you want to get in. An ass is a lot tighter than acunt." I had a suspicion that Rudy had spent more time on the wild sidethan he let on. "Push harder!"Adam was obedient. He pushed a little harder and his knob vanished in myass. "Take it easy; let him rest a little," Rudy advised. He went to Adam'srear and rested his cock on Adam's ass crack. "Now slide it in!'" he said."How far?" Adam asked."Go as far as you can," Rudy said. Adam slid in deep. It had been a whilesince my last fuck and Adam's cock felt great. He was nice, long and thickenough to feel without stretching. He moaned.
Rudy was ready, but I think Adam might have been more ready. He was morerelaxed than he had been the time before. Rudy went for his cock and Adamwent for mine. It was different. When Adam sucked me before it was as if hewas tasting some suspect foreign food. As he sucked me now, I realized heliked my meat and seemed to have a taste for my special sauce.He both enjoyed it and savored it. He played with my foreskin. I have extraskin and it can cover my knob even when I am erect. He enjoyed it. Werotated and I sucked Adam. He was oozing more. I was also able to deepthroat him. He ejaculated as I did. I pulled away and he was able to holdit at only two spurts. I hadn't met anyone who could control his spewingcock like Adam. That could be a nice feature.We took a break. We all had a beer and talked. Adam asked Rudy how he wasdoing."Well it was a shock," Rudy replied. "Things weren't good, but I had noidea they were that bad. When Princess left, there was something missingfrom my life. Today I realized I missed the nagging. It's strange to gohome and not have the continual undertone of nagging. The house wascompletely quiet. It was nice. I could do anything I wanted when I wanted.I could watch any television program I wanted. It would have been better ifmy wife hadn't taken the set, but it will be better.""Is there anything I can do?" Adam asked."Well, you're helping out right now. It's nice to get my rocks off," hesaid. He paused briefly. "I do like to fuck. Are you guys into that, byany chance?""I've never done that," Adam said. "I've never actually thought about it.""I've done it and I liked it," I said. "It's been a while though. That knobof yours might be a tight fit." Rudy looked disappointed.
"I've never really done this before," he said. "I've suck a few cocks in amen room and once in a rest stop, but I've never been naked in a bed room.""I hope you liked it," I said."It was more than I expected," Adam said. "I sort of knew guys did thatsort of stuff, but I didn't think I would find anyone who would do it withme.""You mean suck you while you were shooting?" I asked. He nodded."It was exciting. Do I have to do it to Rudy?""Just let nature take its course," I said. "You will end up doing it if youare ready. There is a lot more that you can do when you are into it.""I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of you," Adam said."As I recall Rudy and I were naked too. I think we were hard and drippinga little," I said. "I don't think there is a problem with you beingnaked. As a matter of fact, I think there would have been a problem if youweren't. You need to relax some and go with the flow.Rudy had to go out of town for four days. His boss sent him to a class onrepairing Hybrid cars. I thought he was a smart man, and this was a bigdeal. The boss paid for the class and the hotel. When he came back, hiswife and son were gone, with his furniture and his checking account. Shewent back to her parents.Rudy was shocked, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He calledhis wife the Princess, and she wanted more than a hard working mechanic.Apparently, his in-laws disliked Rudy, and gave his wife an out. Rudy cameback to the school to finish cleaning up the graffiti a week later on aMonday. I told him I would take care of it, but Rudy insisted on finishingup the cleaning. He said a deal is a deal.It was not a surprised that Adam stayed late too. At 7:00, I came by and weall went to my apartment. I asked if he wanted to talk. Rudy said hewanted to suck. I wanted to help him out, but I had to admit some sex mightvery well help. Sex always made me feel better. We took a shower as we hadbefore. I took care to clean my cock and inside the skin. For a guy notuse to uncut meat, that would help.
Being naked and erect eliminates the question as to if the other guys areinto it. I guess you could say I'm not interested, my erection is due to amedical condition, but that would be a stretch. Adam was a young, toned,fit man. He was hairless except for his bush. I had glanced at his cock inthe men's room at the school. It looked okay. Erect it was more thanokay. Rudy was muscular and hairy like a baboon. I was hairy like a chimp.If you saw a painting of barbarians ravishing a Roman virgin, you couldhave used us as models. It turned out Adam wanted to ravish Rudy. Adam sortof held back at first, but when he got into it, he jumped in with bothfeet. He wanted Rudy's cock. I found out later Rudy and I were the firstuncut cocks he had sucked and he loved the extra skin.During a break, I went for Adam's cock. It was big and juicy. I suctionedsome of his juices. He was really into it. We formed a mini daisy chain onthe bed, linked mouth to cock. I think Adam had some reservations about me,but as the sex became more intense, the reservations seemed to meltaway. My clock chimed; it was 9:00.Rudy said he had to be home shortly. I asked him if he wanted to shoot off."Shit, yes!" he replied. I sank to my knees and gave him the janitor'sspecial, a complete fluid change. I took his load too. I don't like amess on the floor."Do you think we might be able to do this again?" he asked as he left."I any time you are in the neighborhood, I am willing," I said. "I amalways game.""Count me in!" Adam said. Rudy left, and Adam and I talked.
Being naked and erect eliminates the question as to if the other guys areinto it. I guess you could say I'm not interested, my erection is due to amedical condition, but that would be a stretch. Adam was a young, toned,fit man. He was hairless except for his bush. I had glanced at his cock inthe men's room at the school. It looked okay. Erect it was more thanokay. Rudy was muscular and hairy like a baboon. I was hairy like a chimp.If you saw a painting of barbarians ravishing a Roman virgin, you couldhave used us as models. It turned out Adam wanted to ravish Rudy. Adam sortof held back at first, but when he got into it, he jumped in with bothfeet. He wanted Rudy's cock. I found out later Rudy and I were the firstuncut cocks he had sucked and he loved the extra skin.During a break, I went for Adam's cock. It was big and juicy. I suctionedsome of his juices. He was really into it. We formed a mini daisy chain onthe bed, linked mouth to cock. I think Adam had some reservations about me,but as the sex became more intense, the reservations seemed to meltaway. My clock chimed; it was 9:00.Rudy said he had to be home shortly. I asked him if he wanted to shoot off."Shit, yes!" he replied. I sank to my knees and gave him the janitor'sspecial, a complete fluid change. I took his load too. I don't like amess on the floor."Do you think we might be able to do this again?" he asked as he left."I any time you are in the neighborhood, I am willing," I said. "I amalways game.""Count me in!" Adam said. Rudy left, and Adam and I talked.
"Is there a safe place in the school?" Rudy asked."Shit no," I said. "The school is locked up, but half the town has a key.I live a block away. No one has a key to my apartment. Do you want to comeover for coffee or a beer?"The two men looked at each other and Rudy said, "That sounds good to me." Itold them where I lived and went off. I had to check the locks on theschool before I left. I was in my apartment in ten minutes. A few minuteslater Rudy and Adam were at the door. I had a pot of coffeebrewing. Sometimes guys get cold feet and I figured they could have a cupand then go if they changed their minds. It was less embarrassing thatway. I've had several men change their minds. I'm not a looker.I like to refinish furniture in my spare time and Adam thought my apartmentwas nice. The art teacher is a good artist and I had several of hislandscapes on the wall. He liked those too. We talked a little. I said Iusually took a shower at the end of the day and asked if they would like tojoin me. The conversation had been going nowhere and I wanted to press theissue."That sounds really good to me," Adam said."Me too," Rudy added. "It was a long day at the shop." We went to mybedroom and stripped. I got the water going. I had fixed up the apartmentin exchange for rent, and my shower was one that had been miss-ordered bythe local plumber. I got it for cost and it was nice. I had tiled it myselfand it was big enough for three, but it was tight. Rudy and I had beenworking hard all day and we needed to shower. Adam mostly watched. I gethard at the drop of a hat. I was hoping I could hold back a little. Icouldn't, but Rudy and Adam were hard too, so it wasn't a problem.
Rudy was a big, butch man, about as unlike Adam as a man can be. To sayAdam was prim and proper understates the case. He had been a track star incollege and he became the track coach at the school. He turned out to bevery good at that. He was a good teacher and a firm disciplinarian too. Ididn't expect that. He was polite, a welcome change from Silvia. Silvia wasan ardent feminist, but she acted like an upper class Victorian lady wholeft the work to the servants. I was one of the servants.Silvia insisted that I be there to supervise Rudy when he was working atall times. She was convinced he had designs on her body. I seriouslydoubted that. I saw Adam looking at Rudy and I knew what that lookmeant. Adam liked them macho.Rudy wasn't good looking from a feminine point of view. He was the sort ofman other men like. He was born to be one of the guys. Adam wasn't. Ifigured Adam's case was hopeless. That was until I walked in on them in theman's toilets. They were startled and uneasy. I knew there had been someshow and tell. I saddled up to the next urinal and pulled out my cock. Theurinal screen was broken and was removed to be replaced. I made no effortto conceal my cock. I stroked my cock to get rid of the last drops.I looked at Rudy who was next to me. He was doing the same. "Nice scenery,"I whispered."You have a lot of equipment for a small guy," Rudy replied. By then Adamwas looking at us over the remaining urinal screen. Rudy and I were bothuncut. He peeled the skin back to expose his head. I did the same.
During the second week of school, we had a break in and the interior of theschool was defaced by graffiti. It was a mess. As part of my job, I spendtime getting things from the local building supply and I knew the color. Itwas made by only one company. If you had an ounce of common sense, youwould pick black or red paint. Dawn Blue was a poor choice. The cops wentto the store, discovered some of erstwhile gang members bought the paintand then discovered it on the students\' fingernails. The students were sentencedeither to pay a stiff fine or to clean it up. That meant the students andtheir folks. It would have been better for the students to do it alone, butthat would have taken months. That wasn't possible for several of the families.The principal gave me the job of supervising the clean up. For the studentsthat was for an hour before and an hour after school. The Judge requiredthat the do all homework and pass all their classes or the deal wasoff. Several families preferred the fine to the clean up, but JohnnyWhite's dad, Rudy White, wasn't one of them. Johnny was a slug. He moved atthe pace of a slug and had the personality of a slug. While most of thestudents realized the sooner they did it, the sooner it would be done. Johnnywasn't that smart.His dad did most of it. He came in three nights a week and did his son'spart of the work. He was an automobile mechanic and he worked hard. I methis wife a few times and I figured out where the slug genes came from. Hedid the part of the work near Mr. Jones' room. I noticed that Mr. Jonestended to work late when Rudy was working.
I live by myself in a two-room apartment over the drug store. It's a blockfrom the school. In some places, living in downtown is stylish andtrendy. West Hope is not one of those places. I'm not married and I don'tdate. Most assume it's because I'm too ugly. Luckily for me, I'm not muchinto women. I have some pals and playmates.I keep that very quiet.I do have a warm spot for beardedwrestlers, truck drivers and marine types. I like men full grown andmature.I like sex, but I'm not much into romance. I tend to think romance is whatdelays you from getting down to sex. Physically I am scrawny, but my scrawnis all muscle. I am bald and sport a Fu Manchu beard. I don't do drugs atall, and I have a few beers on special occasions. If you like low hangers,I'm your man. I think my cock is on the upper edge of average, but becauseI'm five feet five, it looks bigger than it is.The first months of the school year are the worst time for me. We have newteachers and new students. This year was particularly bad. Mrs. Robertson,who had been teaching History and Latin retired and was replaced by atwenty three year old man, Mr. Adam Jones. He looked as if he was afraid ofhis own shadow. Our business teacher was replaced by Ms. SilviaKaplan. She looked as if she ate men's balls for breakfast. We had a newassistant Principal, Mr. Jean Montaign. He also taught French and Spanish.The new students included a few who seem to think they were members of agang. They weren't but they liked the look and the attitude. I hateattitude. We also got a bevy of girls who liked the Jersey Shore slut lookand admired the bitches on Bridezillas.
I\'m Woody Smithson and I am the janitor at West Hope CentralSchool. Actually, I am not the janitor; I am a janitor. Phil Mason is thehead janitor. He is the nephew of the head of the school board. He sits inhis office and does something. I\'ve never figured out what that somethingis, but it does take a lot of time. There is another man, Justice DeMont,who works for us. He can do what he\'s told if someone is watching.I\'m small and ugly, but a doctor told me I am borderline hyperactive. Ilike to keep busy. I\'m the one the teachers call when something breaks, orif there is an emergency. There are lots of things to go wrong in a school,even in a relatively small school. West Hope has 400 students. Accidentshappen and things break. I don\'t mind that. Some students are stupid aboutday-to-day things; most are thoughtless. Many seem to have odd ideas aboutwhat will flush down a toilet.They seem to find odd places to hide smoking a cigarette and where it isgood place to hide the ashes. You would be surprised that most don\'t seemto know what the phrase \"Flammable Liquid\" means. That seems to bring outtheir urge to experiment and find out just how flammable it is. Oddly,teachers do some odd things too. Some seem to think a janitor is the sameas a personal servant. They don\'t seem to realize that when the abolishedslavery that included janitors too. Others don\'t think at all. Everyoneknows I am the guy to call.
"Are you sure you want to try it?" Randy asked. I said yes. He was uneasy,but not so uneasy as to lose his erection. I straddled his bloated organ,placed it at my hole and sat back on it. I didn't open up right away. Ittook a few bounces. Randy stroked my cock. I almost ejaculated and as Idid, my ass relaxed. His head popped through my sphincter. A second or twolater I was fucked.I wasn't fucked as much as I was stuffed. There was no room to spare; hiscock filled every inch of my ass. Randy moved a little and if felt as ifelectric sex impulses raced through my body. Every movement wasunbelievably pleasurable. I moaned and whimpered some, but most of all Ifelt. I was in my own little world when Randy began to shiver and shakeand I felt him spurting his sperm in my ass. He had joined me in thatlittle world. My cock gave up the fight and let lose. I had my first handsfree orgasm.It was very messy. His hairy torso was covered in a Jackson Pollack likesplatter on my semen. I collected some on a finger and fed him. Randycollected some and fed it to me. I knew his cock was meant for my ass. Ifelt complete skewered on his butt plug. I looked him in the eye. He knewthat too.
Randy oozed a lot of precum. I hadn't remembered precum tasting as good ashis was. Usually, I liked licking the edges of the cock head and avoidedthe oozing slit. His knob was huge and the slit wide. My lips grabbed theedge of his knob while my tongue probed the slit. Every time I did, Icoaxed more of his rich juices from his balls. By the time he began tospurt I wanted richer brew.Randy's entire body twitched as he ejaculated. It was as if every moleculein his body was joining in the effort to eject his man seed from his body.He flooded my mouth with the steamy cream. We both relaxed as theejaculations diminished. For the next month or so, this became our dailyritual. We were two happy men.I was out of the sling a month after the accident. The doctor told me myhip had healed. The broken collarbone was slower to heal, but it didn'thurt that bad. There was one odd side effect. Randy and I had exchangedbuckets of sperm, but somehow my ass felt left out. I had mentioned I likedit in the ass. With my broken hip, that didn't seem like a good idea.My desire for Randy's cock grew as my hip healed. After the shower on aSunday morning, Randy was flat on the bed with his cock sticking straightup. I had some lube and coated it.
"Do you do this often?" I asked."It's been a long while," he said. "I use to mess around when I wasyounger. I've never taken man seed for anyone who wasn't related.""Was it good?""It sure was," he said. "Was it good for you?""It was great," I replied. "It's been a long time." I paused. "I assumeyou knew that I'm gay?""I never thought about it much," he said. "I'm not gay, but I like to suckcock." he paused. "I kind of liked to be sucked too.""If this is true confessions time, I like to suck, and I love to befucked," I said. I looked down at his cock; it was six inches hard andalmost as wide. "I've never taken a cock as thick as yours.""I've never ass fucked a man, but I guess I'm willing to learn new tricks,"he said. I wanted to get on my knees and suck him, but I slippedinstead. He caught men. We got out of the shower and I got dressed. Whenhe dropped my off at the Library I asked, "Will you back tomorrow at theusual time?""I sure a shit will!" he said with enthusiasm.I felt good for the rest of the day. That night Rev. Fromer brought food. Itold him I would like to be a bit more independent. He said he understood."You know it's not a chore for us. You are a hit with the ladies. All thedishes come back spic and span. I do understand the need to get back intothe swing of things.""Mrs. Sutleaf does the cleaning," I said. "The Sutleafs may be the townpariahs, but they have been good for me." We chatted a little longer andreduced the food deliveries to three times a week. The worked out well.Randy arrived at his usual time and we had a nice long session in theshower. Afterward we went to the bed and he straddled my face and fed mehis cock. I hadn't sucked a cock in a long time, and I hadn't sucked a newcock in an even longer time. I was a little worried. I had never sucked aman while he was shooting. I wasn't sure I would like it and I was afraid Imight choke. I didn't mind precum much, but the creamy stuff was a bitscary.
"Shit, Tommy, if I had your equipment, I show it off every where I could!"Randy said. Needless to say, the next time we showered, I was fullyerect. Randy liked that. His interest didn't impress me as being sexual;it was more like a botanist finding an unusual flower. As for me, having abig lumberjack type guy admire my cock was just fine.Randy also began to spend more time cleaning my cock and my ass. He noticedthat when he played with my ass, I got hard."You kind of like that don't you?" he asked."I do," I replied. There is no way to deny it when Randy had his finger atmy hole and my cock was drooling."If I work my finger in deeper, will you shoot off?" he asked."That might happen," I replied."I'd like to watch that, he said. He dropped to his knees and eased hisfinger deeper into my ass. That was when I discovered Randy knew where theprostate was located. He used it as a small punching bag for a littlewhile. Randy had lied to be about one thing. He didn't want to watch meshoot off; he wanted to eat my semen. When I began to spurt Randy took myload.With his mouth on my cock and his finger on my prostate, he milked me untilhe drained every drop of semen from my body."Damn, I could have skipped breakfast! You shoot a big one," Randyexclaimed as he licked his lips of my sperm. I laughed.
The student driver was Ernie Sutleaf, one of Ronnie's cousins. It had beenhis first day in the car and he has simply screwed up. The Sutleafs thoughtI was going to sue them. It was an accident, not a crime. Lawsuits are aproblem for persons with deep pockets. I wasn't sure the Sutleafspossessed any pockets that didn't have hole in them already. The family wasuse to having problems with the law. When I was nice about the accident,they became beholden to me.Ernie's mother or a sister came over every few days to clean up and dolaundry. Ernie took care of the yard. Rev. Fromer's church providedfood. Randy was really helpful. He came by each morning to see how I wasdoing and to get me showered and off to work. Showering was difficult atfirst since everything hurt. I tried getting in the shower alone, but I wastoo unstable for that. Randy joined me. That worked out well. I was tooworried about falling to take much notice of him. The showers were a lot ofwork, but I couldn't feel clean with a sponge bath. After a shower, I felthuman again.A week later, I was doing much better. Randy didn't need to be there, butit was easier with him there. He looked good naked. I thought he was fat.I was wrong about that; he was muscular. He also had a nice big cock. Bybig I mean thick. His cock head and balls were about the same size andformed a trio of balls held tight at his groin. He was uncut and the skinwas thick too. Everything about Randy was chunky.I am much smaller than Randy was, but I had a big cock. In my case, I meanlong and thick, and my golf balls sized balls were in a low hangingsack. He washed everything thing, but that caused no reaction from mygenitals. I felt too bad to respond. That changed too. The first time Igot hard, I apologized. I wasn't fully erect, but I was obviously excited.
Randy and I weren't friends, but we did talk. When my car needed to befixed, he knew where to go. He knew who to talk to at the courthouse to getmy car registered. I also found out I wasn't supposed to be associatingwith members of the Sutleaf family. They weren't the sort of people withwhom the good people associated. The Sutleafs were much opposed to "puttingon airs." Putting on airs seemed to include reading, or any sort ofself-improvement.One morning, my car was T-boned at the town traffic light. Lumberville hadthe only traffic light in the county and local Driver's Ed classes alwaysvisited the town for the experience. One of them seemed to miss theprinciple of the red light. Another student in the rear seat was acting upand the Drivers Ed teacher was dealing with that. He took his eye off thedriver.The student hit the driver's side and totaled the car, trapping me betweenthe crushed door and the central console. The Rescue squad was good andvery professional and got me out after a half hour. I had a broken arm,shoulder and hip. I got points with the rescue squad for being calm andhelpful. I suspect that may have been shock, but I didn't tell them that.I was in the hospital for a few days. There was a sling and brace, but thedoctors told me, I would just have to grin and bear my broken hip. It wouldheal on its own.After a week and a half at home, I went back to work. Sitting down was notgood and I moved very slowly. I lived in a rented a house a few blocks fromthe library, so I could walk to work. Since I worked for the county and theschool was county too, the insurance stuff was easy.
We went over one of the required reports. I went over it and explainedwhat was on the report. I soon realized Randy wasn't stupid. He had lookedat the reports as a mass of stuff he couldn't read. I broke it down intosections such as the number of men on the job, and the number of mencalling in sick. You had to give the amount of overtime, etc. I think hecould read at a fourth or fifth grade level. That was all the basic reportneeded. Randy seemed to relax some after I explained that.After a month of work, Randy was doing well. I wasn't sure he had evertried to read anything of interest. He had a bad experience with poorteachers in school and he had given up. I found out the Sutleaf family wasa local legend known for its limited intelligence. My personal thinking wasa clannish stubbornness was at the root of the problem. The clan had an"us versus them" attitude, a schools were defiantly in the "them" category.Randy wanted the foreman's job badly and we got along well. Given that weshared no common interests and experiences, we did well. Over the courseof several months, I changed from viewing him as an ultra redneck to beinga trained bear and eventually as a human being.Living in Lumberville was lonely for me. Few shared my interests and thereweren't many ways to meet people. Part of that was me; I am shy and notparticularly outgoing. The rest of the problem was Lumberville. Everyonemade friends in grade school. The people you knew in first grade were thepeople you knew for the rest of your life. To a large extent, you had yourparents and grandparents' circle of friends. Most people didn't know how toadd friends from outside this circle of family and acquaintances. No onedid this to reject new residents; they just didn't have much experiencedealing with new people.
I was uneasy. "Why don't you two men get acquainted," Fromer said. "I havean appointment in ten minutes, I'll check back later." Fromer left mealone with Randy.We went to my office. "I take it you have a problem reading?" I asked."If you mean, can I read, the answer is no," he said. "I never got the hangof it. I'm in line to get a foreman's job. I need to read and write reportsand stuff like that," he said. "I can't do it.""If you could bring in some of the things you need to read, I might be ableto help with that," I said. "What sort of things would you like to read?""Nothing really," Randy said."Do you have hobbies like hunting and fishing? Maybe you like NASCAR?" Iasked."I guess I like all of that," he said. I went to the periodical area andbrought back some magazines.He opened one of the fishing ones and found an impressive fish. We went towork on the caption. Much to my relief, he was interested. We spent ahalf-hour and I thought that was enough. I told him to bring back examplesof things he had to read for work.Two days later, he appeared at the library door. I was relieved. Randy wasa bit beaten up. Lumbering is all splinters, cuts and bruises. He oddly hada neatly trimmed beard. I found out the well-groomed beard was so itwouldn't get caught in the equipment. Nothing else about him was wellgroomed. He didn't shave at all; he used scissors. His beard wascontinuous from his chin to his navel. Most of the buttons on his shirtwere gone, so you saw his chest and gut pelt.
The library wasn't overused by any means, but the owner of a local mill hadendowed the facility, so we remained open in spite of the limited use. Iwas in when the Presbyterian Minister came to see me. I was afraid it wasanother "why aren't you married" kind of visit. Rev. Fromer had anotherproblem. His church sponsored an adult literacy program. The area hadbeen noted for its poor educational system. While it was greatly improved,there were many people over forty who were unable to read."Mr. Jones, some men are too embarrassed to come to the church forhelp. Everyone knows we have the program. They don't want anyone to knowthey can't read. I was hoping you could make the Library available?" heasked. Of course, I told him that was no problem at all. I had an officeand a workroom that were available if privacy was needed."I was also hoping you could help with the tutoring," Rev. Fromer added."I have no training in that sort of thing at all," I said.Rev. Fromer was a convincing man. I agreed to give it a try. Two dayslater, Fromer appeared with another man named Randy Sutleaf. Randy workedat the mill on the night shift. We didn't get that many full-blown rednecks in the library. I don't know if there are Ultra-Rednecks orMega-Rednecks, but if they did, Randy would have been one. He was a fat,six-feet-three inches tall and wearing a well-worn plaid shirt andsuspender supported jeans.
Some people name a new town after a great man or an important older city.Names like Washington, Oxford or New York are supposed to be inspirational.I live in Lumberville, Virginia. Lumberville is pretty much what you wouldexpect. It has a main street with a Dollar General, a school and 4,500inhabitants.It is an hour\'s drive from just about everything. I am the librarian forthe county\'s Lumberville Branch library. We are in an old A & P store. Itisn\'t exactly a dream come true job. With the economy, it was the best Icould do. I\'m Tom Jones and I am 50 years old. I had a great job in amajor library, but I was downsized along with 40% of the staff.Finding a job for an over qualified middle-aged man was a bear. I hadalways lived modestly so I could make do with the poor salary. I was alsolucky that I loved books and I could entertain myself. I was an only a manof older parents and I had always found enjoyment in books.I was use to going to plays, concerts and lectures regularly. That didn\'thappen in Lumberville. I was also use to talking to people about subjectsof mutual interests. People in Lumberville would talk, but findingsubjects of mutual interest was a problem. People tended to gossip and chatmore than talk.We had a book club for retired people and a Women\'s Book Club, but we alsohad an aggressive Baptist minister who tended to run the show. He told mehe didn\'t approve of any advanced or smutty books. He also told me he was agood friend of the head of the Library Board. I got the message. He wasalso worried that I wasn\'t married. He didn\'t exactly say that, but helooked askance.
He sighed, slowly sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. I brought his shorts and shirt to him and sat next to him. \"Take your time,\" I said again, \"you don\'t need to rush out of here.\"\"What time is it?\" He was still king of groggy, so fucking cute, so wiped out.\"12:15.\" I said.\"Holy shit!\" he blurted out. \"It was like, 7 when I . . . fuck!\"\"Yeah, you\'ve been here for a while - I hope that\'s not a problem - no girlfriend at home waiting for you?\"\"No, just my roommate. I had no idea -- geez, dude, you\'ve been suckin\' my dick for five hours!\"\"Like I promised - I hope you enjoyed it.\"\"Enjoyed it? Dude, I never imagined anything like it! I mean, fuck!\"\"Well I\'m really glad. And any time you want more, just call -- even if you don\'t have all night and just want a good blow job.\"\"Fuck, dude, you mean a great blow job. I thought I came like crazy when you sucked me off in the lockerroom, but that was nothing. I never felt my dick so rock hard before! And when I came it was like my whole fucking body was cumming!\"\"Like I said, if it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth doing right!\"\"And four times! I mean, you really must like sucking cock.\"\"Yes, I do -- and it helps when it\'s a big fat uncut cock like yours -- you\'re a real stud, you know that?\"He blushed, grinning. God he\'s so fucking cute! \"Thanks, um, you\'re . . .uh . . .\"\"I\'m a cocksucker. No worries, dude, I know you\'re straight. You don\'t have to be attracted to a guy to let him suck your dick, just horny. I suck off other straight guys. I\'m not trying to turn anyone gay, I just love to suck dick.\"\"Yeah, I guess . . .\" He was trying to process that.\"I have other straight buddies who don\'t get it from their girlfriends or wives -- they know they can come to me and blow off a load or two, no strings, no drama.\"\"A load or four, you mean! Fuck!\"\"Well, yeah, sometimes four. That was awesome. You\'re a fucking stud!\" OK, OK, stop mooning over. \"Anyway, whenever you want that big dick sucked, you just call me.\"\"Hell, yeah!\"\"Great, I\'d really like that. And it doesn\'t always have to be an all nighter -- if you just want to get off and go, that\'s cool. But any time you want a marathon just let me know!\"\"Cool.\" He was ready to go. I handed him his beer. It was warm, but I figured he\'d need the fluids! He took a deep swig and handed it back. \"Thanks.\"\"Anytime. I mean that.\" OK, OK you said that like three times! I walked him to the door. \"See ya soon.\"\"See ya, dude.\" And he was gone.I closed the door behind him and fell back against it. What a fucking hot night! I was exhausted but if he knocked on the door right now for more I\'d be on my knees in an instant. I waited a few minutes, savoring the moment. And just in case he did knock - - OK, now I really am crazy -- cock crazy!I turned out the lights, and headed right to my bedroom. Sorry, no brushing my teeth tonight, I\'ll go to bed with the taste of fresh man-boy spunk on my tongue tonight, not peppermint!I crawled into bed and was asleep before I could hardly even think `I hope he calls again soon . . .\'
He sighed, slowly sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. I brought his shorts and shirt to him and sat next to him. "Take your time," I said again, "you don't need to rush out of here.""What time is it?" He was still king of groggy, so fucking cute, so wiped out."12:15." I said."Holy shit!" he blurted out. "It was like, 7 when I . . . fuck!""Yeah, you've been here for a while - I hope that's not a problem - no girlfriend at home waiting for you?""No, just my roommate. I had no idea -- geez, dude, you've been suckin' my dick for five hours!""Like I promised - I hope you enjoyed it.""Enjoyed it? Dude, I never imagined anything like it! I mean, fuck!""Well I'm really glad. And any time you want more, just call -- even if you don't have all night and just want a good blow job.""Fuck, dude, you mean a great blow job. I thought I came like crazy when you sucked me off in the lockerroom, but that was nothing. I never felt my dick so rock hard before! And when I came it was like my whole fucking body was cumming!""Like I said, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!""And four times! I mean, you really must like sucking cock.""Yes, I do -- and it helps when it's a big fat uncut cock like yours -- you're a real stud, you know that?"He blushed, grinning. God he's so fucking cute! "Thanks, um, you're . . .uh . . .""I'm a cocksucker. No worries, dude, I know you're straight. You don't have to be attracted to a guy to let him suck your dick, just horny. I suck off other straight guys. I'm not trying to turn anyone gay, I just love to suck dick.""Yeah, I guess . . ." He was trying to process that.
He was still panting hard. "Take your time and catch your breath," I said, getting up from my knees for the first time in hours. "Let me get you a cloth to clean up with." Not that there was much to clean up. I'd sucked down every drop of cum and pre-cum he'd given me and licked him clean as a whistle.I went into to bathroom and got a warm wet cloth and a towel. When I came back he hadn't moved a muscle. I chuckled to myself, I really drained him good! I knelt next to him and cupped his low hanging ballsack, gently washing him. I washed his cock, then flipping the cloth over, rubbed his stomach and up to his chest. He took a deep breath and his pecs swelled under my hand. I felt him up one last time and marveled again at his beauty.I took the cloth away and dried him gently with the towel. As I stood up, he started to sit up. "Slowly," I said, "your legs might be a little weak.""You got that right," he said, giving me that sheepish grin again. He was so fucking cute!! "I don't know if I can walk. You fucking drained me good!""You'll be fine in a minute, just take your time." I said."That was fucking unbelievable.""I'm glad you liked it. I sure did. I hope we can do this again.""Hell yeah - I mean - you were amazing. You really do this all the time?""Whenever I can. I mean, not always a marathon like this, but I do suck a lot of cock. I love to suck cock."
"Oh fuck! Aughhh!! Fuck!" He cried out with each blast of cum, again and again spewing deep into me. His muscles convulsed with ecstasy. I reached up to feel his flexing pecs. They were so rock hard! His second load choked me with as much cream as his first, if not more! Tasty, thick, fresh boycream. Mmmm, mmmm, good!Finally he stopped cumming. He was panting hard. I was licking up a few stray blasts of cream that had gotten away from me when he went wild. And his dick was still hard, so I continued to slowly nurse and kiss and worship it. It never went fully soft, and in no time was growing harder and thicker again. What a fucking stud!Like I said, I love a marathon cock worshipping session. By the time he left my apartment it was well after midnight and he'd shot four big creamy tasty loads of teenage studcum down my insatiable throat. Each orgasm was more intense than the last one. I tried to tease and edge him longer with each one, but I'm a selfish cocksucker and had to get his juice! And make him shake and shudder with ecstasy that only total oral worship can give a man. I loved watching his amazing body while he lost control. So beautiful!And the noises he makes! The constant hum of deep groaning, grunting, sighing -- it's music to my ears. And the last time he came, he was yelling so loud when he shot off that I thought my neighbors would be banging on the walls. But they're probably used to it by now.As I nursed out the last dregs of that fourth body-racking orgasm, he finally did go soft. I sucked him clean, just to make sure I couldn't bring him back to life once more, but he was done. It was just as well. As much as I was enjoying myself, I was getting tired too, and was ready to stop. I silently hoped I'd convinced him that this was something he'd want more of. I sure did! What an amazing man!
Getting bolder, I came off his about-to-spurt prick and nibbled up his rippling stomach, letting his wet cock slap against my face before I grabbed it in my hand. I smacked it against my face a few times -- it was so fucking hard! I stroked his spike and licked the sweat off his pecs, feeling them flex under my searching tongue. His moaning intensified, encouraging me to go on. I licked and sucked on those juicy mounds, my mind frantically recording every twitch and shudder and taste of him.I teased his nipples with my tongue, small dark hard nubs that brought more sounds of pleasure from the handsome boy-man. I licked and kissed between his pecs, in the sweaty valley between those flexing muscles, slurping up the tasty essence of him everywhere I could reach my lips. His arms were up over his head, exposing those delicate pits to my ravaging tongue. I dove into one, digging my tongue deep into the hairless hollow, finding more tasty boy-man sweat to savor. He quivered and moaned under me, and his prick got harder in my hand.It was full on body worship now. Stud worship. I divided my attention between his throbbing cock and balls and his heaving muscular torso and drove this handsome stud to new levels of pleasure. His entire body was my playground and he fucking loved it. I fucking loved it! And each time he thought I was going to bring him off, I switched gears and he would cry out in frustration. The babbling and moaning would escalate again, and his cock kept getting harder and harder.Eventually I focused in on his cock again. I milked it with my lips and throat, from drooling head to thick hairy base. Full length strokes, massaging every thick hard inch of his beautiful meat. His balls rolled in my hand and I dove in for it. Pounding my head deep onto him, he screamed out. His hands grabbed my head. I shoved my face deep down on his weapon and felt it explode inside me.
But like I said, there\'s more to good cocksucking than bobbing up and down on a hard dick. So I slipped him out and slid my lips down the soft skin of his pulsing log to his balls. I sucked in one egg, making him gasp. I sucked on the other ball, then went back and forth on them, finally stuffing both huge boulders in together! I sucked harder, wrapping my tongue around them while he panted and tried to catch his breath.Finally I ran my wet lips along the sensitive underside of his dick and back up to the head. A few minutes of deep throated sucking, slow and teasing this time, had him rock hard and leaking. Oh, it tasted so good! Then I licked down to his balls for their turn again.I loved worshiping his balls, my hand stroking rock hard meat. He loved having his balls licked and sucked on. After a good ball-washing, his shaft was always even more rock hard - ready for some good deep throating. So I gulped it down deep again and again and again! When it\'s that rock fucking hard it breaches my throat like a battering ram. Feels so fucking good!When he started leaking juice and humping his hips up at me, I slowed down my attack, nibbling around the sides of his shaft. His moaning was a constant hum, and I kept him deliciously close to the edge of orgasm. I didn\'t want him to shoot his next load just yet.I ran my hand up his abs to his heaving chest, finally massaging those big pecs I\'d drooled over so much at work. He moaned, and I rubbed his chest while I worshipped his cock.
"Ohhh, fuck," he moaned. He sat halfway up again. "I just thought . . . I mean, I came -- came like crazy, that was fucking intense!""Let me ask you this," I slipped off his delicious dick again, "how many times a day do you jerk off?""Three, four, sometimes more." He said. Oh to be 18 and full of spunk like this stud!"Then it looks to me like you owe me two or three more loads before you're done." I said, sucking him back into me. I took him deep, sucking him full length again, slowly taking him to the balls and staying there. His cock throbbed in my neck."Ohhh, fuck," he moaned. I still don't think he believed me, but he fell back into the bed and let me suck.And boy did I suck! Taking my time and taking him from root to tip on every slow stroke. Soon he was rock fucking hard again and breathing heavy. I was amazed at how quickly he rebounded, but I hadn't sucked off anyone as young as he is in some time. Oh to be 18 again!Newly motivated, I played that skinflute like I was auditioning for Julliard. And I have to tell you again, my horny readers, what a beautiful instrument he has. Thick at the base, and even fatter in the middle of his shaft! The head was wide, but arrow shaped enough to help open me up for that thick club.His drooling tip slid right into my throat as my lips pressed against his bush, my hungry throat now opening up easily for his fat shaft. Sucked him good and hard for a while, now that I knew he wouldn't cum any time soon. I took him deep and fast for as long as I could, loving the way his fat cock stretched my throat open! He moaned and moaned, paralyzed with pleasure.
"Fuck," he finally said."Uhh, huhh," I murmured around his mouthful.He watched for a moment as I slowly sucked. He raised himself up onto his elbows. "Uh, I guess . . .""Shhh," I pulled off his glistening head for a second, gently pushing him back down. "No rush, man, relax. Enjoy it." I sucked him back in gently.His head was still up off the pillows, looking down at me. After a moment he let it fall back. His whole body sagged into the mattress. "That does feel fucking good.""It sure does," I released him to say, then began more nibbling down the side of his hard meat. It wasn't as rock hard as before, but still huge and full and twitching when I hit his spots. And this stud had sensitive spots all over his beautiful meat. This cock loves being worshipped. I savored his root gently and lovingly, enjoying his hard, young, twitching cockmeat."That was really great . . ." he said."It is," I said. "And I'm just getting started." I looked up at his surprised expression. "Didn't I promise you hours and hours of pleasure, stud?" OK, so I was still laying it on a little thick."I thought . . . I mean . . . ," he stammered."I wasn't exaggerating. Unless you have somewhere to be, I plan on worshipping this big beautiful cock of yours for a good long while. As long as your cock can stay hard I can keep going." I slipped him back in and bobbed up and down on it. He had softened a bit, but throbbed back to a nice thick hardness in a second.
I usually like go a lot longer before I make a stud cum, but most of my regulars are guys around my own age, usually only good for one load a night. But I knew this young buck had more than that in his big balls, so I gave into my own selfish desire -- I couldn't wait to taste that first thick load of his cream on my tongue! I knew there'd be more.I began my final attack, going tip to root and back again, every fat fucking inch of his beautiful cock. I dove in faster and faster, wanting that fat piece to explode like never before. His cockhead stabbed into my throat. Adding a twist to my lips set him off. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!" I picked up the speed even more.Soon he cried out, and the first taste of his juice hit my tongue. I shoved it in to the root and stayed there. He bucked against me like a bronco, but I held him deep inside me as he spewed shot after shot after shot of cum deep into my throat. His cries of ecstasy echoed in my ears. When he fell back into the sheets, he was twitching like he'd been tasered. I pulled up so I could taste his thick tangy seed on my tongue, sucking him hard, draining more creamy blasts of cum from those big nuts. Oh it was so delicious! As his pulsing orgasm finally abated, I dug my tongue into his slit for any last drops. He tasted so fucking good! He moaned and shuddered, giving me one last shot before he slowed to a trickle.He was panting hard, and so was I, but I kept my lips locked around his meat, mostly nursing on the head and licking down the underside. My throat was clogged with his spicy cum and my head was spinning! As his breathing slowed, his cock stayed full and thick. In no time it was fully hard again. I changed to a slow sucking up and down, my hands caressing the base and his balls. Those eggs were drained and hanging low in his sack, and I palmed them very gently while I slowly slipped my lips up and down his shaft.
I usually like go a lot longer before I make a stud cum, but most of my regulars are guys around my own age, usually only good for one load a night. But I knew this young buck had more than that in his big balls, so I gave into my own selfish desire -- I couldn't wait to taste that first thick load of his cream on my tongue! I knew there'd be more.I began my final attack, going tip to root and back again, every fat fucking inch of his beautiful cock. I dove in faster and faster, wanting that fat piece to explode like never before. His cockhead stabbed into my throat. Adding a twist to my lips set him off. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!" I picked up the speed even more.Soon he cried out, and the first taste of his juice hit my tongue. I shoved it in to the root and stayed there. He bucked against me like a bronco, but I held him deep inside me as he spewed shot after shot after shot of cum deep into my throat. His cries of ecstasy echoed in my ears. When he fell back into the sheets, he was twitching like he'd been tasered. I pulled up so I could taste his thick tangy seed on my tongue, sucking him hard, draining more creamy blasts of cum from those big nuts. Oh it was so delicious! As his pulsing orgasm finally abated, I dug my tongue into his slit for any last drops. He tasted so fucking good! He moaned and shuddered, giving me one last shot before he slowed to a trickle.He was panting hard, and so was I, but I kept my lips locked around his meat, mostly nursing on the head and licking down the underside. My throat was clogged with his spicy cum and my head was spinning! As his breathing slowed, his cock stayed full and thick. In no time it was fully hard again. I changed to a slow sucking up and down, my hands caressing the base and his balls. Those eggs were drained and hanging low in his sack, and I palmed them very gently while I slowly slipped my lips up and down his shaft.
I kept that up for over an hour. Nibbling and lightly stroking -- varying it up to keep him on the edge and throbbing. Now and then sucking up and down on it, slowly. A couple more trips back down to his balls. He was babbling a constant stream of moans and curses. All my attention was on worshipping the gorgeous thick throbbing studcock on this man-boy. His cock was huge and ready to burst all through it!He was thrashing on the bed below me, out of control. Every muscle in his sexy body was flexing and rippling for me to watch while I drove him crazy. I memorized each flexing muscle for my future jerk-off fantasies. I feasted on his rock hard meat like a starving man.Finally I slipped him back into my hot wet mouth, slowly taking about half of him, and then sliding my lips back up to his oozing slit. I bobbed leisurely up and down like that for several minutes, unhurriedly, taking him gradually deeper and deeper. His dick was rock hard and he was trembling all over. Then I took him to the root, his balls pressed against my chin and my lips pushing into his hairy bush. My throat was twitching around his meat. I held him deep in there for a few seconds, feeling his club pulse inside me. He was moaning loudly now.I swallowed, massaging his pole in my throat. "Oh!" he cried. I swallowed again and again. "Oh, fuck!" but after a few more I really needed air, so I slowly slid up his huge meat to the drooling tip, feeling it pulse with pleasure against my lips and tongue.
Finally I began to slowly nibble my way back up his cock, along the underside, feeling his thick cum tube. He was so fucking hard! When I reached his head, there was a glob of clear juice on his tip that I slurped up greedily. I dug into his slit for any more, and got more moans from the handsome young stud.I bobbed slowly up and down on it for a while, gently flat-tonguing the underside of it as I sucked. I looked up at him, up past undulating abs, over his heaving pecs. His eyes were riveted to his cock sliding in and out of my lips -- and it throbbed beautifully on my tongue, too. It was huge! He was drooling lots of delicious precum. I lavished his cockhead with my tongue as I sucked it, slurping up all that tasty boynectar. I worshipped it before his unbelieving eyes.He was breathing heavy, and I knew he could blow a big load for me any second. He was young and horny and oh so fucking hot! But I wanted to tease him, torment him. In the best way, I mean! Show him a deeper level of ecstasy. One he's never even imagined. And I wanted marathon cock tonight!So I backed off, slipping his head from my wet lips and nibbling around the ridge. He gasped as my lips waltzed around his meat. His cock pulsed, surging harder and thicker, like it was demanding to be serviced! He moaned in frustration when I let it go. It trembled above his rippled ab muscles.Gently, I licked the base of his cock. Kissed it oh so lightly. Slowly, gently, I lightly nibbled, licked and kissed up the underside of his shaft, barely touching him with my lips and tongue. "Fuck! - Oh! -- Please!" he uttered, hardly able to form a word. His cock twitched and jumped in my face. His dick was so rock hard! When I reached his cockhead, I skipped around it, kissing and nibbling around the ridge. "Ohhh, fuuuuck!" he moaned. I teased the fat head then traveled all over his meat, my searching lips and tongue exploring all of his beautiful cock.
I sucked on his cockhead. It was drooling a nicely and tasted so good! Slowly I started to take more of his length -- still only getting half way down it - and keeping my lips tight around it on the slow upstroke. I felt his hand on my head -- oh I love that feeling! "Mmmmmmmm," I said, as he began to guide my head up and down on his dick. Then he put his other hand on me too, and really started to pump my head. I let him for a few, feeling his cock grow stiffer. But then I pushed up, stopping him."Wha . . . ?" He looked down at me with a glazed look in his eyes."Easy, stud," I said, "I'm all for a good face fucking, especially in a public lockerroom, but now there's no need to rush. Let me worship your cock for a while, you have a beautiful huge cock and I can treat it like you've never imagined. Just put your hands behind your head, relax and let me pleasure you. You'll love it. I know you will."Roberto looked at me for a moment, then smirked, crossed his hands behind his head. "Sure, dude," he said, "go for it."I held it in my fingertips, caressing it lightly while I licked up one side of it, then another. Nibbling closer to the head, I felt it stiffen more. My lips reached his slit and latched on, getting a surprised grunt from him and sending a twitch of pleasure rippling through his abs. I circled the head, slowly, and nibbled and licked down the length of it to his balls, burying my face up against his stalk and nuzzling his big hairy cumballs. I inhaled deeply - he smelled so fucking good! Fresh and ripe and all male. Just sweaty enough. Putting my lips and tongue to work, I gave his balls a good washing. His hips squirmed as the sensations rolled through him. I could hear him moaning softly above me. I took my time and bathed his balls thoroughly.
"Lick it. Kiss it. All over it. Play with it. Pump it fast and hard later when you want a load, but now just enjoy it. It'll stay rock hard for you, don't you worry." For the next three hours he showed me more ways than I'd ever imagined to enjoy a hard dick. And his balls! I never knew how much you can drive a man crazy by sucking on his balls! Fuck, I was loving it! And he was throbbing hard all through it. Each time I'd try to get a rhythm going, he'd slow me down again. I didn't hear the word edging until years later, but that's what he liked and taught me to do for him. And for many horny studs since him. When he finally fed me his juice that first night it was a body-shaking explosion that left him panting for several minutes.And shook me to my core, too! I thought I was a good cocksucker, but he showed me a whole new world. Cock Worship! Of course, I was hooked right away! For the next three years or so I knelt before him as often as he would let me to worship his big stud cock. And over the many years since then, I've practiced and perfected what he taught me on literally hundreds of men, maybe thousands. I can go for hours, keeping a man gasping and shaking with pleasure but not letting him cum. Not until I want to.Like now, my hands are just lightly caressing Roberto's cock and big balls while I nurse on the head. My tongue is dancing around his ridge and tickling under his slit. He's rock hard, moaning and squirming beneath me from just those light touches. He's so hot I could probably make him cum already in just a few quick strokes. Or I can keep him throbbing hard like this for hours and drive him fucking insane!
If I wear myself out too soon I don't get them to hit that level. Besides, I hate it when guys think that just bobbing their head faster and faster on a hard cock is good cocksucking. I've had more than my share of blow jobs like that and in five minutes he's tired himself out and is beating me off with his hand trying to make me cum. No stamina. No style!I learned that many years ago from my first real feeder. I wasn't much older that Roberto, maybe 19 or 20. I was out and having fun and lots of sex. I knew I loved sucking cock, and did it as much as I could! I met up with this older guy (through an ad in Honcho, if you can believe that -- French Passive seeks French Active). He was about 35 or so, in great shape, handsome and hung big and thick. The first time I went over there, he answered the door in his robe. As soon as he shut the door, he threw off the robe and sat on the couch, legs spread, big dick half hard and growing.I fell to my knees and began to suck. In no time, I was bouncing my head fast and furious on his hard cock. I felt his hands on my head, expecting him to pump me harder. Instead he slowed me down."What's the rush, man?" he crooned. "You need to get out of here?""No, I'm trying to make you cum.""Already? You just got here. How about sucking on it for a while first, take your time. Worship it.""Worship?" I barely got the word out of my mouth before he guided my lips back to his meat. I slurped the head into my mouth, but he pulled it out and slid my lips down the side of his fat cock.
"Just lay back and enjoy." I said."Yeah, suck it. I've been thinking about this all week."I wrapped my fingers around his pole, feeling the hot meat pulse with his heartbeat. "Oh, yeah, so have I." I groaned, and stroked his hardening beef. "So have I." His cock was beautiful. I still couldn't believe I was getting another chance at this hot young stud. I stroked it slowly up and down. Fat and long, a real heavy one. Easily 9 inches, maybe more. Hangs straight down when it gets hard. Straight down my throat! I pumped it slowly some more.His head was just pushing out of his skin, a drop glistening at the tip. I licked at the slit, slurping up the first taste of his juice. Sweet! Pure juice of man-boy. So tasty! I circled my tongue around his head, feeling its heat. I sucked the whole head into my lips, my tongue digging out more of his syrupy honey."Ohhh . . . fuck!" His voice was strangled in his throat.I began a slow up and down on the end of his cock, just the tip. To tease him. We had all night. I glanced at the clock. 7:09. Not that I'm a clock watcher, but, well, I am -- in reverse. I want to make sure I take my time. When I'm doing a marathon suck (like I was hoping to tonight!) I have to pace myself. It's worth it, because when you've got a guy in his third and fourth hour of oral stimulation, it's wild! They go absolutely crazy!
\"Cheers.\" He murmured.We sipped our beers in an awkward silence. \"I\'m glad you called,\" I started, \"that was fun in the locker room.\"\"Yeah, it was.\" He said, his eyes lighting up his handsome face.\"Ever been sucked off before?\"\"No, nothing like that. The girls I date, they won\'t do anything more than feel me up, never mind suck it. One tried, but her teeth - I had to make her stop.\"\"Yeah, your cock is really big.\"He grinned, blushing a bit. \"But you, you took the whole thing, every inch. And I didn\'t feel any teeth! It felt so amazing -- I couldn\'t believe it.\"\"Believe me, it feels pretty damn good on my end, too.\"\"And then you let me come in your mouth. Not just let me,\" he whispered conspiratorially, \"you sucked my cum right out of me!\"\"Well if it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth doing right. Right?\"\"I guess so!\" He grinned. He was so cute, so handsome.\"Well come on, let\'s get started. You didn\'t come here just to talk to me. Let\'s go in here. You\'ll be more comfortable.\" I led him into the bedroom.\"Take off whatever you feel comfortable taking off, I want you to know you don\'t have to do anything you don\'t want to. You can toss your clothes . . .\"I turned around, and he was already stripped naked, stretched out on the bed, adjusting the pillows.\". . . anywhere.\" His shirt and shorts were on the floor by the door, no underwear in sight. His sandals didn\'t even make it out of the living room. \"Awesome,\" I said under my breath.Roberto\'s body was spread out on my bed like a gourmet buffet, graceful muscles flexing and shifting into each other. He lay back, his abs rippling like nothing I\'ve ever seen before. His pumped pecs were bare before my eyes again, looking so tasty. And speaking of tasty, his fat cock was sprawled across his six-pack, already growing. I crawled up between his legs and rubbed them. He flinched slightly at my touch, but then relaxed into the cushions. I ran my hands farther up, feeling his hard ab muscles. His cock was getting bigger right before my hungry eyes.
When I opened the door, he was just getting to the top of the stairs. He looked up at me, grinning sheepishly. So fucking cute!"Hi," I said. I dropped my gaze, not wanting to stare and make him feel awkward. Inside I was trembling. "Come on in." I glanced up at him again, gave him a smile, and turned into the apartment. He followed me in, and I gestured to the living room.As he walked past me, his sweaty scent assaulted my senses. Young, fresh male scent. Oh my god. My dick was already hard in my jeans. I watched his beautiful ass and followed him into the living room. He was wearing only a t-shirt, board shorts and sandals. His broad shoulders stretched the shirt to its max at the top, but it hung loose around his trim waist. The soft fabric of his shorts clung to the cheeks of his ass as he walked.I gestured to the sofa. "Have a seat." I said, giving him another shy smile. "Would you like anything to drink, water, beer?""A beer would be cool, thanks." He looked a little nervous. Hell, so was I!"Sure, one sec." I moved into the kitchen, looking over the counter at him. While I got out a couple of beers, I figured I'd better keep up some kind of conversation. "Have any trouble finding it?" God, could I be any more boring?"No, I know this area pretty well. Some of my buddies live around here."My over-active imagination thought, well you'll have to bring your buddies over some time. But I put that in the back of my mind (for later!) and handed him a cold beer. I lifted mine to clink his. "Cheers."
"Something's up, all right. I know when I'm being blown off -- and not in the good way. What, one of your regular feeder studs call for some servicing?""No, bitch. The swimmer!""No way!""Yes, way! He just called and he's on his way over now. And he's going to get the cocksucking of his pretty young life!" I laughed. "I'm sure an old horndog like you will understand why I'd rather eat him than have dinner with you.""The eighteen year old? You fucking perv!" he laughed, "You have finally reached Dirty Old Man status!""Fuck off, you jealous old queen." I was laughing, too. "Now let me off the phone, he'll be here soon. And don't call here tonight trying to be funny."I heard "Tell me . . . " as I hung up the phone. Tell me everything, I'm sure he was saying. He already knew I would. Just to be sure, I made a mental note to turn off the phone when Roberto got here, in case Pat tried anything funny.I straightened out the bedclothes and arranged the pillows so Roberto could stretch out and comfortably prop his head up enough to watch me suck his big dick. Then I changed into sweats and a T shirt. I dimmed the lights, put on some music and got myself a drink. I was going to need something, that's for sure. This was going to be hot.Before I knew it, the bell rang. I buzzed him right up without asking who it was. I turned off my cell, then stopped a minute to take a deep breath -- damn, this doesn't happen to me every day. I mean I get my share of dick all right, but a hot young stud like him usually wants a girl or another hot young stud! Not a guy like me! But I shook that off and reminded myself that he actually had the balls to call, so either he's gay or he's open minded and knows something good when he gets it!! Or at least, he's fucking horny and needs to do something about it besides his right hand!
He whispered, "You sucked me off!" My mind was racing -- oh shit, he called!"Oh!" My voice caught in my throat. I tried to recover. "Yes! I hope you enjoyed that.""God, yeah. It was awesome.""I thought it was too." I murmered. "And like I said I'd love to do more.""Um, uh yeah. That's cool."`That's cool.' That's straight boy for `I don't want to admit I liked it, but I want more.'"Well, I live just around the north side of campus.""Cool." He said, sounding unsure. "Um, when do . . . um . . ."I knew I better strike while the iron is hot. "I'm home now, why don't you stop over." He had the balls to call now. He was probably horny now. If I gave him a half hour to think about it he might change his mind. "I'll suck your cock. Make you cum like that again. And more.""Man, I never came like that before," he whispered. "I couldn't believe it. And you let me cum in your mouth!""Of course, where else?" I waited, letting him think about that."OK, where are you?" I gave him the address. He knew the area, so he would have no trouble finding it. "See you in about 10 minutes." He said, and we said good bye and hung up.Unbelievable, I thought! He called and he's coming over for more! Fuckin' A! First I got on the phone to my buddy Patrick. We had dinner plans and he'd totally understand me canceling. Of course he'll demand a full report, but I'll deal with him later.He knew it was me when he picked up the phone. "Hey Nick, so where do you want to go for dinner?""Sorry, Pat, can I take a rain check? Something's come up."
The next few days I made a point to stay away from him at work. I knew when he came in for his lifeguard shifts and swim practice, so I kept away from the lobby and the lockerroom. It wasn't easy, but I didn't want to scare him off by looking too eager. Like a starving cat about to devour its prey. I didn't trust myself to play it cool if I saw him. I was starving for him. I jerked off every night dreaming of his fat uncut cock exploding in my throat!I really didn't think he'd call, but it was fun to think that he might. Made me hot to think about what I'd do with that sexy muscular body of his. Run my lips and tongue all over his hot muscles, not to mention get more of that fat meaty dick! Take my time with it, too. Worship his hard cock for hours and show him pleasure he's never imagined. Maybe even eat out that pretty ass of his -- fuck yeah! Every time my cell phone rang, my dick got hard in my jeans. I started answering calls that blocked their numbers, just so I wouldn't miss him if he did call.The other night I was home and I picked up another blocked call. "Hello?" I said."Hi," his voice was deep and soft. "Is this Nick?""Yes, this is Nick." I said. "Who is this?""This is, uh, . . . the guy from the locker room, who . . . who . . . ""Yes?" I said. Was it . . . ?
The next few days I made a point to stay away from him at work. I knew when he came in for his lifeguard shifts and swim practice, so I kept away from the lobby and the lockerroom. It wasn't easy, but I didn't want to scare him off by looking too eager. Like a starving cat about to devour its prey. I didn't trust myself to play it cool if I saw him. I was starving for him. I jerked off every night dreaming of his fat uncut cock exploding in my throat!I really didn't think he'd call, but it was fun to think that he might. Made me hot to think about what I'd do with that sexy muscular body of his. Run my lips and tongue all over his hot muscles, not to mention get more of that fat meaty dick! Take my time with it, too. Worship his hard cock for hours and show him pleasure he's never imagined. Maybe even eat out that pretty ass of his -- fuck yeah! Every time my cell phone rang, my dick got hard in my jeans. I started answering calls that blocked their numbers, just so I wouldn't miss him if he did call.
Once the shower room door closed, I finally let my breath out. Damn, that was fucking hot! I turned on the water and got under it, stroking my raging hardon. I closed my eyes and re-lived being on my knees in front of that gorgeous young man! Looking up his ripped abs at his big sexy chest and handsome face was so fucking hot, not to mention the huge slab of hot Latin beef he shoved down my throat, too! Oh my God!And I could still taste the thick load he pumped into me! Thick sweet load of teenage mancream. I'd been savoring it on my tongue ever since. My dick was rock hard. In no time I was convulsing and shaking. I blew a huge load of my own, crying out, not caring how loud I was. I grunted out the last few shots, and felt all the tension drain out of my body. I slumped against the wall, jiggling my nuts for the last of my load, moaning.I took my time catching my breath, then took a long hot shower and turned off the water. After I dried off, I walked back to my locker. He was gone, as I figured he would be. While I dressed, I ran the whole scene through my head again still not believing it was real. I was hard again when I pulled up my jeans just from thinking about it. Oh well, I told myself, he probably won't call. But that was one hot scene! I'll be jerking off to that memory for a good long time!
His eyes widened, "Three or four?""Easily -- I love it. I wonder many times a hot young stud like you could cum in four hours of that kind of cocksucking." He was silent. "Just kick back, relax, and let me worship your cock, man. You'll love it." I pulled one of my personal cards from my pants pocket and handed it to him. "Think about it. Nobody will know but you and me. Give me a call anytime." I stood up, closed my locker and wrapped my towel back around my waist. He was still in shock, I think, and didn't say anything."Like you said, I'm a cocksucker.""Just kick back, relax, and let me worship your cock. You'll love it." I pulled one of my personal cards from my pants pocket and handed it to him. "Think about it. Nobody will know but you and me. Give me a call anytime." I stood up, closed my locker and wrapped my towel back around my waist. He was still in shock, I think, and didn't say anything."Like you said, I'm a cocksucker."I walked off to the shower room as casually as I could. My mind was reeling from what I'd just done, and my cock was throbbing. Not only had I just sucked off a hot muscular 18 year old stud athlete, but I did it in the University gym locker room, where someone could have walked in on us at any second!
"Fuck yeah," he growled, "That's it. That's fucking it." With a few more savage thrusts, he plunged in deep and erupted, his meat swelling in my throat and pulsating with each shot of hot cream -- so deep I couldn't taste it, but I pulled back enough to gasp some air and taste his seed -- fresh, teenage mancream! I sucked and swallowed every musky drop of his juice and milked out all he could give me. And he gave and gave! Blast after thick blast of cum attacked my throat, almost faster than I could gulp it down. He collapsed against the locker and I nursed on his dick, still hard and big, but not as rampant. I licked up every drop that escaped my sucking mouth and cleaned him off good. "Oh, fuck." He kept saying, over and over. "Oh fuck, man." When his panting finally slowed down, it was like he suddenly remembered where he was and stood upright, pulling out of my mouth. He checked over his shoulder again, then visibly relaxed when he saw no one was there. "Fuck, man. That was awesome.""Yes, it was" I said. I reached up and stroked his softening cock. He jumped at my touch, then moaned. Suddenly, I felt bold. "And that's nothing compared to what I could do if we had some privacy." I looked up at his surprised face. "I could do that for hours on end." I said. "Hours. Imagine how that would feel for three or four hours."
"You're a cocksucker, aren't you?" he whispered, grinning broadly now."Yes." I gasped, my eyes glued to his growing cock, getting slowly closer and closer to my dangling tongue. It was as beautiful as the rest of him, long, thick, uncut. Most of his plum colored head was already out of his skin, and as it grew towards my mouth it pulled free of the overhang completely. I fell to my knees before him, and as a first drop of precum appeared at the slit, I gently slurped his dripping cockhead into my mouth."Ohhhhh, yeah," he hissed. "Suck it, man." I ran my tongue around his head, and slipped another few inches of him into my mouth. I couldn't believe this was happening! I began a slow up and down on him, taking a little more and more of his length each time. His legs were already trembling, and when I reached up and palmed his balls his knees buckled a bit."Ohhh, fuck yeahh." He moaned, steadying himself against the locker, and started pumping his hips some. In a few strokes I buried my face in his crotch, swallowing every fat inch of his beautiful hardon. I pulled off him, locking my wet lips tight around his shaft as I came up to the tip and then plunged back down on him, reaching behind him and pushing him into my face. He growled deep in his throat and ground his hips into me. I wrapped my hands around his smooth butt and thrust him in and out of my suctioning lips, lavishing my tongue around his throbbing shaft. I would have rather slowly teased and edged him until he was crazy, but I really didn't want to get caught sucking off a student in the lockerroom. I picked up the pace, driving him deep into my hot wet throat, and he grabbed my head in both hands and proceeded to fuck my face. Panting above me, he rammed his throbbing cock in and out of me faster and harder. I succumbed to his lust, and tried to work my wet tongue around his meat as much as I could while he impaled my throat over and over again. I kneaded his balls some more as he plowed me, and was rewarded with more of his hot talk.
I rounded the corner, trying not to look like I was running away, and leaned against the wall once I was completely out of sight. "Dammit!" I said to myself, "what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to get beaten up?" Or worse, fired. I caught my breath and started up the stairs. My mind was reeling, my heart was pounding, and my dick was throbbing. But by the time I got up to the main office, I had composed myself and was ready to get back to work. Of course, the thrill of the experience stayed with me all night. All I had to do to get myself riled up again was close my eyes and remember his handsome face and nearly naked body. And his deep, dark brown eyes! Eyes that made such strong contact with me but were so obscure. Oh well. By the end of the night I'd convinced myself that I'd been taking too many chances cruising the hot student boys at work and I'd better start being more careful.
OK. My work was done and I had to get upstairs, so I just steeled myself to march right past him. I left the office and stepped out onto the pool deck. The sharp scent of chlorine hit my nose and brought into clearer focus. I casually walked down the row of bleachers to the door, keeping my head up and my eyes straight forward. In my peripheral vision I could see that he was sitting with his back to me, stretching. I relaxed a bit, thinking I was OK. God, what a beautiful back he has, I thought, allowing myself a little look. Just then he turned and locked his eyes on mine, his expression still as unreadable as before. I froze, except for my legs which thankfully kept walking and got me the last few feet to the door. I tore my gaze from his as I pushed the door open. Out in the hall, with the pool to my back, I let out my breath. Oh, fuck! That was close. But then I did the stupidest thing. I glanced over my shoulder -- why I don't know, do I have no control? -- and found him still staring right at me through the glass door, unblinking, indecipherable.
I was working in the pool office, covering an evening shift for a tech who called in sick. I looked up through the big windows looking out to the pool. Someone in a swim suit came out of the men\'s lockerroom and caught my eye -- I saw broad shoulders, big pecs and a V-shaped torso coming toward me. Mmmm, I thought. Wonder who this stud is. Then I saw his face -- oh shit, it\'s Roberto! I thought. I dropped my eyes, but his had already met mine and bored a hole right through my brain. I tried to focus on my work and ignore him, but as he passed the window, I looked up and saw his smooth, pumped chest moving towards me, his rippling abs echoing each step. He glanced my way, then must have recognized me. He stared back at me, but his face was completely unreadable! He could be glaring or smirking, I couldn\'t tell. I shouldn\'t have looked up but I couldn\'t help myself. His eyes stared right through me again before he passed and went on his way. He walked all the way to the far side of the pool, by the exit. I closed my eyes back down to the desk and hurriedly finished my work so I could get away from him before I got myself punched in the nose. Of course after a few minutes, I couldn\'t help glancing up one more time. He wasn\'t in the pool yet, but was stretching out on a mat by the door. Fuck! I\'d have to walk right by him to get out of there.
The first time I saw Roberto, I was struck by the beauty of both his body and his handsome face. He was walking through the lobby of the university gym, his T-shirt stretched across his perfect peaked pecs, two matching mounds jutting out over the numbers on the front of his shirt. And his face -- clean shaven, pretty like a boy's yet still manly. The word Lifeguard spread out across the back of his broad shoulders told me more about him. The shirt tapered down his V-shaped torso and was tucked into his trim waist -- tucked into jeans that encased two round, high bubbles of beautiful boy butt. I stopped and watched him as he approached, his pecs bouncing a bit as he walked. After he passed me, I couldn't tear my eyes away from those two curved masses of his butt.Later I found out he came in every night about the time I left for the day, to work the evening shift in the gym's pool. I checked the lifeguard schedule and found him there. On the 6-10pm shift, two female lifeguards and one male. Roberto. That was easy to find out, because I work in the gym's offices. I'm a computer tech for the university's athletic department. On a hunch, I also checked the men's swim team roster and there he was -- butterfly and freestyle. Well, the butterfly would sure explain those shoulders! Then I checked the employee database and looked for his birthdate. Oh my God, he was 18. He was only 18. Now I seemed to notice him around the gym all the time. Either he was suddenly around more or I was just now noticing him -- which I doubted because he was so gorgeous I know I'd have spotted him before. Each time I saw him I tried to be cool, but I know sometimes I stared at him. Eventually I think he noticed me checking him out. I tried to back off and keep my distance after that, but one day something happened that just blew my whole cover.
I may do that. See how this one goes.Anyway with balls well squeezed and cock sucked I was upright and ready tolet Robert have his way with me, just to get it over and done with. He ledme naked now in the shower compartment, large enough for two or more."Just jig me up a little" he said guiding my hand to his erection oncemore. "Stretch it right back and then I will tell you what to do"I did as he asked. I felt it and jigged it He places his big hands behindagainst his buttocks, pushing himself forward to present me with his best.It was fine. I'd handled a cock or two but never with the knowledge thatsoon it would be spurting pee all over wherever he chose.Then holding his cock tight at the end he told me just to stand there,close my eyes and feel the happening.I heard him sigh and felt the heat of a strong spurt of fluid contact mylower tummy and run down my thighs, and over my cock too.I opened my eyes and he was squeezing his cock to control the spurt andasked me to turn and bend,.His pee was steaming and smelt like a horse."I want this to spurt right up you ass" he said.I twisted and opened my legs to take the stream of hot fluid . I felt itcontact my rear and dribble down between.It was like when I remembered being little , when I could not wait to reach the toilet and wet my trousers. My Mum gave me a good spanking for thatand I guess that has something to do with liking to be spanked now I wasgrown up, especially by Joe.
I had managed to give him a quick jerking off downstairs but managed to put off the oral bit. He seemed happy with that though and said he lookedforward to initiating me into the pleasure of golden rain. Before we wentupstairs to the bathroom he said I should drink plenty and I had a good idea whyhe said that.In the bathroom he stripped me with great urgency and did things likestretching the cheeks of my ass apart, slapping them and telling me to bend this way and then that. I went through the notions hoping the morning wouldsoon pass but he was intent on getting the best out of me, his words. Givingme all the stuff about my having a great fuckin' ass made for the trickleof golden rain, and then he'd fuck it taking in the magical odour into hisnostrils. And likewise I could do the same with him, The trick then was toshare our waters and indulge in a long and satisfying oral rhapsody that wasgood for the soul and a splendid introductory to a final deep fucking.He was talking like a preacher man, his head now jerking off my cock whichwas fully immersed in his throat. His hands gentle coupled squeezing myballs to satisfaction and I did enjoy that. I always do. There is something opvery satisfying and special about being sucked and balled, that certainfeeling so wonderful and sensual.Jane Austin wrote a book about Pride and Prejudice, I could equally writeone about sense and sexual sensuality. With Joe taking me in so many way andnow this new experience with Robert I reckon I could soon fill a fewchapters.
So I called and braced myself for his particular diversity. I decided justto go through the motions thinking all the time that this was my penancefor not being honest with Joe. And if this was going to be a one of thatwould be fine.But Robert was truly perverted and contrived to stress that making lovewith golden rain was something very special that I would simply love.He was all of a tether when he arrived, standing there in his shorts andnot looking attractive at all, especially as he was groping himself like hewas doing it for my pleasure. He was a stout guy with a few unattractive flab's around his lower region which did not give me a particular urge totouch him, as he then asked me to.He pulled it out and murmured something about it being very elastic andsubtle and how it would be better stuffed up my fucking asshole than justbeing perked up like that awaiting for my attention.I simply hated the idea of touching him after what he told me about hisbent for golden rain. It was aright the last and first time we'd fucked.,because I was Immersed in the lust in missing Joe I submitted to him freelyand yes I did enjoy his fuck. But now it seemed like just something I hadto do because of Joe and as he led me to the shower room I felt powerless.
"Of course" I lied. Hoping for the life of me that Robert would notspill the beans."Your hole seems as supple as always, give me a good sucking after I havespilled huh? and I will tender your body in the way you have becomeaccustomed.""Sounds good" I murmured feeling his fuck grow and build and sinking intoa beautiful oblivion as he took me full throttle. Grasping the sides of mybuttocks to hold me steadfast as he blasted his cock into me.I think after that deep fucking, he had really missed me and I sort offelt a guilt because I let Robert have me. Should I tell him and be done withit? I asked myself, because Robert said he would tell anyway.But I didn't want that. I craved over Phil, He was the best thing that hadever happened to me and his sexual preferences were second to none.Then how could I tell him. How would he react for one thing and maybethings between us could never be the same again?After Joe had served me to the full, after we'd partaken in mutual oralsatisfaction and I was home again in my pad, I telephoned Robert to say itwould be okay for him to do what he wanted. I dreaded the thought but I wasdetermined to keep Joe sweet.Robert was delighted and asked if I could call in the morning, He had alate call and a session with me would put him right for the hectic afternoonin his office ahead.
It was like he was an addict for my body. Before that and just after I'dcalled at his door, apart from just a quick greeting he'd said nothing. Hewas too intent on stripping down my jeans and having me over the arm ofhis plush red leather settee.Usually he would indulge in his constitutional spanking and oral stuff butsuch was his lust, he forwent all that and went in it.. And did Iknow it!"I would maybe thought you would have been a little tight" Joe gushedholding himself deep inside me as we indulged in just a gentle movement to feel each other's strong beat. That is another thing I adored about Joe. Heknew how to get the very best out of me and the feel of his hardness throbbinginside me was a thrill always."But I guess you used the vibrators Huh to keep my hole serviced?"Straight to the point. That was Joe."Something like that" I replied. Knowing the size of Robert's cock wasperhaps an inch longer. For me quality mattered more than size, even thoughI enjoyed Robert's fuck it could never be up to Joe's standard."You are a fucking' tease, do you know that?" Joe grinned, easing his cock right up me then."Well here it is, the real thing Pete, better than any of your fuck toyseh?""Without a doubt" I replied feeling the surge of his fuck begin to take me to the full."Tell you what, Pete, I have missed your ass. Such was my agony missing itthat I almost phoned for the services of a rent boy. But then I thought itcould never be the same as you, no matter how much I imagined. It is thequality you see, So have you been a good boy for me?"
I had never done `toilet bashing' before. It was repugnant to me. Butsuch were my needs, and with a couple of bevies inside me I was game.I took the bait and made for the toilets, it was a bit of a rush job andhe was really on for it big time. And he was certai9nly big time."This is just for starters then we can go back to my place okay Pete?" hesaid pushing his hand down my jeans pocket and feeling for my credentials..He had a huge one on him which he feverishly exposed for my benefit and Iwas soon inflamed for him.."Come on Pete, Fucking well unzip, let's see what you've got then. It isokay I know you need it in your ass but that can wait unti8l later, I haveplans for you."It was nice to feel his cock rub mine and together , standing up I thesmall place we enjoyed a very nice mutual wank like there was no tomorrow andhe came beautifully into my briefs."That is just for starters, Pete. There is plenty more where that camefrom if you are game?"I smiled. He felt warm and sufficient. He had a nice one on hi8m thatwould truly benefit from a poke into my ass.I was thinking I could close my eyes and pretend it was Joe.But it turned out no way. For once he was circumcised and for twice hewanted to fuck me ass over tit, which Joe had never done.It was different though and that great big cock of his opened a hole thathad been closed too long and he was soon thrusting away devil may care intomeHe noticed marks on my rear and queried what they were about."Joe likes to spank me" I replied and then he said something that made mewonder if being with this guy was right for me.
"At least the break will give that gorgeous ass time tore coupe, it hasbeen very busy of late Huh Pete?" He grinned like a Cheshire cat but knew Iwas going to miss the sex a lot.At least I felt he wasn't planning to do anything with another because heasked me to promise to be good whilst he was away, and that it was just fora month and he would make up for it when he was back.Well I tried, I did honestly but having become so accustomed to regularsex I was a plainly depressed and wanting of a good fuck inside me..When Robert called, Joe's pal, he asked if I would like a drink I gladlyaccepted. If anything did come out of it I could still keep loving Joe. Butthe sex was like a proverbial drug and I needed it to survive my misery.Robert was nice. I'd met him before at one of Pete's parties and he gaveme the eye then. But now, in the confines of the pub restaurant he wasgiving me more than that."I promise to keep it quiet! He vowed, obviously thinking along the linesthat I was. He made no secret about stroking my thigh beneath the table and|I certainly made no secret of resisting him doing that.It felt nice, especially after a week of sad neglect and I enjoyed theattention anyway."Perhaps we could erm?" he said quietly looking towards the toilets. "Hesaid he would go first an I could follow indiscriminately. In about twominutes.
It is all very lovely and our pleasure is deeply reflected in the way welove to hold and cuddle after each enthused session, sharing everything wehave to reach our passionate goal. I am well numbed and seen to but evenafter he had taken that lovely love stick away I can still feel its presencedeep up me and it is divine. The so wonderful sensations Joe could give meand no messing! - the thrust and pull like he is fucking my hole inside out.And his fuck is always through and amazing, and even though he cums twiceinside me he can still resume for a long time afterwards. He tells me justhow good I am for him and how he so enjoys to fuck me after spankingespecially.He is plain dirty the way he goes about preparing me for that. He spitsinto me, takes me like an animal, licking and tasting me there, myasshole, my cock, everything until I am panting for his hard throbbing cock topenetrate me.I am completely besotted in Joe. I will do what he wants when he wants andno messing. If he wants to fuck me in chains, in handcuffs or whatever,over the bedrail, the arm of the settee or simply on all fours I enjoy eachand every stroke of his hand and every deep thrust of that lovely elongatedcock inside me.He has me thoroughly to the highest pitch and I am like his slave. Alwaysready and wanting of him, And if he bears his belt in hand I am ready. Ireveal my ass like he wants me too, in jeans, in boxers or tight briefs,whatever his fancy of the day. I like it that way!But Come July I was demoralized. Joe needed to go to New York, the otherside of the ocean, for business. "We can still do things" he said obviously in an effort to keep me sweet.But what the hell, that was not like real physical stuff.But I could not keep him from his bread and butter so I just had to lumpit.
After the beating he allows me five minutes or so to gather myself. Igently rub my bum as if to rub away the pain and as I proceed to do that, it isn't long before he kneels in front of me to enjoy his usual sniff betweenmy crotch. I can just feel his tongue through my jeans and he tells me howgood I smell and never to wash my jeans, at least not the ones I wear when Iam with him. We have an arrangement that I have spare pair for spankingand fun which he hangs in his wardrobe. He has confessed that sometimesduring the week when we do not see each other he likes to sniff my jeans andfeel the thinness of the material behind, which is wearing with the spankings.He says that does him a treat and he soon cums. So just for good stead hewants me to take off my jeans after a fresh spanking and wrap then over hishead, where he is quite happy to spend some time sniffing my scent as heenjoys my oral extravagance of him.It is a sort of sweet revenge that he has come down on me to severely,because I added a few well-proportioned nibbles to the sucking extravaganza and pull his balls a little more that is pleasant."Pete you are so cruel to me" I hear the muffled sound, his head still inmy jeans.I say nothing and deep suck him with extra strength until I can hear himgasp. It is all part of our wonderful play times together and really I likehim very much, almost to the point of loving as of lately, I have come toenjoy his French kisses a lot, and the way he really massages my balls as hepushed his tongue deep into my throat, just where his cock has just been,thoroughly submerged and well sucked, his cream still lingering in my mouthwhich he takes pleasure in sucking up with his kiss.
At first I wondered if I should go with him anymore it was that bad.Although he always gives me a very gratifying massage with usually coconut oilafter punishment, the hurt lingers for a day or two afterwards. Joe saysthat is all the better to remind me of him if perhaps my mind wanders toother guys.He is very jealous of that, wanting to know if I have looked at anotherguy, and each time we meet I have to be truly honest with him and tell him,even if I have just taken a second glance at someone, and that will mean anaddition to the number of times he spanked me.Today he spanked me wearing my tight jeans, which he says, enhances thecurve in my bum. He has this thing about stretching up my trousers whilstbending over his knee, to separate the cheeks. And he always had his camcorderin place to record everything we do, and of course the monitor screen so Ican watch.But whilst being thoroughly spanked, paddled or caned my head is welldown, almost touching the floor I close my eyes and grit my teeth awaiting eachnew contact, hearing the reminiscent sound of the contact and also, if heis using the cane, the inimitable swish as it comes down on me.I feel my pulse start to beat to the double and the renewed sting and Iyell for mercy. Sometimes he pauses, usually to take a good feel of my hotred cheeks and I feel the touch of his fingers tantalizing my crotch with apromise of things to come.That was nice as it always is, and makes the beatings worthwhile, just toenjoy the wonderful way he pampers and spoils me afterwards.
But I did wonder at the end of our last session how I would cope with hislatest suggestionWith me having told him where I bought the anal vibrators and dildo's, he'd sprung this catalogue on me."See what you think, Pete" he said opening a particular page and lettingme see.He was pointing at a double penetrator. I comprised of an ample sizedrubber cock, attached to a ring like gadget that fitted around the girth of alive cock."What do you thin Pete? This way you could have the best of both words, adouble penetration would be great and of course, as always, you could seethe action on the monitor screen."We hadn't used the camcorder of late. I guess the novelty had worn off,But it would be fun watching this on the monitor.I wondered just how it would feel. Would my hole take both okay?"As always I shall be careful, Pete. Just tell me to stop if it gets toomuch."But I knew Joe by now, that never works if he is well frenzied in what heis doing. But that's okay though, because I have become accustomed to itand it made for a thrilling fuck always.But the double penetration. Would it work and would I be able to stretchopen that much?I took a good gander at the picture and finally said I would be willing totry. I was still unsure though. The things I do for Joe. But he is worthis because he has changed my life completelyI have discovered that Joe does nothing in small ways. It has to be thefull works and he certainly takes full advantage of me in the few hours weshare together, and the time goes nowhereBut I have come to enjoy the subservience of being Joe's twice a week guy.Having just driven home I was glad I had an extra cushion to ease my wellspanked rear quarters which has become standard,He spanks me most every time we meet now and has recently taken to using apaddle and sometimes a cane which is a real stinger.
I never knew after such sessions how he would want to fuck me. I liked itdoggy much of the time, that was I could be absolutely all ass for him. I'dwaggle and sway to his command. He'd stretch my cheeks apart once more andtake his feed of my natural juices, spurned by those wonderfulexperiments with the anal vibrator s and things, and still he loved to use theproverbial screwdriver head in me, usually before the fuck, he'd make me reallyfrantic as he stuffed the bulbous handle deep up my ass until In yelled forhis fuck proper..And then I'd appreciate the feel of real cock deep fucking me, thrustingand moving in different directions which was nice. When he'd had his lot Iwas still wide open for him to indulge in some more licking, holing andsucking. There I was still on all foursBut I guess it was equally as good when sometimes he fancied me scissorstyle when I'd feel; his huge cock enter me sideways. It felt someti8mes likehe was splitting me in half, he was so emerged into what he was doing, allthe moaning, the grunting and always the swearing made it completeThe sideways fuck was different again, when I laid on my side, that is.Hel could d get a good grip on my thighs to enter me in a very deep slowthrusting mode, and the fucking usually took longer.But at the end of the day the feel of him sliding up into me wasabsolutely beautiful.I told him that no matter how he wanted me, I would always enjoy his fuck.It seemed it would never end our beautiful relationship. And it was alwaysso fresh each time we met.
But it seemed that was the name of the game. If Wanted to keep up therelationship with Joe I had to abide to his dominance although, sometimes, whenhe changed his spanking habits for example - when he started to use apaddle on me and then sometimes a cane, every swish stung as it came downfirmly on my ass cheeks.I grit my teeth and took the immense pain, but knowing he would sooth itafter wards, and the wonderful joy of all that."I love your sweet ass babe" he said nudging me after each firm contact. "I adore the way each cheek wobbles as I thrash you. You ass is made forspanking and thrashing. And wearing your tight brush jeans reallyemphasised the tightness of the curves I love and adore so much/ Keep it that wayfor me Pete and we shall continue to have lots of sexercise.That word again; sexercise, It sort of summed up our relationship. Theirwas never much dialogue when we were together, he declared every minute withme was precious and we should make the very best of our quality timetogether.He certainly did that.His eventual l fuck was always the highlight of out session, because ifmost other things he wanted to do with me were predictable, the fucking neverwas. There were so many ways he liked to have me according to which moodhe was in. Which made it always thrilling. Usually by the time he had hisway with me, how he wanted all the thrashing over his knee, over the back ofthe couch, or sideways on the bed, my wrists tied and my mouth gagged andstuffed with an apple. All that, what he called; beautiful dirty stuffwhen he'd rub the consequential juices from my well worked asshole into my face and his too, and licked my hole raw.
Now I was beginning to discover the real Joe Philips as he started to getmuch more outgoing in his approach and his demands. For that is what he wasall about I soon realised - to be the dominant male and as our visitsbecame more familiar his sexual diversions became regular, and, although therewere certain things I did not particularly like, I had to take the roughwith the smooth so when, for example, he spanked me stretched across hisright leg I gritted my teeth and hoped it would soon end so that I could enjoythe next stage, which would fully make up for that surge of pain brewingdeep in my rear.So every time I arrived it was the over his knee bit first. That was afterhe'd stripped me and messed with my ass. He could never get enough of thesucking and licking, and then, when the spanking was over, there he wasagain, me on all fours and him stretched out beneath me, prompting me tocrouch over his face until his mouth was fully emerged into my crack.During this time he would really rub up my fresh spanked ass cheeks thoughwith lots of soothing lubricant, which made all the pain go away and leavejust a numbness, which was rather pleasant really.And then Joe would go to it again, planting his head between my thighs andreally having a ball. Yes, it was all worth the pain. I grew to enjoy thepain and pleasure bit. He knew he had hurt me but after he'd reachedsatisfaction with me he gave me a real sympathetic hug. Explaining that he justcould not stop his full emotions coming out.
I savoured the nectar as he grasped the girth of his erection and promptedit upwards , pushing his glans against the roof of my wide open mouth.Then I felt just a surge and a drop of pre-cum squirt onto my tonge. I tastedit. It was like sea salt but not at all how I imagined, I slowly dared tolet it dribble down my throat, something I could never have dreamt doinguntil I met Joe, but with him it seemed right and beautiful and as a hestretched his foreskin back tight, urging me to suck, suck, suck.I was in a complete world of my own, instinctively sucking and wankinghis cock simultaneously as he continued to beckon me on with lots of swearingto suit the occasion.This would be a first timer too, when I felt him squirt his hot white cumdeep into my throat. I found myself grasping his hips as I held my breath,kneeling there before him mouthy opened wide and feeling the plunge of hiscock enter my throat.I managed to squeeze and so push him out of my mouth for a pause, so Icould get some air, but that was not for long because then he wanted more."You had better get used to this, because you are going to get plenty of it" he grunted plunging that still so very rigid earthy cock into my mouthagain. My mouth was full of his fuck juice squelching ar0un in my mouth ashe continued to mouth fuck me.By the to me he had finished with me I was glad because both my tongue andmouth felt numb.
I was in my element being touched, teased. sucked and licked in all myvery sensitive places. He spent quality times discovering my likes anddislikes and. Of course. It was just as much fun for me too. It was the first timeI had ever touched another guys cock or anything in the lower region. Iparticularly remember that very first intimate touch in the shower room whenwe simply stood there and let our cocks touch, looking into each other'seyes to take in the wonderful expression of sheer lust and joy.That was just a quickie though because it was done on the spur of themoment. But it was an opening to our mutual desire to take it further and whenat last, I got my first taste of desirable hard cock I was in my element.It was something special too hearing his moans in different tomes and volumesas I tried different things with mouth and tongue.As our meetings in his mobile caravan grew more frequent so our need foreach other grew more intense. As soon as he welcomed me at the door I couldsee instantly he had a real large swelling beneath his summer shorts whichI found very erotic and encouragingHis was a real beauty, it certainly was and to feel its rigidly form in mymouth coupled with the feel of his foreskin as I twisted and tuned mytongue just inside, gradually and teasingly working it back until I could get agood taster of his glans with that beautiful jap eye in the centre.
Then I was treated to the touch of his hands exploring and stretching apartmy ass, and the touch of his fingertips sliding each side of my hole,which he called his brown hole, exclusively for him. I said for him to be myguest and he gave me lots of divine sensations, smothering his face betweenmy cheeks as he deep tongued me and then the slow insert of that ridgedpaint roller handle worked divinely.I watched intently in the monitor all those things he was doing andenjoying with me. It was so lovely to watch and see. His face red and glisteningwith my juices as he really went to town and shagged me silly.And then the intent spanking, watching my ass turn plum red. The stingingand then the comfort as he massaged away the soreness before that feel ofhis cock at last sinking into me. It felt so divine as we built up into anabsolute frenzy fucking. The climax came like a never-ending volcaniceruption and we were incensed in the aftermath of what was the most sensationalfuck.This was to be the start of so very much more good times with Joe.At first it was not all plain sailing with Joe, that first time wasabsolutely fabulous when we became acquainted so intimately.But one does not really get to know another only after just one meeting. Ihad sensed his masterful disposition. That didn't worry me too muchbecause something from my really life, I don't know what, made me feel good aboutbeing obedient in a subservient way.During our first meeting in his mobile caravan, and when he so wonderfullytouched and teased me behind, first over my jeans and then inside, it wasall very thrilling and exciting, and it was nice too knowing that Joeenjoyed me that way.
I was on a learning curve and no mistake. He wanted to try something elsetoo. He paused a little and managed to set up his camcorder with the monitorplaced in front of me as he had me crouched on all fours expressing myrear at it's very best angle.Then he went out of the room for a few moments, leaving me there, lookingat my rear end in the monitor screen. This was much better than straining tolook into a mirror and IK felt good swishing my ass in different wayswhich I hoped Joe would like.He was a wonderful guy and I so wanted to please him. He was bringing outeverything I had held so secret, thinking it was all so very unnatural.Already he was making me feel, well, normal I guess.I grinned on his return when I saw in his hand a paint roller. He said hewas right out of screwdrivers, but that this had a good rigid handle on itwhich would do the job."What do you think, Pete? He asked. "Look I have smothered it in Vaselineto make it better."I examined it, the handle was hollow but I guessed that would be fine andtold him I approved."You are a beauty! He declared. "this I so want to do with you."For the next I don't know how long, he indulged me in the most delightfuland explorative way.The sucking was nice, the slapping was wonderful and his constant touchingand nudging of my ass cheeks made me feel so very special.
This was something really new. He spread my cheeks and popped his tongueinto me swirled it around and around giving me all sorts of new and unknown sensations which really made me want to feel the fuck of that gorgeoushard cock I had been feeling, the throb of it so divine and appealing.As he did that I automatically squeezed his cock as hard as I could and Ifelt his response, his hand on mine prompting me to stiff wank him, and tostretch his foreskin tight back."That is better than any bulbous screwdriver Huh?" He yelled.It was sure enough. It was lovely to feel Joe's searing cock. It was sobig. Bigger than anything I had put inside me."If you want a fuck with a real time cock you will have to prime it firstand that means lots of sucking, right?""I got the message and realized that which would have seemed repugnant tome not all that long ago was now something I yearned for. The feel andtaste of fresh thumping cock in my mouth was now something I craved for.I took to the task immediately and felt it swell in my mouth. It was likeJoe was pushing it into my throat as he gave my hole a deep, deep plungingwith his fingers and then, as I sucked harder he gave me a really soundtanning across my ass which was sensational. To feel and take cock and thesting of his hand spanking too, was absolutely divine and I felt a deep, deepoverwhelming pleasure.We simply enjoyed each other and it was magic to experience the touch of aguy who really wanted me. All the time he was murmuring all those thingscouples do when emerged in explicit sexual explorations.I was simply wallowing in the touch, feel and smell of his cock and bodyfluids as he continued to suck me off both ways. I felt my cock slither tohis suck and he was indulging in things that I had never imagined could beso absolutely wonderful. His mouth placed tight around my knob he blew intomy foreskin until it bulged like a balloon. That felt really lovely andthen to feel just the tip of his tongue indulging so sweetly my p-hole wasbeautiful.
He prompted me to open my legs so that I was easily assessable for him.That first touch was stunning, Just the feel of Joe touching me for the veryfirst time was glorious and I instinctively touched him too, the way heasked me to, squeezing my thumb and index finger around the girth to feel itswidth."that's nice Pete. Now rub your fingers over my knob, ever so gently so Ican take in the feeling and I will do likewise with you."He had this way of teasing my cock with his finger nails, not scratchingbut just the suggestion of a scratch."It's nice Pete. Does this feel good? I adore the smell of you.""Wonderful" I replied. I was feeling myself rise up and was not at allembarrassed. Joe made it seem like an everyday occurrence and made me feelreally good."That's better" he said breathing deeply. "Let me concentrate on givingyou a good time."It was all so very wonderful, both of us enjoying each othersimultaneously. It was lovely and so soothing and I loved the feel of his hard cockthrobbing in my palm."I am imagining just how good it will be to fuck you with those anal toysPete." He whispered, teasing my cock and stroking my ass, his finger waslightly dipping between my cheeks and touching my hole. That was divine."It feels well adorned Pete" he said gently delving a finger around therim. "Well fucked too, no virginity there huh?"I reminded him that was not because I had been with another guy, butsimply the result of regular anal vibrator usage."Well whatever, it feels so good. Turn onto your side Pete so I can tasteyou."I did as he wanted and heard his sigh of approval. I felt I wanted to pushmy ass out for his pleasure. I felt so chilled. I simply wanted to be allass for him to do with as he will.
"I simply love that cute tight bum of yours. Come, sit next to me and letus get more acquainted. I want to know all about you and how you do withthose screwdriver handles.It seemed ridiculous, having to confess I was into screwdriver handles ofall things. But because I really wanted to make it with him, and because Iwanted to be absolutely open and honest with him I told him all. How Ibought anal stuff and played with them."That sounds really enterprising Pete. I would adore using them on you.Which ones do you like?""I have four favorites; Power Wand, Dark Lover Beaded anal vibrator, Analrotator- Dark Knight andA Vibrating cock ring...""Pete, you and I are going to have lots of fun. Next time bring them Huh.I would love to try them with you. And you like watching too, seeingyourself do things in a well-placed mirror, that is really wicked!"The fact that he was talking about a next time was very pleasing. I wasreally falling for Joe. He looked absolutely gorgeous just sat there, hishand still massaging that gorgeously defined penis."Would you like to see me doing things to you in a mirror?"I blushed a little and he said that was so becoming. I said I would likethat and he replied that he could do better, he would arrange a camcorderwith a monitor in front of me, so I could see him enjoying me in every way.The thought of that was a real arouser. I just knew our relationship wasgoing to blast away all that stuff I did with myself, that to have anotherdoing it would be heaven on earth.He obviously saw my interest and said If I wanted I could touch it, thenhe could touch me too How sexy is that!?I sidled closer to him and arranged myself so that he could reach me and me him.
\"You know how to keep your body fit Joe!\" I remarked. \"I should takewhatever you are taking for it!\" I laughed trying not to be embarrassed.\"I am sure you have your assets Peter. Just a little sexercise will setyou right.\"\"Do you mean exercise?\" I grinned.\"Nope, I meant what I said. Now off with you to the shower room. If amgoing to have you I need you to be sweet smelling.\"My expression must have said I was surprised by that remark.. He must haveread my thoughts.\"Well the way you were rubbing up those screwdriver handles and the likewas a real turn on and you know it.\"\"How do you mean Joe?\"\"I mean that you were going in a hole in your hand and plunging the handleto and fro into the aperture. What was I to think? If that wasn\'t a come onand get me, I don\'t know what is. Now go and have your bloody shower anddon\'t forget to soap[ underneath.\"\"He was so masterful and all along it was like he had been reading mythoughts, as I envisaged how that screwdriver handle with the ridge would feelinside me. The thing is, I wasn\'t doing it as a come on, I was completelyin my own world and unaware Joe was looking.But I wasn\'t complaining. Something was happening I don\'t know what butit seemed right that I should be there and as I showered, my body quiveredwith excitement.And as I stepped from the shower room, towel wrapped around me, I saw Joejust stretched back on the sofa, completely naked. He was gently massaginghimself like he was priming himself for something.\"What do you think Pete, this is what you wanted huh?\"He started to stroke himself there, along the shaft and cupping his balls.I was flabbergasted yet absolutely absorbed - he was so wonderfullywell-equipped and I just stood there frozen, looking down at him. I did notrealize my towel was slipping down so soon I was naked too.\"\"Not bad Pete. Do a twirl for me huh?\"I did as he asked. It felt right and I took in his admiring look as Itwisted around to face him again.
But it did and there was Joe, all packed up and ready to go. It was a hotsummer day and I can\'t deny just how attracted I was to him. He looked socool and good in short, shorts and a cool vest.\"Come on then Peter\" he said rather masterfully which I adored. Hereminded me of a rather bossy elder brother when I was small but in a differentway.He led me to a beautifully designed mobile caravan which he had rentedland to0parkit for the summer season.\"I work as a beach hand\" he said, \"so this is very close and I am able toenjoy the beach too.. Where do you work Peter?\"\"I work as an electrician. Mainly call-out work for a big firm.. You cancall me Pete by the way.\"\"Fancy a lager, Pete?\"\"I wouldn\'t mind, it is bloody hot today, I could have nice coollager.\"He showed me the fridge neatly packed away in a corner and said to helpmyself whilst he got showered.\"You can have one after me if you\'d like?\"\"What a shower you mean?\" I asked.\"What else?\" he grinned looking at me in a certain way which made mequiver. I guess I was getting into something I could never have envisaged, andit was nice.I chilled and took a lager from the fridge; relaxed on the small sofa andsucked it up like there was no tomorrow. I was that thirsty.I heard the shower going and Joe was singing for all he was worth.I was really settling down and felt something was afoot with Joe. At thetime I didn\'t exactly know what but my deep imag9inings was hoping it wouldbe something good.When he came out of the shower he was naked apart from a towel wrappedaround his lower half and I was absorbed by his physique, he had a body to cryfor and it made me feel a little incomplete.
Then I met this guy called Joe. About ten years older than me he was. Iimagined him to be in his mid-thirties but he did have a nice way about him,and I found him so easy and cook to talk with.He was running one of the knick knack stalls and, seeing me lookingintently at a box selection of bulbous handled screwdrivers he asked what I waslooking for.I was taken aback by his sudden question, not daring to tell him what wasin my mind when feeling the size of those bulbous handles.But I did wonder if he had guessed because knew I flushed and stutteredwith words, so much I was unable to reply to his question.He looked at me intently, his wide brown eyes wide open and alert. It mademe think did he know what was thinking, maybe because of the way I wasfeeling and stroking those handles!"'I've got a much better selection back in the van if you'd like to seethem?" He asked"How do you mean?" I ventured."Well I live alone in a mobile caravan and delving with knickknacks andselling then at car boot sales keeps me fed and happy. I finish in an hour soif you can come back, when you have finished looking around, I will bepacking up and you can come and have a look-see. My name's Joe by the way.""I'm Peter" I replied. He was friendly enough and I felt comfortable withhim somehow, I can't explain why but he has a certain charisma about him.I found myself happy to do that. I don't know what it was but there wassomething about Joe that pulled me. And I just had a notion that he liked mealso.In fact, looking around at the other stalls I was wishing the hour wouldsoon go by when I could get to know Joe some more and examine thosescrewdrivers he was on about.
I was so pleased and happy when I started to realize my true leaning. Foryears I lived under the misconception that, because I wasn't particularlyattracted tin a physical sense o girls, there was something fundamentallywrong with me.It didn't occur to me that I was gay or anything like that. There wereguys who turned my head for a second look but that is all. I never everimagined I could have any sort of committed relationship with another guy.And yet I was fully aware of my sexual feelings. Sadly getting some sortof satisfaction out of doing things with substitutes, like screwdriverhandles and anal vibrates I picked up from a locale private shop.But oddly even that didn't turn my thoughts to how would it be with thereal thing. For example, instead of pushing substitutes up my ass - I frontof a large mirror, finding all sorts of ways to try and make it for real bystrapping my ass cheeks together with duct tape, to stop the handle, orwhatever it was on a given day, from popping out of me just as I was startingto get a real climax.Would you believe that also sometimes, that was when I was in a certainmood; I would spank myself silly until my ass cheeks went plum red. I triedsticks, hair brush backs and canes, stretching myself proudly over the armof my sofa and gave it a real tanning until the pain was overwhelming.And yet, all that seemed to give me lots of pleasure when, as the painsubdued, my bum became numb and created a most wonderful feeling of puresexual ecstasy, which soon mean yet another good probing with the anal throbbing vibrator.For months I was quite happy to please myself this way. I started to spendtimes at car boot sales. It is amazing what one can pick up from thoseplaces.With a wild imagination I found several items with which to experiment,like an old type hose with deep ridges on the nozzle. That gave me lots ofwonderful sensations, and to stand up from the crouching position when Iinserted it, it was doubly as thrilling to feel it nudge and move inside me as I walked around squeezing my ass cheeks tight together to get maximumsensitivity.
One guy from the third floor - a guy called Jason who was on thedesign team - would hitch his trousers down around his thighs but leavehis underpants pulled up and covering his bum. He wore tightly fittingbriefs of various colours, which beautifully cupped the paired orbs of hisbuttocks and burrowed alluringly upwards into the deep valley between them.He\'d stand and urinate, either unaware or unconcerned that he was thesubject of my spellbound gaze, as I focussed in on where the material wasriding up between his cheeks, wondering how often it would brush across hishot, pink ring and how much of his rich, earthy scent would be clinging tothe fabric.How exciting would it feel to push my nose into the back of his briefs andsniff his day\'s odours? How arousing would he smell back there, just abovethe tops of his legs where the sweatiness seeping back from his balls wouldgive way to something altogether more personal? And how erotic would it beto unpeel his briefs from his cheeks to compare the subtle fragrance he\'dtransferred to the material with the more salacious flavour of its nakedsource?After my colleagues had fastened up their clothing and returned to work,I\'d duck into a cubicle and release my excitement into a wad of toiletpaper, hoping that the noise of other toilets flushing would conceal thethumping rhythm that whoever came in after me wouldn\'t beable to smell the strong seminal odour which I left behind. Then I\'dreturn to my desk with a cock that was mercifully softened but a consciencethat was plagued with guilt about where my thoughts had strayed to bringthat about.
I'd loiter at the washbasins, watching my co-workers standing at theurinals through the mirror as I cleaned my hands so thoroughly it was likeI had a compulsive disorder. Some of them would glare over at me, awarethat I was looking at them, and I would hurriedly finish up and leave thegents. But mostly they'd be oblivious to my interest as they stood andpeed, allowing my eyes to feast on their exposed behinds and my cock tothrob in my trousers. Flabby or muscular, hairy or smooth, round orelongated - all of them fascinated me and made me yearn to press my faceinto them so that my tongue could tickle their pert little holes.One guy from the third floor - a guy called Jason who was on thedesign team - would hitch his trousers down around his thighs but leavehis underpants pulled up and covering his bum. He wore tightly fittingbriefs of various colours, which beautifully cupped the paired orbs of hisbuttocks and burrowed alluringly upwards into the deep valley between them.He\'d stand and urinate, either unaware or unconcerned that he was thesubject of my spellbound gaze, as I focussed in on where the material wasriding up between his cheeks, wondering how often it would brush across hishot, pink ring and how much of his rich, earthy scent would be clinging tothe fabric.
I could never remember developing erections at work before but now I seemedto spend most of each day in a state of prominent arousal. I took towearing a jacket to help conceal the activity going on in my trousers whichmy underwear was unable to contain and would try to direct my hard-on,whenever it was possible to do so, upwards beneath my belt so that it wasflat against my stomach. In spite of such precautions, I'm pretty surethat some of my workmates noticed that my trousers would sometimes tentoutwards at the crotch: I only hoped that they didn't notice that thisseemed to happen directly after I'd been staring at their bulgingbacksides.When erections became particularly problematic, I would retreat to thegents at the end of my corridor so I could attend to myself as discreetlyas it was possible to do in a communal lavatory. Visiting the gents hadthe added bonus that I would occasionally get to see an exposed arse assome men chose to use the urinal with their trousers and underwear pulleddown around their thighs. I'd never understood why they would do that -I was far too shy even to pull my cock out through my fly at the urinal andwould always make a beeline for the privacy of the cubicles - but whathad previously struck me as a rather exhibitionistic way of urinating wasnow a further source of interest and excitement.
Over the coming days, I realised I was noticing other men's backsides inthe same way that I would have previously noticed women's breasts. Theywere no longer just innocuous mounds of flesh which they sat on, and didother less palatable things with; they were suddenly extremely captivating,from their different shapes and sizes, to the varied hemlines made by theirunderwear when they bent over.I work in engineering - still a largely male-dominated field - andabruptly the forest of trouser-clad arses which had surrounded me for yearswithout me paying any attention, were the subjects of my fascination andfantasies.Some of the guys - especially the younger ones - wore tight-fittingtrousers showing their firm and round backsides off beautifully. I foundmyself in the odd position of envying the cushioned seats of their officechairs for being able to spend most of each day having such magnificentbuttocks pressing so intimately against them. How good it would be to havesuch pert cheeks perched on top of me for so long; how exciting tofurtively nuzzle between them as they bore down on me.I wondered why I had never previously noticed the appeal of my fellow men'sbacksides. They were so ripe and round - so delicious-looking, and, Ihad to admit it, so crying out to have a mouth to feast on them. I wouldspend hours daydreaming about doing to them the things I had seen on theinternet - hitching their trousers and underwear down and teasing theirhairy clefts with my tongue, revelling in their unique tastes and smells.
"Coach Durall, said you might help me" Sheldon stuck his hand out anxiousto feel the flesh he had admired.He saw Dale wearing only blue speedos at the pool. Despite his size, hedove into the water and swam easily, smoothly gliding like a dolphin in theliquid."Sheldon Fein" he said "gotta learn stuff about working out, too skinny" hespoke in short spurts of the longer sentences he had rehearsed."Ever done it with a guy before?" Dale asked.Sheldon's brain paused. He lusted after guys all the time, ever sincerealizing he was gay. Sitting on campus in between classes, he examined thetall, short, skinny, built and other guys who walked to and fro,fantasizing about sex with them."Uh you mean working out" Sheldon saidDale smiled widely "good you're funny, yea working out" he said"Uh just been doing it by myself, dumb bells and stuff" Sheldon said.Dale laughed "We've all been doing it by ourselves, but sometimes anotherperson can help, right?" He stood.His mid thigh shorts revealed his thick thick muscles."Right, just need to learn you know how to lift and get a chest, likeyours" Sheldon saidDale inhaled enlarging his chest. He wiggled his eyebrows."So you like my chest?" he asked."Who wouldn't I mean, mine is so uh skinny" Sheldon said "did pushups foryears but that didn't help. Probably did it wrong or something. Coachsuggested we talk. I can pay you know to tutor me""Well cool. Yea come over on Saturday and we'll see what we can do, ok?"Dale stuck his hand out "Gotta go, class is starting"Sheldon felt the hand again. This time it grasped his, firmly andwarmly. The grasp remained as Dale talked."I think we can do something with your body" Dale winked.
"Nobody's uh home?" Sheldon asked."Naw just us." Dale's fingers played with Sheldon's rising nipple makinghis penis grow faster."Not sure..." Sheldon said"Yes you are, you've been eyeing me since you got here. It's ok, lots ofguys act like that" his hand stroking his cock brushed against Sheldon'sboner now."We can jack or do you want to jack me and I'll jack you?" Dale asked."Uh I guess' Sheldon felt like the world was whirling around fasternow. The naked guy in front of him reached for his hand and put it on hisown cock. A throbbing cock, not his own, was in Sheldon's hand for thefirst time."Nice hands" Dale said as he own hand surrounded Sheldon's."Just close your eyes and let it happen" Dale said in a quieter voice "it'sok"Sheldon closed his eyes concentrating on his body's sensations as a strangehand was doing to him what he had only done to himself previously."You have a hot body" Dale said in the same voice "You don't need to workout""Want to look like uh you" Sheldon said feeling the thickness at home inthe palm of his hand. "Want you" he sighed."Me?" Dale said."Sorry uh just uh you know horny s hell" Sheldon's other hand reachedaround Dale sliding his fingers on the smooth flesh."You uh Dale?" he had asked after moving to where the guy sat on the campusbench. Dale swallowed the bite of a sandwich and looked up."Yea, what's up?" the guy was beefy. His sleeveless sweat shirt offered anice view of his developed shoulders and biceps.
"Yea, sorry, I just hadn't uh you know..." Sheldon said."Yea I know. Come on strip down, you're making me feel weird being the onlyone naked" Dale lay down on the weight bench. It reminded Sheldon why hehad come to Dale's house in the first place."You gotta spot me first, then we'll get into your body" Dale said."Yea I wish" Sheldon said out loud as he was stripping his shirt off. Herealized what he had said and laughed hoping Dale thought it was a joke."Nice body Shel" Dale looked up as Sheldon stood naked in front ofhim. "Now get over hear and dangle those nuts above me""What?" Sheldon"You gotta spot me, stand here" Dale jabbed his thumb to where he wantedSheldon to stand.Now in place, Sheldon looked down at Dale's body as he watched the boy liftthe barbell several times."How long is it, I mean how long have you been doing it, you know theweights" Sheldon stammered.Dale laughed "You gotta relax, we're both guys, we both have dicks, balls,get boners, jack off, you do jack off don't you?" Dale stopped lifting fora second, the barbell in midair."You want me to hold it? I mean the barbells" Sheldon put his hands on thebarbell."No it's ok" Dale lowered the barbell back into position."Tell you what" Dale began to rise from the bench, "we can work out butfirst you gotta calm down" he held his cock playing with it. It grew.Sheldon watched "Sorry I uh..." "It's ok" Dale moved closer, so close his body heat radiated "Let's drainso we can get back to this stuff"Sheldon's breathing was deeper. He felt Dale's hands on his bare chest, thefingers moving to a nipple.
Don't you wear a jock working out?" Sheldon tried to pull his eyes away,but Dale's shirtless torso, sagging sweats and nearly totally revealedpenis demanded his attention.There was no body hair at all, another fact that was riveting. Where pubichair was on most guys his age, there was smooth skin.The top of Dale's sweat pants was so low, the sides of his penis were inplain view.Sheldon fantasized about yanking the pants down to fully reveal the fulllength of the enticing mystery of the half hidden cock in front of him."Naw, I usually work out bareass but since you were coming over, I thoughtI'd yank these on" Dale winked as he turned.The sagging sweatpants hugged his buttocks halfway down, offering a half ofhis butt crack for Sheldon's inspection."I'm not embarrassed, I hang out nude all the time" Sheldon offered as hewondered if Dale would mind him sliding his finger into the crack hedisplayed."Don't your folks mind?" Dale asked. Sheldon continued to watch as Dalestuck his thumbs into the sides of his pants."In my room" Sheldon added"Good, nobody's upstairs" Sheldon, as if hearing Sheldon's thoughts pushedhis grey sweats down his bare skin. "Cause I sweat like crazy doing thisstuff" he kicked the sweats off his feet and turned."God" Sheldon said"You ok?" Dale asked purposely flipping his thick cock and smiling. Thecock seemed to either be incredibly thick or growing.
I'm sitting in a chair with my legs spread wide open & knees pulled up to my chest & slouched down a little. I'm wearing my really sexy,white lace,crotchless panties & there's a guy down there just eating my hole out,rimming me but not even touching my cock. Just lubing me up for later. Another guy is standing over me with his huge,rock hard dick. He doesn't give it to me just yet. He's looking down at me,kind of stroking,lightly pulling my hair,asking me if I want it & how bad do I want it. I'm looking at his big dick,licking my lips then looking up at him as if to tell him I want it in my mouth now. I can't wait any longer. He begins feeding me his cock,holding my head in place as he slides it in & out. I start drooling all over the place. It's running down my chin & all over my chest. Meanwhile the other guy is going to town fingering me,eating me out & I'm moaning so fucking hard & begin bucking my hips,fucking his fingers. When he sees that I'm ready,he begins fucking my ass while the other guy is having his way with my throat. This usually makes me cum pretty fast but I try to hold it off to keep the fantasy going with him making a cumwhore out of me & finishing on my face (although I've never had cum on my face). The other guy pulls out & cums all over my cock & balls. When they're done with me,they tell me I can go ahead & cum now. I use the jizz from the guy that was fucking me as lube & I stroke myself off in front of them.By the time I cum & open my eyes,I'm so into it that I really did drool all over my chest & end up with two fingers buried inside me & my cum all over my stomach.
Hi guys,love you all,as i was saying Bita take balls in my mouth, sucked them, licked them ... And suddenly, when I got up a little because I was sitting in a difficult position, he fired a rimming. I know it's so good to get Rimming. My dick was concrete. Concrete! I did not know me. Bita licked me in the ass and began to penetrate me with your tongue. What language have, as already come in my ass, I felt like it had come up in the stomach, but it was good. Rub my dick with one hand, I was excited Well, what to. Seeing that Bita not want to let me unfinished, I told him to undress himself. I think the barely wait. His dick was already erect. I took it in hand. It was the first dick out of that trouble me. I lay on the floor and took the classic 69. It is true that I had to mouth pussy, but a dick. A big one. We began to kiss and lick his big head. Then I took it in his mouth, but carefully, to not touch the teeth. Cocks sucked us both, like hell. At one point he Cabra. I understand her to let go. I was thinking if i swallow sperm or to let me shoot to face. So to make a decision, my mouth was already full of hot sperm. I could not restrain myself and I tasted it. It was brackish, salty, something like a jelly. Then he turned to me and asked me a bit of semen from him. He shoved my tongue in her mouth and began to rotate, so as to clear all ... That was my lovely story guys,catch up tomorrow for more adventures,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
One day at was at my girlfriend and her brother was at home. She had gone out with other girls. I sure miss a lot. So-and them. Walk through the crazy shops and buy a lot of outfit that, from tired we give them below. Her brother, Bita, was a year less than it was 20 years old then, was sporty look good for a guy. It was the kind of muscles and so it was a smart guy. I spoke in November some time, but we get a little bored. We start teasing. It is true that I was spending on the neck and some beers, that's just the summer, so Bita began to wonder how his sister fuck, if I gave blowjob ... even if I hit it in the ass. I'm pretty angry, so I told him that if he wants to know if I gave his sister blowjob I could show him if he stand in its place. Without saying anything I had time, Bita come to me, pulled my tracksuit pants down and take my dick in your mouth. I wanted to jump in the chair, but the boy caught my buttocks with hands, pushing my dick in his mouth until balls. Already started to get up. The guy was sucking and licking expert, so I left ... mouth. Great sucking, playful walks his tongue across my cock, at one point started to fuck my tongue came out already where precum channel. I was distraught.
Hey guys how do i find you today? all good? feeling sexy this weekend? let me go on with my story and tell you the discussion we had ,here we go : He said let me play with it but I do not blame anyone care to see us. Then I asked if I let them take it in my mouth and said: - No, I like you taste them, you learn with my dick in your mouth, then I still come to me and ask me blowjob. I answered: - No, my friend, if you do not have to come, only if you will like. - Okay, but only once! I answered him and closed his eyes, telling me to be careful we do not see anyone. At that moment I could not believe it's true! Like dream! I leaned over, gently touching his penis, and I took in the mouth with lust. I do not know what he thought, probably a girl that see it was so relaxed, sitting back. I was distressed to not blame anyone but him tongue licked with such lust and longing, and a tongue sucked and I was walking on the tip of the penis. At one point, I said: - Can you ejaculate in my mouth, the pleasure is on my side and, well do not tell me how to do, to excite you to feel good ... - E Well, yes and that's good hand, he said. I would have liked those moments you never ends, I was high dick, I felt his dick in my mouth, I was elated. Often kissed her cock and balls along, but we see how he pushed the cock in my mouth, wanting more and often like passing him the creeps. At one point, they heard a noise. We got scared and took him quickly slip. I saw that there is nothing, but it was like Raz ... That was all guys,i wish you a beautiful weekend and catch up tomorrow for another hot story,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hey guys let me tell you some lovely story about love. When I first saw the Sabin I liked and I fell in love with him, but he did not put me in mind, was proud that today. After a year we became friends after two years I said I was gay, because I like him and that if he would and I would love, I'd be very happy. He did not know what to believe and I do not know if we will remain friends, until one day when I asked for advice in the sex, because he was not much virgin, not me. I asked someone how to suck cock to excite him and what to do to not finish so fast? One day I grabbed the cock and I was very happy, not to mention the fact that I was arose. I looked and I said nothing. The second or third day he told me about sex. He was up, and it all comfort, as I call it my appetite and I said goodbye to me would be made happy, I would have given it to me, I would be allowed to it suck if you insist, although it's a normal guy who likes girls and said that he feels something abnormal for a boy to ... The other day I was in Mures, in the bathroom, we tan and I wondered if I let them play with his penis. He shrugged, saying: "Where do you want to know how to play? What do you do with it? To put it in your ass in your mouth? " I said I want to play with her, massaging him, because I like seeing his dick so high and I asked the girls to think, to be removed. This is all for today,i will tell you tomorrow what we talked about,big hugs and kisses,Armando.Muah!
Hi guys,i hope i find you good and happy ,let me finish my story for you,here we go : November fun fun until it's time we grill. I give it I do. Marius expecting him to help me realize that I not come and grab me one. Meat grinder, heat up the grill and begin operation. I lit a cigarette and look with desire to return meatloaf. At one point, I hear a pleasant voice behind me saying you were fooled and this time! Come back, he was ... came with two beers in hand to keep me company. I was in a trance again. He handed me the beer, bump and start talking. It was the first time I said more than hello before him. At one point the meat is done and should go home again. The lean meat to help me with their sticks and apparently involuntary panatlonilor the front of my ass. A shiver of excitement throughout my body shudders. We reach the house, eat and continue spending. When I got home, I went excitandu bag under me thinking about Alex. appetite masturbate, imagining erotic scenes with him. The next day I prepare to go to my cumantul help to clean it when I see Alex scale block where he lived, right next to my friend's house. I made the plunge and go to greet him. He greeted me smiling and asked me what I do. I say that going to help him to clean Michael. It offers help and he asks me to wait and get it to change it. I sit on the couch and wait, looking at camera. Everything was set up, clean. At one point, it has ... This was all for today ,i hope you enjoyed it,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hey guys ,such a lovely day today,let me go on with my story: Every day we tried to see her eyes, my eyes begging a drop of desire on his part. I'm meeting my brother, and he came, we never welcome, do not know why. I strongly look at him and he looked at me, but he seemed absent, seem to not look like me a reason. I was restless. At one point waiting for Mary, I see coming out of scale. There was no shirt went to retrieve something that fell from the balcony. Bituminous near a car, and analysis, and analysis: a working back but not very masculine and naughty little ass, long legs, strong arms, a chest and belly nice work. It's not the kind of guy just out of the gym. It's just well done, without muscle overdo it. I could not take my eyes off him. Returns to scale, and I smile in the corner of the mouth, says nothing. I felt the tremors. I was devastated by the question: Why the smile? I use one every second spent in silence thinking about it. One day coming out with my brother, we met with him. The two I wake and I welcome and greeting him. He greeted me and he smiled again. Leave. Are restless again: why the smile? know something? laugh at me?. This routine lasted hello hello aporximativ year. After three months, my brother throwing a party at home, who invited me and me and my best friend. Our girls were in the country. Enough of Marius, and reach out to talk to people, joke with the girls, drink, feel good. You hear the door, get Alex. I think I was in front of garnet. Welcomes everyone like a man, stern faces and reach to me and marius. Marius and greet him reach out and to me. Stretched hand shy, and I feel like a clip and say hello! and ask me what I do. Respond well and remain that stupid hoarse eyes fixed on him. It was perfect. He had the perfect mouth, perfect nose kind of male was placed in the frame. This is all for today ,catch up tomorrow,big hugs and kisses,Armando ,muah!
Hi guys,as i was telling you ,weeks pass, use perfume every day I stop hoping someday someone tell me: Hey, we use the same perfume! Stupid realize. I call a friend to ask me if we meet in the city, as every day. November 2, our friends and other friends. Reach the terrace, where meals were united back to back benches. We sit, we put on it. At one point my friend's brother come and his friends. It sits next to us. Now begins the real story, do not know if I said but it is real. After three beers that I have calmed down very well and thirst they gave me free rein to lust to speak, get up to go to the bathroom. Get to the bathroom, where he is busy and must wait outside. At one point the door opens and out a tall boy with dark black eyes, well done, the kind of guy in the chest which you really want to sleep. It bends to wash their hands. When you get near one another, me to get him out, I inadvertently close the neck and smell that perfume. Come back scared, gone. I knew from somewhere but I do not remember where. I enter the bathroom, I smell myself to make sure it was not from me. I can not do anything because I was already in a state of erection. I push, and even manage to leave half of what I had to leave in the toilet bowl. Out, my eyes are mad to meet her gaze. You see, not looking at me. Just sat at the table next to me, my friend's brother at the table. I sat down, I was already lost. Changed three words to Mary, my friend, but totally confused. Friends see me and start all: What do you have? What happened? Did someone call? I realize that I did not tell me what to stick in your head the idea that is not the only guy who can use that perfume. I spend my evenings with my amusing friends, and Wise Eyes corner him at Alex. Since then the battle began. This is all for today,wish you a beautiful day,big hugs and kisses,Armando ,muah!
Hi guys let me tell you a little story about one of my adventures,here we go : A lady from the desk comes bored and forcing my smile. I stop and analyze. Though it took forever to come. It was the kind of lady last 35 years, sad and frustrated with life that leads to incompleteness professional and repeated failures in love. The acid tone, crying wakes me and asks me what I can help. I say I want to buy a perfume for a friend but do not know what to choose. Joke telling and it's women and knows better I guess. I think such shows man using scent. Ignore the advice of unnecessary and stupid rulers, close my eyes smell around and see him: tall, well-made, masculine, but that masculinity sweet lout not daily. Open your eyes and shout: Shut up! She looked scared to me. I apologize, saying I do not feel too good and leave the store. I was very nervous. How dare you interrupt me looking at me? when I saw him almost face when a blurry picture became clear. Something happens. Back to shop again I'm sorry, and please also show me some perfume. With a fake smile, I put them on the table, and leave ignorance and making work. Begin to smell the spices. I was drunk and not felt any difference. At a given time to leave. When you come back feeling that perfume. Go back and see how a woman, stylish and very spread vapor arranged in the store. I hurry over to her and politely ask the same fragrance Princess. Slam it on my table and tells me the price. I pay and start to smell it again. It was a perfume known. He had a strong odor, male odor that makes you shake and you imagine him on the neck smelling a strong man. This is all for today guys,see you again tomorrow,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hi guys,i am having a lovely weekend ,let me finish my story and end up with the dialogue,here we go: - You like? I asked myself. - Yes, lick me in the ass, suck my balls please. I reaindreptat attention to his big balls that I began to suck and lick them increasingly faster. His high standing on the bed and I sat at the feet of face right dick. I grabbed my head and put her in the mouth. He began to pump me up that thick dick in the throat. The jaw muscles hurt. I love to suck huge dick and especially to give me blowjob. I felt like a bitch now and that excites me at the summit. We stopped me on my more common because I was close to me let go. Radu stopped, I guess the same reason, because they wanted to give way, although I wanted to I could taste his sperm, his seed in my mouth I feel, to feel the fruit of my labor. He sat down and he also set a glass of wine. I was inatns the bed and started to play with my anus. I wet a finger that I had put into the anus under the eyes and delight Radu. Pleasure began to have a different intensity. Slowly, put my finger into the anus. Then I wet my finger and the second that I put together the first in my anus. Radu looked at me and and a sharp rub. Goat made me immediately and started me in the ass near fast. I felt I put a finger, then the second and even third. Fuck me in the ass with fingers and while I rub my penis and balls mass stiff. I sat face down and no longer realize that inatmpla me. I felt as I give the lubricant. I felt that coming mo ... This was my story ,wish you a great ,awesome weekend,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!!
Hi lovely guys,how are you today?Let me go on with my story,as i was saying I opened the bathroom door and the light was extinguished we oservat room, only the the balcony and TV were on. I went outside timd. Radu was in bed, completely naked and watching porn and masturbating. I set eyes his penis. It was thick, thick, medium length and very erect. They looked at me and said. - How well you stay .... - As a bagaboanta, I replied! - Want to be a bagaboanta? - Yes, I would like I approached him while rubbing his dick thick and I asked: - Will you help? I took that thick dick in hand and began slowly to rub him. Radu moaned with pleasure. She sat on the bed and I sat on my knees. I included the other hand huge cock and rub me sharp. I took the dick head in his mouth and started to lick and to suck the tip. Almost stunned by emotion and excitement. The language I walked all around his dick, and took it all in your mouth. I started to suck dick like crazy. Radu moaned with pleasure, and guided me with hands on head in rhythm you want. - What I like how I suck dick, said Radu voice trembling. So .... Suck my dick. I pushed back and I lifted up his feet coming to light big balls and unflate. The language I started to walk on them, doing circles. Radu moaned becoming harder and rub his dick at the same time. I shook hands at a party and while I licked his balls, rubbed him fast. I lowered his tongue to anus. He spread my ass to make room for the language only have quenched. I licked anus good few minutes. I turned on the summit's moans, I turned on the ridge we do. I suck dick of a man and licked him in the ass. This is all for today,wish you a great weekend,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hello my beautiful hearts out there,let me tell you more,here we go:I took the bag and went in the bathroom. I opened it and inside I found an enema for anal hygiene, a pair of black tights with glue, a pair of high heels, a skirt and a very short black molded white shirt. Besides these things there is also a box in which I found quite a dildo Maricel, a set of anal beads and a bottle of lubricant. In view of these objects, I aroused enormous. I already felt that include chills. My penis began to harden, my desire to have sex with Radu was obvious. I put everything back and I returned to the room. Radu looked me curious to see my reaction nerabdatar. I poured a glass of wine I drank immediately. Radu looked at me puzzled. Ma-m high, I changed the channel one porn, and I said go to the bathroom. Then I realized that I wanted to say. I entered the bathroom, eager to do what I always dreamed of. I was naked, and I took a shower. On this occasion I used irrigator. Within minutes I was ready. I put on those tights, and I took pantorfii high heel. I got my black skirt that because it was pretty small, very short and tight come on me. Above I put that shirt with white collar. I looked in the mirror. You look just like a bitch. Then I realized that Radu wants really a bitch of a liability and that I have to get into role. Blood flow quickly through my veins. I was cracking like temples. The penis was erect, it hurt almost as much was got up. This is all for today,wish you lots of love ,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hi guys,i will continue my story for you,kisses,here we go: Slowly, slowly we started talking about sex. I told her that I fantasize. I said that I wanted to try a man, to be versatile, to passive. I asked what excites me and I replied that I excite me very much to give pleasure, it excites me to see a man at a climax because of me. I wondered if some parts like the intimate feminine underwear. I said yes, very much. Then I felt that it is one that I want to do first. I started getting into more intimate discussions. I ask the questions, probably to see who has to do. I said I would like to provide oral anilingus do stand in the knee and at the same time I talk to and be guided how perverse the better. Radu seemed kind of intellectual man, even was refined and more sense. I asked what kind of clothes I'd wear a liability, but not answered. The cafe closed, I took courage and I asked him if he refuses to take a bottle of wine and drink elsewhere. At a certain time has stopped in front of a sexshop and asked me to wait outside. He came out after about 15 minutes with a large bag in hand. Man that excites me, excites me to think his way through the way he spoke. Did not know and did not know if I was ever to see him and so one night when my fantasies put to the test does not hurt. I came into the room, and I opened a bottle of red wine. I drank a glass, I smoked a cigarette each, and talked enough. He told me about that loves oral sex, and love to make your partner feel good. He took the bag and asked me to go to the bathroom. He said that he would like very much to use each and every object within. If I had to be something I do not want to give it away. If I'm not sure that I want to do something, no regrets. That is all guys,big hugs and kisses,catch up tomorrow,muah!
Hi guys,for a long time I want to try to have sex with a man and I want to be passive. I would like to know myself what a woman feels when having sex, I want to be obedient, to wear with tights adhesive with high heels, short skirt and sexy. In my imagination I see: One evening, I was in Bucharest alone and bored. I was on vacation and suddenly I thought to go to Brasov relaxes me, alone in the mountains. I got in the car and up to 2 hours I was at Bran. I stayed at a bed and breakfast cozy, warm, cozy cabin with an air of the mountain in Germany. After we unpacked, we took a crazy to walk. Evening, back to camera, of boredom, I started search on the Internet. Gay sites, I started to get into conversation with the guys in Brasov, which were online. Discussion of the question, I stopped at a guy's attention 43 years, intellectual, professor at the University. We talked for an hour on the net, and we decided to meet just for coffee. In the center of Brasov, at a cafe in old town we entered the cafe with diffused light, with music in the background. At one table I noticed a man well done, but not like bodybuilder, with a little belly, graying refined air. We intersesctat eyes, and immediately I knew this is it. Mother sat at the table and we got acquainted. I called Radu. Shy, I started talking talking only commonplace, and general life stuff. This is all for today,catch up tomorrow for more,love you all,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Hi guys,i missed you,let me finish my story and the conversation that we had ,here we go:-Want a drink? I asked him as a good host. Yes, some water. -Water? If you want to know that I come. -No thanks, water is good. Soon came with a tray on which were two glasses of water. -Thanks! You're welcome! He said making my eye. Then he turned on the TV, looking for something that I placa.Vazand there's nothing interesting on TV to shut leaving the loser. You want to bring your laptop, can find something interesting on the net? Yeah, sure. He brought the laptop to put on the table and told me to look something up it give telefon.M I complied and started to button, but do not know how my head went through to get into''history laptop ' 'There I found a gay porn site, I clicked and suddenly a lot of movies that more or less exciting appeared on the screen. -Hey, I returned ... not grab village that saw Peter Ermin what site I went. -Excuse me .... No, there is no response problema.A he half-heartedly. What do you think? He said pointing to the laptop on the gay xxx movies. -Well .... I do not know, that I have nothing to the contrary, everybody does what he wants -But you did ever a boy? -I do not ... ... -And do you want? I felt like school more hard cock, I imagine ADI naked, telling me to suck him. -Well I do not know, it depends ... .. but why ask me? -Well, if you can help me about it. Said that while I caressed dick through his pants. -Put on your knees! I ordered it with a smile full of pleasure. I conform and put me on their knees before him. Stood up and he took off the boxers, in that moment emerged a huge dick (about 18 cm) thick and tools ... I was reluctant at first but then I took it in hand and starting to I paw, he moaned with pleasure, then grabbed my head and I put bagato in gura.Mi a deeper ... .... but at some point stopped. -High! He said it with a firm tone We have ex ... That is my story guys,big hugs and kisses,Armando ,muah!
As i was saying here is the conversation we had: Hey, can I sit here? Yeah, sure. -I saw a little angry, are you all right? No, yes, it does not matter! I said I felt lost me. -By the way, my name is Adi. He said extending my hand. -Me, Dan, I'm fine. -And me. We state without having to say anything minutes. -How old are you? I asked him -18, But you -I 21. -Long before! -Thanks the same! E bit cold. I said. Neither got to finish my question and he had drawn down -Wow, thank you dart u gonna do? I do not worry, I am not better it is cold.But not want to go with me, stay right here in 2 steps. -Well I do not know what to say .... I am hesitant. -Come on, it's almost not be afraid, do not bite. I started to laugh, though deep in my heart hurts me to do. -Ok, let's go! After less than one quarter of an hour we reached his apartment was beautiful, clean and welcoming. This is all for today ,i will tell you more tomorrow,big hugs and kisses,Armando,muah!
Well I was put in the first year situation.I was theater and film at university in Cluj-Napoca.All my life i wanted to become a famous person, a loved and respected by the actor went to some castings people.Am but unfortunately I did not believe that my choice. T was a wrong sis I remember words of acquaintances who always said that being a player is not one to have a future in a country like Romania. I was very upset one evening so I decided to go to take a breath of air.Am left the city without a destination .It Was 21:30. We\'re in a park, I live near a bank, which was placed near a mirror lac.I was looking month is made of wind waves of silence intense .It was few minutes I turned my head on the bank side, there stood a boy blond, dressed in a shirt that molded allowed to reveal her muscles, over which had a black sweatshirt, jeans and have some standing a pair of sneakers sport.When I turned to him, he turned his head pretending to not noticed me yet . I have waited a bit and then I head back to him again, catching me looking at, but again pretended to look at other something else.After few minutes I saw looking at me, then very definitely I turned to him with a look.Am State price seconds looking at each other, then I broke both in laugh.Then he came to me.
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